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Being forced to PvP in order to PvE


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I'm really not digging the whole "forced into PvP situations in order to experience PvE content".


To be specific, the HK-51 series. Here's an iconic KOTOR character that people have been begging for since development actually began for this game. You *KNOW* people are going to want this thing. And you decide to content block it with PvP situations. I mean, I would understand if it were a PvP oriented reward. I get that. I'm not complaining about something like that.


But this is a companion we're talking about here. There are those of us who have completely avoided PvP and then there are those of us, like myself, who simply aren't that good at it. I mean, I'm decent. I do ok. I'm no pro gamer though and I'm certainly not good enough to go head first against a group of Imperials who are literally blocking the path into the zone now for 2 nights in a row. Or the 3 guilds who have been cycling in and out camping the Jawa.


This is getting ridiculous.


Again, I don't want to infringe on PvPers, their gear, their progression and certainly don't fault them for doing what they're doing. I mean, hey. It's all fair and I won't bag on them for doing what they do.


I am however disappointed in BioWare for putting this kind of content blockade into the game. At least for such an iconic figure like HK. Anyway. Glad to see some of the changes that have been made in my abscence. Just wanted to voice my concern about this little bit.


Thanks for reading.



Edited by Gankstah
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I agree completely! I've done my best to avoid PVP because most of the time when I'd give it a shot, some jerk Sith would single me out a annihilate me over and over. I prefer the PVE because like many others who started playing this game I started on Xbox with the KotOR games years ago. I grew to love the story and characters of those game (especially HK-47) and I was super pumped when they announced HK-51's release as a companion. But then I find out that I have to not only have a lv 50 toon to get him, I have to do two FP's one on hard mode, go through a bunch of PVP crap, AND have an alt toon who is a Sith! I hate the Sith! Why should I be forced to play as one just to get access to a companion when I already paid $60 for this game when it came out, and continue to pay $15 a month just to play it? In the trailer before his release they said that there was "A whole fleet of them(the HKs)" in this crashed ship. and we were lead to believe that the challenge would be getting *TO* him, not running all over the damn galaxy, doing FP's, PVP, and making alt toons just to get his parts! Besides didn't they do that is KotOR 2? I'm more than mad about all this
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as much as I was NOT used to ANY PVP content, nor rules, nor had I and knowledge of what it can be, I..tried it at least.

I found it quite funny, even if I was constantly steamrolled by some premade groups of players who simply did it for their own "pride and glory", whatever it is.


Within time I learned its specs and evern got few successes.

Anyway, regarding the HK part. On my server there was NOTHING, no one tried to prevent others from getting the part, depite of obvious presence of both factions members.


Yes, you will always see some jerks who try to make your life harder, but perhaps its is wise to announce it on general chat that Outlaw's Den is currently occupied by some griefers and i am sure people will respond - as there are also many who would like to teach them a lesson.


Otherwise , if you are stealth class, go there, make a buy and even if you die, just respawn and go own way. again.



or.. just get your Recruit gear and try to show off your skill.

Afraid be not!

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Anyway, regarding the HK part. On my server there was NOTHING, no one tried to prevent others from getting the part, depite of obvious presence of both factions members.


On my server most people of either faction got along fine. They were all busy minding their own business.


But a group of people decided to camp the vendor area for easy kills, which was extremely frustrating.

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The only interaction I had with the other side during my HK quest, was when an Imp at the vendor commented that she was sad because she was poor and the items cost so much. :p



Give it like, another week, and the FFA zone will be as dead as it ever was. You'll walk in, buy your thing, walk back out and be done with it.

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Whether there are workarounds or not (like going at 4:00 am on a weekday or switching instances or using a stealh class) is not the point.

If one chooses a PvE server, is mainly to avoid situations like this one. There should be an option, with another vendor on another area. Those who want to PvP, they can go to outlaw's den, those who don't, go somewhere else.

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Yep, on Jung Ma, when I went, most people let everyone do their thing and get the part. It's not an issue, it's a part of the game people need to quit whining about. You're there for like 5 mins and then you're out. If it bothers you that bad, I hear Hello Kitty Online is free of PvP. Edited by Xenith
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You're there for like 5 mins and then you're out. If it bothers you that bad, I hear Hello Kitty Online is free of PvP.


Sounds like you're one of those derps who enjoys lurking around the Outlaw's Den vendor and preventing PvEers from getting their part. Use your head for something other than a hat rack. PvE and PvP "content" do not mix. PvEers don't want to have to be someone else's grief target as part of their quest line. This would be like having to complete a Flashpoint before being able to enter the warzone queue each time. It's stupid.

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Yep, on Jung Ma, when I went, most people let everyone do their thing and get the part. It's not an issue, it's a part of the game people need to quit whining about. You're there for like 5 mins and then you're out. If it bothers you that bad, I hear Hello Kitty Online is free of PvP.


I've played Hello Kitty Online, and it's brutal. I'm in counselling now.

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I did this several times on different characters, went with friends to help out, if you're patient, it's the easiest part of the quest chain. The one time we found the opposite faction there, we changed instances.


On the other hand, I'm already used to forced pvp situations from WoW (Midsummer and Pilgrim's bounty event achievement where you have to invade all the opposite faction's major cities weeeee). Oh yeah and the battleground requirement for the Orphan event and winter's veil holiday.

Edited by chuixupu
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