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Disney to aquire Lucasfilm!


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Kathleen Kennedy heads the LucasFilm division. She is second only to Steven Spielberg in the industry for successful film production, was trained by him, and follows his production style and values. Disney is not going to mess with LucasFilm, they are going to let it follow it's production plans and schedules (just like they do for their other production studios).


Now, if you dislike the Spielberg approach to making iconic blockbusters.. then fair enough. IMO he is better at film creation a production then Lucas ever was... and Kennedy follows the Spielberg model, not the Lucas model. Personally, I think you are barking at shadows.


yes..i always felt, that george was a mediocre moviemaker at best,,he was writer/"idea man"


im not flaming george,,he invented star wars, and gave us the worlds, that we love


but i feel we would have better movies if he hadnt gotten involved so much


the man , who gave us so many wonderful STAR WARS hours deserves a place in our hearts for that

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The ignorance in this thread is truly astounding.


Worried about Star Wars being kid friendly?


Star Trek was a flop?


Thinking Disney ruined X-men and Spiderman?



Am I in an alternate reality here?

Edited by VicSkimmr
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The ignorance in this thread is truly astounding.


Worried about Star Wars being kid friendly?


Star Trek was a flop?


Thinking Disney ruined X-men and Spiderman?



Am I in an alternate reality here?


welcome to the twilight zone,,where facts get massaged to fit the spin:D

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The link tells the tale. Not sure what this will mean for SWTOR, but it does mean a continuing story for Star Wars fans.


I just hope Disney doesn't kill the lore and sticks to canon.



I think this can be a good thing, a great thing, or the death of Star Wars.

Edited by cool-dude
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One way or another, this news will have little affect on the game direction atm. SGR's are still very much a possibility, even if Disney decides to have some input, look at there current track record on gay and lesbian rights before you make any assumptions.
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The ignorance in this thread is truly astounding.


Worried about Star Wars being kid friendly?


Star Trek was a flop?


Thinking Disney ruined X-men and Spiderman?



Am I in an alternate reality here?


lol! Yup... Bizarro world.


So lets clear this up. Disney as a company owns many brands. They are not all branded as Disney and they do not have the same goals or even market. Disney does not run everything through Mickey.

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"SWTOR the Ride". Coming to a Disneyland near you in 2015


Disney already has a Star Wars ride called "Star Tours" at their Hollywood Studios branch of Disney World in Orlando. I'm sure they can now update and expand it with these new rights :)


...it's actually a pretty fun ride :D

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Let's see. Disney purchased Marvel. Disney's own writers wrote the Avengers. Avengers was a huge success and a great movie. Pirates of the Caribbean was a great movie. They said they wouldn't be giving this to the Tron 2 writers so we are in good shape.


Like someone said earlier, Disney is seen as family friendly. Star Wars 4-6 actually was pretty family friendly. No blood. No bad words. No sexual scenes or sexual content. Only time they really showed skin was Leia in her slave girl outfit. So why are people so worried about this fil being kid friendly? It will be PG like Pirates was and Tron 2.


Plus like it or not, Disney does have some amazing writers. ex. Avengers. Disney has stated they will be taking very special care of this franchise and making sure they give it to the right writers.


Again I have to ask what is soooo amazing about Avengers??? No please explain, because to me it was a typical aliens are out to get us (because for some reason Earth always has something that everyone wants) and a bunch of heroes save the day. I can write that story while in sleep because it's been told million times before.


Now I admit that some of the conversations are witty and funny, most of it thanks to Iron Man and his personality. That does give certain appeal to the movie. But everything else is just plain and simple mediocre at best. You can have IQ of 34 and still understand that movie because the plot is so simple that as soon as you scratch the surface it actually makes no sense at all. But that is the trait of modern movie making, story matters not, just give some cool explosions, never before seen special effects and you have a movie.


I said this before and I'll say it again. For me a good movie is the 1st Matrix. Because it has great story, great action and it actually makes you wonder about a lot of things that we call reality. Avengers = joke for simple minds... It's for the same crowd that craves zombie apocalypse, even though if there was an actual zombie apocalypse they would end up being a zombie...

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Again I have to ask what is soooo amazing about Avengers??? No please explain, because to me it was a typical aliens are out to get us (because for some reason Earth always has something that everyone wants) and a bunch of heroes save the day. I can write that story while in sleep because it's been told million times before.


Now I admit that some of the conversations are witty and funny, most of it thanks to Iron Man and his personality. That does give certain appeal to the movie. But everything else is just plain and simple mediocre at best. You can have IQ of 34 and still understand that movie because the plot is so simple that as soon as you scratch the surface it actually makes no sense at all. But that is the trait of modern movie making, story matters not, just give some cool explosions, never before seen special effects and you have a movie.


I said this before and I'll say it again. For me a good movie is the 1st Matrix. Because it has great story, great action and it actually makes you wonder about a lot of things that we call reality. Avengers = joke for simple minds... It's for the same crowd that craves zombie apocalypse, even though if there was an actual zombie apocalypse they would end up being a zombie...


Not to stir the pot here, but Avengers was alot better than phantom menace.

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Again I have to ask what is soooo amazing about Avengers???


No please explain, because to me it was a typical aliens are out to get us (because for some reason Earth always has something that everyone wants) and a bunch of heroes save the day. I can write that story while in sleep because it's been told million times before.


Star Wars is deliberately and admittedly one of the most common story tropes in history. :rolleyes:

If you want to something really crazy and unique, it's never going to be with the Star Wars log on it.


I said this before and I'll say it again. For me a good movie is the 1st Matrix. Because it has great story, great action and it actually makes you wonder about a lot of things that we call reality. Avengers = joke for simple minds... It's for the same crowd that craves zombie apocalypse, even though if there was an actual zombie apocalypse they would end up being a zombie...


Did I just see someone use the Matrix of an example of a something deep...... You really need to start watching less blockbusters and more good movies if that's the pinnacle of films for you. Next thing I'll see is someone going on about how amazing and deep Avatar is.

Edited by chuixupu
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Lucas got in touch with Mark and Carrie back in August, says Mr Hamill in this article. Maybe it was just a courtesy, or maybe it was a heads up - only time will tell. Having them in a Mentor/Elder/Torch Passer-Onner/Cameo would be lovely. Pity Harrison has said for years that he's done with the character of Han Solo; still, if there was a character you couldn't imagine surviving to old age, he'd be it.


I would be very surprised if Carrie Fisher has any interest in playing in another SW film. If you have seen her solo comedy play.... she is very cynical about Star Wars. Only time will tell though.

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yes..i always felt, that george was a mediocre moviemaker at best,,he was writer/"idea man"


im not flaming george,,he invented star wars, and gave us the worlds, that we love


but i feel we would have better movies if he hadnt gotten involved so much


the man , who gave us so many wonderful STAR WARS hours deserves a place in our hearts for that


I agree. He is a great writer and creator of story lines.


Now here is a interesting tid bit. When I was in high school, I had an English teacher that would tell us stories about a very bright and talented USC college student that he met while in college. He was encouraging us in creative writing and was talking specifically in the context of this students production of a movie short called THX1138. The student was George Lucas. He told us that this guy was a gifted story writer and that we would be seeing much more of him in the years to come and that we should all aspire to create great stories. 5 years later, I was watching Star Wars in the Theaters.

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I would be very surprised if Carrie Fisher has any interest in playing in another SW film. If you have seen her solo comedy play.... she is very cynical about Star Wars. Only time will tell though.



it is amazing what $$$$ will do to change an actor/actresses' mind. If offered a role I suspect all 3 (Mark, Carrie and yes even Harrison) would jump at the opportunity. Note - I don't mean just a cameo, I mean a legit role.

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it is amazing what $$$$ will do to change an actor/actresses' mind. If offered a role I suspect all 3 (Mark, Carrie and yes even Harrison) would jump at the opportunity. Note - I don't mean just a cameo, I mean a legit role.


Hehe.. true.


But you never know with Carrie. She is a very spirited individual and a successful author who does not need the work. She seems to do what she likes and wants to do these days rather then what people want her to do.

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I would be very surprised if Carrie Fisher has any interest in playing in another SW film. If you have seen her solo comedy play.... she is very cynical about Star Wars. Only time will tell though.


I have faith that she will do it, she was in fanboys. :cool:


I am sure they wil all do it, after all Harrison Ford did come back to play indiana jones again.

Edited by kirorx
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I would be very surprised if Carrie Fisher has any interest in playing in another SW film. If you have seen her solo comedy play.... she is very cynical about Star Wars. Only time will tell though.


The past is always colored when viewed through cocain colored glasses. Ex-addicts sometimes can't differentiate their hate of the addiction with the events during the addiction.

Edited by Thylbanus
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Star Wars is deliberately and admittedly one of the most common story tropes in history. :rolleyes:

If you want to something really crazy and unique, it's never going to be with the Star Wars log on it.


Did I just see someone use the Matrix of an example of a something deep...... You really need to start watching less blockbusters and more good movies if that's the pinnacle of films for you. Next thing I'll see is someone going on about how amazing and deep Avatar is.


Nothing in Star Wars was original. The way all the non-original ideas were mixed together and presented, was.


The exact same thing could be said for Matrix and Avatar.


All three have stories that had been told thousands of times before with terribly cliched characters. All three have giant plotholes throughout. All three don't care that they have giant plotholes throughout as all three are made as pure eye-candy and "thrill ride" movies.


If you take them as serious films, they all stink.


If you take them as movies, they are all brilliant.

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I agree with you and I'm fine with those things. The reason why I said that was because someone was complaining that the Avengers was using pre-existing ideas and indicating that the Matrix wasn't.


I know, I was just edumacating the kids out there. ;)


I think I saw a couple of dozen B-movies in the 80's that shared the Matrix story. I think there's even a couple of old Twilight Zones with the same plot and I don't even want to guess how many sci-fi books.

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