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Legacy Wide datacrons


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I don't understand why when you unlock something there isn't something listing them legacy wide. This is not to say you get the bonus just a list of the datacrons you have unlocked on a previous character and telling you what planet.


Yea I know you can check the internet but that doesn't always help. There is nothing wrong with unlocking just the codex. It could be very simple.


Codex unlock that gives you the place and date you accessed it.

Codex unlock the tells you this certain datacron has not been accessed by this particular character.


This could be something very simple and this in no way means you get the stats it just states which ones your previous character accessed for your information.


My two cents.


The Datacrons are listed under each planet in the achievements. I'm not sure if it has a time and date, but it does show them if you've gotten them on any character.

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The Datacrons are listed under each planet in the achievements. I'm not sure if it has a time and date, but it does show them if you've gotten them on any character.


From my understanding and what everyone has said here that is per character. What I think would be nice is one that is account or legacy wide that lists:


The Datacron Name

The location

Date you accessed it or leave it blank if you haven't accessed it


This would be available for all your characters, just the stats if you want them you have to go back and access it again.

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From my understanding and what everyone has said here that is per character. What I think would be nice is one that is account or legacy wide that lists:


The Datacron Name

The location

Date you accessed it or leave it blank if you haven't accessed it


This would be available for all your characters, just the stats if you want them you have to go back and access it again.


The listings in the codex (been there since launch) are per character. Everything in the achievements systems is legacy-wide.

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Bioware posted there thoughts on this and said they are strongly considering it will happen. Go search for it and you'll find it.


You have been debunked.


The last time I checked considering, even strongly considering, something is NOT an indication that it will be implemented. My comment stands.

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From my understanding and what everyone has said here that is per character. What I think would be nice is one that is account or legacy wide that lists:


The Datacron Name

The location

Date you accessed it or leave it blank if you haven't accessed it


This would be available for all your characters, just the stats if you want them you have to go back and access it again.


A legacy wide datacron CODEX system would be great, I agree.

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The last time I checked considering, even strongly considering, something is NOT an indication that it will be implemented. My comment stands.


Please stop enforcing personal rules that you believe on other players.


I offer options, you offer no option.


How does a level 7 guy collecting a datacron on hutta affect you? Explain in detail.

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Please stop enforcing personal rules that you believe on other players.


I offer options, you offer no option.


How does a level 7 guy collecting a datacron on hutta affect you? Explain in detail.


Again, you want to claim that you are offering options and I am enforcing personal rules on other players? The last time I checked, the devs made the rules and set the mechanics, not me.


I will, however, voice my opinion if I feel that there are somethings which do NOT need to be changed, just as I will if I feel that there are some things which would be an improvement.


I think that a legacy wide datacron CODEX system would be an improvement. I think that a legacy wide bank would be an improvement.


I do not think that handing certain things to players for no effort is an improvement. That would apply to datacron bonuses, new classes, etc.


Before you even attempt to claim that a player put effort into finding the datcrons on one character so they should get the bonuses on all their characters or that they leveled a sorcerer and so they should have the option to change to an assassin, let me remind you that they put forth the effort to find the datacrons on ONE character, not all of their characters and they put the effort into leveling a SORCERER not an assassin.

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Please stop enforcing personal rules that you believe on other players.


I offer options, you offer no option.


How does a level 7 guy collecting a datacron on hutta affect you? Explain in detail.


I did offer a suggested compromise that if they introduced legacy wide datacrons, the bonuses for datacrons not be "gifted" until a character reaches max level. If a player wants a specific datacron bonus for a character prior to max level, that player can find that datacron with that character. This allows players to avoid the datacron hunt with alts if they choose to do so, but will still require at least a modicum of effort to receive the bonuses if they choose not to find the datacrons. That would be the effort of leveling that character, something they will likely be doing anyway. It will also require a little patience and setting aside the "have to have it now" attitude.

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Once is enough... It's not even an enjoyable aspect of the game once you know all the little tricks/jumps to get to them. Though some would argue it's never an enjoyable aspect of the game. I've collected all (useful) datacrons on 4 characters now and still have 6 more to go... This doesn't include the fleet one yet, oh the nightmare doing that one again.

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I think requiring, say, max level, AND the achievement for having picked up all the datacrons, and perhaps even a Legacy-level requirement (even 40 or 50) would be a decent compromise. It wouldn't unbalance anything, it would be achievable with work, but would still let players skip those datacrons they really, truly loathe. But by having the achievement for having picked up all datacrons (even those faction-specific) proves that you CAN get all of them -- you just want a shortcut because it's simply not enjoyable to you.


That should address the concerns of those who think Legacy-wide datacrons would make the game too easy, while still allowing those who hate the hunt to gain the benefits once they've put in some level of effort into it. A fair compromise, I think.

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Been waiting for this for a good long while. Seriously.... please....

Totally agree that having prerequisites for it of acquiring the achievements from getting the Datacron's is the way to go.

I have been amused that having the Datacron Master achievement allows me to throw the title on any char in my legacy, but they still have to get the datacrons again. :rolleyes:

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I see no reason not to do this, other than PvPers who have not bothered to gather all the datacrons.


Say I have numerous characters on both factions who have gathered all the datacrons. I create a new character, get to level 10, buy this perk, and now have +?? to all my stats--which would be a fairly significant advantage for low-level PvP. But that's about the only issue I see with implementing such a feature.


PvE would remain largely unaffected. I have 8 level 55s (all class stories on both factions), all of whom have maxed companion affection, and I have started a new character, and the presence bonus I have is simply nuts. My companion does all the work with no gear upgrades pretty much all the way through Tatooine\Alderaan. Adding a datacron unlock to that would be inconsequential. Oh yeah--we also have level 10 +41 color crystals now as well.


I just don't see any reason not to implement legacy datacron unlock. For requirements: legacy lvl 50, all datacrons on both factions, and either $1mill in-game credits or 1000 cartel coins. Voila. A fine reward for those who have achieved that much.

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I see no reason not to do this, other than PvPers who have not bothered to gather all the datacrons.


Say I have numerous characters on both factions who have gathered all the datacrons. I create a new character, get to level 10, buy this perk, and now have +?? to all my stats--which would be a fairly significant advantage for low-level PvP. But that's about the only issue I see with implementing such a feature.


PvE would remain largely unaffected. I have 8 level 55s (all class stories on both factions), all of whom have maxed companion affection, and I have started a new character, and the presence bonus I have is simply nuts. My companion does all the work with no gear upgrades pretty much all the way through Tatooine\Alderaan. Adding a datacron unlock to that would be inconsequential. Oh yeah--we also have level 10 +41 color crystals now as well.


I just don't see any reason not to implement legacy datacron unlock. For requirements: legacy lvl 50, all datacrons on both factions, and either $1mill in-game credits or 1000 cartel coins. Voila. A fine reward for those who have achieved that much.


Allowing players to receive the bonuses for datacrons on a given character that did NOT actually find the datacrons is the same principle as allowing a player to create max level characters with BIS gear, all companions at max affection and all companion unlocks.


You may have an insane presence bonus, but that is because you EARNED that presence bonus by leveling those 8 level 55's. You did not reach level 55 with one character and unlock the ability to create max level characters.


Regarding your suggestion that legacy datacron unlock require legacy 50, I remind you of the fiasco surrounding Treek, who initially required legacy 40 to unlock. The "have to have it now" crowd complained, begged and cried "UNFAIR. I WANT IT NOW". The result is that a player can BYPASS a legitimate and fair legacy requirement just by throwing money at BW.



IF they implement legacy wide datacrons, I hope they do it in such a way that the stat bonuses are not "gifted" until a character reaches max level and that the unlock requires ALL datacrons to be found with a single character, allowing for faction. In other words, if a player finds ALL the datacrons that an imperial can find with his marauder, he can unlock the ability for his IMPERIAL alts to receive the stat bonuses when they reach max level. To unlock the datacrons for republic alts, he would need to find ALL the datcrons a republic character can find with a single character.


Implementing a legacy datacron unlock in this manner would players who are averse to the effort required to find the datacrons on subsequent characters to receive those stat bonuses without having to put forth that minimal effort that actually earning those bonuses with that character would require. It would also provide incentive to actually find the datacron if that player wanted the stat bonus for a particular datacron before reaching max level.

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Agreed that there should be limitations (such as having all the 'crons found on one toon in each faction).


Jumping puzzles suck - there is no reason they should be in anything that does not start with Mario and ends with Bros. and was released after 1995. Having to do it once is painful and unfun enough for several of the 'crons. Having to do it with multiple alts is just ridiculous and should be unnecessary.


After all, with all these bonuses and weekends for XP boosts that allow players to skip side quests and content for alts, why not provide the same for these 'crons as well?

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Agreed that there should be limitations (such as having all the 'crons found on one toon in each faction).


Jumping puzzles suck - there is no reason they should be in anything that does not start with Mario and ends with Bros. and was released after 1995. Having to do it once is painful and unfun enough for several of the 'crons. Having to do it with multiple alts is just ridiculous and should be unnecessary.


After all, with all these bonuses and weekends for XP boosts that allow players to skip side quests and content for alts, why not provide the same for these 'crons as well?


There is a difference between speeding the leveling process and handing out stat bonuses that weren't earned. Even in a double XP weekend, you still have to EARN the XP required to level that character. You just do it a faster rate. Going from level 35 to level 36 on your marauder does not cause your mercenary to go from level 25 to level 26. Earning something on one character is not earning it on every character.

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