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Everything posted by LDucheMagnifico

  1. shameless self promotion here...but i made this today because its evident that theres a lot of things the community wish to see and threads often get removed or spammed here so i propose that we try this method. post ideas on the page i made in hopes that developers take them seriously http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ideas-to-improve-SWTOR-no-affiliation-with-Lucas-Arts/398093350266611
  2. Hello Star Wars Fans. If you are like me you want to see many improvements on this game, many youve had for a while now with no way to physically express them. Today I created a facebook page that allows users to post content that they believe will improve the game (whether it be comments, pictures, drawings, video explanations, etc ) in hopes that the developers will take our ideas into consideration. Please take a look @ http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ideas-to-improve-SWTOR-no-affiliation-with-Lucas-Arts/398093350266611
  3. I thought about doing this a long time ago and forced myself to do so today. I created a Facebook page for community ideas on how to improve the game. Please take a look and see if we can get this to go somewhere. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ideas-to-improve-SWTOR-no-affiliation-with-Lucas-Arts/398093350266611
  4. Well, since the Friday the 13th inception patch killed the game, im going to do what every other person here is doing and QQ on the forums. These ideas come from what people expected from 1.2. armor and crafting- The RE rate still needs to be bumped up a little. You can burn through all of your mats trying to get a single blue or purple item. We need an armor customization ability, whether it be always available, or done through a barber-type vendor. While there we can actually change the colors on our armor instead of matching the set to your top; i like my columni top, but hate the color and cannot stand the new pvp/pve gear. plus i hate that as a sorcerer, most of the chest-pieces have huge,gaudy, shoulder pads, even though its supposed to be light armor. make us able to r.e. almost ANY green or higher rated armor or weapon piece (with the exception of drops from hm ops and things of that nature) to get a green, then blue, then orange, then purple schematic. People want customization in their games; we dont all want to look like clones of our class. exploration-add some open world content. Most of the planets are a straight shot with no reason for exploring past the road or pathway besides the occasional killing of nearby creatures. im also getting tired of just seeing fleets and military bases. I cant believe that theres not many cities or villages to explore. there honestly needs to be a neutral area as well. possibly implement some areas where both factions can meet in non-combat areas. crafting pt 2- allow the use and trade of grenades. it doesnt make sense that you have to know how to build a grenade to know how to throw it. i dont have the skill so im not sure how it works, but its as simple as making them a stack-able item. (like in kotot, you know, the game thats supposed to be this game's inspiration) i thought itd be interesting to have jedi/sith force users' out of combat heal to change depending on your alignment. eg a person with light alignment will use the bright yellow/white meditate, a neutral player will stand in meditation, and someone with dark alignment will use the red and black seethe spell. and ffs give us a hood up/hood down option.
  5. im sure more people have seen the new armor designs now that we're updated. any new thoughts?
  6. the reason i ask about being able to craft pvp/pve armor is because itll be able to crit craft as an orange. this was hinted at in an update the devs put out. so is there hypothetically a way to RE columni and get orange schematics? also does having armor mods in an orange piece change its RE effectiveness?
  7. posting a comment because this was buried in posts asking about guild banks...lol
  8. I've been talking with a few friends about the update and we are having trouble figuring a few aspects of the update out. A big issue is that we cant figure out RE'ing of orange armor. I've seen some posts that hint that having mods in the armor makes it so that you get no schematic. If anyone knows how this works please help me out here. This also goes with armor crafting. I heard that endgame PvE armor (columni, tionese, xenotech) can be RE'd for a schematic. True?(if so how) False? Augments. They seem to be missing. I dont see augment schematics at the trainer. Is this different from the other crafting? Im not sure how to get the schematics. If anyone else has questions about 1.2 plz put them here. If anyone knows the answers plz let us know.
  9. Thanks for the support guys ...aka bump..
  10. thank you anyone else have supporting ideas?
  11. I dont think we are supposed to bump threads
  12. Thanks for all of the positive feedback everybody. I hope someone on the DEV team has seen this by now
  13. check out this idea http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=3618684#post3618684
  14. This seems like the only place they would allow this thread unfortunately. Share some thoughts though. Keep this bumped
  15. Thank you. I know a few people have read this. If we can get enough people on board im sure this idea could take off.
  16. Sorry for the double post. New link requesting a challenge for designing armor; community vs the art team. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=3618684#post3618684
  17. Dear BW DEV's, Im issuing a challenge to your art team. Pit them against the community in a friendly armor design competition. What would this entail? Open a new thread for the sole purpose of posting armor designs.This thread would contain drawing competitions for each race/class. Both the community and the art team could post concept drawings to this forum. Each week/month/what have you, the community would vote on its favorite designs. The winner would see its design make its way into the game as an orange piece. It'd be interesting to allow a victorious community member to receive their set as a reward. My reasoning for this system? Competition can only increase the quality of the designs, as well as create a bigger sense of involvement and community in the game. My inspiration for this style of activity comes from the link ill provide. As I type this, its almost 60 pages of complaints about the new armor sets. Keep in mind im not saying that this needs to be the main system for new armor, but a secondary way to have armor brought into the game. Perhaps allow the art team to use rejected ideas or ones that they're having difficulty finding a use for. Regardless, this is a way to improve morale as far as hope for appealing apparel items goes. I've heard this game is interested in listening to the community. What better way to respect your community than getting them involved? The previously mentioned link is below. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=364084
  18. Also, to the art team(s) in charge of armor. I googled star wars armor and star wars fanart and this is what i found. Please try to step the game up to the level of these pictures. http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100325232847/starwars/images/4/4a/HyloVisz-TOR.jpg http://swx.gorillaninja.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/darth-ferra-star-wars-x.jpg http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/thumb/5/50/Rohlan_Dyre.jpg/450px-Rohlan_Dyre.jpg (the next two are star wars armor with samurai inspiration) http://blog.jonolan.net/wp-content/gallery/samurai-star-wars/samurai-starwars-03.jpg http://blog.jonolan.net/wp-content/gallery/samurai-star-wars/samurai-starwars-01.jpg http://www.designyourway.net/diverse/starwars/Djynn_Veil_Star_Wars_charac.jpg http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/229186_221929611152077_152159784795727_923935_7231633_n.jpg http://geektyrant.com/storage/page-images/dark-side-992x700.jpg?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1298074703333
  19. with almost 50 pages of complaints, with no serious objections (admittedly with some trolling in the mix), youd imagine that someone from the BW team would let us at least know they acknowledge this problem...
  20. i want them to make green and blue armors able to RE this way you can make your own appearance. Instead of this hideous armor they previewed for 1.2 they need to give us simple sets with an armor customizing "barber". With it they could charge you to add "pieces of flair" like mechanical parts, spikes, rips, lights, etc. Looking at this game compared to its competitors i fell a bit disappointed at its physical appearance abilities.
  21. On PvE it could put the 2 in a duel-type event that doesnt show the target/hunter on the map. If the target is in a PvE or PvP run then it waits until they come out to activate. The target could get a letter in the mail letting them know theyre targeted, that way itd be their fault for not checking the mail. I think itd be better suited for all players to be able to do this event. The reward could give a bounty box, which is just a reward box with a certain level roll, maybe based on the target's level. Itd be obvious to give BH's a higher roll on the crates. Another interesting aspect would be to add your own reward to the bounty. I think if the reward for this was kept simple (a box and possibly an added reward-maybe some legacy) people wouldnt abuse the system. I'd like to see a cross-faction bounty available too. Itd be especially nice to do this to gain leverage in instances like open pvp in ilum. If you know someone is camping in the open have someone distract them for you. finally i think there should be titles for this system as an extra reward.
  22. Ill be very upset/surprised if this isnt an elaborate April Fool's joke. If this is the best that the art team can produce then i suggest that the BW team opens up a thread for us to post our own fanart. Itd be interesting to also see proposed improvements/additions from the DEV's as well as the community. From there the team can gauge what the community feels best to have in the game.
  23. im considering on making a facebook fanart page where we can draw/share/vote on our own designs of what we wish was in the game.
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