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Rethink these Restrictions Bioware


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It is f2p, like every f2p you still have to pay to play



Not true.








and many more and alot of buy to play games




Diablo 3

Torchlight 2



And more So do not lie to your self. Many games are free to play or buy to play with no restrictions/subs and still have cash shops that do NOT GIVE Advantages. F2p can pvp/raid/instances freely as well as have all the content free. Some do take more grinding then others but are still free to play.


This is Rf2p Restricted Free to Play

And thats fine aswell but There are some restriction that should be lifed to at least premium Players like quick bars/show helm currency cap.

Edited by Ungodlyomen
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Not true.








and many more and alot of buy to play games




Diablo 3

Torchlight 2



And more So do not lie to your self. Many games are free to play or buy to play with no restrictions/subs and still have cash shops that do NOT GIVE Advantages. F2p can pvp/raid/instances freely as well as have all the content free. Some do take more grinding then others but are still free to play.


Not true. Have you truely played them? You still have to buy stuff to get the full game, or races

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Not true. Have you truely played them? You still have to buy stuff to get the full game, or races



I have Players maxed 2-3 on each game. and do endgame content competitive end game pvp completely free and have not paided 1 cent. yo do not hafto buy anything to access endgame In any of those games



Lotro and DDo takes alot of grinding. Aion is strait up free. Linege i never had a issue and lol. Is also a grind.



Gw2 and diablo 3 u can buy stuff in the auction house. Hell on lotro n ddo Ive never paid for a expansion. turbine points u can deed grind. Being disabled prevents alot of movement so i have the time.

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I'm also disappointed with the quickbars because I don't have room for all my class skills, don't mind the rest of the restrictions that much either. I guess I'll have to throw out some skills with long cooldowns, I see no other way :(

I guess I read it wrong but I was expecting that you would only need to unlock those 2 newly added bars.

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I have Players maxed 2-3 on each game. and do endgame content competitive end game pvp completely free and have not paided 1 cent. yo do not hafto buy anything to access endgame In any of those games



Lotro and DDo takes alot of grinding. Aion is strait up free. Linege i never had a issue and lol. Is also a grind.



Gw2 and diablo 3 u can buy stuff in the auction house. Hell on lotro n ddo Ive never paid for a expansion. turbine points u can deed grind. Being disabled prevents alot of movement so i have the time.



Dont try to down play how limiting it is on a game like LoTRO. You have to pay to basicly unlock lvls and new questing areas. Plus for all the new expansions and so on. You don't have to pay for any content until endgame with Swtor.

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I dunno what people are jumping up and down for, loads of us said it was never going togo full F2P, it might go fremium but whilst a subscription option is there the only thing that is available is a free option to play the game not free 2 play everything.
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If it was up to me I'd put the restrictions on:

*All Operations beyond EV/KP SM

*Content in upcoming patches

*Gear shells, I would not put restricitons on mods. MMO'es are a lot about look and vanity so put resrtictions on that.

*Not being able to extract mods from end-game gear, are able to augment it though. This will allow them to get decent gear but not to min/max it. The same would apply to PvP gear.

*Not allowed to buy/sell model 25 mods or higher on GTN. GTN is otherwise free.

*Lighsaber crystal colors



*Speeder models

*No access to BH comms


That's it. I don't like restrictions on core functionality, regardless of it being possible to play the game anyway. Put the restrictions on the vanity/fashion items and the latter end-game content tiers instead, things people want to clear when they've had a taste of ev/kp sm.

^^ this


i still dumbfounded that bioware/EA DIDNT put the speeders into the restriction list. i mean what is more important to the game:


1.the basic UI




2.f**king speeders so you can go a little bit faster?:mad:



i hope the speeders DO eventually hit the restriction list soon

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There are a few restrictions I believe shouldn't be there for Free To Play players. And this is me talking as a subscriber. This is just a list:


UI Needs to Be Fixed (Customization and more quickbars)

Unlimited access to all Operations, Flashpoints and Warzones (except on Section X DLCs and further content that can be paid for via Cartel Coins)

Sprint and Quick Travel need to be accessible


Other than that, I believe it is completely fair for both camps. The gear option from Ops needs to be purchased as it gives subscribers a little something, something. No Cartel Coins should be earned in game (also a little nod to subscribers). All caps on money and banks should exist, but have a way of buying your way out via Cartel Coins. I believe this is the fairest system the game should go with to continue to have players come in (or back) and make this game the best it can be.



If they did that, I'd unsub myself. As would everyone else who plays this game.....


Horrible idea, BTW.

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The word people are forgetting is the key..




The idea of free to play is to give people a basic experience but still enjoyable experience of the game and hopefully draw them into spending a few dollars on things to upgrade or to actually get a sub to the game and unlock everything.


You are correct...


But define "enjoyable"?


Remember, the storyline quest, is just a way to get to the level cap... Where the real stuff is. How exactly is the game enjoyable with such limited access to FP, OPs and WZs? Are they suppose to do dailies? For what? For stuff they can't even wear? What exactly is there to enjoy?


I understand that it should be limited, but not that limited. Let's be honest, SWTOR has VERY basic end game content. It comes down to : Are you a PvP player? or Do you enjoy PvE? Have you seen the limits for that very little content the game has?


Would you bother leveling a toon just to found out that you can enjoy it just once a week?


I am sorry but while there should be limitation, this is a very dum way to make them.


Rather to limit access to flashpoints or warzones, do like LOL. ROTATIONS. Each week, F2P players can do as many FP's and WZ's as they want but only one WZ map and say 3 FP dungeons. The week after, the accessible Maps and dungeons rotates. Limitation and yet players can still enjoy the game.


The limitation as it is now is retared. BW is basicly telling them, now pay the sub fee or leave.

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I think the F2P model should be a bit heavy and push people to want to go the subscription route. If it didn't then I am sure a lot of people who do sub right now would drop to F2P.


Not a problem. That's why they have the cartel. This can very well be the new source of income.


Trust me, in 5 years from now... All online games will follow that model. Subscription fees are a thing of the past that will disappear in time.


Take DUST for exemple. This is a game CCP has been working on for YEARS. It's ambitious! It has all the qualities of a AAA MMOFPS... And ....


It's free... From day 1!


How do they make their money back? The store.


The cartel in SWTOR is VERY well done (already spent 25$ in it), and can easly become their main source of income if they keep it alive and updated.


My point is... yes F2P subs should be limited. But they shouldn't be "punished" for not being a sub member either.

Edited by sarazoul
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.You don't have to pay for any content until endgame with Swtor.


Sure, but how much fun are you going to have when you can't use all your abilities, can't go with crafting without hitting a wall, where every basic aspect requires you to pay.

Sure I can play, but who wants to play a game where you can hardly use anything.

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Dont try to down play how limiting it is on a game like LoTRO. You have to pay to basicly unlock lvls and new questing areas. Plus for all the new expansions and so on. You don't have to pay for any content until endgame with Swtor.



And you didnt woth LOTRO , you forget their endgame was just before the mines of Moria Expansion , which is all F2P till that point , Content wise LOTRO has nearly 2x more before the "pay expansion" system , and we have to wonder what BW/EA's act will be for future content. as LOTRO started out with more content and less restrictions that there are for F2P's here.

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Ok now I know that there are a thousand threads about the inclusion of a F2P model already, but as each seem to rapidly descend into a row about 'its currently unplayable / not enjoyable on F2P' VS 'Subscribe or shut up' - I felt the need to post my thoughts on here without simply wading into an existing argument!


I did the Beta testing and loved it - ok it wasnt a perfect game (what is) but its Star Wars, so I was a fan before I even logged in! Case in point, I actually bought a new PC just so I could play SWG...!!

But I digress and besides that was pre-kids etc back when I had an income loosely classed as 'disposable'. Nowadays, I simply cannot afford to pay a subscription to play a game. So once the Beta was over, I waved goodbye to SWTOR with a tear in my eye.


Then I heard about a F2P option - woohoo!!

So I immediately downloaded the client last week and played the trial (lvl 15 cap) and it was far better than I remembered the Beta being. Good times.


Then it switched to F2P and whilst I am still delighted to get to play the game without an initial outlay I do feel the restrictions imposed are a touch harsh in places.

A great F2P model is free to play without heavy restrictions but to improve the gameplay experience certain things are needed as one off purchases - mounts for example or rare super powerful weapons/armour, cosmetic changes, increased inventory size etc etc. Things you dont NEED but you desperately WANT.


I played ROM for a while - also free - but spent a decent amount of this and that as I levelled up as they were reasonable one off payments for things I really wanted to improve my experience in game. They werent NEEDED to play but they made life easier.



The current F2P purchases arent like this though - here they are mainly purchases with a time frame to temporarily bring you to Subscriber status - accessing areas, putting XP gain back to what it should be etc.

So its taking away bits which you now have to purchase to get back rather than a complete game but purchases actually ADD to the game.



Does that make sense?

I dont want to moan about it - its free afterall - but its so close to being bang on that its a bit painful. I wouldnt mind paying for cool stuff and helpful gizmos and extra content....but not to remove my in-game disabilities! So for now I will just play the free model 'slowly' (with the penalised XP) until its unplayable and then re-evaluate what to do in the vague hope that the game changes in this direction.


At the end of the day - its Star Wars and I love it.

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as LOTRO started out with more content and less restrictions that there are for F2P's here.
And? Restrictions are still there. I am not going to compare the two because each game is different enough that they need to handle restrictions differently. For example, you have to buy the Riding Skill in LotRO with Turbine Points but SWTOR only restricts the level at which you can get trained (which is just the same level it was for subscribers at launch).


Also, this argument took place long ago when Turbine said they were going F2P and people came up with Freemium and Hybrid, but by now F2P for Western MMOs has been in general use for this model, even if it shouldn't have been.

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Not that Bioware will ever read this or even care for that matter, how many of you (subscribers or f2p'rs) are disappointed with 1.5?


Don't get me wrong I like SWTOR and have been a long time fan of Star Wars in general. But with the implementation of f2p I think Bioware has made some serious errors. Let me list a few and you all can add your thoughts if you care to. First off I understand why they've gone f2p it's becoming the industry norm but I think some of the restrictions f2p players have are senseless. Two hotbars this makes the game almost unplayable for some, shame on you BW that's just being greedy. Limiting chat use, really? Flashpoint/ Ops restrictions at 3 per week...come on, really? There are many other problems with your f2p model that i'm sure the rest may add to this thread.


I'm still a subscriber and most likely will remain one but my biggest gripe is this atm. For months now there been 100's of posts in the "Customer Service" forums about people crashing to desktop because of the memory leak in the game. I being one with the game crashing after maybe playing 2 warzones or an hour or 2 of gameplay feel disgusted that BW has ignored a serious problem.


So i'm curious SWTOR community what are all your thoughts about the state of the game in it's present state?

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You are acting like you should be given the same benefits as those who pay a sub. Why is this the case with you F2P loonies? Shouldn't my 15$ a month entitle me to content and bells and whistles that you the F2P moochers do not get? Or are you suggesting that EA / Bioware should just call all bets and say screw it lets just let them all play EVERYTHING for free and we will work for free as well?


Edited to say that I hate hate hate the F2P model and it should not be in any MMO game EVER in any form. If you cant afford 15$ a month then you need to be doing something else with your time.

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It is like we do not have gazzilion of these threads already?


State of the game is Good still problem's but it is getting better ever since I have joined up.

F2P will adjusted I think in some based on the amount of whines I see even f they are wrong I think.


For next 6 months at minimum I am optimistic but after that time frame we will need some chunk of content.

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From what I've been able to observe from the player base.


-New players are mostly happy just to play (some of them are okay with the restrictions others not so much). Hard to tell though since f2pers can't post on the forums.


-Former subs HATE the restrictions. And for good reason. Even trial accounts didn't have that many restrictions.

Since f2pers don't have a voice of their own right now, I think some of us will have to speak for them.


-Subs are on the fence with some being sympathetic to the freemiums and others going: "don't like it? Get out."


I'm a former sub and I DO understand why they went f2p and I understand some restrictions are necessary. But others...

Come on, do we really need to be nickel and dimed for things that even trial accounts had access to?

I can only hope that some of the restrictions get removed before it ends up damaging the game. But...

I'm not holding my breath. Hopefully I can keep playing while ignoring the restrictions to a certain extent.

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