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Everything posted by NerdyIO

  1. Is your logic telling you free is not free? Perhaps you should try other free MMORPS and see the difference. You'll see how little meaning your statement has.
  2. I knew you would like it. What does kneeslap have anything to do with it? You really need that nap.
  3. Limited means there's no access to some basic aspects. Why's every fanboy bringing meaningless arguments to conversation? What welfare? Welfare is a necessity to survive. The purpose of the game is fun. How can you have fun when you a lot of essential aspects are taken away. Why are you even arguing? How does that affect you? You want to pay, go ahead, nobody's stopping you.
  4. Really? Than wait and see. Why not tighten even more. Make no hotbars at all. You wanna use your abilities, pay up. Why give us skill for game credit. You want your skills, get the cash and pay. You think there will be incentive to pay when people feel they are screwed from every side? The only outcome will be that people will leave and the company will make a bad name for themself. There are free 2 play games where people feel respected. They have fun playing it without idiotic limitations and publishers still profit form the game.
  5. 1 is enough, two is enough? Enough for what? Lol Why even bother giving us any? I'm not even lvl 50 and can't fit all combat abilities, never mind other skills i need.
  6. What problem? I just don't like how they did this and I voice my opinion. Where's your problem?
  7. Oh great. I don't think he wants to talk to you either, since he doesn't wanna listen to your meaningless comments and childish insults.
  8. Thankful for what? For not being able using half of my stuff? For hitting a wall every time i want to do something? I bought a game already. So did many people here. Play the game if you like it? Why are you concerned about our comments? It's not even free trial. You're allowed for full access in free trials. This is free to look.
  9. Are we allowed to post in the first place? Oh wait, we did. It gives a chance to play, but who wants to play a crippled game where even basic functions are restricted? If you think that game is worth paying for it, than pay. I don't really see how it concerns you how others want to pay.
  10. There's a difference between 6 and 4. Another meaningless input from a fanboy. How do you play the game without 4 hotbars? I'm not even level 50 and cant fit all my abilities needed during combat in 2 hotbars. So much for having fun when you cant use all your abilities there. And there are other noncombat skills I need to use frequently. So I need at least 3 hotbars for combat, plus 4th for noncombat skills I use during the game. Your lack of imagination shouldn't affect other players performance.
  11. It's free to look. You can't use half of the essential stuff to play normally like in other free MMORPG.
  12. There's much more missing than unlimited warzones and pve.
  13. How's that free fwith full access? There's a distinct difference between access to basic aspects of the game and full access. So I'm going back to my initial post and restate what I said.. How are they going to keep customers by not allowing them minimum freedom.? There should be some initiative for subscribers, but slapping others is not going to build a fan base. All they did so far is annoy players and make a bad name for themselves. There are ways to let people play for free and still profit from it. As I said, perhaps they should look around how it's done.
  14. Well, yes, only because they're not bound by those restrictions at the beginning. Once they level up, and it says the game is free up to level 50, they will feel the strains too, sooner than later.
  15. What economic sense? Crying about our opinion is not economic sense.
  16. Obviously those are not the only abilities I use. If I put them on the quickbar, I will have to remove others that use as well. But how would a fanboy know that simple concept? What do I care about your 15 speeders? What does it have to do wit anything? If you cant make sense don't talk, please. I don't even have enough room for all abilities i need during combat. Never mind other, noncombat stuff.
  17. If you have nothing substantial to say besides fanboying, you shouldn't answer when not spoken to. Why don't you stop QQing about our input and go play the game before mom sends you to bed.
  18. Aggravating customers is a way to go. It's a more elaborate bait and switch technique. Sure they mentioned restrictions beforehand, but in most aspects, nobody will know the effects of it until they play the game. How many people is going to study restrictions in details anyway, lawyers perhaps? All everyone sees is that it's free to play. Then they come and are slapped each time they try to do something in the game. I played the game and I'm familiar with the aspects, yet I was hit by the limitations of the game. It's not free to play, it's free to look.
  19. Yes. You will have just 2 quickbars, then u have to pay for more.
  20. I don;t know about laptop performance, but I don't have any problems with lag either. And my PC is not that new.
  21. So, how's irritating their customers help them with the money? If they don't know how to make F2P, perhaps they should look at others who have success with it? Sure it's their right, but it's my right to voice my opinion when I get sub quality product .
  22. Oh sure. Every time you wanna use your ability, you gonna dig through menus and look between other abilities. Sounds fun.
  23. Lol, now all my posts go to one, the same topic.
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