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Things nobody says in PVP


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"It's okay that you didn't call for help and ended up losing the node/door/turret."


"Thank goodness out team has so many deathmatchert in this Huttball game."


"Sweet, we're facing Game Genie, this will be easy!"

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heh, advancing the legend:


"Don't worry guys, I can defend this objective against Arash all by myself."


"Darn it, we got Arash on our team again."


"Hey Arash, think you could kill the enemy quicker please?"


"Hurry, Arash needs our help!"


(heh, this is fun)

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Level 50 Civil War Match: "I've never done this War Zone before, just let me know what I need to do."


Level 50 Void Star: "I haven't done a War Zone in like six months."


Lowbie Huttball response from a player who kept passing the ball to his teammates that were surrounded by the enemy: "It's not my fault they aren't catching the ball, the error is on the catcher."

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Level 50 Civil War Match: "I've never done this War Zone before, just let me know what I need to do."


Level 50 Void Star: "I haven't done a War Zone in like six months."


Lowbie Huttball response from a player who kept passing the ball to his teammates that were surrounded by the enemy: "It's not my fault they aren't catching the ball, the error is on the catcher."


I'm confused, these are all things that people say.

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