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Everything posted by ElyonRand

  1. Hi, I'm looking for a Mandalorian RP guild, who also do Ops and Warzones as well. Any around here?
  2. I asked about Naboo coming up at the London Community event with the devs. They said it wasn't in the current plans... Ah well.
  3. Weak argument mate, you don't appreciate what Bioware does for this game. If you are so bored, maybe it's more to do with you than with the game.
  4. Frankly guys, I'm not surprised you guys are bored. I mean let's face it: between you you have a gazillion level 50 characters, you do the same content over and over, all other players don't match up because they are lower level, so they aren't a challenge anymore, right? Don't worry, there is a solution: Get real lives dudes. I mean, face it, if you are able to log that much game time, you clearly aren't don't much else. Go read books, go places, meet people. We 'lower level players' don't match up to you because we do other stuff with our time. And let's face it, Bioware has no reason to rush more content out for you guys, because the second a new warzone comes out, you'll all rush in, play it a million times, and be complaining you're bored again before the weekend is over, and the cycle will start all over again; "We want more stuff! PvPers deserve more stuff!" You don't deserve anything because you do not appreciate what Bioware have churned out for you over the last year. You are all (likely) grown ups: act like it.
  5. Dude, he CLIMBED out of the Sarlacc's mouth afterwards, a feat that no-one else has ever done, and went on to become Mandalore. Boba Fett was epic.
  6. If I'd have been there, I'd have friended you
  7. Ok, two things: what do you mean by regular? And how often do you check? Because every time I check, there's something new. Like the Imperial Trooper armor
  8. Then go find some, there are plenty of places to get them (Cartel Market, GTN, Vendors) You just have to know where to look.
  9. In contrast, would you buy a book if the back of the book had the entire plot on the back? No. And anyway, what do you mean you'll stand your ground? Going on and on about how you won't buy until you hear more won't necessarily bring more information. If you don't want to buy without more information, that's your decision, but you can't complain if you miss release because of that. You can't have both. You can either have faith, or wait. And before you go on and say 'why should I have faith? Bioware always lets the players down', no it doesn't. Otherwise we, including you, would have all left a long time ago. And let's face it, you're subscribing, otherwise you wouldn't be here, so you are giving Bioware money for something. You are getting a whole planet, a new chapter with plot and fully voiced (which is a massive feat btw), players are getting early stages of same gender relationships, which has also been a massive deal since launch. Yeah, we don't know if we're getting some new armour, speeders or weapons, but that other stuff is way better than that. We get those things all the time.
  10. They told us in London that Makeb was 'scarily close'. 'Close enough that [they] shouldn't really be [in London]'. Obviously that's not an actual estimation of time, but I suspect that is so if there is a problem, they can hold it off for a little longer. My personal estimation is 6 weeks, but that's me just guessing.
  11. Hey, just wanted to say hello to all of the Progenitor players who were in London last night, thanks for making yesterday awesome, and hope to see you all again someday.
  12. Not enough options for different class types, so very unlikely. Though I love my BH and would kill to play her for the Republic.
  13. It's true. We all worship him for his knowledge. On the other hand, I keep my filter on as I generally dislike swearing anyway. The issue I usually find myself reporting people for is players discussing sexual acts in the general chat. It's completely unnecessary, often rather disgusting, and players telling me to turn off my general chat as a response is completely the wrong attitude. This is not an R-rated game, and should not be treated as such. Swearing on the other hand, as long as its not directed at players, I don't have a problem with it. However, as it takes time to type profanity, it doesn't come off as an exclamation, and more of an attempt to get a reaction out of people.
  14. 2 Emmys...I say bring him on. Could have been M. Night. Shyamalan. [EDIT] Lol didn't see the above post.
  15. I always do this now, to stop this problem. Happens far too many times, even with other stuff such as scavenges and quest items.
  16. At the end of the day, BW had been investigating supposed hacks, and there is evidence that people were banned; the warning given in the login. If the people are genuinely hacking, BW will know, they do check as hackers are not beneficial to game play. If people you think are hacking, and have reported for doing so, are not, then they won't have been banned. If 'nothing' has been done about the 'hackers' in your server, then you were likely wrong in your judgement. End of.
  17. Account Creation Date: 10.26.08 Still play pretty much everyday if I can, and loving it.
  18. I love helping new players. Yesterday I ran Hammer Station with a guy who needed help (I'm lvl 36, he was lvl 18). It was really simple; he rolled greed on stuff he didn't need, so I got some gear to sell too, and we completed it very quickly He seemed quite happy with the result, and I didn't feel like I got nothing out of it, so it was smiles all around. In contrast however, I ran Cademimu the other day with some guys who weren't very pleasant. Now I'm a Founder and have not stopped my subscription since day 1, however it has been many months since I ran this flashpoint, and therefore, I confess, I'm a bit rusty. These two guys were very critical of how I played the flashpoint, having a go at me for taking too long between fights despite the fact that my heat needed to be reduced so i could actually be effective in the next fight. So when I died a little too quickly on the final boss, the guys who killed it decided to declare at the end that 'the pros have saved the day', in comparison to me, which is really just a round about way of calling someone (me) a noob. Needless to say, they are now ignored, as I don't need attitude on a game where I'm playing for fun. If people are unpleasant, just ignore and look somewhere else. In my experience, I've found 10 nice people for every unpleasant one.
  19. I found the same thing, and decided to just play along on the basis that, while Theran is clearly crazy as I never had any form of liason with him, he does know how to blow up my hyperdrive.
  20. Hi, I know you posted this a while ago, but I have been looking for a good Mando-rp guild for a while, and spotted a member of yours in a Warzone today. Any chance I can sign up?
  21. I've never quit a warzone, even though I suck. But that's because I really want to get better, and learn how to do PvP well before I'm thrown into the big leagues. The disconnection issues I had before the latest maintenance were awful and I got so frustrated every time I got booted out within PvP. People who actually quit because the game isn't going well are idiots, because even in losing you get medals and XP.
  22. Agree with almost everything except the General Grevious Kaleesh/Cyborg, as the racial bonuses you have suggested are unfair, as no other class has them, and General Grevious was designed to be a unique character, not one of many. Kaleesh yes, a hybrid no. I especially would like to be able to change faction depending on my alignment, as seeing my Light Side Bounty Hunter in the Republic would be interesting Oh and Nautolans, so yes!
  23. Sweet idea, but in my experience, very few players will mentor another player without incentive. It seems a bit unfair, and encourages a bit of laziness on the Apprentice's part, if they have someone who does half the effort, but gets none of the reward. It's asking someone to carry you.
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