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So it become the worst release in modern MMO time.


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We all want to play with friends and guildies, but instead of crying rivers here on the forum or wait 3 hours to log in your favourite server, why don't try the game for real and create an alt on an empty server? I did that, and I'm enjoying the game while I wait for BW to fix the queues...
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You obviously haven't witnessed a lot of MMO launches if you think this is the worst one, even in "modern MMO times".


The only one I can think of that was better was Rift.


Aion had no bugs and great performance but 8 hour+ queues.


Other games were bugged to all hell and then we're not even looking at all the indie games that simply burned in eternal hellfire.

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Can people that have just played World of Warcraft post Vanilla just stop complaining about the release?


I have been playing MMORPGs for around 10 years and this is by far the smoothest one I've seen. No server crashes, not gamebreaking bugs everywhere (actually I've only encountered one so far), quests work properly, no lag at all, servers aren't down for maintenance all the time. I can go on with the "normal" issues that most MMORPGs have at their releases that BioWare/EA avoided.


This release have been done really well, yes I know that it is not perfect but I know from experience (which 99% of the whiners seem to lack) that it usually is a lot, I mean A LOT, worse than this normally when a MMORPG is being released. You can't compare it to a WoW expansion, which I think you do in your mind.


This launch have been very smooth and well handled in most ways. Period.

Edited by Ferros
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No grace timer on DC’s.

I would love some grace period. Say 60 seconds or so. I guess it will come with time. But it would / will make ques even longer. So hard to say what would be the best solution here ...


Queue problem.

Ques are here on purpose. Its impossible to stress this enough. They want new players to spread across fresh servers. So in a week or so we would all have healthy pop servers. Good decision, even if it means I get stuck in 300-500 people ques every time. I dont like it, but see long term benefit in that idea.



Then there is the player support.

Ay, sadly email support is lacking. However there is a way to call US toll free number from anywhere in the world.


1. Download and setup Skype.

2. Go to phone options on Skype and set up US numbers. ( Choose US flag )

3. Call toll free US number.

4. Profit


I used this method without a hitch during "what is my secret answer" drama.



Works fine on all machines I have used so far. At home and bad machines at work. I dont see the problem here ...


All in all - smooth release as far as MMOs go. Only problem I see is a great influx of young players that go emo on everything and think they should inform general public they are not happy.


Well thank you for that emo child.

You are a special snowflake and we value your insight. I am sure that after your post things will go to better, just for you.

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Worst 'release days' ever are by FAR from WoW ... it was HORRIBLE.


Queues for 6-8+ hours, I did actually used to 'log in' leave myself in a queue, go to work/university, and then get back home to wait for 1+ hours for a queue .. then the servers would crash (very often), and random 'maintenance' for hours/days, and blizzard NEVER gave anything back for all this wasted time and extra downtime ... thinking back makes me qq..


Compared to SWTOR, I started on the 15th (early release ofc), and NOT ONCE have I had to queue for my server, nor my gf, I saw the queues on the other server, and like a sensible bunny I made my toon on a lower population server...


IF you had pre-release, and dont want to 'lose' your char, then wait for char migration, otherwise spend a few extra days to level a new toon.

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People who think this is a bad launch werent around when Anarchy Online launched, now that was true anarchy and none of it was anywhere near Online.


-OS data corruptions, ie your windows stopt working until you did a clean reinstall

-Couldnt patch

-Couldnt log in at all

-Doors didnt work

-Missions didnt work

-Lag Lag and more lag up to the point of it being utterly unplayable


-Characters disapeared from your account


and much much worse stuff i blocked myself from remembering ....

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So it become the worst release in modern MMO time.


According to who? You? Who are you? Yoda?


Have you participated in "any other" mmo release? I'd say no you haven't.


DC's. Haven't had any.


Character transfer system in the game from release? Riiight, like all other mmo's have had this on release eh? err, no.


Player support? haven't had the need to use it.


UI? its fine. I would like to scale it, but nothing more. Try the WOW interface without mods, its a joke.


Early access was great, I got to play 5 days early with no ques, no lag and got all the names I wanted. Just a smooth fun ride all the way and i'm loving the game.


OP; You are clueless and your points are utter bull.

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almost $190m budget difference

'nuff said.


Yeah, well, if AV had actually tried to SELL their stupid game, they might have had a budget.


Advertising, what is that for anyways?


How many months was it before you didn't have to wait for the 2 minute window from 4:15-4:17pm on the second tuesday of the month JUST TO BUY THE GAME? We had guildmates who waited weeks for the opportunity to get in.


I'm not even going to mention having to buy the game a second time just to play on the American server with my friends (instead of waiting another 3 months for transfers to open up)... oh, wait...

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You can tell how perfect this launch is by the fact that people do NOT complain about crashing servers, buggy quests, un-polished content...


the only complain is... "let me get in there to play now... i cant wait...."


For me... best launch in history.


Take a look on the costumer forum. A truckload of errors and problems.

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You cant have played many MMO's then.

And I said modern time. 6-7 years ago cant be counted.

Rift and Aion had better release then this. AoC was a pain yes. And I will never ever go back to the Blizzard **** called World of Warcraft.


HAHAHAHAHA, no, Aion was not a better release than this. *wipes tears of laughter away*

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I have played since friday without any problems. I love this game. Its the best mmorpg launch i have ever seen. Que? Well, they have said they will solve this problem. Its not done in a second. I choiced a low pop server and still has not seen any que. Forum was gone the first day, after wednesday it was all up again.
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Do you realize that the release of Vanilla Wow was one of the biggest and massives lag fest and server queue problems?

Guess what, they didn't have character transfers till YEARS INTO THE GAME.

Now, don't pull the "Wow already has it, so Bioware had to learn and have it already implemented" crap, is amazingly hard to pull a game like this and worrying about a character transfer system for people that can't get their **** together and start on a less populated server because they already wasted a whole -3 to 4- days on their overpopulated one.

Character transfer should not be a solution for people's stupidity

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Not getting disconnects.

Been in queue only once for 20 minutes.

Have no need for support.

Enjoyed leveling to 35 so far very much.


Something wrong with me I guess.


+1 on that .


Smooth run for me. Made a char on highest pop server on the 16th so i would have someone to play with. Now i have no hope of ever seeing this char again so i made a new one on a low pop server yesterday and am enjoying the char all over again.


As to the game ......... it ROCKS. Its so awesome that i would gladly w8 2 hours to play for even 1 !!

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I was complaining about it but ½ of the people were saying, stop whining, at lunch they will open all the servers for max population. The queue will be acceptable then.



Its not even "lunch" yet...geez some people are so cranky before they eat

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You cant have played many MMO's then.

And I said modern time. 6-7 years ago cant be counted.

Rift and Aion had better release then this. AoC was a pain yes. And I will never ever go back to the Blizzard **** called World of Warcraft.


i stopped reading after this "Aion had better release then this" as i couldn't breathe for ten minutes because of laughing.


sir/miss you havent got a clue.

Edited by Suzail
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Do you realize that the release of Vanilla Wow was one of the biggest and massives lag fest and server queue problems?

Guess what, they didn't have character transfers till YEARS INTO THE GAME.

Now, don't pull the "Wow already has it, so Bioware had to learn and have it already implemented" crap, is amazingly hard to pull a game like this and worrying about a character transfer system for people that can't get their **** together and start on a less populated server because they already wasted a whole -3 to 4- days on their overpopulated one.

Character transfer should not be a solution for people's stupidity


Who are talking about WoW? WoW was a disaster compered to modern MMO. Days on days of downtime. Graphic errors and buggs all over the place etc etc etc.


What I compere with is moder MMO that will be today. you have something called evolution. You have to expect some improvement from erlier games.

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