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Feedback Request: Moddable Outfits


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For those of us who do not want to be
, please can we have some versions without capes :p


Well you already have this. For Malgus gear for instance you can get it in full black without a cape from the sith warrior legacy vendor. However, I can understand why you want it on some none warrior characters too.


However, I really think that the cape armor as been seriously down played in this game and I think it's shame. Hell I love capes, I even work with one IRL xD.

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However, I really think that the cape armor as been seriously down played in this game and I think it's shame. Hell I love capes, I even work with one IRL xD.


You do magic shows or something like that ?

Edited by Altheran
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Neo-Crusader Mandalorian armor please, I've been holding out for a set for so long, every time I see a Mandalorian NPC in game I start to salivate :tran_tongue:


I've also been looking for plain, dark jedi robes that I could wear on my jedi, but can't find any, so that would be a welcome addition too.

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First thing, I want to be able to change the colors of my gear. Different colors of the gear I'm wearing show up on drops (usually non-modable vendor trash).


A decent jacket. It was the first thing to come to mind. My Gunslinger wants the same jackets available to him as the Agents get, not the blasted frilly pimp jackets with poofy collars, flotation devices, and pink shirts. They don't even have to be black, brown or green like my Esseles jacket (the only chest piece my Guslinger has used since he got it at level 11, and right now it's still the best looking jacket available for Smugglers), would work too.


I'd also like to see a variation of the Imperial Trooper armour as well, but make it slightly different so as not to ruffle the CE owners' feathers too much.


This is something that would be exellent for all Imperial classes. I would like to see multiple variations of the sets.


How about an option to toggle off the "midriff" look that some pieces of Empire armor assume when worn by females?


This too. I was very disappointed when I outfitted my Marauder's apprentice with a full set of Tionese Force-Mystic gear and the midriff, sleeves, and collar all disappeared making the gear (and especially the mask) look a lot sillier. Granted, there's nothing that can save that mask, it's horrid. And those shoulders, ugh.


Lord Scourge really needs to be able to wear sith warrior gear. I'm pretty sure that wearing jedi-style orange gear is hurting his soul...


Sweet gods, yes. Honestly, companions should come pre-equipped with a full set of their particular gear in a moddable form. For companions like Scourge there is no good reason to have them wearing anything but their own clothes but the quest rewards you get for him will never compare to the level 52-61 gear you can equip him with.


EDIT: Also, I'd LOVE a Smuggler Campaign jacket sans the scalloped butt plate. You guys were SO close on that one!


Agreed. I almost thought I could wear that one... then I rotated my avatar in the preview window and thought better of it. Esseles jacket it is.


...an adaptive/orange version of the Merciless Combat Headgear


Seconded. One of the best-looking head gear options in the game for Smugglers and Agents.


Shoulder pads are for football players. Troopers/BH should have them but go with the less is more design philosophy. Nobody wants to have to walk through a door sideways, there is no way to look cool while doing that.


So true. In a flashpoint where most groups run between the walls and a cargo container, my Marauder got stuck and had to be yanked out by our Sorcerer's Force pull. Could we please stop with the ridiculous shoulders. Seriously, just stop it. It looks stupid in WoW, it looks even stupider in SWTOR. My Marauder wears the Duelest Hauberk, what's not to love about the gold-trimmed red leather look. But it would look 110% better if the ridiculous wings were removed in favor of the respectably-sized pauldrons (visible underneath).


Finally, NOT anything like the Xenotech/Tionese/Columi armors. For both my Marauder and my Gunslinger, the pieces are nearly universally horrid. The Marauder wears the legs, the Gunslinger the gloves but no set bonus in the game would make we wear those monstrosities. I think the Trooper has the only set of "end game" gear that I would consider wearing. But until Cathar come out and I feel inclined to roll a new character, it's just my Marauder and my Gunslinger.


(And what is the deal with having a forum where you can't post images? This is not a new feature, even the most archaic board in my circles here in Russia support images, but not something hosted by Bioware?)

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Though it's surely been mentioned in some capacity here:


1) Jedi and Sith robes that are adaptive and in various colors, including black and brown.


Please try and go with things that aren't very ornate, because in SWTOR that means large shoulder pads, and we have enough of those.


To me and many others, the best Jedi robes were those found in the earlier levels (Through mid 20s perhaps), because they actually looked like robes in the movies, albeit with hoods up and some more style (which I actually like). If you'll note for the Inquisitor, the most sought after robe is the Supreme Inquisitor Chest, a simple black robe with a cool look to the chest, and WITHOUT giant shoulder pads. This is what I bet most players are after, instead of the very ornate and colorful sets in the game, especially when large shoulder pads are also added.


Making robes like this in various colors adaptive will sell really well. I would easily shell out 1200 CC for a good robe set for my Shadow, and like the two chests you already put in the store.


New robe styles would also go a long way for your store.


2) Faction-based armor that is instead adaptive.


This is especially true for the Smuggler and Agent classes, as the looks aren't necessarily "Republic" or "Empire". There's nothing wrong with a smuggler wearing a black leather coat, for example, instead of the puffy coats they get. Perhaps offer different colors and make them adaptive.


3) NPC armor sets found throughout the SWTOR that are made adaptive


Nobody will notice or care if random NPCs that have been dressed well have their armor sets for sale as adaptive. I can understand not doing so for main story or planet quest NPCs, but there are hundreds of others to choose from.


These sets are typically simple but good looking, something that can be hard to find currently with leveling oranges and faction restrictions.


These would sell really well too.


In short, please add plenty of adaptive armor to the store to make class and faction restrictions moot, and the simpler, earlier level models are typically preferred for Jedi and Sith, as they are classic looking robes with hoods up or new ones with hoods down as well. Make various colors available, including black and brown.


Players will pay for armor to get a unique look they enjoy, and the earlier in the leveling process they have access to it, the better.

Edited by arunav
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I would really like to see different variances on normal clothing like the Drelliad Jacket, Rugged Smuggler's jackets, and the various trench coats in the game. In particular I would like to see Tamin's Trench Coat be made available. I also think all Cartel Coin outfits should me classified as adaptive armor and not light, medium, or heavy.


If they continue doing what is on the test center then the armor is adaptive. The only thing you may have to do is take the mods out and change them for your stats but as far as the armor itself it can be wore for any class provided you are the right level for it.

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I don't know if it`s in game but the set used by Satele Shan on Hope. For female toon only, please :)


This is the second reference I've seen to this so far, and I third it!


Also, I agree we need more medium armor that doesn't make us look like we're fleeing the Titanic. Smuggler headgear: Brimmed hat (like the one that's already ingame) that doesn't shade me and my companion and doesn't cover the whole head (I like my hairstyle). Any maybe Sunglasses that don't look like my Smuggler's going skiing.


And Heavy armor without WW II communications gear on the back. Helmets that don't look like Snoopy or Miss Piggy, or like you stuck a watebasket on your head.....


Oh, and more Masculine Light Consular gear, you know like Pants..... (yes there is one set that you have to wait until you're 39 to get and they're tights)


And as a suggestion, Voss gear maybe?

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The Alderaan Noble Houses outfits seen on Consular's storyline: Alde, Cortess, Rist, Thul, Organa, Baliss, Panteer and Teral. Since we already have Ulgo why not put the others.


I'll upload screenshots later


Some greater selection to cover all the Alderaanian houses would indeed be nice

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More coats for Smugglers that don't have that silly life-jacket collar. Mine is still wearing the coat from the Esseles, which, granted, I like, but there haven't been very many moddable tops I've liked. I'd really like to see some outfits along the lines of what Lando wore, too. I know there have been some attempts, but they're a bit...odd. (wonky colors or more patchworky than I had in mind)


Non-robe outfits for Jedi. Knights at least have the option of wearing Smuggler or Trooper armor, but Consulars are out of luck for the most part. Also, perhaps some appropriate looks for those playing Dark Jedi?


More Mandalorian-type looks for Bounty Hunters would be nice.


More pants for Agents that don't look padded or as if one is wearing one's (frilly!?) underwear on the outside. Suave secret agents should not be fashion disasters.


Non-robe outfits for Sith Inquisitors, also. And Sith outfits that look right for those playing Light Sith.


In general, more headgear that doesn't cover the face.


I realize it isn't likely for various reasons (PvP for example), but it would be fun if it were actually possible to wear opposite faction looks.

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Simple colored sets of anything,especially Black,Brown,White.

Imperial combat armors such as scout armor,trooper type armor, The Hazardous environment helmets from Quesh.

Heavy armor for Republic side that looks more mercenary style and not just Trooper style.

Seperately wearable hoods.

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Didn't feel like reading through every page of this thread, but I'd like to see the House Rist Assassin gear be available to the player, as well as the Alderaan outfits the NPC's wear, would be cool. (If the gear is already obtainable, omit then :p ) Edited by ggthnx
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