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So it become the worst release in modern MMO time.


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What business are you in that the CUSTOMERS need to be concerned with the technical requirements to deliver a quality product? Customers only need to be concerned with ONE thing: An acceptable end-product.

When customers start apologizing for technical issues they have really drank the kool aid.


Customers can only complain if they have all the technical information available and analyzed? Absolutely ridiculous.


I see you have no clue of how show business works. i suppose Sony should have had all of its execs commit harakiri publicly to apologize for the big F-UP that involved PSN, SOE and millions of stolen credit cards.


Now, making a game SO GOOD that millions want to play, then opening enough servers for everyone but having dummies logging in only in the full ones, I really don't see how that's BW fault. AND I work in IT, for real, not like you that probably swap mice and keyboards or change toners.....

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As someone who has been through a lot of MMO launches (including such infamous titles as WAR and AoC) and someone who is generally very critical of MMOs, SWTOR has had a very good launch from my perspective. Yes, some of the server queues feel a bit ridiculous given the large amount of planning and staggered access that was implemented and at times it makes it all feel a little silly in retrospect, but the game itself is by and far more polished then any other MMO I played at release. Relatively speaking, the queue/crash issues are minor in comparison to other games at launch and really haven't bothered me much at all.


I understand there are those who won't share my opinion and will be far more critical of the game (and perhaps it's arrogant of me to say this) but I feel those people are just upset because they may have been personally hit by a lot of bad luck or issues effecting a small minority of players and are just looking for a way to vent. They'll probably come around eventually.

Edited by Pathos
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If a compare this to WoW's first day SWTOR is amazing... on the first day of WoW servers were crashing constantly, lag was atrocious, there were tonnes of people doing the same quests/stuff you were so it was very overcrowded and hard to complete quests... oh yeah and there were queues!


I can honestly say that I am very impressed with this launch. Sure queues are annoying but it could be a lot worse and in the end it's all being done to ensure balanced server populations.

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What where BioWare and AE thinking about? Did they have no precausjon to make the release as good as possible? Have they not learned anything from other MMO’s and what they did wrong?


Lets see….


No grace timer on DC’s.

If you end up DC’ing you end up at the wery end of the queue. Sucks to be you then :s


No character transfer system in the game from release. They KNEW that there would be queues, so why have they not made this an option? Every freaking MMO game in the world has some form for queue problem. BioWare should have known this from the beginning.


Queue problem.

In early access we got a look in how they handled the queue. They could not handle it.

I was complaining about it but ½ of the people were saying, stop whining, at lunch they will open all the servers for max population. The queue will be acceptable then.

Right, we see how well that went.

If BioWare even had an idea about what queues other MMO’s have been through, they did a terrible job of trying to prevent it on their MMO.


Then there is the player support.

Still no e-mail support when it comes to account problems. You just get an automatically mail saying that you have to call the support or not get any help at all.

Still no toll free phone to others then UK, France and Germany so the cost of that call my be quite a surprise do to extreme phone queue time.


Then you have the in game stuff like UI etc etc.

They have tried to go their own way, but by doing so they have made things bad. A fresh person coming into the world of MMO would probably accept it as it is, but most of the players are experienced MMO players. They WILL bring with them experience and ideas from other games and compare SWToR against that game. BioWare trying to invent the wheel again, but not by improving it, but by making it square. It works, but by god it is a bad ride.

BioWare do have a team working on the UI now, but what have they done up to now? Extended summerholyday?



The forum is working on ½ machine. Should have been up and running from day 1 in release.


A few days ago I said all this will happen but people keept saying. Wait to release and everything will straighten out.

You are playing early access, whitch is the same as an Beta, abig patch will be done on release so many of the bugs and problems in the game will be gone.

Where is that dame patch? I can’t see any…..


So in basic. Early access game is the same game as release game.

BioWare, /boot to the head.


Maybe if you learned how to spell they might listen to you?

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Geese if i wasnt stuck in a slow Q i wouldnt even be on these forums... PPL are posting stupid **** like this all b.c they didnt get there "Perfect title" and btw there is a DC grace period of 8 min, was posted by DEVs and has been heavily tested by a friend of mine with net issues.


If anything i wish the Qs would go away but Im happy with the game and the smooth launch. This game is shaping up to be an epic long term experiance.

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What business are you in that the CUSTOMERS need to be concerned with the technical requirements to deliver a quality product? Customers only need to be concerned with ONE thing: An acceptable end-product.

When customers start apologizing for technical issues they have really drank the kool aid.


Customers can only complain if they have all the technical information available and analyzed? Absolutely ridiculous.


I didn't criticise the complaint. I criticised the type of complaint along with the armchair developer remedy that people keep spouting here, claiming that it would be so easy to fix things.


And a smart customer knows what is to be expected. And in the MMO market space, YOU as a customer, should have been aware of the situation. Instead, you are asking for something that is totally unrealistic.


It's like going to a car dealership, ordering a car and complaining loudly that you have to wait for several weeks for it to be delievered, despite knowing that it has to be assembled, delivered and checked before it can be handed to you.

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It's called bad luck, also bad financing, why pay an ISP for an internet connection if they keep cutting you?




And what part of an opinion do you not understand?


I suggest you go look up the words objectivity and subjectivity then you can come back and discuss things.




Scaling is not part of the UI it's a customizability option, and I would agree TOR needs more.


But on the opinion of why TOR's UI is bad, you've yet to actually say why you hold that opinion.


Notice I keep highlighting the world opinion for you? Go look up it's meaning and stop stating yours as fact.


Sounds like a "discussion" I had on facebook about my opinion that The Tragically Hip suck . My opponent kept arguing record sales (and asking how many records I'd sold LOL) as proof that they don't suck. Never mind that fact that I had never compared myself to The Hip, no claimed to be better than the hip, just that I didn't like their music, their lead singer's vocals, or their lyrics, ergo, in my opinion, they suck. I finally gave up after about 100 comments back and forth.


But, back on topic. Haven't yet hit a queue outside the first stress test weekend, so can't comment on that. As for the UI....could it use more customization options? Sure. That'd be sweet. How about the OP get off his *** and CODE US A CUSTOMIZABLE UI FOR IT. Oh, no? Yeah, didn't think so. I'm sure BioWare will hook us up in good time. Although the chat window overlapping my leftside vertical bar is a little annoying, and my companion bar mysteriously snapping to my center bar when I didn't want it to, but I can live with it, with the expectation that we'll get more options down the line.


I can even live with queues. Once i get my new gaming rig done, I'll probably buy a second copy of the game and if my main's server is long-queued, just pop on to an alt on a low-pop server, play a totally different story arc than my main's.


Like many, I experienced WoW's launch (pain...just memory of pain), SWG's launch (how do you take the most lucrative money-making franchise in the history of mass media and turn out bantha poodoo like SWG....easy, you let SOE get in on it.), AoC (barf), AO (unplayable. just bad bad lag and glitching for weeks).


Compared to those steaming s**tstorm launches, TOR's launch is going great.


The complainers just need to CTFO (chill the frak out) and let things balance out a bit.


C'mon everybody. Be drinkable.

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Geese if i wasnt stuck in a slow Q i wouldnt even be on these forums... PPL are posting stupid **** like this all b.c they didnt get there "Perfect title" and btw there is a DC grace period of 8 min, was posted by DEVs and has been heavily tested by a friend of mine with net issues.


If anything i wish the Qs would go away but Im happy with the game and the smooth launch. This game is shaping up to be an epic long term experiance.


what do geese have to do with anything? Leave the damn geese alone



...unless you are making fois gras. MMMMM

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You know how I spent the first month in WoW? Being D/Ced, having the servers come down randomly, being stuck in loot lag on almost every other mob that required either sitting there for 2-3 minutes or logging out and back in.


Compared to that, this is an amazing launch, I can actually play the game.


YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH! The loot lag at the WoW release was one of the most amazing release features ever! I won so much money betting my friends if their items would be there after they got d/c'ed with a db error, I didn't have to pay for my own beer for a month.


Also, making bets as to who would have to stay home and watch the queue while the rest of us went out to the bar...WoW had an amazingly fun launch, in a "screw over your friends" sort of way.


Other than that, it blew.

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Worst 'release days' ever are by FAR from WoW ... it was HORRIBLE.


Queues for 6-8+ hours, I did actually used to 'log in' leave myself in a queue, go to work/university, and then get back home to wait for 1+ hours for a queue .. then the servers would crash (very often), and random 'maintenance' for hours/days, and blizzard NEVER gave anything back for all this wasted time and extra downtime ... thinking back makes me qq..


While I do not argue that WoW's launch was a wretched nightmare, this is not true unless you were somehow overlooked. They were quite liberal with the time added to accounts at launch, they just didn't really make a big deal about it. In general, if you were to look at your payment history you might be surprised just how often Blizzard tacks on free days with no announcement.

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- no macros,

- server queues. ON LAUNCH, looooool. Good luck later on.

- glitches when you dc (reconnecting comes with a mandatory death as you will spawn in limbo and "fall" from great height)

- expensive skill training

- no LFG system, be it server specific or cross-server.

- battleground bolster system is highly annoying and not functional.

- various in-game bugs and glitches


- Would've been nice, but I'm sure we'll get macros later

- Haven't yet been disconnected unintentionally. maybe it's your gaming rig or cluttered OS?

- hm....opinionny, but I can see where yer coming from. Getting a little costly...

- agreed, there needs to be a "Heroic Finder" or other mechanism

- I don't PvP, so this is irrelevant to me, but hey, if it bugs you, then it's probably bugging other people, and it's something BWEA need to work on

- show me a game with no bugs or glitches. S**t happens, they'll get to the bugs and glitches. So far, I've encountered nothing game-halting. Some graphical weirdness that went away with zoning into a different area and then back.


At least you listed specifics, unlike the OP. :-)

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While I do not argue that WoW's launch was a wretched nightmare, this is not true unless you were somehow overlooked. They were quite liberal with the time added to accounts at launch, they just didn't really make a big deal about it. In general, if you were to look at your payment history you might be surprised just how often Blizzard tacks on free days with no announcement.


I agree with this.


I also think BW should approach things in a similar manner. Added free time is a good pacifier. Ahem. XD

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I agree with this.


I also think BW should approach things in a similar manner. Added free time is a good pacifier. Ahem. XD


yet they have no real reason to do so either, players should expect these things for the first few weeks, hence the free month of play time you already got.


they are hardly about to give you money/playtime when they already gave you 30 days free.


the ui

is fine for what it's purpose is, sure it could do with some tweeks but all in all it's not terrible either, christ i played wow with default ui for years never had a reason to change it, didn't have a problem with heroic progression either..sure i had addons/keybinds/macros but i seen no reason to change the default ui either the action bar doesn't develop special skills when it's moved or stacked.....it still does exactly the same thing as it did before...shock horror.


granted i have my reasons for sticking with default ui, sick of some cut scenes or other parts of the game, jumping in an out of vehicles messing it up every sodden time.


the que's haven't been that bad, sure i've missed my que more than once as i end up somewhere else, but in time it will improve.

i rolled on 2 servers that were both flagged as light during early access, one as sith one as republic i'm enjoying both and often one que is shorter than the other now, usually about 5-10 min which means i go get a coffee...play with my cat call a friend...zomg i even look out the window to the great outdoors and revel in the awesome graphics of the real world.


for me i won't roll on a different server now, in every mmo i've ever played i've always maintained a 2 server cap, never more as frankly i just don't have that much free time, sure i may cap out on peeps on those servers but thats alot easier to do when you already have established characters.


sure the game has it's faults, but you gotta be realistic here, wow after 7 years still has faults/bugs some have been there for a very very long time as well and never addressed.


when the day comes and a game comes out with 0 faults and is deemed a 10/10 game by every single player and none of them have a single gripe or complaint....i'll cut off my own fingers and ban myself from playing games forever....so easy to say and you all know why...no game like that will ever exist because no game will ever please everyone ever.


i've not been in many mmo launches either, aion rift wow fantasy star online and one other i can never remember the name of, was never really that fussed by any of them, none of them were memorable launches sure i remember the games but the launches were usually as expected....rapid patches fixes, server maint to establish stability and so forth, not being a dush means i just go meh and come back when they are up again. i don't think i've ever complained about a games company at launch as i expect alot of changes to occur.


i expect the patches in tor, but honestly i think they did the server loading right for alot of reasons, but i'll tip my hat to them if they can make it through the week without servers crashing and major downtime for maint, that would be a first for nearly every mmo.

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What where BioWare and AE thinking about? Did they have no precausjon to make the release as good as possible? Have they not learned anything from other MMO’s and what they did wrong?


Lets see….


No grace timer on DC’s.

If you end up DC’ing you end up at the wery end of the queue. Sucks to be you then :s


No character transfer system in the game from release. They KNEW that there would be queues, so why have they not made this an option? Every freaking MMO game in the world has some form for queue problem. BioWare should have known this from the beginning.


Queue problem.

In early access we got a look in how they handled the queue. They could not handle it.

I was complaining about it but ½ of the people were saying, stop whining, at lunch they will open all the servers for max population. The queue will be acceptable then.

Right, we see how well that went.

If BioWare even had an idea about what queues other MMO’s have been through, they did a terrible job of trying to prevent it on their MMO.


Then there is the player support.

Still no e-mail support when it comes to account problems. You just get an automatically mail saying that you have to call the support or not get any help at all.

Still no toll free phone to others then UK, France and Germany so the cost of that call my be quite a surprise do to extreme phone queue time.


Then you have the in game stuff like UI etc etc.

They have tried to go their own way, but by doing so they have made things bad. A fresh person coming into the world of MMO would probably accept it as it is, but most of the players are experienced MMO players. They WILL bring with them experience and ideas from other games and compare SWToR against that game. BioWare trying to invent the wheel again, but not by improving it, but by making it square. It works, but by god it is a bad ride.

BioWare do have a team working on the UI now, but what have they done up to now? Extended summerholyday?



The forum is working on ½ machine. Should have been up and running from day 1 in release.


A few days ago I said all this will happen but people keept saying. Wait to release and everything will straighten out.

You are playing early access, whitch is the same as an Beta, abig patch will be done on release so many of the bugs and problems in the game will be gone.

Where is that dame patch? I can’t see any…..


So in basic. Early access game is the same game as release game.

BioWare, /boot to the head.


Every single thing you listed has happened to every other major MMO release. So, how does it make this one the worst?

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Queue times are mostly up to the players, are you going to roll on a light pop server? no your going to roll on the high pop/full server so in a few months when the population normalizes you wont be left in a ghost town. also if your DCing/crashing get a better computer and internet connection.
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I really like a BIO fans.


before months - this is beta, wait to release

early access - this is not released yet, it is early access wait to release

released - this is release wait month or two, or go back WoW :D

after year - no UI customize, no other things which should be included in 6 years of development, they will be saying it is only year, wait two or more :D


I will wait, but only to TERA release :D then I wipe this pseudo MMO from my SSDs :D


this BIO fans community is really smart :D


I tell you, what did Bioware badly.


Idea about spreading of clans across the servers was right, but they should make also VIP access to assigned servers(because they can easily count number of members and add some more for sure). They are saying you will be play on this server, WE accepted this so we will no wait. Kick from server to queue players which are not in clans, which were assigned to server. They will wait, or they will go play on different low populated server. Or if clan switched server, so they must count with queues...

But telling me that I must reroll to another server with whole clan, which will be overpopulated in few days is just stupid, this is destroying whole their theory.


But this situation is ridiculous.


you had a point till you mentioned Tera, then i died laughing.




Anywho, best MMO launch I've experienced, and I experienced WoWs.

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Not even close to the worst release in modern times. Sorry. If it's a newly released mmo and your main issue is ques, then you're sitting pretty.


Bugs do not a bad launch make. It is the type of bugs and the ones we have are not hair pullingly bad. cept maybe the taris one but that's not an easy fix nor something someone could have predicted.


Next please.

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