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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

[Video] Bubble Pop


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I like how some people think only skill wins the matches. Using the game mechanics as they are, doesn't take skill, in some cases. What I saw in the video was ingenuity in using the game mechanics as they are and it's quite frustrating on the other end when you have 2 or three bubblers doing exactly that in a WZ.


Fix the mechanics BW, everyone has some sort of stun, root, snare ability, but an almost (almost, being the key word) unlimited bubble stun, seriously?

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I like how some people think only skill wins the matches. Using the game mechanics as they are, doesn't take skill, in some cases. What I saw in the video was ingenuity in using the game mechanics as they are and it's quite frustrating on the other end when you have 2 or three bubblers doing exactly that in a WZ.


Fix the mechanics BW, everyone has some sort of stun, root, snare ability, but an almost (almost, being the key word) unlimited bubble stun, seriously?


Yes and they lost. Being terrible inside wzs only proves you are terrible. It doesn't prove anything else.

Edited by Hairyzac
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I think that's hilarious, actually. I would like to see it done on a bigger scale to test how OP it would be. Here, you have a team of three-premades stunning 1 or 2 people at a time. It's certainly a viable tactic in PUGs where there's no communication, however, I would be interested in seeing a counter-strat from another premade.
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There's a guild on my server who uses the bubble stun like this...on all 8 of their teammates. They only stun you long enough for their dps to get into position to burn you down in 3 seconds. It's not fun. This stupid bubble is the most broken aspect of PvP. You derps will have to go back to actually playing the game after it gets nerfed.



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There's a guild on my server who uses the bubble stun like this...on all 8 of their teammates. They only stun you long enough for their dps to get into position to burn you down in 3 seconds. It's not fun. This stupid bubble is the most broken aspect of PvP. You derps will have to go back to actually playing the game after it gets nerfed.




You mean they actually PvP with 8 Sages who use stun bubble? That takes some dedication. Has anyone tried to organize against them? I don't mean just fighting them, I mean actually bringing specific class combos. This is PvP at it's most hardcore, and where checkers becomes chess.

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Yes and they lost. Being terrible inside wzs only proves you are terrible. It doesn't prove anything else.


Horrible? They won all but 1 of the games. I don't get why your being so negative. Obviously the ability is broken and needs to be fixed asap, but your being negative for all the wrong reasons about the video.

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Loving the videos as usual, Bradley :D


You mean they actually PvP with 8 Sages who use stun bubble? That takes some dedication. Has anyone tried to organize against them? I don't mean just fighting them, I mean actually bringing specific class combos. This is PvP at it's most hardcore, and where checkers becomes chess.


The Sages can cast the bubble on other players, not just themselves. You'd only need one or two.

Edited by Jenzali
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The cooldown is 4.5 seconds, isn't it? There was a few times in this video where three sages couldn't keep one person in a constant state of stun. I realize the in-between time was not enough for one person to do anything about it, but it's not game breaking for three people to keep one person stunned.


It's not game breaking to keep two people stunned, or even three. Given also the fact that there are always three nodes, so even one roving team would have trouble being in three places at once.


You can't say bubble is broken based on this video. It requires further testing. I'm not saying it isn't broken, either, but it's easy to take things out of context.

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Yes and they lost. Being terrible inside wzs only proves you are terrible. It doesn't prove anything else.


Yeah that all I see too. It's just a bunch of people playing bad. Honestly you could probably get 3-4 good commandos together and make a more intimidating video.

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The cooldown is 4.5 seconds, isn't it? There was a few times in this video where three sages couldn't keep one person in a constant state of stun. I realize the in-between time was not enough for one person to do anything about it, but it's not game breaking for three people to keep one person stunned.


It's not game breaking to keep two people stunned, or even three. Given also the fact that there are always three nodes, so even one roving team would have trouble being in three places at once.


You can't say bubble is broken based on this video. It requires further testing. I'm not saying it isn't broken, either, but it's easy to take things out of context.


Sorc healers only have a 2 second cooldown on placing bubbles. But you get a debuff for 30 seconds (less with the pvp set bonus) that makes you unbubbleable again.

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Is there a reason your sin wasn't even in a stance for all the matches? That makes it that much more ridiculous that they can live for so long just off your bubble mitigation alone and top up heals even without being in their tank stance :D


we were manually clicking off the bubbles in the buff area, sometimes we didn't even have sprint on because we just kept spamming :p

Edited by bradleey
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Funny video I guess. But the bubble requires a certain amount of points in the lighting tree. Yes that's the same tree that makes you have to stand still to cast. the sorc/sage can bubble a few people but they are so expensive to cast he couldn't keep it up. The only way it would work is if you had 3 to 4 lightning sorc/sages on a team, this would be a auto loss in a wz against decent players. The bubble is needed for those 7.4 smashes I can getting hit with. I am full min maxed war hero 100 valor.


You know what needs to be addressed Is melee walking back from a sorc not to run but to leap on them. Melee do more damage from a range with their leaps now that they rather run away to create distance then attack up close. *** is that? I find my self sometime trying to stay close to melee when they start running from me even though they aren't low on health. Lol it's silly and I consider maras sent guardians ect just as much as a ranged class as a sorc now.......7.4 crits??? C'mon man!

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we were manually clicking off the bubbles in the buff area, sometimes we didn't even have sprint on because we just kept spamming :p


Omg this has to be the best troll video ever!!!!! Way better than Assasin Troll diaries. I LOLed so hard my stomach hurt. Just to see those stupid Warrior smash spec frustrated over and over again was so worth it.


BTW imo stun bubbles are not OP at all. They just seem that way cause WZs are 80% mele. Ranged don't have a problem with sorc bubbles at all. Bring more merc/Snipers into WZs imo if you have a problem.

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