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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1 new warzone in 1 year.. Not good enough


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Since WZ's are pretty much the end game content. Yes they need more maps/game types.

But only if they are nothing like huttball..... Win or lose I despise it.


Pfft. They need all of the above. I love huttball. I don't care for the CWs and NC type matches; so the more variety, the better.

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Yeah well this is a PvE game after all.


PvE got:


-3 operations

-2 flashpoints

-3 daily areas

-3 new sets of gear




-Rated warzones (yaah?)

-1 (one) new warzone

-Several different gear grinds and 1 (one) new set of gear, which is fine by me.


All in all seems quite fair:rolleyes:

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You forget...


PvP also had the one open PvP area nerfed/removed. Ilum doubled the amount of daily/weekly rewards we could gain, but that has been removed...making WZ's the sole source of PvP advancement.


PvPers have LESS PvP content a year after release...absolutely pathetic!!!!

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4 maps, 11 months, and still 65% players don't know how to guard at alderaan, 45% complains that we have no arena (since voidstar is to objective for them) and 85% can't play huttball.

not to mention capping on novare coast, but this one is still to new and fresh to complain... :rolleyes:

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OK; I have to ask. What does people being stupid have to do with not getting enough new content? If I have to wait for there to not be an idiot; I'd be waiting my entire life for everything.


New content at least gives us new places to be annoyed by the stupid.

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i am focused on pvp. 4 poor maps is not enough for 13 euro per month, i even think to move to f2p, however it is still quite expensive (concerning limitations f2p players suffer). EA&BW want to gain money without any sustainable gameplay improvements (except coloured crystals^^).will be nice if pvp and pve subscriptions will be separated (or pvp subscription will be separated) 13 euro for pve (or both pve/pvp), 5-7 euro for pvp (or even less).. even so only 4 maps is not enough.


EA and BW might be very poor companies that do not able to develop a few more maps, this is annoying.

Edited by yauhen_pt
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Seriously don't understand why it seems to take so long to come up with new warzone maps. It's a relatively small area, usually with half the map somewhat mirroring the other half, no mobs, just small number of objects to interact with.... I can can only assume the team is hard at work on some open world PVP revamp, either that or it's just one guy doing everything. Edited by RAVM
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as title says .... 1 new warzone in 1 year ...

Dont we need a new warzone or is it okay with what we got.


My apinion is this is far from enough.. :rolleyes:


I agree with you 100%. By the end of the year, we may actually end up with Two new WZs, but even that isn't enough.


If there was good OPvP, a variety in WZs wouldn't matter so much. For instance, the limit of 3 WZs wasn't such a big deal when I could go to Ilum and get my PvP on. But with the absence of OPvP and the emphasis on Instanced PvP, the replayability of these zones is hurt tremendously.

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you didn't know this was a PvE game? you must be new here


Yeah but they do not have to make it so obvious and give us an update from time to time. Not something about "we are looking into X", but a real update in regards to PvP not just a balance issue (not saying they are not important). Something all PvPers can look forward to...Like Ilum, or a new warzone.

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You are correct sir.


WTB another cool warzone option.


The engine can handle it just fine. I was ganking in section x last night and a pub team killed the wrold boss, quite a lot of them there. Then an imp team came in and wiped the pub team and I got invited to the group soon after. It was a full 24 man group and pretty sure the pub side was about the same. The Lag was extremely little.



On Another note. In beta all the War Zones were 12v12 but BW felt that it made them too much of a zerg fest. The engine can handle it just fine.

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Since WZ's are pretty much the end game content. Yes they need more maps/game types.

But only if they are nothing like huttball..... Win or lose I despise it.


Huttball is by far the BEST warzone. Whether your team dominates or gets wrecked, its the fastest ending warzone. Its the only warzone you can win literally by yourself, even if your team is horrible (IE: scoring the ball from mid to endzone by yourself). And its the most fun obj point map vs all the other maps where someone will have to guard an off-door most likely for 15min without any action.


The other 3 warzones are by FAR worse than huttball.


I do however wish they would just come out with a strictly-team-deathmatch warzone already becuse every one is ADD'rific and apparently can't grasp objectives in these current warzones.

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Ive always wondered this...


Theres no mobs/bosses/mechanics to program... Build a room with a flag and a scoreboard - voila! King of the hill. A map with a flag at each end similar to huttball map - voila! CTF.


I dont see why they cant throw out a new wz each week/month with the minimal ammt of programming required to do it. Hell, give us something - ANYTHING new!

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The dynamic nature of PvP makes it so that it doesn't need as many content updates.


After Ancient Hypergates, I hope they concentrate on cross server queues.


i hate to ruin your hopes but i doubt we will ever see cross server pvp. It's easier for them to merge all europe/US servers rather than make them cross servers

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