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The worst PVP Advanced Class, let's vote.


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The worst PVP advanced class to your mind?


I vote for:

Commando/Mercenary (dps)


Haha why that "(dps)" at the end?

Did you ever heal as a merc? You do know they're currently worst healers aswell?:p


They were on par with sorcs before they got the major buff in 1.4

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Can you smash? You're the best.

Can you not smash? You're a little bit worse.


I know this is a thread to say who is the worst, and I know the intent is to get a consensus that mercs are that class. However, the race for last is very close, and the race for best right now is so very easy. Merc healers seem to me as good as operatives right now, and the literally 1 merc dps I know does amazing.

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Yeah really. Seems like there are 4 active ones today.


We get it. No really, we do. Even Bioware has responded to one of these threads already.


Telling the truth i've never seen BW responding on class forums before :))) Means they'll give us paladin bubble instead of reactive shield soon!

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Funny thing is as crappy as gunnery/arsenal mando/mercs are in PvP, they still far more populated in WZ compare to concealment/Lethality operatives.


However Merc/Mendo is one of the best ranged DPS AC in PvE tho.

Edited by warultima
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commando/merc by far no matter how good player you are,hel even l my girlfriend who used to speak to npcs as they were players not so long ago can beat my commando on a duel with her sentinel and she's recruit with some bm while im full augmented wh LOL
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commando/merc by far no matter how good player you are,hel even l my girlfriend who used to speak to npcs as they were players not so long ago can beat my commando on a duel with her sentinel and she's recruit with some bm while im full augmented wh LOL


I bed to differ, ive made a name for myself on my server (dalborra) as a good. I might not have the leaps and pulls like other classes but i do my bit in every war zone.

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commando/merc by far no matter how good player you are,hel even l my girlfriend who used to speak to npcs as they were players not so long ago can beat my commando on a duel with her sentinel and she's recruit with some bm while im full augmented wh LOL


THAT made me laugh!!! Thanks bro. "used to speak to npcs as they were players" ahahahahahaha, i'll remember that!

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I bed to differ, ive made a name for myself on my server (dalborra) as a good. I might not have the leaps and pulls like other classes but i do my bit in every war zone.
I do alright myself on my 50 commando, but when I finally got my gunslinger up I could achieve the same results with half the effort.


As I recommend to all fellow commandos I see, reroll another class for pvp and retire your commando for pve, we make excellent ranged dps and off-healing in raiding.

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lol @ the amount of merc hate topics.

LOL @ all the people in those topics saying, "I beat mercs all day with my marauder/sentinel! "

Wow, no way, really?! You must be super skilled to do that with a Marauder!


Can you imagine what would happen if BW gives commando/mercs a defensive cooldown like undying rage? Suddenly smash doesn't kill and the commando has 3 more GCDs before going down. The boards will be full of marauders and sentinels claiming mercs are overpowered.

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LOL @ all the people in those topics saying, "I beat mercs all day with my marauder/sentinel! "

Wow, no way, really?! You must be super skilled to do that with a Marauder!


Can you imagine what would happen if BW gives commando/mercs a defensive cooldown like undying rage? Suddenly smash doesn't kill and the commando has 3 more GCDs before going down. The boards will be full of marauders and sentinels claiming mercs are overpowered.


I still remember the days when forums were stuffed up with threads like "tracer missle, tracer missle help, tracer missle NERF it FFS!111!!".... Ahhhh, what were the days :)

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Nope. He tells the truth.


If you're right I guess we'll have to tell all the ranked teams to stop using them.


Strongest single-target heals, strongest defense, unkillable in crucial situations. What's more to ask for? All we're missing is the CC capabilities of Sorcs. Mercs scale incredibly with gear, especially when min-maxed for power.

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Easy vote.




Normally i never grief and if i do i only do it one time, but yesterday i could not help myself

when killing this poor commando, i mean so easy to kill and shut down, never a challenge.

In the end he got help and killed me :p (i have a wh commando myself,know how bad the AC is)



Edited by Lord_Karsk
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Haha why that "(dps)" at the end?

Did you ever heal as a merc? You do know they're currently worst healers aswell?:p


They were on par with sorcs before they got the major buff in 1.4


Well I find Mercs are okay healers but only when they're paired with a tank. A merc without a tank = a dead merc:p

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