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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Things SWTOR forgot to copy from WoW


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For them to learn lessons from predecessors so they don't have to go through the pains of learning themselves?


maybe you misunderstood me.


WoW has had years of development before it came out, and years of adding content, build time and polishing. Of course Bio wants to add things to the game:


A team is never finished building a massively multiplayer game, so we’d like to take this opportunity to reveal a little information on what the team is working on for patches coming in the near future. Our priorities have been, and will continue to be, based off of the feedback we receive from our players.


New Content – We will be adding new content to the galaxy on an ongoing basis. These worlds will include Operations, Flashpoints and solo content.


Guild Functionality – Guilds are important to the long term health of any MMORPG. We have a huge list of guild centric features. This will be an ongoing effort that will probably never end. Guild banks are the first thing we’ll be delivering in our plans for increased guild functionality. Eventually we even want to deliver on the promise of the long hinted at “Guild Capital Ships”.


UI customization – You like choice. We hear you! SWTOR is all about choice. Being able to choose how you interact with an online game is something we feel is very important. We are going to be giving more control over the UI as an ongoing effort. This is a very big priority for us.


PvP – We have an entire team dedicated to adding content and features to player vs. player. We have some of the most experienced PvP developers in the world on this team. So far very few people have seen, or know much about the stunning Open World PVP on Ilum; when you get to the high levels prepare to be blown away! In addition to that high level PVP content, expect new Warzones and new PvP features on a regular basis.


Space Combat – We will continue to add missions to the space game. We also have a special project going on right now that will expand space gameplay in a significant way... for now the details will have to remain under wraps.


Legacy System – The ability to select a surname for your character is just the start of something much bigger. Soon, the Legacy experience and levels you earn will grant your characters access to powers, objects and other cool benefits.


And more – We have an entire team of developers working on future content. Right now we are focused on nothing else but Star Wars: The Old Republic, so expect new and cool things.




So yeah they want to improve the game, give them time and they will deliver.

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Also, from what I see, OP just wants things easier.

Hard to learn class, hard to find group, hard to ask in guild chat, hard to play without showing off achies etc...

Learn it the hard way. Yes, there are many things which can be simplified but, personally, I like to figure things out.

I was in one flashpoint yesterday and said: "Guys, I haven't seen tacts for this FP."

And tank replied: " Why do you need to? It is more fun to figure it out on the go".

Edited by maxbaby
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Hilarious with all the fanboys crying "SWTOR is not WOW!" every time someone brings up improvements.


If you don't see the similarities in game-mechanics between this game and WoW or other generic mmo's, you're living in plain denial just because you're raging against WoW for some childish reason.


I for one said "SWToR isn't WoW" because literally SWToR isn't WoW. Obviously there are aspects of every MMO that are going to be similar. You have to have a minimap, ability bars, and so on.


BUT, saying people are fanboys simply because they disagree with what you feel are "needed" is so ignorant words can not express it.

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1) Dungeon finder.

Finding a group and getting them all to the flashpoint takes too long, it's not fun so hardly anyone is playing flashpoints.


Only if it is limited to your server or atleast gives that option.

There isn't even a global LFG channel.

The LFG system is tedious, people usually spam general.

I find forming a non guild group difficult in fact I haven't done many flash points because as a healer I can't find groups.


2) UI customisation.

Especially UI scaling. I play on a high-res monitor and the current UI is awful.


One of the worst UI's out there yes.


3) Group loot rules.

Don't let classes that can't use gear roll on it. It only causes grief, whether it was intentional or deliberate. WoW's 2-hour grace period for trading bound items with those eligible for them would have been nice, too.


Agreed WOW has a good system with that, SWTOR how ever doesn't.



4) Selecting PvP warzones.

Lots of people hate huttball. I know it helps reduce PvP queues, but melee classes hate it. I'd be much more likely to queue for PvP if I could knock it off the list.


I like Huttball but than again I play a sorcerer hehe.

Still agreed and some more new BG's would be welcome.


5) Skills that level as you level.

Returning to a trainer every time you level up is not fun. It's a timesink.


Time and money sink, working as intended I guess.


6) Addons.

Especially DPS meters, or at least a combat log. I have no idea which of my skills/rotations are most effective which makes learning my class really hard. It's also very hard to analyse fights to work out what to avoid, which mob to kill first, what to interupt etc...


Agree my barrier spell says ' It absorbs a lot of damage'.

What's a lot and how does a lot scale with willpower?

Anyway need some add ons want some others.


7) Guild storage.

Sharing materials and items with guildies is a big part of a successful guild. Currently this is reduced to asking/offering in guild chat, which is pretty tedious.


It's fluff but but good polish


8) Achievements.

They were fun, quirky and added longevity to the game. A great way to spice up repetitive encounters and great personal goals for PvP.


I don't really care but I see your point.


9) Fishing.

Great way to pass the ti.. nevermind, maybe SWTOR is doing some things right.


Space combat.

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Dungeon Finder? Absolutely not.


In my opinion, it has given WoW a lesser sense of community between players on each server. People don't have any patience in that game anymore and they have no tolerance for people's mistakes however small they may be. They want satisfaction and they want it fast. In and out. No waiting. Rush, rush, rush. No real reward because everything has been made easier since people want to do things so much quicker. Getting a group of players together from your server was part of the experience of doing dungeons back in the day. Now it's all a bunch of unknown, random players who care little for your character's progression since almost everyone in dungeon/raid finder is looking out for their own interests.


I totally agree, the moment they add a DF to TOR I will stop playing.

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This is proberly the most silly post i've seen on the forums yet.


Now, what the hell did you exspect from a game that had just launched .. Addons? wow ...


Let them have some time to setup up how people will be able to make the addons for wow ... Take Skyrim, it's had been out for quite some time, but the Creation kit (compare that to addons) haven't been released yet.


Dungeon finder, you can't be serious? you really want the most game breaking thing in WoW, to be implemented in SWTOR? You should obviously have stayed in WoW.


Skills that level as you level? No thank you, seriously, keep the game breaking stuff out of the game. again, if you wanna be lazy as ****, play WoW.



And btw, if you want to be taken seriously, fix your title.

Edited by Apwolff
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Basically the OP wants 7 years' worth of refinements and "nice-to-haves" in a brand new MMO.


He argues, "Why don't they just design these things in" (Ok, that was paraphrased there), neglecting the fact that all the things listed would take several more years before the game would be out.


I for one want the core mechanics and story in now and let the "niceties" trickle in over time, after I've mastered the "hard" ways to do things.

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1) Dungeon finder.

Finding a group and getting them all to the flashpoint takes too long, it's not fun so hardly anyone is playing flashpoints.


2) UI customisation.

Especially UI scaling. I play on a high-res monitor and the current UI is awful.


3) Group loot rules.

Don't let classes that can't use gear roll on it. It only causes grief, whether it was intentional or deliberate. WoW's 2-hour grace period for trading bound items with those eligible for them would have been nice, too.


4) Selecting PvP warzones.

Lots of people hate huttball. I know it helps reduce PvP queues, but melee classes hate it. I'd be much more likely to queue for PvP if I could knock it off the list.


5) Skills that level as you level.

Returning to a trainer every time you level up is not fun. It's a timesink.


6) Addons.

Especially DPS meters, or at least a combat log. I have no idea which of my skills/rotations are most effective which makes learning my class really hard. It's also very hard to analyse fights to work out what to avoid, which mob to kill first, what to interupt etc...


7) Guild storage.

Sharing materials and items with guildies is a big part of a successful guild. Currently this is reduced to asking/offering in guild chat, which is pretty tedious.


8) Achievements.

They were fun, quirky and added longevity to the game. A great way to spice up repetitive encounters and great personal goals for PvP.


9) Fishing.

Great way to pass the ti.. nevermind, maybe SWTOR is doing some things right.


I havent played WoW in years, but i know they had the option to have your character screen open while you shopped and i would love to have that. I think in this game they need to take a note from games like Fable or any other RPG and make customization a big event. I'd love you guys to really put your art team to the test and have many, many types of attire. The crafting styles need to have a lot of styles available too, maybe even some stuff that you can only get from crafters. I suggest having groups of attire that have the same bonuses but different styles so we can customize, yet have some that are specific sets. Also include more body/facial/hair styles (and have the option to change the last 2 at will), maybe more voice options for characters, plus we DEFINITELY need the option to compare companion equipment to inventory equipment, maybe with the compare option i mentioned before.


(oh and fix my latency issues lol :D )

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1) Dungeon finder.

Finding a group and getting them all to the flashpoint takes too long, it's not fun so hardly anyone is playing flashpoints.


Do not implement a dungeon finder, it destroys the community faster than anything. On WoW everyone are hatefull and mean, the social aspect of doing a dungeon or flashpoint is gone from WoW, it is like playing with bots.


2) UI customisation.

Especially UI scaling. I play on a high-res monitor and the current UI is awful.


This i agree with.


3) Group loot rules.

Don't let classes that can't use gear roll on it. It only causes grief, whether it was intentional or deliberate. WoW's 2-hour grace period for trading bound items with those eligible for them would have been nice, too.


This I agree with.


4) Selecting PvP warzones.

Lots of people hate huttball. I know it helps reduce PvP queues, but melee classes hate it. I'd be much more likely to queue for PvP if I could knock it off the list.


This I agree with.


5) Skills that level as you level.

Returning to a trainer every time you level up is not fun. It's a timesink.


I don't really mind going back to the trainer, as it makes the impact of gaining a level more apparent


6) Addons.

Especially DPS meters, or at least a combat log. I have no idea which of my skills/rotations are most effective which makes learning my class really hard. It's also very hard to analyse fights to work out what to avoid, which mob to kill first, what to interupt etc...


Some of the addons from WoW would be nice, but i hope DPS meters will never be implemented, so much grief has been done because of that stupid thing. And after a while people require you to have addons, which should be optional, not necessary or required to do things.


7) Guild storage.

Sharing materials and items with guildies is a big part of a successful guild. Currently this is reduced to asking/offering in guild chat, which is pretty tedious.


This I agree with.


8) Achievements.

They were fun, quirky and added longevity to the game. A great way to spice up repetitive encounters and great personal goals for PvP.


Never ever implement achievments!! This ruined much of WoW by not letting people in to raids or such because they did not have the achievment.


9) Fishing.

Great way to pass the ti.. nevermind, maybe SWTOR is doing some things right.


Fishing? Really.... Come on there are better options, like swoop bike races or something like that. Allready got space battles as a nice little diversion.

Edited by Merwanor
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1) Dungeon finder.

Finding a group and getting them all to the flashpoint takes too long, it's not fun so hardly anyone is playing flashpoints.


I'm getting so sick of this crap being spouted everywhere. This is not World of Warcraft ffs. Not once did I have an issue with finding a group through asking in the general chat, or using the LFG comment on /who


Dungeon finder takes away the world and destroys some sense of having a community. It's just a lazy tool. Even if this would be implented, it should be restricted to one realm and none of this cross-realm shenanigans.

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1) Dungeon finder.

Finding a group and getting them all to the flashpoint takes too long, it's not fun so hardly anyone is playing flashpoints.


2) UI customisation.

Especially UI scaling. I play on a high-res monitor and the current UI is awful.


3) Group loot rules.

Don't let classes that can't use gear roll on it. It only causes grief, whether it was intentional or deliberate. WoW's 2-hour grace period for trading bound items with those eligible for them would have been nice, too.


4) Selecting PvP warzones.

Lots of people hate huttball. I know it helps reduce PvP queues, but melee classes hate it. I'd be much more likely to queue for PvP if I could knock it off the list.


5) Skills that level as you level.

Returning to a trainer every time you level up is not fun. It's a timesink.


6) Addons.

Especially DPS meters, or at least a combat log. I have no idea which of my skills/rotations are most effective which makes learning my class really hard. It's also very hard to analyse fights to work out what to avoid, which mob to kill first, what to interupt etc...


7) Guild storage.

Sharing materials and items with guildies is a big part of a successful guild. Currently this is reduced to asking/offering in guild chat, which is pretty tedious.


8) Achievements.

They were fun, quirky and added longevity to the game. A great way to spice up repetitive encounters and great personal goals for PvP.


9) Fishing.

Great way to pass the ti.. nevermind, maybe SWTOR is doing some things right.


You Forgot to add better battleground system. currently not seeing hows its balanced even with the buff. a level 50 with full pvp gear cld get pwned by a level 10? that makes sense lol

Edited by Galfurien
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6) Addons.

Especially DPS meters, or at least a combat log. I have no idea which of my skills/rotations are most effective which makes learning my class really hard. It's also very hard to analyse fights to work out what to avoid, which mob to kill first, what to interupt etc...


God no, that's called playing the game. Part of the fun is figuring stuff out.


I would like account wide storage though, crafting across several characters is a pain when they use the same types of materials and you have to ship it back and forth using the mail system.

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no dungeon finder :D make groups find new friend or play with your friend


no addons....... they sucks!! L2p without them addons = easy life/some kind of cheat

DPS meter??? yes so we start a 2 wow......"omg i do so much dps but i die so soon" ahha u want to find your rotation dps?u wull learn it at the right time,when u will cap the level :D


UI yes they need to improve it or to give the possibility to fix it without addons


addons usually are same thing who steal your account in wow,see back door trojans who follow your procedure when u hit passwords etc etc ;)


achivment there are already if u search in the game u will see something like achivments ;) but the difference is that u have to search them on the planets :D


guild storage they will put it in some way i think......


fishing no needed there are so many things to do here if u want to pass your time :D see mission in space,see bg are equilibrate and the most important that the bg is i do bg with the ppl with my server like old times of wow. :D

BW dont even try to make cross server for pvp or arena or other things

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Basically the OP wants 7 years' worth of refinements and "nice-to-haves" in a brand new MMO.


He argues, "Why don't they just design these things in" (Ok, that was paraphrased there), neglecting the fact that all the things listed would take several more years before the game would be out.


I for one want the core mechanics and story in now and let the "niceties" trickle in over time, after I've mastered the "hard" ways to do things.


Well, I do not buy that argument. You can always look to any other actor in the business and get inspiration from that. My bet is that many of the features in WoW could have been there at launch (i.e. Technology would allow for it) - however nobody thought of them. Ofcourse Swotr will refine from itself over time depending on what happens to the playerbase etc. However not picking, in my opinion the best features, frome someone else is a bit ignorant.

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What does this even mean? Is there something about Star Wars that inherently makes it an MMO? It's like Star Wars in that it takes place in the Star Wars universe with Star Wars characters. How is the game supposed to be more "like Star Wars?"


What I ment with that is that Star Wars shouldn't just add thing that WoW has. Sure Swtor and WoW will be abit similar but I want Swtor to develop it self so that it will be better then WoW.


Dungeon finder sucks imo due to that it actually remove little of the world pvp since players won't travel around to find the instances anymore.


I remember the good old times in SWG where you had to travel to the planet then use your speeder to get to the instance, which often resulted in some world PvP or killing a rare monster on the way. That was fun.


Guild bank aint needed imo. It worked well in SWG without it. That game only died due to the limited timeframe and the bad CU and NGE update.


Thea fact that you could have player controlled citys, your own house, which you could decorate your self was fun.


So what I mean with Star Wars should be like Star Wars is that they shouldn't copy stuff from WoW, make something on your own so that Swtor will be abit diffrent from the others.

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3) Group loot rules.

Don't let classes that can't use gear roll on it. It only causes grief, whether it was intentional or deliberate. WoW's 2-hour grace period for trading bound items with those eligible for them would have been nice, too.


5) Skills that level as you level.

Returning to a trainer every time you level up is not fun. It's a timesink.


8) Achievements.

They were fun, quirky and added longevity to the game. A great way to spice up repetitive encounters and great personal goals for PvP.


3) Personally I'm glad that anyone can loot anything. When I'm running with a group and an item drops no one uses/needs, but one of my companions uses and is an upgrade, that's awesome!


5) Not sure what part of WoW you were in... but you paid for and trained every skill every level... you just didn't have to train for 5 levels.


8) Titles dude... they're called titles and finding datacrons

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1) Dungeon finder.

Finding a group and getting them all to the flashpoint takes too long, it's not fun so hardly anyone is playing flashpoints.


2) UI customisation.

Especially UI scaling. I play on a high-res monitor and the current UI is awful.


3) Group loot rules.

Don't let classes that can't use gear roll on it. It only causes grief, whether it was intentional or deliberate. WoW's 2-hour grace period for trading bound items with those eligible for them would have been nice, too.


4) Selecting PvP warzones.

Lots of people hate huttball. I know it helps reduce PvP queues, but melee classes hate it. I'd be much more likely to queue for PvP if I could knock it off the list.


5) Skills that level as you level.

Returning to a trainer every time you level up is not fun. It's a timesink.


6) Addons.

Especially DPS meters, or at least a combat log. I have no idea which of my skills/rotations are most effective which makes learning my class really hard. It's also very hard to analyse fights to work out what to avoid, which mob to kill first, what to interupt etc...


7) Guild storage.

Sharing materials and items with guildies is a big part of a successful guild. Currently this is reduced to asking/offering in guild chat, which is pretty tedious.


8) Achievements.

They were fun, quirky and added longevity to the game. A great way to spice up repetitive encounters and great personal goals for PvP.


9) Fishing.

Great way to pass the ti.. nevermind, maybe SWTOR is doing some things right.


1) Dungeon Finder in Warcraft was it's demise along with other things. **** off with it.


2) This is coming they have already said the ability to move and customize the current UI is being implemented. It's minor, deal with it.


3) This is not WoW. We have something called..COMPANIONS. They need to be outfitted too. If you are having gear stolen, go with a guild group. If it's the guild ninjaing..You know what to do.


4) Hutball is great. Yes more selection would be nice, but I do think at this stage you are just nitpicking..


5) ......Not sure if serious. They gave you a damn ability to travel back to trainers once every 24H from wherever you are. You are just damn lazy sorry.


6) This will most likely be added eventually..


7) The game has just been released. Patches and new content to come just hang tight :/


8) ....Datacrons? Hell in this game finding them even improve your char permanently.


Not having a go at you. But most of the stuff they "Missed" from WoW is a good thing. ESPECIALLY THE DUNGEON FINDER!

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People don't have any patience in that game [WoW] anymore and they have no tolerance for people's mistakes however small they may be. They want satisfaction and they want it fast. In and out. No waiting. Rush, rush, rush.


To be fair, I think things were like that in WoW before Dungeon Finder.


My personal opinion though is that Dungeon Finder was an improvement (at least for me). I have a job and I go to school. I have a girlfriend and friends and other commitments. Despite that, I was one of the best geared tanks on my server during most of WotLK. And I can tell you that the reason I stopped playing for the most part was because I was waiting around doing nothing more than I was actually playing. Waiting to get a full group for heroics, waiting to get a full group for raids, waiting to start dungeons and raids because people joined the group and then nobody went to the summoning stone, waiting inside dungeons and raids for replacement players after someone drops, or for people who fail at being at their keyboard when they're supposed to be (not WoW's fault).


When I log on to play a game, I want to play it, not stand around and wait. And while there was still waiting after Dungeon Finder, that cut down on a good portion of it for me.

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