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So it become the worst release in modern MMO time.


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I'm not a fanboy, i hate them as they show no brain and got the same over abused answers for anybody that complain about their game.

Bioware doesn't need me nor anybody else to be defended, what they have done doesn't need any defence at all. They just deserve our thanks for what they did.

Stop complaining about everything, this is by far the best mmorpg launch ever.

The game is ready to be played in each and every aspect, the forums work very well and are modded even better. If your server is full that's not Bioware'fault. You that complain about it, you should be the first one to do something. Just create a character on an empty server and you will got twice chances to play with no waitng queues. It will not take long before the queues will subside anyway. I know that by experience (i didn't go to complain on other forums'games about queues anyway...).

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I totally agree with the OP, i started playing early too and now have to wait 35mins to play my character, this wouldn't be so bad but i have limited time due to work.


I don't understand why pre-launch servers are opened to all players. When they should of been locked for pre-orders only, unless under populated ofc, again in order to play for the maximum time i can, i have to start on a new server.


I guess i am most annoyed at it because North America was a bundle of servers and at last check all the full servers had a < 5mins wait. It seems Europe was an after thought.


Having said all this, the game itself is fantastic and i will be playing SWTOR & only SWOTR for a long time to come.

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and to watch that Bioware bloke this morning talking about how great it is to play your character.


Yeah Fat Chance unless you are




A: Very Lucky as to which server your toon is on.

B: You dont mind waiting in Queues for hours.

C: You have no job. Waiting then doesnt become an issue does it?

D: You still have WOW / LOTRO on your system - at least you'll get a game.

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Awful, got to wait 30 min at least, to get into a server, and once in, its going to be crowded.


1)I hate crowds at quest givers and mobs. Completely ruined immersion


2)I hate the service, especially cause there are so many LIGHT servers. Why couldnt these 20th launch-morons (excuse the words,just mad), start on'em.


3)It was fine beta and EA, why is it so overcrowded now. Queues are also way longer....

Seems, the moment, i started paying, the service went to hell.... Shouldn't it have been, the other way around.....


4)By the time, i can actually access my character, i'll A) Lose interest 2) People form today will move up to the 30s 3) Ill wanna go to bed... D) Waiting queues will surpass 2-3 hours.....


actually, i havent had any crowded quest areas at all, despite playing on a server that usually is full with a 10-50 min queue constantly up.


And if you read up on older posts, queue's will decrease/most likely die down once the initial "rush to see the new game as much as possible" hype dies down. People takes weeks of work to just play this game ya know.

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Lol....people have no idea what a bad MMO release really is....




Indeed, if this release is conciderd bad, where have you been living.


Yes, the game still has some flaws, but as for the release of this game, its gone pretty well.

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Hmm, got in. How the hell, did I get in..... There were 250 people ahead of me...


NVM, oh and there's a Smuggler running around in circles.. God, people are stupid...


Edit.. 2 min later still running around.... LOL

Edited by SimplyCooL
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What's with the trend now days to always complain about games and their launch? I mean this has started happening with ALL games on launch. BF3 had the same issues and many others of which are so common at this point i can't remember specifics for. Seriously, what's with all the complaining? Its SOFTWARE. If you've been on a computer for more than 12 minutes you've experienced where SOFTWARE does not exactly work out as intended, or properly, or things were poorly designed, or things were not seen until they were a problem. This is software, and not just simple software, but complex, mutli-modular, database filled software. At what point do you not have the slightest bit of patience with a product that is fundamentally so complex.


Here's a few facts:

1. Publisher's set dates. This means the game will release on that date, finished or not. In some rare cases games have been delayed, this is usually because the game is so rough that its beyond the typical lauch jitters (such as we're seeing).

2. Developers are never fully finished with their products. At some point or another they simply have to say "good enough" and let it ship. Developers always want to add more, make it better, these people put their souls into the project, and in some cases then get ****-canned the moment the product goes to market.

3. This is business, and with any business, they have to have a balance between the money spent and the money earned. To that extent, QA can only do so much before the game is release.

4. This is a ********ned MMO. What MMO, in the history of EVER, has been fully functioning and 100% perfect on release? I'll give you a hint: None. Not a *********** one. None. Not Wow. Not SWG. Not Planetside. Not Everquest. Not Everquest 2. Not Age of Conan. Not Champions Online. Not City of Heroes. NONE. EVER. Its an MMO, it's constantly evolving.


So stop whining about how terrible the release is. You're a child complaining about the thermostat when you dont pay the electric bill. You do not fully understand what you're talking about instead complain about everything that is just so for you, you specifically. It hasnt met your standards. This is what we call ego. Get over yourself. Understand that these things take time and they're huge projects. SWToR is actually one of the most polished and awesomely QA's games available. Stop pitching fits, you dont know what you're talking about.


Address the issues. State them plainly. Say, hey, there's a bug with the crafting system where the reverse engineer button disappears. Just a heads up. Thanks.





TL;DR Games are hard yo. MMO's are bigger than normal games. SWToR is going awesome for an MMO Release.

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Wow that's alot of whining. None of these claims have any merit. I think the fact that no servers have crashed show the success of the launch. DCUO relaunch a couple of months ago ended with all servers crashing and being down for days, and this was a game that was allready running for a year.

The OP demands things that no game has ever done, and with a good reason. The OP wants bioware to relinquish queue for those that have connection problems, and that's simply not fair for those who wait in the queue. And complaints about queues on launch day? Even though I never had to wait in queue, I can tell you that without the queues you would have thousands of players on each starting zone, a hundred man trying to do the same quest at the same time. The queues are your friends, if you don't like them go to a different server, maybe a move to a euro/American server that not on your timezone; I'm from the middle east and play on an American server, in my main playing hours most players are asleep or at work.

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Personally, this has been one of the better launches I have ever seen. How can people forget how horrible WoW, AoC, Aion, DCUO, etc were. WoW, which everyone puts on a pedistal had one of the worst launches of all time. Four plus hour queues, coupled with long server crashes.
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It most certainly is NOT better that the wow release. Granted, wow vanilla was a simpler game but saying it was worse is just wrong. For some reason wow has gotten the rep of having a bad launch, well I was in both closed beta and open beta in it, and it was faaaaar smoother in beta compared to this in launch. This is by FAR one of the most bug ridden releases I have EVER encountered and I am 30+ years and counting.


This said, I still love it, and I can live with many of the bugs for now because I AM having a great ol time playing. But still, it is soooo buggy.


I mean, the bugs (huge errors in shadows, in graphic settings, in ui stopping beeing responsive, parts of ui disapearing on galaxy map, mobs beeing stuck and evading, nodes not beeing there, a few crashes, skill picks going over between characters, some memory leaks, mobs falling through terrain) are extremly numerous and that is just the pure bugs, not counting the wierd choices as in having a non rebindable ticket key on § and stuff like that.



STILL I LOVE THE GAME, I have alot of fun, that doesn't make it a bugfree game and that do NOT make wow a bug full game at launch. Yes it wasn't perfect but it was a VERY polished game in that regard.

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Holy force, have you ever been a part of an actual MMO launch? I have to question because most people who have would laugh at the reasons you list as why it's the worst.


You know, things like servers constantly crashing would be part of the worst.


Or maybe credit cards being charged MULTIPLE times would be part of the worst.


Or the login server blowing up. Or the payment system not able to process. (All part of what actually occured in the past of MMOG launches).


So you think 20 minute que times are what constitutes "the worst" these days?


Good god, you've have jumped off a building in 2001 had you tried a MMOG at launch.

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Lol....people have no idea what a bad MMO release really is....


Then why don't developers focus on making them smooth. They had the resources, manpower and time to do so but didn't. seriously, no grace period for DC's is a MUST for an MMO. How the hell was this an oversight and not quickly rectified?


Yeah MMO releases cannot be perfect, but to have a 2000 queue and to see that everyone is making noise on the forums and NOT quickly fix it is BAD. What was worse is that some 'smart' dev gave us the suggestion of 'moving to another server' when they stuck whole guilds on the server OR after we have committed a solid amount of hours into our characters.


This launch has been a terrible launch. WoW was waaaay worse, BUT they should have learned from that... Of course they didn't though, it's the company that created Dragon Age II and has EA backing it. When do those people ever listen to the community?

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It most certainly is NOT better that the wow release. Granted, wow vanilla was a simpler game but saying it was worse is just wrong. For some reason wow has gotten the rep of having a bad launch, well I was in both closed beta and open beta in it, and it was faaaaar smoother in beta compared to this in launch. This is by FAR one of the most bug ridden releases I have EVER encountered and I am 30+ years and counting.


This said, I still love it, and I can live with many of the bugs for now because I AM having a great ol time playing. But still, it is soooo buggy.


I mean, the bugs (huge errors in shadows, in graphic settings, in ui stopping beeing responsive, parts of ui disapearing on galaxy map, mobs beeing stuck and evading, nodes not beeing there, a few crashes, skill picks going over between characters, some memory leaks, mobs falling through terrain) are extremly numerous and that is just the pure bugs, not counting the wierd choices as in having a non rebindable ticket key on § and stuff like that.



STILL I LOVE THE GAME, I have alot of fun, that doesn't make it a bugfree game and that do NOT make wow a bug full game at launch. Yes it wasn't perfect but it was a VERY polished game in that regard.


Sorry but you must have a very selective memory, because you forgot:


1)servers down for hours

2) hours long queues, especially in EU where Blizzard underestimated demand

3) MONTHS seeing the same bugs, for example the 'looting bug' where you would get stuck while looting or gathering. MONTHS

4) you had to reload the UI because it would stop working correctly

6) instance servers crashing


just to mentions some. And I don't even want to get started on AoC or WAR. This is one of teh smoothest launch ever, now if you have some reason to be angry at BW, that's another question, but lying to make your point look valid has the opposite effect

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Holy force, have you ever been a part of an actual MMO launch? I have to question because most people who have would laugh at the reasons you list as why it's the worst.


You know, things like servers constantly crashing would be part of the worst.


Or maybe credit cards being charged MULTIPLE times would be part of the worst.


Or the login server blowing up. Or the payment system not able to process. (All part of what actually occured in the past of MMOG launches).


So you think 20 minute que times are what constitutes "the worst" these days?


Good god, you've have jumped off a building in 2001 had you tried a MMOG at launch.


Most whiners are either wowkiddies that have started playing MMOs around wrath (from where they get the nickname wrathbabies) or CoD players. If we are lucky in 30 days they will have gone back to that crap

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