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Character Names, not a trivial problem.


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Get over it, it is just a name. In a fantasy game.


Again, if you don't find your character's name important to you, that's fine. But that's YOU. There are many others who feel otherwise for various reasons. That YOU (and others) don't find it important doesn't make OUR concerns any less valid.

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Ok to translate what you said


"Im more important than an active subscriber because I was here first. Someone had a priority over me because they played more, had an active subscription and met other criteria and this isnt fair. I quit the game and probably wouldnt have come back if it wasnt F2P. I dont know who got my name but I assume that I am way more awesome than him and he is only a noob and couldnt possibly have been in the beta as well since I was the only one there with a few friends."


You JUST resubscribed just to say this?

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It is annoying to come back after so long and see 60% of my names gone. Most of my names were mostly letters spanked together in a semi phonetic layout, but one or two actually were carryovers for MMOs I have been playing for the past decade which of course were taken.


It's a common problem with MMOs I'm really shocked that they have not tied names to login and therefore permitted duplicates of screen names. First names are usually very common IRL, to have a galaxy full of people all named differently is as crazy as shooting lightning... oh wait, never mind. At least the combo of name + legacy name should have allowed same first names. It could have been a better solution presented, its seems like they took the lazy approach. Too late now though.

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No. There is an inherent flaw in the naming system of this game. Names should not be unique. We need a legacy tag, for example: Instead of just Jorick, then it would be Sotof@Jorick, Sotof being the tag, Jorick being the character name. It would allow everyone to have the name they want. In most cases anyway (One tag per account is less than 12 character names per account).
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To put it bluntly, you left your seat on the bus. You shouldn't be surprised to find someone sitting in it.

Here is a more accurate way of putting it:


He made a bus seat, cared for it and was promised that when he left it that it would be free for him to return to it. Then when he comes back he finds out some random person has ripped his seat out from the bus and planted their own. His seat is now placed in the back, upside down and broken, among all the degenerates.

Edited by Sotof
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Here is a more accurate way of putting it:


He made a bus seat, cared for it and was promised that when he left it that it would be free for him to return to it. Then when he comes back he finds out some random person has ripped his seat out from the bus and planted their own. His seat is now placed in the back, upside down and broken, among all the degenerates.


I see your analogy and rip it a new one with the following:


He didnt care for it. He bought a busticket for a limited time and decided to exit the bus. There were no promises that he would keep his name in case of an emergency.

Meanwhile a few kilometres (miles w/e) later another bus crashed. The passengers of the crashed bus needed to go on the other bus to keep going. Someone from that bus took a seat which happened to be one that OP was sitting on (who, remember, left the bus)

Now OP wants back on the bus and sees that another person is in his spot. For some reason OP thinks its still his spot because he feels entitled to it even though he doesnt know who this person is and hence starts a fuss.


In his opinion its now a mangled seat, filthed with some lowlife who isnt any good when in fact the person could very well be someone who has been on the other bus from the first stop.

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Why do people complain about things that happened to "their account" although they had no account at that time?

The fact that BW does not delete all toons after one unsubbs is already quite a matter of goodwill.

Try the same with a monthly payed fixed garage parking space: cancel the contract for a few months and then come back, make a new contract and tell them that you feel entitled to get exactly the very same space you had before because your contract was merely "inactive". People will laugh at you.

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I still think it's better to keep happly players that won't threaten to quit over something like that. So yeah, if you are going to quit because of name that went to active player, you would quit anyway for this or another reason. Heck, you already did quit.
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I still think it's better to keep happly players that won't threaten to quit over something like that. So yeah, if you are going to quit because of name that went to active player, you would quit anyway for this or another reason. Heck, you already did quit.

It's not even certain that person IS active. The person might have quiet long ago. And would it not be better to keep both of them if able?

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I see your analogy and rip it a new one with the following:


He didnt care for it. He bought a busticket for a limited time and decided to exit the bus. There were no promises that he would keep his name in case of an emergency.

Meanwhile a few kilometres (miles w/e) later another bus crashed. The passengers of the crashed bus needed to go on the other bus to keep going. Someone from that bus took a seat which happened to be one that OP was sitting on (who, remember, left the bus)

Now OP wants back on the bus and sees that another person is in his spot. For some reason OP thinks its still his spot because he feels entitled to it even though he doesnt know who this person is and hence starts a fuss.


In his opinion its now a mangled seat, filthed with some lowlife who isnt any good when in fact the person could very well be someone who has been on the other bus from the first stop.


^^ this!


/thread :cool:

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It's actually more like this


He got a bus ticket to reserve a seat

HIS bus crashed so he had to move to another bus

He wants to sit on the same spot, but someone was already sitting there and now he wants that guy to give up the seat.


That's rude, besides, bus rides make me dizzy. I suggest getting a cab or walkin.

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How about this...


It's not an analogy at all.


Bioware didn't want long server ques at launch, so they made too many servers.


Then after the holidays the population was spread really thin and it made it hard to do group content.


Then they decided to solve that by merging some servers, and that resulted in some naming conflicts.


And while I'm sorry that happened to you, no amount of complaining will ever change that.


Though, OP, I do applaud your choice to reward them for it by re-subbing in protest. That''ll teach 'em.

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I couldn't agree more, OP. I cancelled my subscription and will not be renewing until I get my names back.


I only resubbed and came back because my main still had her name. Half my characters still needed renaming tho, but they weren't too much of an issue.

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I couldn't agree more, OP. I cancelled my subscription and will not be renewing until I get my names back.

Such a shame that we have a parade of people trying to delude themselves and everyone around them into thinking that this is not a problem.

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It's actually more like this


He got a bus ticket to reserve a seat

HIS bus crashed so he had to move to another bus

He wants to sit on the same spot, but someone was already sitting there and now he wants that guy to give up the seat.


That's rude, besides, bus rides make me dizzy. I suggest getting a cab or walkin.


The guy didn't even have a subscription when the names were taken away from him, so the analogy is rather:


He rented a flat.

After a few months, he decided to cancel the rental contract and left.

Even a few months later, he decided that he wants back into the flat, but it was already rented to someone else.

He thinks that this is unacceptable because he believes that he still has a rental contract, although "inactive". He believes that the landlord was obliged to keep the flat free for him, for eternity. He thinks that he has a point in wanting the current tenant to leave.

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OP is a unique and special snowflake, unlike the tens of thousands of other people that lost names of characters without writing a book/emo rant about it.


Here is a more accurate way of putting it:


He made a bus seat, cared for it and was promised that when he left it that it would be free for him to return to it. Then when he comes back he finds out some random person has ripped his seat out from the bus and planted their own. His seat is now placed in the back, upside down and broken, among all the degenerates.


Fail analogy is fail. His seat (character) is still there, it's just a different color (name).

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Mistakes were definitely made. It would have been nice if they were open and honest and gave the full criteria for name priority before the merges, I think that would have helped quite a bit. It's also not definite that this won't be fixed. They listed in the subscriber perks a free name change every month. I have hopes that there will be something in that to try and fix this issue (petitioning for names that may have been abandoned, taking your original name @ original server, etc) but that's not clear yet.


You're certainly free to voice your frustration, but everyone already knows. There have been a host of threads about this some reaching hundreds of pages. Another thread about it isn't going to help. It's up to you to decide if the name is important enough to wait and see if they fix or to rage quit over, or if you can rename and move on. I lost my most important name, so I feel your pain to a point, but I renamed and moved on. I'd love to get it back, but I'm also not holding my breath.


The other thing the OP needs to realize is that while it hasn't been stated what the full criteria for the name losses were, there was a clear effort to give priority to the people with more play time on that character. So this means you lost it to someone who was using it more and may feel it's just as important to them as it is to you. You think you should get priority just because you got it earlier but didn't use it as much. I'm sorry but I don't agree with that logic. The name I lost was one that I had on two different servers (lost both) but neither toon was above level 32 so I lost it to someone who was using it more. While I miss it (and would pay real money to get back, hint, hint Bioware) I hope it's being used and cherished.

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I only read TC's post (meaning this may have already been said), but if my original name is taken, I just put an alt code letter in there somewhere. Never had an issue with it. Now I do have issues with that name being taken by an alt character that the player never uses. Especially when the alt is never used. Even with that, it isn't hard to settle for a name with an accented letter in it considering you're playing this game with many different people.
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The seat is still there in my analogy too.


Except you said it was now upside down and broken. Maybe if your character was replaced by a lower level, less geared character your analogy might be apt. Also, they (like every other MMO I've played) never promise your characters will remain forever if you're not a subscriber (even though for the most part they do keep them) , so there you're also factually wrong.

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