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10 Good


  1. The biggest flaw with the Trooper story isn't even with the story, it's simply a game limitation. You are supposed to be leading a team, but 90% of the time all you're actually doing is running around with a sidekick. The strongest points of the class story are those handful of set pieces where you have more then one squad-mate with you. Where the entire squad is giving you their input and you are making choices of who does what and when. The team dynamic is key to this kind of setting and theme. It's a Band of BrotherS, plural. Like compare Havoc to say Delta from Republic Commando, how off would Republic Commando be if it was just you running around alone the entire time? There are other issues, pacing is weird after act 1. Like the filler is VERY filler, a lot of "you are doing this because this is a MMO and you need to level", which can break the narrative flow a lot. Like you could cut out almost all of the planetary class quests after Act 1 and not lose much. The story is being told through the set pieces, those are the strong points. I also hear a lot of complaints about Rakton simply not being enough of an adversary, largely in part because of how he lives inside a Trooper story bubble. For being the Imps big commander general man who is the brilliance behind everything, no one but the Trooper even hears about him either way. It's all secondary to the first issue though, where my squad isn't really a squad for the majority of the game. It's also something I don't think they can actually fix at this point though so... /shrug.
  2. The Trooper armor is a mixed suit. The Helmet is a Black Hole variant. The Chest, Hands, Feet and Belt are TD-17A Colossus. The legs are a variant of Battlemaster/Centurion , possibly the cartel market variant. The weapon is a variant of the E-403 Heavy Cannon, unsure which specifically.
  3. I want this chest piece (or one of it's variants) : http://tor-fashion.com/conqueror-combat-mediceliminatorcombat-techsupercommando-pub/ I just want it for cosmetics, so a empty shell would do. Does anyone know the RE'd recipe for this thing? Is it even possible to craft these pieces? If you are able and willing please let me know!
  4. The GW2 auction house won't even let you sort by armor class. Nothing made me appreciate the GTN quite like how bad the GW2 trading post is.
  5. Rakton needed to be more visible. Not in the Trooper quests, but in the shared planet quests. Rakton should have been THE GUY running the Imperial Assault's on those last few planets. He felt way to contained and isolated to Trooper quests and it didn't give him enough weight. He was supposed to be portrayed as the Imp version of like Rommel, or Patton or <insert famous general here>. He sorta just felt like a random NPC commander though, instead of THE GUY who MUST be stopped or we'll lose!
  6. Official on paper authority, the Trooper's is rather limited. Trooper's influence tied to the loyalty and symbolism of what being the Commander of Havoc represents, is much larger. It's pretty much the entire point of the Troopers first chapter.
  7. The Trooper storyline is at it's best during its set piece missions, where you can interact and play with your squad as a whole and have the inter squad dynamic present. Conversely, it is at its worst when you are off doing a filler side mission with just your +1 companion. More then any other class, the trooper suffers from the one companion limit.
  8. I think you're overestimating how many people actually PvP with any regularity. It's totally common for me to see pretty much the same 8-16 people in every warzone for hours on end. No matchmaking system is fixing that as long as the top 4-8 players get to lock themselves in together. /shrug Like, how common are actual ranked matches? My understanding is outside of setting up specific hours across all the ranked teams, they aren't common at all. Which is why people really want cross server ranked and stuff. There's just not enough folks PvPing.
  9. A Matchmaking system would help in theory, but there just aren't enough people PvPing overall. What would also help is if the pvp queue somehow divided up all the dps/healer/tanks more evenly, but again, not enough people in the PvP pool.
  10. Nope. Those are your options. A clever sneaker is just hard to find, which is why they are so valuable as node defenders, all their shenanigans.
  11. If I could just convince people to stop feeding, this warzone would be fine. This is surprisingly difficult though. Still better then voidstar.
  12. I don't understand where this thread went. There's no advantage to voice comms and cherry picked comps? Why do people keep doing it then?
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