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Legacy Wide datacrons


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this should be tied to legacy achievement system, as a reward for achievement. and while someone loves doing the same jumping puzzles (which are stupid to be implemented in a mmo with that lag and flumsy controls anyway) like 10+ times - it's only theirs personal enjoyment. Edited by elstaar
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This was suggested a while back, but I really like the idea of Legacy wide datacrons.


It could work 1 of 2 ways:

A) Cartel Shop sells the ability to make datacrons legacy wide (500 CC, 1000 CC whatever)

B) Legacy Perk


Example: If you were a level 16 Republic and had gotten all the Ord Mantel, Tython and Coruscant datacrons on other characters, you would gain access to the datacron codex entries and stat benefit as soon as you reached the max level of the planet. So hitting 50 would give you all the Illum ones, 49 all the Corellia ones and so on and so forth.


Obviously faction specific datacrons would have to be taken into consideration as otherwise someone could have more than the correct amount of datacrons.


I really think this would be a huge benefit as I have gotten 60 datacrons on my main and am working on getting the remaining 7, and really really really really don't want to do this for a 2nd character, and third character and so on.


Please take this into consideration,

yours truly,



P.S: My fellow forum goers, please keep this bumped so BW can see how interested we are in this feature.


Yes, please!

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I strongly support this idea it should have been done when legacy came out. I have 9 toons at this point and i dont wanna go back and get all the datacrons on each of them. I did it 3 times and i think thats enough. lol


That's the beauty of the datacron system. You are NOT required to get them on all characters. You only have to get them on the characters for which you wish to receive the stat bonuses.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm a returning player, I was gonna roll an alt with a friend but decided against because I don't wanna have to do all the datacrons over again (especially the one in the fleet). In the end this will certainly have an effect on how long the game will have fresh content for me and therefore how long I will remain subbed. I am a competitive player who enjoys PvP so playing at a disadvantage by not having the bonuses is not even an option.
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I'm a returning player, I was gonna roll an alt with a friend but decided against because I don't wanna have to do all the datacrons over again (especially the one in the fleet). In the end this will certainly have an effect on how long the game will have fresh content for me and therefore how long I will remain subbed. I am a competitive player who enjoys PvP so playing at a disadvantage by not having the bonuses is not even an option.


This sounds a lot like:


"I was gonna play with a friend, but I'm TOO LAZY to be bothered getting datacrons more than once. Playing with my friend is not important enough to me to actually EARN something on my character and to help my friend EARN that on his character. It doesn't matter to me whether my friend gets the datacrons or not, as I will not be helping him."

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I don't buy for a second all these people that make it sound like they can't possibly level a toon without getting the datacrons. You don't *have* to get *any* datacrons! They are totally optional. I think it's much more likely that these people want something for free and are coming up with any lame excuse possible to justify it.


It's really simple: If you like Datacron hunting, then go after them. Otherwise don't.

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I don't buy for a second all these people that make it sound like they can't possibly level a toon without getting the datacrons. You don't *have* to get *any* datacrons! They are totally optional. I think it's much more likely that these people want something for free and are coming up with any lame excuse possible to justify it.


It's really simple: If you like Datacron hunting, then go after them. Otherwise don't.


Well said..



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Like, it takes <8 minutes to get ALL FIVE of the Ilum Datacrons but I never see anyone saying "wow, that was a pain"...

Do you honestly want me to get started on how many times I attempted to actually RIDE the Jawa Balloon, disconnected, logged back in to discover I was now on the ground and had to walk all the way back to try again before I hired a Mercenary to Jump me to the datacrons on the Crawler? or how many times the rest of us essentially did the exact same thing? How about that one on Corellia, I think it was Willpower, where I had to jump off a cliff and hit the platform EXACTLY or get thrown off by a minor collision glitch and had to run over and do it again? I haven't even gotten all my Belsavis ones because he Green Matrix Shard, the ONLY one I have not completed aside from Rep-side Balmorra, will literally takes me at least twenty minutes of research likely accommodated by 6-8 HOURS of grinding mobs for four Rakatan Energy Cubes (NOT the Crafting Material) that I have to use to unlock the single datacron once?

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Do you honestly want me to get started on how many times I attempted to actually RIDE the Jawa Balloon, disconnected, logged back in to discover I was now on the ground and had to walk all the way back to try again before I hired a Mercenary to Jump me to the datacrons on the Crawler? or how many times the rest of us essentially did the exact same thing? How about that one on Corellia, I think it was Willpower, where I had to jump off a cliff and hit the platform EXACTLY or get thrown off by a minor collision glitch and had to run over and do it again? I haven't even gotten all my Belsavis ones because he Green Matrix Shard, the ONLY one I have not completed aside from Rep-side Balmorra, will literally takes me at least twenty minutes of research likely accommodated by 6-8 HOURS of grinding mobs for four Rakatan Energy Cubes (NOT the Crafting Material) that I have to use to unlock the single datacron once?


You are obviously one of the people that doesn't like datacron hunting. DON'T DO IT THEN! They ARE optional. You can skip every single one in the game and nothing bad will happen. I really don't understand why this is such an issue. You act like someone is strapping you down and Force feeding you the datacrons...

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It would be more interesting if there was one super hard to get datacron in addition to the existing ones that when you do finally get it, does apply to your legacy. As for existing datacrons, they are actually not that hard to acquire in the first place. And mostly, I'd say they don't make a big impact on individual toon abilities anyway. They are just fun to get and do add to your title list.
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I haven't even gotten all my Belsavis ones because he Green Matrix Shard ... will literally takes me at least twenty minutes of research likely accommodated by 6-8 HOURS of grinding mobs for four Rakatan Energy Cubes (NOT the Crafting Material) that I have to use to unlock the single datacron once?

I'm with you in spirit. But, this datacron is not that time-consuming once you figure out the system. I spent a few hours there and got enough cubes for five or six of my characters. If you're on Ebon Hawk, I'd be happy to show you the ropes, or you can just drop me a line here, and I'll direct you to more information.

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Do you honestly want me to get started on how many times I attempted to actually RIDE the Jawa Balloon, disconnected, logged back in to discover I was now on the ground and had to walk all the way back to try again before I hired a Mercenary to Jump me to the datacrons on the Crawler? or how many times the rest of us essentially did the exact same thing? How about that one on Corellia, I think it was Willpower, where I had to jump off a cliff and hit the platform EXACTLY or get thrown off by a minor collision glitch and had to run over and do it again? I haven't even gotten all my Belsavis ones because he Green Matrix Shard, the ONLY one I have not completed aside from Rep-side Balmorra, will literally takes me at least twenty minutes of research likely accommodated by 6-8 HOURS of grinding mobs for four Rakatan Energy Cubes (NOT the Crafting Material) that I have to use to unlock the single datacron once?



Don't want to get the datacrons on your alts? You don't have to get them on your alts. You do NOT get the stat bonuses for those characters unless you put forth the modicum of effort and/or spend the modicum of time to obtain them on those characters.


20 minutes is too long to spend "researching"? How many OPS have you cleared in 20 minutes? How many FP's?

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Do you honestly want me to get started on how many times I attempted to actually RIDE the Jawa Balloon, disconnected, logged back in to discover I was now on the ground and had to walk all the way back to try again before I hired a Mercenary to Jump me to the datacrons on the Crawler? or how many times the rest of us essentially did the exact same thing? How about that one on Corellia, I think it was Willpower, where I had to jump off a cliff and hit the platform EXACTLY or get thrown off by a minor collision glitch and had to run over and do it again? I haven't even gotten all my Belsavis ones because he Green Matrix Shard, the ONLY one I have not completed aside from Rep-side Balmorra, will literally takes me at least twenty minutes of research likely accommodated by 6-8 HOURS of grinding mobs for four Rakatan Energy Cubes (NOT the Crafting Material) that I have to use to unlock the single datacron once?


I'm not going to go so far as to actually *call* you stupid but your reply to my quote is so far off it's pretty obvious.


You guys all QQ about how long it takes to get Datacrons, or how difficult it is to get Datacrons, and blah blah blah. My post just illustrated that you can get all five Ilum Datacrons in <8 minutes and no more than 15 minutes even if you're truly inept and have level 1 piloting. That's all.


For everyone who QQs all day about "tedious" Datacrons I've just shown you FIVE that take almost no time and almost no effort, so why do you get so frustrated with the <10% of the Datacrons that aren't cakewalks? Isn't bending over and picking up 90% of them good enough for you? Apparently not cuz of all the QQ threads by people who can't get over a tiny hurdle and want everything handed to them.

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I'm going to break it down for the approximately 3 people against this idea(seriously, look at all the "anti" posts and it's the same posters over and over). I'm going to go through the reasoning step by step in a hopefully clear fashion.


The proposed idea is for players who have earned datacrons on one character to be able to share the bonuses via legacy using credits or cartel coins.

Therefore said player has already gotten the datacrons once.

Therefore they have the knowledge and ability of how to get them.

Getting datacrons is universal to all classes and builds; there is no different path to take or strategy to use when getting them on a new character.

Therefore getting the datacrons again is merely a matter of spending the time to do so.

Therefore the proposed legacy unlock is merely a time saving device, no different than double XP or quick travel.


Please do let me know which statement doesn't follow. Oh, as an aside, it's entirely possible(in fact I would recommend) that the unlock be so expensive that it takes more time to earn the credits or RL money(for cartel) than it does to just get the dang things.


This is not equivalent to getting a "free" 55 BiS character.

Heck this is not proposing a "free" anything, there would still be a cost.

The motivations of the people in favor of this have little to do with its merit as an idea.

The ease of getting the datacrons also doesn't matter - it's easy to cross a map or fly to fleet but no one complains we shouldn't have QT.

This is a proposed time saving convenience feature and nothing more.

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Therefore getting the datacrons again is merely a matter of spending the time to do so.

Therefore the proposed legacy unlock is merely a time saving device, no different than double XP or quick travel.


Please do let me know which statement doesn't follow. Oh, as an aside, it's entirely possible(in fact I would recommend) that the unlock be so expensive that it takes more time to earn the credits or RL money(for cartel) than it does to just get the dang things.


This is not equivalent to getting a "free" 55 BiS character.

Heck this is not proposing a "free" anything, there would still be a cost.

The motivations of the people in favor of this have little to do with its merit as an idea.

The ease of getting the datacrons also doesn't matter - it's easy to cross a map or fly to fleet but no one complains we shouldn't have QT.

This is a proposed time saving convenience feature and nothing more.


The stat bonus isn't big enough to make any fuss over, therefor, it's not about the stat bonuses. In fact, most of the datacrons give a stat bonus that doesn't affect your toon in the least.


Conclusion, it's really about getting credit for completing something for your toon that your toon didn't actually complete. That's nonsense.


This is not equivalent to getting a "free" 55 BiS character


It's exactly like that.

1) "I want to complete the datacron hunt without actually doing the work. I've already done it once, doing it again is exactly the same. It's a time saving feature."

2) "I want to have a 55 toon without actually doing the work. I've already leveled a toon once, doing it again is exactly the same. It's a time saving feature."


They seem pretty much identical to me.

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Conclusion, it's really about getting credit for completing something for your toon that your toon didn't actually complete. That's nonsense.


Kinda like buying HK with credits after doing the quest once, eh?


It's exactly like that.

1) "I want to complete the datacron hunt without actually doing the work. I've already done it once, doing it again is exactly the same. It's a time saving feature."

2) "I want to have a 55 toon without actually doing the work. I've already leveled a toon once, doing it again is exactly the same. It's a time saving feature."


They seem pretty much identical to me.


Sigh. Except that leveling a new character isn't identical to leveling an old one, unless you're playing the exact same build as before. So your premise 2 falls apart.


Why exactly are we referring to parts of a game, a recreational activity, as work anyway? I think that says something profound about the attitudes of those who argue(poorly) against the concept of legacy datacrons.


Let's pretend they implemented the feature, and it required the datacron master achievement, legacy 50, and either 8000 cartel coins or 500 million credits. Would that be okay? is that enough "work" to make the idea tolerable? If the answer is yes then you have no real logical objections to the concept itself, and we're down to just haggling an appropriate price.

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Sigh. Except that leveling a new character isn't identical to leveling an old one, unless you're playing the exact same build as before. So your premise 2 falls apart.


The differences are trivial. There are two starting areas for leveling 1-10. after that, the planets are the same, and most of the quests are identical, with only mild differences based on class, differences that you might miss if you aren't paying attention.


Let's pretend they implemented the feature, and it required the datacron master achievement, legacy 50, and either 8000 cartel coins or 500 million credits. Would that be okay? is that enough "work" to make the idea tolerable? If the answer is yes then you have no real logical objections to the concept itself, and we're down to just haggling an appropriate price.


You know if they did what you suggest, the forums would end up packed with people complaining that the requirements are too strict and that it should be free to all. Why even go down that path.


The benefits to legacy wide datacron stats are trivial. they are so small that it won't affect your abilities in the least. So whether or not you do the datacrons, there is no real affect on your toon. So if there's no real advantage, why would we want to take a dev team off important work just to develope a feature that really serves no purpose other than people's misconceptions?


As I've said before, if you don't like datacron hunting, then don't do it. There is no downside to skipping them. Do them ONLY if you enjoy the Datacron hunt.


My objection isn't that you'll have stats that you didn't earn, it's that you want to take devs off important stuff to take care of this issue that doesn't matter in the least.

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This was suggested a while back, but I really like the idea of Legacy wide datacrons.


It could work 1 of 2 ways:

A) Cartel Shop sells the ability to make datacrons legacy wide (500 CC, 1000 CC whatever)

B) Legacy Perk


Example: If you were a level 16 Republic and had gotten all the Ord Mantel, Tython and Coruscant datacrons on other characters, you would gain access to the datacron codex entries and stat benefit as soon as you reached the max level of the planet. So hitting 50 would give you all the Illum ones, 49 all the Corellia ones and so on and so forth.


Obviously faction specific datacrons would have to be taken into consideration as otherwise someone could have more than the correct amount of datacrons.


I really think this would be a huge benefit as I have gotten 60 datacrons on my main and am working on getting the remaining 7, and really really really really don't want to do this for a 2nd character, and third character and so on.


Please take this into consideration,

yours truly,



P.S: My fellow forum goers, please keep this bumped so BW can see how interested we are in this feature.


another teen crying because they have to actually earn something stop crying and go earn it noob

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