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Feedback Request: Moddable Outfits


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3. More pants oriented outfits for sith marauders, like Thanna Vesh's outfit


And on a side note, an armor dye kit in some shape or form! Even if its for just chest peices. That would be the greatest thing ever!


agreed. also more pant oriented outfits for Sages, tired of looking like im in a wedding dress or a dress at all.

and yeah the ability to dye armor. you could have a base set (red, blue, yellow, brown, green) and have special colors drop off bosses (black, white, pink, Striped pattern?) that would bind to legacy.

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The agent's TD-07A Scorpion Jacket, the trench coat without the high collar.


Seriously ... THIS! It's the exact same trenchcoat as worn by the security vendor, and also the gunslinger in the intro movie. I was forlorn when I found out only agents get the real trenchcoat and I have to deal with a cross between the lead-lined coat in Bladerunner and a life-preserver. It should be available in several shades of brown and black. I realize that the high-inflated collars and occasional fur lining on some of the regular longcoats must have been a bid for retro-chic meets the classic 80's Used Sci-Fi look that Lucas was going for, but for many of us it just falls short of the real deal. I swear the security vendor is poking fun of me when I'm not looking. If only I could incapacitate him and steal his duds when no one else is looking....


Exactly, that brown trenchcoat with wide brimmed hat. Please make it a low level, the smugglers really get jipped in looking like the hero portrayed in the trailers, especially in the headgear department. Not being able to get that hat til almost 50 is ridiculous. The Republic Security key Vendor Tamin has the perfect look going on for not only smugglers, but bounty hunters that want that wild west cowboy outlaw look. Please make it happen.


Also vote goes in for plain black n brown robes ala jedi battle lord set with hood up or down.

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crimson mando armor...


beta was such a tease!


*EDIT* i didn't roll BH as main, because that armor was not in at launch!!


A thousand times seconded! I'm making due with the red top from Tatooine, but it'd be nice to have more options available.


Also, wide-brimmed hats that aren't restricted to Scoundrels. I have a character I've made in several games, and have yet to have access to black (or just dark) wide-brimmed hats for him in the race/class combos he otherwise fits best.

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Give assassins/shadows the ability to properly use Electrostaves.


We currently have the weapon proficiency, but we cannot use lightsaber charges and some of our abilities when wielding them.


With so many options available for single saber users (i.e. the vibroswords, the new axe in the cartel market).. would seem only fair.



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The (for Republic view anyway) white/grey coloured gear that currently drops as a bunch of green/blues with names such as "Hapani Thermoweave", "Hapani Scout's", "Alderaanian Thermoweave", "Cinnagar Thermoweave", and "Cinnagar Scout's".
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Hey folks, the Cartel Market team wants your help and advice in determining possible future content.


Specifically, they want to hear about what current in-game outfits you’ve been envious of that you would love to see available for other classes as moddable outfits. Please post your thoughts and ideas below!


finally find a way to get rid of the hoods on the force users chest pieces or cant you copy the radial menu of SWG alot of Orange chest pieces are looking good.

But thanks to the refusal of the devs adding a hood down option its a pain to use them even in star wars 1-3 the actors could move the hood down so do this finally

I recall damion schubert confirmed they add this to toon and companion

Edited by bloomfireblade
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a mandalorian / bounty hunter esc set of armor that doesnt come with a vacuum hose

shooting out the top of the chest piece. Also a mandalorian chest piece without a backpack on it

would be nice too. Maybe some nicer colour options for mando gear too > Boba/jango fett colours maybe ?

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Maybe a few more options for my Sorc the light armors in general seem a bit limited in amount. Also a lot of light armor users wear exactly the same gear because there are only a few sets that look nice. The cobweb war hero gear doesnt exactly scream "war gear" either but it might just be me ?
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storm trooper armor


if you want the collectors edition to keep this unique thats fine

but i honestly know a few people in my guild that would lay down money

to buy the red and black stormtrooper armor. It looks cool and people want it

but are people going to buy another collectors edition copy of the game to buy

it if they havent got it ? I doubt it.


If we cant have the red and black version maybe another colour ?

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I would like to see more trousers for inquisitor class. I admit, some of the robe outfits look good, but I much prefer a slightly more "casual" look to my sorc. I managed to pull off a trouser look with the mod items in the ship vendor (after spending the fleet commidations)






I would like more options like these without spending fleet comms (which I would rather have used to pimp out my ship)

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How about.... an actual OPTION to put your hoods up and down.


Lol your players have been asking for this for over a year now, I'm actually surprised you haven't done it by now.




Also would it be SO much to ask for some BLACK robes for Sith? I mean seriously, I was shocked to play Jedi Knight and saw all these crazy variants, and yet the Sith can't get the most basic of SITH gear, black robes. I meanl your trailers sport every sith in a black robe yet when you play the game I found the lack of black disturbing.


I mean... there were other Sith.. a whole lot of other Sith not even the ones your guys wrote in, I mean like old in our sense.. and they weren't all robots. BEEP BOOP! lol


and if you do the black robes.. PLEASE leave the hoods up. Were ugly we don't want anyone to see anything but our glowing eyes.

Edited by LordXiox
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Black hood up robe for marauders. Like the one the Juggernauts get. I just want to look like a classic sith warrior. Nothing fancy.


You got close with the Defender set in the cartel market already but unfortunately its hood down.:(


I second this strongly, my first character was a marauder and I kept my fingers crossed the entire 10-50 levels only to be disappointed by no classic robe and hood up for sith marauders....

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Plain jedi robes, with just a rope belt and no hood.


Also, this is much more in depth from a programming point, but the ability to modify colors. Give one of the crafting classes the ability to make "paint" pots. Then people can apply the paint pot to change the primary color of an outfit.

For example...I get brown robe for my jedi. I either craft or go to the AH and buy a white paint pot for the chest piece. Apply the paint pot, chest piece becomes white, unify colors, now I have white version of the same thing. Have played other games that had this (lotro) and it was great for the game economy and let folks tailor their equipment appearance.

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1: I personally would like to have a chance to have Revan's Mask.


2: Imperials should be able to ware some of the Republic armors and the Republic should be able to ware some of the Imperials armors.


3: Right now I highly dislike that most cloaks don't have the hood up and there should be a option to put the hood up or down (they had this in SWG no idea why it wasn't put into this game from the get go) on top of that you should be able to ware hoods with more helmets on.

Example: Like right now my juggernaut is using the Battle Masters Helmet that looks kind of like Revan's mask but you are able to use a hood with it. So more helmets should have the choice to use a hood.


4: More Adaptive Armor Required! Adaptive Robes (With hood or With Hood up and down option that you need to add) :p


5: Armor Dye

6: There isn't much Mandalorian Armors and I think there really needs to be more added. Most of the new armors that was put out look way to bulky or ugly. I dislike most of the higher level gear because the design looks poor. I can draw a armor up and would look way cooler. So I usually end up now using lower level gear for looks. Reason for this is because the armor looks normal its not far fecthed and looks like a Star Wars Lore. A Jedi or Sith doesn't need all this fancy equipment, it is his own self or THE POWER OF THE DARK SIDE that makes them what they are! So I think you guys go a little crazy on some of the ideas. Since always in Empire lore armor has been very sleek not so rugged like the Swamp Master of the Lagoon (War Hero gear for the Inquisitor).


7: Inquisitor gear needs to be revamped and more dedicated to other looks. I wanted to see more robes and cowbell but more robes not enough robes and hoods. Seriously though I wanted to look at an Assassin or a sorcerer and be like that person looks crazy or bad ***. Right now I look at them and I am like cone head and Swamp master of the Lagoon and we aren't Night Sisters so don't bring the tribal bs to the inquisitor.


The follow is not about armor.

9: The Taxi should have a driver and you should sit in the passenger seat or You sit in the passenger seat and your companion drives you! Unless it is a speeder bike then I kind of see that being a little to much but it would be cool too.


10: Space needs to be more free roam instead of Lego Star Wars where you are on a guiding real. I like to travel where I wanted and since the start in beta I was hoping for that but then it never happened and that was a huge turn down for me. Since I know SWG is a different game and no longer around but you were able to free roam in space. Freedom is essential to a MMO or to any game really.


11: I really think Bounty Hunter and Commando should be able to be picked on either side. Reason is there are Bounty Hunters that work for the republic just as much as Imperials control troops of Commandos every day as the Republic does. Smugglers should be as well and the Republic should have spies/agents too. We are in a war and why would the Republic not have spies or Commandos? They talk about it in the Juggernaut story line.


12: Bounty Hunter should have bounty hunting Terminals that the bounty hunter has to go to certain planets to get these targets and it should be a daily that is on a random gen for each person that randomly generates a random NPC for the bounty hunter to hunt.


13: Smuggler should have smuggling terminals to lets say steal spice from the imperials or unknown factions for aspirin for the troops or sneaking goods into a area so the republic spies can get some materials or travel into space to bring goods to a ship that is out of commission due to battle but needs help.


14: There are all kinds of things that can be put into the game that would immerse the player more to the game. Right now it is grind to 50, get gear, Get better gear to get better gear, and well ok I got my better gear now what? oh guess I'll run around fleet for 2 hours thinking on something I can do. Guess lets go kill some sand people or take over a Imp outpost. There needs to be more things to DO at the end of the game besides grinding. I can't even have my character sit at a chair or gamble or play some pazzak.


14.1a: Thank you for reading and I hope you use something from this.

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