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Disney to aquire Lucasfilm!


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Disney makes good movies, we all know that, maybe number 7 will be better.. i am hooping and maybe Disney will tell ea to push over and get this game running smother, i do like this game manly the story line of it, so with this move i hope we will see more star wars, so my kids can enjoy it and not be a old sci fi story for the ages.


and disney have what experance in game? or mmos


(i know not strong argument considering EA track record but still)

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A word from BW on if/how this affects us would be nice. I am sure as a licensee they weren't totally blindsided by this like I was when I first saw it on the news, would be interesting to know if being under the Disney banner will cause a "change in direction" for the game. I would assume they will probably tone down the darkside options, probably scale back the sexual interactions and I would assume scrap the same sex scenario's all together.


I will say this:


Star Wars doesn't need:


Flying Elephants

Goofy (we already have Gungans and in our game Evocii for that.)


Talking speeders


And I think we already have our quota on princesses....


So what really can they bring to the table?




so yeah they can bring more to the table then Lucas can.

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I'm not gonna call you selfish here but really, don't you want the Star Wars legacy to continue - or would you rather it die? Yes of course episodes can be rewatched, but really - watching back the original trilogy you can notice its getting a bit old - what will that be like in 50 years, and what will the prequels be like. StarWars needs to keep going, and I'm all for it.




Also, the realpolitick aspect: There is no way on God's green earth that no more SW movies would be made, ever. Sometime, somewhere, someone was going to pony up for the license fee and try it. This way, GWL gets to have a measure of control over what direction the story goes (he's already passed his notes to Kathleen Kennedy) and, as creative consultant, he gets to have input into who might direct, and such like (Joss Whedon? Sure! Michael Bay? Hell no!).


And for my money, he's always been good on the big-picture story - the events of the Prequels make for a good trilogy, but the execution was woeful. GWL's no writer - his pacing and dialogue are cringe-inducingly awful but there was no one in the Prequels who was game to tell him that. So, selling LFL is actually a way of him keeping a guiding hand on the reins, but limiting the damage he can do.


For those of you worrying that he might run short on cash; he still owns ILM, Skywalker Sound, Lucas Licensing and suchlike. He'll be OK. :D

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and disney have what experance in game? or mmos


(i know not strong argument considering EA track record but still)


they don't make the games but they made good descisions


Without Disney we wouldn't have Marvel Vs Capcom 3 or Kingdom Hearts or the new Marvel Super Hero online games.


Disney knows what it is doing with games.

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Personally I believe that Disney will do anyxthing in their power to make sure Swtor dies as quickly as possible.

Why ? Because they want the franchise to be freed up for something that is more akin to Disney and that will feature things like Woombo the Flying Wookie. A family-friendly browser game with a ton of micro-transactions.


Swtor with it's dark/light decisions and sometimes grim storyline does not fit into the Disney family at all.

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they don't make the games but they made good descisions


Without Disney we wouldn't have Marvel Vs Capcom 3 or Kingdom Hearts or the new Marvel Super Hero online games.


Disney knows what it is doing with games.


ill give you Marvel Vs Capcom but the rest i would never touch with a barge poll

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AGAIN for the 10th time, Disney is already contacting Timothy Zahn. Now riddle me this, why would disney go and contact the guy who wrote the Thrawn Trilogy if they weren't planning on using it.


1. how do you know this ?

Second because he is a good writer, dosent mean they will make Thrawn.

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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Personally I believe that Disney will do anyxthing in their power to make sure Swtor dies as quickly as possible.

Why ? Because they want the franchise to be freed up for something that is more akin to Disney and that will feature things like Woombo the Flying Wookie. A family-friendly browser game with a ton of micro-transactions.


Swtor with it's dark/light decisions and sometimes grim storyline does not fit into the Disney family at all.


You do know Disney has been setting up a whole new adult oriented division for the last few years. Swtor is exactly the kind of game they want as part of that as is 1313. As will the new movies be more adult than children akin to The Avengers.

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A word from BW on if/how this affects us would be nice. I am sure as a licensee they weren't totally blindsided by this like I was when I first saw it on the news, would be interesting to know if being under the Disney banner will cause a "change in direction" for the game. I would assume they will probably tone down the darkside options, probably scale back the sexual interactions and I would assume scrap the SAME SEX SCENARIO'S all together.


I will say this:


Star Wars doesn't need:


Flying Elephants

Goofy (we already have Gungans and in our game Evocii for that.)


Talking speeders


And I think we already have our quota on princesses....


So what really can they bring to the table?


As far as Episode 7, as I understand it, it's going to be an original work by Lucas (or at least based on it), however personally I want the Heir to the Empire trilogy myself.



The underlined is the key here, Kathleen Kennedy is going to do wonders in that department ^-^


I for one welcome our mouse eared overlords ^-^

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Any official word from EA about Disney's purchase yet? I am curious what Disney as the new copyright owner means for the future of this game.


Also its interesting to note that a quick Google of "EA Disney" brings up articles dating back to '05 about why Disney should buy EA. Something to think about.

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You do know Disney has been setting up a whole new adult oriented division for the last few years. Swtor is exactly the kind of game they want as part of that as is 1313. As will the new movies be more adult than children akin to The Avengers.


One can only hope.


Also I wonder how EA will fit into the picture and what this means when it comes to the Star Wars license.

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AGAIN for the 10th time, Disney is already contacting Timothy Zahn. Now riddle me this, why would disney go and contact the guy who wrote the Thrawn Trilogy if they weren't planning on using it.


Link to where you are getting this from....NOW!!!!!


Because if so....I might actually be happy about the state of Star Wars.

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That's excellent if they're contacting him, but Karsk is right, it doesn't guaruntee a Thrawn trilogy. I will continue to hope, however!!


Agreed. Timothy is a well known story writer in the Star Wars universe. He and others are logical choices for story writing in support of a screenplay. Nothing more, nothing less.

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A word from BW on if/how this affects us would be nice. I am sure as a licensee they weren't totally blindsided by this like I was when I first saw it on the news, would be interesting to know if being under the Disney banner will cause a "change in direction" for the game. I would assume they will probably tone down the darkside options, probably scale back the sexual interactions and I would assume scrap the same sex scenario's all together.


I will say this:


Star Wars doesn't need:


Flying Elephants

Goofy (we already have Gungans and in our game Evocii for that.)


Talking speeders


And I think we already have our quota on princesses....


So what really can they bring to the table?


As far as Episode 7, as I understand it, it's going to be an original work by Lucas (or at least based on it), however personally I want the Heir to the Empire trilogy myself.


1/toydarians,,and the keyboard player in the band looks very familiar too


2/ jar jar of course,,but ususally C3PO and R2D2 do that


3/no tinkerbelle,,instead of magic dust , we have midichlorians,,they work almost as good


4/R2D2 and C3PO,,we cant actually take a ride , but on the other hand they can go with us all the time,,


and they talk,,A LOT


5/seriously? we can NEVER have enough pricesses,,any surplus can alwys be used to soothe


wandering monsters, or evil warlords,,a high quality princess has same value as a battle ready star destroyer


and u wouldnt say no to one of THOSE :D

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I know Disney is generaly thought of a kid thing. But the company has created a strong franchise that sticks to what it is. Yes I know their brief foray into owning sports teams was a disaster, but this is different. Lucasfilms is the same type of company Disney is. The main reason behind the purchase was to merchandise it across all of its divisions. They will not be able to do so if they destroy cannon and lore to an unreasonable degree.


Comic book people have they destroyed Marvel? Whom they bought in 2009.

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