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Everything posted by Kaonis

  1. What's sad is every point you bring up is perfectly valid, completely reasonable, and more then enough reason to quit the game instantly. And yet the biodrones will make up stupid crap to defend their beloved trainwreck of a game. *Sigh* It's things like this that make me glad I canceled my sub and finally decided to never play or pay another dime to BW/EA again.
  2. This. But BW won't listen and instead opts to just do the worst possible action for the game.
  3. Packs if you like gambling and throwing your money away, otherwise if you're leveling alts then the exp boosts are nice.
  4. Oh great, this bug is back, and worse then ever. Seriously does BW not actually test their damn game before pushing out patches? This is the second instance of this bug.
  5. I agree fully. F2P is just a cheap way for EA/BW to milk people for money before the game dies off completely, that's all it is. Successful games don't go F2P within a year of release, only the games that failed do this. The game has a ton of issues, and instead of devoting resources to fixing those issues (bugs, lack of content, core gameplay issues), they spent time on setting up F2P, because even they understand what a disaster this is and are trying to grab at what ever cash they can get before the end.
  6. Pretty much this is how I feel on a regular basis on these forums. BW is BEYOND defending at this point.
  7. I about rage quit over this too, I even went in there with some guildies as a way to stay protected, but we're not PVPers, we don't have PVP gear, and being out numbered on top of that we just got killed over and over. Finally to get the part we had to switch to our Republic alts and walk through the crowd of Republic gankers, who at the time were shouting about getting ops groups together to prevent all Imperial players from getting the items. Ya way to really build world PVP BW, by forcing it upon players who wish to have nothing to do with it.
  8. Ya a bunch of my guild mates have been getting this issue too. Usually during ops, and several times in the middle of a boss fight (at least 3 times during HM Kephess -_-). Needless to say we've had a few ops where we just get stuck because of server side issues.
  9. Ya, and again BW misses the point. The reason so many people do PVP is because there's literally nothing else to do. It's PVP, grind an alt, or do your once/bi weekly raid. So of course people will opt to do PVP for a while, especially considering how much of a grind it is at 50 to get any gear, so those who want to hope to be competitive will have to grind for a full BM/WH set to stand a chance in PVP. I'm betting the people aren't as interested in PVP as BW thinks, and probably a good chunk of the ones who left weren't the PVP crowd either.
  10. You should check the date he posted that before trying to render people's arguments invalid.
  11. This. People continue to pay subscriptions happily if the game has substance and enough to do (in both content and just fluff/filler/sandbox elements), this game has none of this and instead has the dev team switching to a free to play instead of devoting time to fixing the core game design that is driving people away.
  12. Considering 3 of the 4 movies he directed and of those the 3 (prequeals) he had a huge hand in, are considered pretty god awful in many ways, I don't consider Lucas Star Wars at all. I consider pretty much the other 2 directors and producers and various other people who made up the memorable characters/scenes/ideas we all know and love, to be the true people behind Star Wars. Lucas was really nothing more than giving it a general idea to work from.
  13. You mean like the way they make you PVE for a PVE companion to use in PVE? Wow who would have ever thought you would need to do PVE for PVE benefits?
  14. A guild mate of mine had to call their CS line for something. By the end of it they were pushing 1.5 on him and said it'll be out in 5 to 6 weeks. Of course it was from a CS person, so I'd take what they say on the game lightly, seeing as they usually don't even know how the game works.
  15. ^ This. The ideas you have I think would ruin healing and honestly would make me respec my healers to DPS if they used them. The problem with healing isn't so much the content, so much as it's the classes. Right now all healers can do is heal, heal, and heal. They are a support class yet they have no support skills. I'm used to playing healers who had buffs they had to manage, both long term and short term. But as it stands BW's idea of a healer is someone spamming heals on a tank who is getting nearly 1 shotted by some bosses and then calls it a day and wonders why healing is boring. It's the most terribly boring healing I've done because I literally can only heal and do nothing else in intense fights. If they added buffs/debuffs I could toss out in a fight it would make things infinitely more interesting.
  16. It's the game. 1.4 did something that outright destroyed stability in the game. I used to never get booted or have the game freeze. Now I get it all the time.
  17. 54% retention? Man it must be fun to not know numbers! They gave us the number 2.1-2.4 million or so for people who outright bought the game. I think it's a fair estimate to say we're at about 700k players now. That means the game has a retention factor of only 30%. Regardless the game had one of the largest releases of an MMO ever, and very fast and sharply dropped off. 50% of the population quitting in several months I think alone is enough to evaluate the state of the game. And that state is poor. The game is seeing only continuous decline and no new bodies joining in. People who had any sort of inclination to play the game seriously got it in the first few months, and judging from the numbers they had no inclination to stay. People quit for various reasons, and BW has done nothing significant to the game except continue to keep it a WoW clone with buggy patches. The bottom line is the game had a great start, they dropped the ball, and they lost A LOT of players. You need no other games to compare it to, if you have a 50% lose of players in a few months, then something is wrong and the game is NOT a resounding success.
  18. I have tried so many strategies since this fight first came out, and the only one to ever consistently work for me and my guild has been 3 people on console. If we got 1 really good healer and the tanks are decently geared, then we can stick 1 healer on the consoles, otherwise it's 3 DPS. We hold the boss where he is the whole fight, and fire the laser as fast as possible, never stopping, so we constantly solve the puzzle fast. This is pretty simple, you'll kill the boss fast, and best of all if you solve it fast enough you'll never have any adds spawning, so it's a pretty stress free fight.
  19. BW just plain sucks at optimizing gear. I feel very little inclination to progress gear wise because the gear either looks bad, or has stats that are worse or only marginally better for massive effort. And since it's a gear grinding game....well doesn't take a genius to see how it'll end at this rate.
  20. I concur. Smart healing with the AoE is needed. I would include the operatives AoE heal too, since as they stand they are really just luck based in any ops. I toss my aoe down and hope in a mass of people it hits the right people. By comparison the sorcs I run with just toss down their aoe and on MOX I literally see a giant spike in their HPS as the ops group goes from empty to full. I honestly feel pretty useless as a healer in 8 man and especially 16 man groups because sorcs seem to be the only class capable of any real large group healing.
  21. It's not in, because the people at BW have no clue what their doing. Simple things that are standard at launch for MMO's now are beyond their capability to make. It's getting really sad now that this is becoming more and more apparent.
  22. That's retarded. Ilum has a PVE side to it (hence the not being a PVP side away from the PVP area), people are blatantly misusing an oversight of the game mechanics on the devs part to grief other players. much in the same way someone who is flagged for PVP can cloak and hide in a group of mobs an unflagged person is about to AOE forcing them to be flagged. If you don't want to PVP ever, then the game shouldn't have massive flaws that ******es can use to flag you on a PVE server.
  23. PVP is fine, people who like PVP can waste their time in a boring grindfest where it's get farmed till you get full war hero. What BW needs to do is realize there is an entire other side of gameplay in the PVE side of things, and they need to stop nerfing PVE when they "fix" PVP. Every patch seems to bring us some class "balances" which are for PVP, yet hurt PVE players. As a PVE player I'm tired of seeing classes made boring and broken in PVE all on account of PVP.
  24. LOTRO must have a ****** day/night cycle then, because most games I've played on that isn't an issue, they understand how to balance lighting between day/night properly. Honestly the lack of any weather changing and day/night are my biggest immersion breakers. Even if the day/night cycle was universal for all planets I would be fine with that, but the complete lack of it at all really kills the game for me. There's a ton more like people said above, but basically I've never once felt immersed in this game. Which is sad, immersive games are the best in my opinion, I can spend hours doing nothing except enjoying the sights and chatting with people rather then feel like I have to be doing constant activities and playing the game.
  25. ^ This. We gave up after a few attempts because running with some mercs means on a 12 second timer we're going to miss a lot of those shots. Couple in the fact one of our guys internet connection was bad just for Denova but literally a second or so, and that's 1 person unable to interrupt.
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