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Feedback Request: Moddable Outfits


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I would _love_ a slave girl outfit variant in silver and black. I would also love for the skirt part to be attached to a belt and not the top, because it would be nice to be able to have the top without it because of clipping issues with most pants/skirts.


Also, moddable versions of the _green_ plasteel battle jacket (which is a nice red and gold shirt with a scarf on t he pub side and a nice uniform top on the imp side) would be much appreciated.

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Anything that is Bind to Legacy and Adaptive. :D


Ooh yeah, I'd wear a pink MuMu if it was bind to legacy and adaptive (and not class restriced)


Next world event I'm planing to farm several sets of armor, but I'd rather just spend some cash on it in the shop.

Edited by tehblade
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The Cartel Market does have a lot of cool stuff, however, (I'm sure SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE has already said this) what I would REALLY like, love even, to see is an abtainable set of classic Mandalorian Neo-Crusader armor, circa 3,900 BBY. i.e. Mandalorian armor from Knights of the Old Republic.


That would just... totally blow me away. It really would. I cannot express exactly how HAPPY that would make myself, and I am sure many others in the Old Republic community!

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I agree with what a lot of people said;


-Jedi Robes with the hood down (or you could always add that hood toggle option ;) )


-Mandalorian Armor (of various colors): Neo-Crusader, Crusader, etc..


-More color schemes for the armor that is already on the market (Or an armor dye kit of sorts, people who played SWG will know what I mean)


-Jedi robes without the cloaks: You know how Obi-wan, Anakin, Mace, Darth Maul, etc.. (most jedi/sith in the movies) would take their cloaks (the outer robe with the hood) off before they fought? More robes without the cloaks would be great! Something similar to Satele Shan's outfit maybe.


Just some ideas

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More Color variants of other armor would be nice. I enjoy the Imperial Trooper armor but it could use some different color sets.

The Republic Officer armor from the Collectors Edition vendor is ugly.

More armor that is NOT specific to certain classes. IE: Heavy armor that is only for Bounty Hunters or Sith Warriors.

I know there are some armors that aren't for specific classes but there could be more.

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Blue drelliad jacket as seen on this npc http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/33/bluedrelliad.jpg/


But if they put that in, they'd just make it colormatch the other pieces to red like the trailblazaer jacket on the pts, or some other bright color, like yellow or green. Because making something colormatch to the main colors of the chest piece seems to be one of the things they just can't do correctly in the game.

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I liked the idea you guys came up with very early on in a thread about orange armor: Let us buy kits with cartel coins that can turn regular items into moddable items. I like the idea, but I guess it could cause a database problem to allow that...?


Anywho, I saved some images of armor pieces I liked that were not moddable:


0.) A very nice Smuggler outfit that I found in my pile of screenshots, modeled by "Corellian Citizens" on Nar Shaddaa in the Corellian Sector: front and front and back.


1) A green robe I liked very, very much on my smuggler: Front, front close-up, back.

Name: Polyplast Battle Jacket (it doesn't even give a level).


2.) A Jedi robe with the hood down that I like very much but is unfortunately blue: front & back.

Name: "Prototype Krail Armory Military Suit" (Level 35 / medium / Strength).


3) A crafted chestpiece for my Agent. Front and back. (Yes, She's wearing a skirt to that, and it looks quite nice.)

Name: [Overkill] Reinforced Mesh Jacket (Level 15 / medium / Cunning)


4.) The Adarian armor set. (I think two aides of Republic senators on Coruscant are wearing this set.) Modeled by my Agent: Front and back.


Chestpiece: "Prototype Adarian Layered Tunic" (Level 5 / light / Willpower)

Bracers: "Prototype Adarian Nerf-Herder's Wristwraps" (Level 3 / light / Willpower)

Boots: "Prototype Adarian Double-Soled Shoes" (Level 5 / light / Willpower)

Pants: "TD-07A Panther Leggings" (Level 19 / medium / Smuggler)

Also found a somewhat matching belt.

Belt: "Prototype Ithorian Layered Sash" (Level 5 / light / Willpower)


5.) A jacket using the model (and preferably colors) of "TD-04B Spec Ops Jacket" or "TD-07A Scorpion Jacket" for the Republic side. (Please fix butt issues on all body types first.)


6.) The white imperial trooper armor that can be seen on the fleet: front & back.


7.) Moddable armor for our companions that matches their origin resp. background, for example:

* Corso and Qyzen, who are both neither trooper nor Jedi but have to wear heavy armor

* Akaavi, who is a bounty hunter on the Republic side with the available armor displaying in its republic (=trooper) version.

* Risha (she's neither a pimp pilot nor a gunslinging cowboy)


(Some companions have somewhat all right looking non-moddable armor sets. I especially liked Risha's red set. I wanted to keep it, but I ran out of cargo space. :()

Edited by KyaniteD
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More variety is obvious, but also remove set bonuses from the sets themselves and put them on Armors, or make them a seperate mod all to gether. In the beginning modable armor was supposed to be so players could control how they appear and it was a good idea. Yes special sets/appearence items for NiM ops, just dont have the set bonuses on the armor set, but the mods/enhancement or wht have you. More learnable ones for crafters and get rid of the class restrictions so we can outfit our companions a bit easier. As it is, Armormech and Synthweaving are really only relevent in the game for the Aug's they can make and modable gear. My Armormech and Synthweaving toons dropped Underworld Trading because it stopped being relevent to the crafting, and picked up Cybertech on those toons. My Cybertech is the only one with UWT now. Which also needs to be fixed since the number of missions for metals is always way lower than missions for fabric.
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I regretted missing out on the CE because of how much I love that Imperial Trooper armor. A variation of it would make my day.


I too LOVE that set and use it, but the white and grey versions I have seen on NPCs is also Kickka**. NPC's get all the cool stuff!

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Specially designed Working hoods on certain armors for twileks might be hard but get creative... sure you guys can figure it out without makin a massive hood that doesnt go with the armor also twilek designed helmets or something .

notice how if i wore a mask the Lekku things just dissappear or magically fit in somehow, could be good to have Race specific items... just a thought anyway

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but ideally you want to be able to dye individual pieces or actually have that cool jacket you got or cool boots actually match when you unify I've wasted millions on buying things hoping it would sync up with my chest piece only to find when i try to match it then looks awefull E.G slave girl top with some heavy legs and boots should in theory be gold instead you get grape and snot yellow with a dye system or dye chest piece system you could add it to crafters and not have to make so much new gear.

The unify thing was cool but it needs to be finished.




If its a gear idea then you need only unlock a lot of the NPC wardrobes and give empire some rep gear vice versa.

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Specially designed Working hoods on certain armors for twileks might be hard but get creative... sure you guys can figure it out without makin a massive hood that doesnt go with the armor also twilek designed helmets or something .

notice how if i wore a mask the Lekku things just dissappear or magically fit in somehow, could be good to have Race specific items... just a thought anyway


Or, when hoods are upp Lekku wrap around the neck. I mean DUh!, Why havent they doine that already. Oh thats right, we needed better looking grass.

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1. Drelliad set (Republic graphics) for *all* factions! The jacket itself is *the* best-looking level-up gear in-game! :)

2. Luke's black (and grey?) outfit from Jabba's Sail Barge in "Return of the Jedi" (RotJ)

3. Solid (unadorned) trousers in a variety of colors -- particularly black or slate blue (like the "Civilian Pilot" trousers from Fleet Comms, but without the kneepads)





1. Sith robes -- particularly the Anointed Zeyd-cloth Robe -- *without* the propeller shoulder pads! :eek:

2. Saber Marshall Tunic without the red pixels on the chest.

3. More outfits with purple and/or pink! :cool:





1. Dread Guard, Campaign/Black Hole tunics *without* the extended "shirt tails". The Art Dept. made some attractive tunics, then marred them by adding the "shirt tails". The tunics should end at the waist or a bit past the waist (like Luke's RotJ tunic aboard Jabba's Barge)! The extended tunic would be great in hiding the burnt orange band on the Enshrouded Force trousers! ;)

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Darth Talon lookalike adaptive gear.


More black robes (both hooded and hood down and of course adaptive).


A black version of the sniper's coat from Black Talon FP (adaptive don't keep anyone out of the loop).


TONS OF PLAIN SINGLE COLOR ADAPTIVE PANTS!!!!!!! So tired of wearing skirts!


A sleek form fitting outfit, kind of like the level 40 Imp agent PvP outfit (just go with black, tired of silly colors already).


A bare midriff top without the goofy samurai thingie in the back (I think Holiday wears something like that as do several NPCs).


Oh and a pair of khaki short shorts along the lines of Lara Croft, solely for my smuggler. :D


Also a version of the Aspiring Knight's Vest without those extra long things running down the legs (those weren't like that in beta, ya'll stretched them and they look stupid!). Just remove those completely!


A sleek tech bodysuit armor. Really form fitting and no odd doodads (stop with the absurd backpacks, spikes and decorative stuff already!!!!). Maybe something Tron-like (you know black with the glowing lines...from the newer movie, not the 80s one...ewww).


Ever see the movie The Rocketeer? That leather jacket the Rocketeer wore in black would look awesome!


A plain black trench coat. Sometimes I just want a no frills coat that hides all my guns....what that's just me?


Whatever armor you add, please make it all adaptive. Let people look like they want.


Actually I think all orange armor should be adaptive.

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