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I feel cheated with the Digital Upgrade Pack


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"Make it happen in patch 1.6 and please, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ANYTHING THAT WAS INVENTED, give us a colored candy cane crystal. See, I just gave you an AMAZING idea that youll probably give away on christmas, sorry about the rest of the post my dear audience I can only write one amazing sentance in one post."



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"Make it happen in patch 1.6 and please, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ANYTHING THAT WAS INVENTED, give us a colored candy cane crystal. See, I just gave you an AMAZING idea that youll probably give away on christmas, sorry about the rest of the post my dear audience I can only write one amazing sentance in one post."




So you can say to people "SUCK MY LIGHTSABER!"?

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1 - Don't whine like a spoiled brat. You've spent five dollars. FIVE DOLLARS. And you demand priviledges like you paid 100.

2 - While buying DDE shouldn't entitle you to the role of a VIP, the CE buyers pretty much deserve it. I don't know if it's disregard or envy that makes you say such things, but remember that most of those CE buyers are, in fact, players, who decided to invest additional money by pre-ordering a more expensive version of the game to support BioWare. Of course, the Malgus statue is awesome and Gnost Dural's diary gives some fine insight into the fluff, but if $5 can give you everything else(aside from the vacuum robot), then you should at least be treated as a better customer.


Don't you try to school me on the fact that all customers are equal. They aren't. There are those, who would freeze their account and unfreeze it only to do the ops just to freeze it again for a week to preserve their subscription. And there are those, who bought CE and probably buy cartel coins. The content you get does not cover the price you pay for it. You are a better customer, because you put more money into developers' pocket. And you should be recognized for it. Why not give some more priviledges to them?


You will probably call me a selfish bastard with oversized ego, since I am one of those, but you can't deny that I am at least partially right and reasonable. Hell, even BioWare said before the launch, that they like the ones who pre-ordered the game earlier more, because they decided to give them the money long before the launch, entrusting the studio and boosting it's budget. Why is it something bad? And they were rewarded with earlier early access. It was super cool of BioWare to treat their better customers.. better. They deserved it. And I see no reason people like me, who support the game more than others should not get additional priviledges like more cool items in CE shop or some discount/bonuses at the Cartel Market.


So yeah, I kinda feel wronged by BioWare as a pre-ordered CE owner, because despite the very nice CC boost, they gave me nothing more for that. It's been a year and no single update for either the VIP or CE shop. But not really as angry as the poster. My discontent seems to be rather reasonable to me.


Actually, I think his point is that he spent the hundred (probably 60) and now other people are getting the same thing for 5 bucks. It's a pretty common complaint of consumers, but, like everything else, games devalue as soon as you put you money on the table. This is especially true in the MMO market where companies are constantly coming up with new offers and marketing gimmicks to gain subscribers. I really kind of feel for the OP having bought my own collectors edition myself (the Darth Malgus statue is pretty cool), but they've already said they plan on giving us some vendor love around 1.6 timeframe, so I wouldn't sweat it. Besides, everyone had access to those vendors from day one if they had a mil to blow on the VIP bracelet.

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Getting into the VIP lounge does not give you access to the CE vendor.


Well even better then. I get a swanky statue AND some chump selling me special... what, exactly? I think he just has a speeder. Or is he the one with the adaptive armor that's really expensive and not really all that cool to look at (unless you're imeperial).


All snarky-ness aside, that's cool. I thought everyone could buy from him if they spend the credits to buy the bracelet.

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There is a VIP lounge in the fleet for people that bought the CE or DDL (dunno which since i have neither)


That area has always been open to anyone willing to may 1 million credits. The CE vendor in the VIP lounge has been and still is only available to CE owners.

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Actually, I think his point is that he spent the hundred (probably 60) and now other people are getting the same thing for 5 bucks. It's a pretty common complaint of consumers, but, like everything else, games devalue as soon as you put you money on the table. This is especially true in the MMO market where companies are constantly coming up with new offers and marketing gimmicks to gain subscribers. I really kind of feel for the OP having bought my own collectors edition myself (the Darth Malgus statue is pretty cool), but they've already said they plan on giving us some vendor love around 1.6 timeframe, so I wouldn't sweat it. Besides, everyone had access to those vendors from day one if they had a mil to blow on the VIP bracelet.


While your post is somewhat accurate....the CE was "supposed to be" a limited production run.

Edited by kcol
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There are exclusive items in the shop, the fact that you don't feel them as 'worthwhile' doesn't change that. I recently bought the CE because I felt it was worth it for the Imperial Trooper set. Granted I felt it was worth it at current prices, not the original listing prices.


That being said I'm still hopeful that they will someday add more items here, but I'm also not holding my breath.


Did you pay $150 or more for the box? I did. I preordered the thing on the second day after they opened preorders. Because of the whole fiasco with the CE merchant, low quality items in the box, the fact that they started to reprint the box when it wasn't supposed to be anymore, I wont buy any sort of collector's edition for any future games period. The whole special edition, collector's, etc, is all just a big scam trying to get people to throw some more money out on a product.



Did you know when they first released the info on the VIP area, that the whole area was supposed to be just for CE owners? After all the negative posts about it on the forums, they caved and opened up the area for others and just made the merchant for CE owners. Also of course we had the promise of them adding stuff to the CE merchant over time.......HA!

Edited by LordSkyKnight
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Right. Because people who aren't elitist and egotistical always make sure to tell everyone they are an "officer" in a video game guild in their sig. lol


Theres a reason I put it there... so people know who I am when I post something on the server forum. Also whats wrong with being proud of something?

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My favourite item(s) from SWG were the collector edition goggles they gave you for having the CE. I bought the CE specifically for the the CE vendor, not the real tangible items that were contained in the box. It sucks they haven't updated it , but, we now have a nice little banner to show our status.


A banner that drops in the Cartel Packs iirc...


There are exclusive items in the shop, the fact that you don't feel them as 'worthwhile' doesn't change that. I recently bought the CE because I felt it was worth it for the Imperial Trooper set. Granted I felt it was worth it at current prices, not the original listing prices.


That being said I'm still hopeful that they will someday add more items here, but I'm also not holding my breath.


The Republic armor looks silly, the Imperial kinda looks cool but after almost a year we need some additions. Some cool armor, exclusive crystal color, exclusive speeder, its not that hard.


Before people say "Why should you get it?!" talk to people who bought the SWTOR Razer gear and see how they like it if their unique green-black crystal is up for sale (no its not the same one as the Rahkgoul one)

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Didn't you get a statue and a few other collectible items? What more do you want for an extra $90?


Greed, it's out of control...


How about the banner we where promised for F2P, or maybe the "regular updates" to the items on the CE vendor that we where promised a while back. I don't ask for much, only that promises are kept. I have kept my sub active almost the entire time since launch, with exceptions where I just for what ever reason couldn't afford it for a couple of days. I think that those of us that where trusting enough of Bioware to buy the CE, and invest that money in a game from a proven company but with no MMO experience, our loyalty and trust should be rewarded, not treated as if we are a joke with our wallets being the punch line.

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How about the banner we where promised for F2P, or maybe the "regular updates" to the items on the CE vendor that we where promised a while back. I don't ask for much, only that promises are kept. I have kept my sub active almost the entire time since launch, with exceptions where I just for what ever reason couldn't afford it for a couple of days. I think that those of us that where trusting enough of Bioware to buy the CE, and invest that money in a game from a proven company but with no MMO experience, our loyalty and trust should be rewarded, not treated as if we are a joke with our wallets being the punch line.


The banner is bugged on pre-existing characters right now according to the sticky. You can get the banner still by rolling up a new char, sending the banner over to your other character, and then deleting the new one. Hopefully the CE shop gets updated at some point.

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The CE store was another big lie by marketing, they said they would have regular updates to it. And the only thing I know of is that now the set you get there (which is pointless) is adaptive instead of light armor. I also think one of the pets was added, but I am not sure. I bought the CE mostly for this CE store because they stated it would have regular updates, the box and the statue do look awesome on my shelf though. But the CE store is very lackluster, especially for the price of that CE.


I doubt I will ever buy anything where Bioware promises stuff instead of showing what we actually get, I am just done with all the lies from this company. Even the ME3 CE had something that made me really angry, they added all the N7 weapons, except the assult rifle... That was only available for those who had ordered it from gamestop or something like that.... That was just infuriating, though that was advertised, so I did know about it, and I accept it. But the CE for SWTOR was falsely advertised, so I am not very happy with Bioware anymore, especially after all the lies with their trailers for SWTOR, their promises for ME3 and all that. I just don't trust this company anymore.

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Not complaining and I don't feel "cheated" but as a CE owner I think there should be a fun, exclusive in-game item for CE account holders. The devs mentioned recently that they might finally do a refresh of the CE vendor. After new items/gear/outfits get added for everyone else in the cartel market, that would be cool to see. I suspect CE owners are among the most enthusiastic supporters of the game. A little nod in the form of an exclusive in-game item would be great now that all the in-game items are available for purchase.
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I am pretty happy with the things that i got from the CE. The adaptive armor made the pieces you get viable for my toons but that was far too late, but how many months did i go without usable armor from the VIP lounge? As a player who has a lot of alts and does my own crafting when i can afford it, I do not have 120k to spend for each toon to get the cool armor I could buy. It takes a whole day of running heroic 4s on Taris to get 60k how is my lvl 14 going to do it? The skins for the companions are cool for most classes. How about some stuff that is relevent for lvl 50's or any other lvl in the progression? I love my Darth Malgus statue he sits up there with my Commander Shepard, Alduin, Conner, Noble squad, and Master Chief. The real world content was awesome I like all the things we were given. In the same regard I feel that CE should have more in game things that for one don't cost an arm and a leg and don't make it to the cartel market. Just access to stuff would be nice or discounts, hell a bonus of 150 coins a month would be great or maybe a color crystal that only CE could get since Razor and pre order people have their own crystals. I'm not greedy, but i did pay almost $200 for updated content. Which as a whole i feel is lacking severely.


How long did it take from HK preview to launch and we are still waiting on more races Cathar is the only one being added how long into the game. I love this game but i see the fascination with it dropping with players needing more new things. I will play this game until they rip it like Galaxies. Bioware has my love as long as they keep their promises and don't pull another ME3 tabackle.

Edited by ipikki_oukami
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I am pretty happy with the things that i got from the CE. The adaptive armor made the pieces you get viable for my toons but that was far too late, but how many months did i go without usable armor from the VIP lounge? As a player who has a lot of alts and does my own crafting when i can afford it, I do not have 120k to spend for each toon to get the cool armor I could buy. It takes a whole day of running heroic 4s on Taris to get 60k how is my lvl 14 going to do it? The skins for the companions are cool for most classes. How about some stuff that is relevent for lvl 50's or any other lvl in the progression? I love my Darth Malgus statue he sits up there with my Commander Shepard, Alduin, Conner, Noble squad, and Master Chief. The real world content was awesome I like all the things we were given. In the same regard I feel that CE should have more in game things that for one don't cost an arm and a leg and don't make it to the cartel market. Just access to stuff would be nice or discounts, hell a bonus of 150 coins a month would be great or maybe a color crystal that only CE could get since Razor and pre order people have their own crystals. I'm not greedy, but i did pay almost $200 for updated content. Which as a whole i feel is lacking severely.


How long did it take from HK preview to launch and we are still waiting on more races Cathar is the only one being added how long into the game. I love this game but i see the fascination with it dropping with players needing more new things. I will play this game until they rip it like Galaxies. Bioware has my love as long as they keep their promises and don't pull another ME3 tabackle.


You forget they broke their promisses allready ;) Rather fear the worst so you might be surprised in the end *smiles*


Theres a reason I put it there... so people know who I am when I post something on the server forum. Also whats wrong with being proud of something?


Don't feed the trolls... ((Yes literally here...))

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Im a CE buyer. I bought the CE not just for the digital in game items, but they were "Exclusive" items for those of us who either bought the CE or Digital Deluxe. Now with the Cartel Market everyone can get the same items, except the worthless VIP band?? and for 5$?? Why???

I think you should try to dig up the exact offer again. There is ONE thing they didn't meet their promises on: the exclusive CE owners vendor does NOT update regularly. It has had 1 single item added so far.

That vendor and the items he sells is the ONLY thing specified as exclusive, and they still are. ONLY CE owners can aquire that black Imperial Trooper outfit and some other small things he sells. All other extras in the CE were NOT specified as exclusive. Maybe I have to remind you of the chips-storm on these forums when the CE was revealed, with all the whine threads about the "unfair" EXCLUSIVE vendor?

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