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Disney to aquire Lucasfilm!


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Star Wars ended on a high note, why are they going to ruin it?...


I'm not gonna call you selfish here but really, don't you want the Star Wars legacy to continue - or would you rather it die? Yes of course episodes can be rewatched, but really - watching back the original trilogy you can notice its getting a bit old - what will that be like in 50 years, and what will the prequels be like. StarWars needs to keep going, and I'm all for it.

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Not sure how I feel about this. I mean, Lucas is star wars in my mind. As a personal hero of mine, I am just uneasy about someone other than him making the films.




Considering 3 of the 4 movies he directed and of those the 3 (prequeals) he had a huge hand in, are considered pretty god awful in many ways, I don't consider Lucas Star Wars at all. I consider pretty much the other 2 directors and producers and various other people who made up the memorable characters/scenes/ideas we all know and love, to be the true people behind Star Wars. Lucas was really nothing more than giving it a general idea to work from.

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For those asking what happens to TOR because of this purchase, the short answer is: nothing.


The long answer is that Disney bought Lucasfilm, including any and all agreements into which the company had entered. That includes license agreements. For now, EA has the Star Wars video game license. When the lifetime of that agreement starts to near its end, one of two things will happen: the companies will negotiate and extension, or Lucas Licensing will take the license back and shop it around to someone else.


So, TOR, 1313 and whatever other Star Wars games EA can think up are all good to go. Then, EA will decide if it wants to pursue an extension or just give it up like Wizards of the Coast did.


Well, that's only partially accurate. We dont really know if this will have a positive or negative (or any for that matter) impact on this game. Though it is owned by EA/Bioware the license sits firmly in the hands of Lucas. They could choose not to renew if they wished, or could approve or disapprove of additions to the game.


Now, their impact in the latter would probably not be as significant since this era is a Bioware creation, but they still have veto power I expect because they control the IP.


So in the end we will have to see.

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Is it possible that Disney is only interested in the rights to Howard the Duck? I mean Donald is getting pretty old.


As a lifelong Disney freak and Star Wars fanatic, this news is the equivalent of a nerd 3-some for me.:)


No it is Willow they are after!! Warwick Davis needs some money have you see his new documentary show guy is hurting for work! :D

Edited by LukeSaberRattler
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Is it possible that Disney is only interested in the rights to Howard the Duck? I mean Donald is getting pretty old.


As a lifelong Disney freak and Star Wars fanatic, this news is the equivalent of a nerd 3-some for me.:)


maybe Howard the Duck was originally a Marvel Character. So maybe they want to tie him into the Avengers 2

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I'm not gonna call you selfish here but really, don't you want the Star Wars legacy to continue - or would you rather it die? Yes of course episodes can be rewatched, but really - watching back the original trilogy you can notice its getting a bit old - what will that be like in 50 years, and what will the prequels be like. StarWars needs to keep going, and I'm all for it.


Star Wars has been continuing with the EU, it hasn't stopped at all. Theres also the TV show ya know too, but as I said while I don't mind a new movie they didn't really need to be making another. But again, will go see and probably end up liking it anyway, my only real gripe though is that I hope it doesn't ruin EU a whole lot.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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A word from BW on if/how this affects us would be nice. I am sure as a licensee they weren't totally blindsided by this like I was when I first saw it on the news, would be interesting to know if being under the Disney banner will cause a "change in direction" for the game. I would assume they will probably tone down the darkside options, probably scale back the sexual interactions and I would assume scrap the same sex scenario's all together.


I will say this:


Star Wars doesn't need:


Flying Elephants

Goofy (we already have Gungans and in our game Evocii for that.)


Talking speeders


And I think we already have our quota on princesses....


So what really can they bring to the table?


As far as Episode 7, as I understand it, it's going to be an original work by Lucas (or at least based on it), however personally I want the Heir to the Empire trilogy myself.

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I would love for it to be the Thrawn Triology, but how could they ever pull that off? Mark Hamill IS Luke Skywalker and there's no way that at 60 years old he could resume the role. I just don't see how they could do it, unless is was a completely CGI movie.
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You are right on the licensing but I could actually see this as a good thing for TOR. Disney is building a trans media empire meaning that they taking these franchises and marketing them across several forms of media.


So I could see Disney doing cross over stuff ie a Old Republic TV show that would end up with new story lines in game.


yup,,EA has moved from top dog to nr 2,,disney have more resources and the license options


i know the trans media stuff will happen,,,i still feel sick, when i hear about dinosaurs,,,


in the worst jurassic park wave,,we had dinosaurs EVERYWHERE,,

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Well,good for George Lucas to cash out. If I were him,I would've done years ago.


Making a Star Wars films demands a lot of time and a lot of energy,plus a whole ton of cash and imagination.After spending all that,the fan base still manages to find something wrong with each film he makes,and complain about it.Better off giving the job,and the headaches,to someone else.


Having said that,Lucas is Star Wars and Star Wars is Lucas.Whatever Star Wars movie comes out won't be the same. It's very hard to create movie magic,and even harder to recreate past movie magic.


I think the Star Wars movie,under Disney,would be like some of their other titles like John Carter of Mars or TRON.They threw in expensive special effects,got decent acting but still came out bland.Those movies should've been much cooler ,they had so much potential.


If anyone feels that a Star Wars license is a guarantee for success,they should look at this game and SWG.

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Disney makes good movies, we all know that, maybe number 7 will be better.. i am hooping and maybe Disney will tell ea to push over and get this game running smother, i do like this game manly the story line of it, so with this move i hope we will see more star wars, so my kids can enjoy it and not be a old sci fi story for the ages.
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