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Please stop telling people to press spacebar


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You're telling us that you now do to others what you hated them doing to you. So the moral of the story is two wrongs make a right. Got it. Thanks.


EXACTLY what they're doing. Ironic isn't it. The feeling of superiority these people feel is sickening. Thank GOD I don't run into their type often.

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That last part is the common ground, and I agree. On the rest, I respectfully disagree. It's not my intent to antagonize at all. But I still feel that the story watchers are entitled first. The group shouldn't be held hostage by people doing it on purpose. At the same time, it should not pressure the individual to skip. I think we can both agree on that much. I still disagree with kicking people for watching a cutscene unless they are doing it out of malice or breaking an earlier agreement to skip.


Text is a poor medium for conveying tone. With this post of yours, I believe we're probably on the same page. I took issue with the word "entitled" and probably read more into the word than you intended.


If it is someones first time in the instance, they will generally mention that at the start of a run, which indicates to me that they'll probably want to watch the cut-scenes, I'll always stay (excluding an emergency) and help this type of player because I absolutely enjoy helping other people. The guy who is off skipping trash mobs immediately is almost always a skipper - having done all the FP's multiple times, I'm totally fine with (and generally prefer) speed runs.


I have never 'kicked' anyone, nor ever suggested it be done (in a FP), but if someone was being a jackhole (watching out of spite or insisting on spacebar), I would have absolutely no issue using it. This works both ways. An antagonizing watcher is worse than a skipper imo because his childish behavior directly impacts me, however, if someone is new to the run, I will defend their right to watch the cut-scenes.


I think the moral of this thread is quite simple - know the type of group you're in BEFORE you start. If you insist on being a watcher OR a skipper, you need to be vocal about your intent - it's only fair. While everyone is free to watch or skip, the actions of 1 impacts the entire group. If one person can't get along with the group, I encourage the use of KICK or QUIT.

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Why does HE have to be forced to spacebar through it if YOU do not want to hear/read it? Why not let people enjoy the game the way they want if it's new to them? It's not like the dialogues take hours.


The issue hear is ultimately difference in playstyle preference and everyone thinks that their way is the right way and everyone should conform to their way. This in it's very nature creates unnecessary conflict among players and needs to be addressed by Bioware.


I do think that if you're in a group majority should rule. If the majority want to space, everyone space, if the majority want to watch story, then watch story. It's unfair for 1 person to inconvenience 3 others (either by lengthening the flashpoint or by forcing them to space). I try to follow this when I play. Also don't be a jerk about it (either side).

Edited by Arlon_Nabarlly
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In story mode flashpoints, i just assume that the player is new and wants to enjoy the story. However if we're doing a HM that you could solo (BT/Essells, Boarding Party/Taral V, Foundary/Malestrom Prison) then you need to space bar. I;m even tolerant with Battle of Ilum, False Emperor, Directive 7 and Kaon since u can't solo SM, but it does drive me a bit crazy.
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People are aware of the spacebar functionality in dialogues. If they don't press spacebar, then that's because they simply don't want to, and not because they are lazy/unaware/in need of guidance etc.


There is a StoryMode. If you want to see the story then play SM. An even if i have seen everything a thausand times i have the patience to wait. But if there is someone playing a HM FP and wants to see everything then i feel free to anoy him with different ways to mention that there is a spacebar to push. =)

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If someone starts TELLING the group to spacebar, I'm going to suddenly confuse that with the esc key until they stop telling the group to skip story. Of course, if they ask, I got no issue with remembering where I left my spacebar.


What takes longer, watching dialogue or starting it over and over?



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People are aware of the spacebar functionality in dialogues. If they don't press spacebar, then that's because they simply don't want to, and not because they are lazy/unaware/in need of guidance etc.


I don't do pugs at all anymore because of the general attitude that it one doesn't, they're putting everyone else out. For some of us, the story, even well known and repeated, it the only thing that makes doing the same things again bearable.

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I usually ask if they want to spacebar or not, if they don't I don't mind letting them watch the cutscenes. I always watch the cutscenes of the fps I haven't done before. Got kicked from a group a few times because of it, because the others, apparently first did not pay attention to me wanting to see it and I was like okay then you won't mind, and then suddenly kicked me. That was before I got into a guild ... :)
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There is a StoryMode. If you want to see the story then play SM. An even if i have seen everything a thausand times i have the patience to wait. But if there is someone playing a HM FP and wants to see everything then i feel free to anoy him with different ways to mention that there is a spacebar to push. =)


You shouldn't assume that Story Mode implies that's the only place to expect to see story in a story-driven game. An FP possible to run solo is not a reason to expect everyone to spacebar. The story is present in HM as well, and in a lot of cases participation is required to advance the instance.

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EXACTLY what they're doing. Ironic isn't it. The feeling of superiority these people feel is sickening. Thank GOD I don't run into their type often.


If I haven't seen the story then I want to see it. I rolled a healer (and play with a tank) so that I can have the pleasure of doing that, something that some of you already had the pleasure of doing since you started way before me, and thus seem to think that only YOU matter.


If someone wants to leave and re-queue, because they don't like us watching the cutscenes we have never seen (or even ones we've already seen but just feel like watching again), they are obviously allowed to do that. We'll even vote kick them (on request) so that they don't have to deal with the lockout timer. But can almost guarantee the wait for a DPS to get back in is going to be longer than the wait for us to watch the cutscenes, so you weigh your options and deal with it.


It's not a feeling of superiority, it's a feeling that I FINALLY get to enjoy the STORY I paid for. I played Battle for Ilum and False Emperor many, many times with my first toon and NEVER got to see the story because of 'spacebar!' people. If I have to be a jerk (and roll the two necessary parts of the team) to these same people in order to watch it, then so be it. I paid for the story and I will HAVE my story.


If you don't like that someone is playing the game the way BW intended it to be played (with the story intact) then roll your OWN tank and healer.

Edited by Prettyevilish
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If someone starts TELLING the group to spacebar, I'm going to suddenly confuse that with the esc key until they stop telling the group to skip story. Of course, if they ask, I got no issue with remembering where I left my spacebar.


What takes longer, watching dialogue or starting it over and over?




Kicking the player who wants to annoy me and clear the FP with my companion is the fastest :D

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These threads always make me sad.


Prior to launch, BoWare really thought that as the first story-driven, fully-voiced MMO, SWTOR would do to other MMOs what "talkies" did to silent film.


Boy were they ever mistaken.


As it turns out, all that time and money spent on voice acting just created another point of contention to bifurcate the community. Like hardcore vs. casual, pvp vs. carebear, now we have story vs. spacebar. How outstanding is that.


Not that I'm surprised--BW was pretty naive. I've seen it a hundred times before: potentially great ideas go horribly wrong when exposed to the toxic environment of an internet gaming community.

Edited by Ster-Ling
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When I meet people who demand spacebar and cry about it, I purposely go out of my way to not spacebar.


You know this is funny. I go out of my way not to PUG, but once the person who demanded that we spacebar was our GM... I graciously gave him the opportunity to sit back and relax and enjoy the story of the flashpoint. It was the least I could do for him since he seemed so uptight that day. :p

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Not that I'm surprised--BW was pretty naive. I've seen it a hundred times before: potentially great ideas go horribly wrong when exposed to the toxic environment of an internet gaming community.


I know, right?


How about, if Bioware put PvP into the game, you are under obligation to play it 24/7? They also have PvE and, so, you are obliged to play that 24/7 too. Btw, they also got holocrons... MUST get them ALL! Don`t forget to have 12 chars on ALL types of servers... all this because Bioware created the content...


Funny how many things you MUST do, isn`t it?

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For years before this game was released I feared this would happen. I'm now finally starting to play this game and I'm expecting to hear this a lot.


I go out of my way to help other people in MMOs, but I'm not going to skip the stories in this game. It's the reason I'm playing.

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Kicking the player who wants to annoy me and clear the FP with my companion is the fastest :D


So instead of using manners you were taught (I hope) you would rather demand what you wanted, kicking anyone who disagrees. You know, I think a kick from you would be a badge of honour!

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When I have people in the group telling us to spacebar, I deliberately watch the whole scene, even if it was my intention to skip.


If I am the tank, I also wait until the last second to make my dialogue choices.

What's that impatient Marauder @#$% going to do? Kick me?

Have fun going back into queue for a few hours.


I'm the tank.

I decide the pace.

Edited by vdeity
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