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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Legacy Wide datacrons


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This is the most well thought out reply to this I've seen yet. I honestly never thought of the datacrons as a good means to get players to re-visit old content, at least for anything other than grabbing that datacron. The big issue with that line of thought is the recent push to accelerate players through that old content, as if its value has somehow been reduced over time. Add the increased commendation drop rate for class quests and you're going to be put on a path that causes you to bypass the vast majority of holocrons that would normally be in your path due to the prior incentive to side quest.



And can you see then, why people like myself are opposed to BOTH things. 12x EXP removes most of the content from the game for anyone who is a subscriber and pushes them and their new character to the end game faster where they very quickly come to the conclusion there is very little end game content and then we lose them as a sub/player.


ALSO People reaching this end game quickly find themselves faced with an End Game where you have to be the specific FOTM to get any real traction in doing a lot of the end game content, both PVE and PVP so their only incentive is to make another character, rush through the content, and make sure this time their character is on the current FOTM list.


This destroys end game play for anyone who wanted to stick with their one character maybe for RP reasons, or because that is how THEY like to play, etc. And for all this talk people make about 'why should how I like to play matter to anyone else?' Well its a multiplayer game, so in most cases as long as what YOU want to do doesn't affect the play experience of other players, feel free. Unfortunately FOTM and end-game blocking damaged the play of everyone, so should not be catered to.


12x EXP is a method that enables FOTM play. Legacy Datacrons enables getting all the possible bonuses without effort, further enabling FOTM play.



Its been settled prior to this that dev's have a hard-line stance on carrying stats (aside from Legacy gear) across any characters for any actions, so the line of thought is to at least have the datacrons added to your Legacy much like Achievements currently are. Those important stat pinatas are still valuable with this request, and should still encourage foot traffic to those areas even if its off the beaten path.


How is this any different, just because you have to go click a button to get the bonuses is really no functionally different than getting the bonuses automatically. You earned them on one character, now you want them on another without having to actually go collect them and click on them.


If you can acknowledge in the first sentence of this paragraph that the Devs have set a hard line here, then _respect_ that hard line. They don't want to do this because they want you to actually PLAY THE GAME they spent tens of millions of dollars developing. Play the game, stop asking for shortcuts.


Which brings me to another point of this thread, to address some of the engine limitations that make some of these datacrons such a headache to acquire. Some mechanics, like the Tatooine balloon, are more for flavor than frustration. The problems exist when you're required to use bugged mechanics to achieve your goals, like using the MGGS or dealing with some incredibly problematic jumping sections. Datacrons should be tricky to get to for sure, just not due to some technical limitation or bug.


If there could be an adjustment to the holocron system that would both ease the pain of some of the less thought out locations while simultaneously encouraging more players to re-visit older locations I'd be all for it. Maybe a new class of lore-based item fetching, like the Seeker Droid and Microbinoc missions?


Bugged Mechanics? *** are you talking about? The MGGS is not a 'bugged mechanic' and it works fine and has worked fine in every single instance I have ever n3eeded it to work. I do not recall a single thread suggesting it is bugged? How does this even show up in your list?


'Problematic Jumping' You know what, I have complained in /general before about playing Mario to get a datacron. Yet I did it anyway. Its not always perfect but it works. You just have to know how to use your jumping mechanic. Sometimes you want sprint off, sometimes you want to be walking, sometimes its about where you jump from and how you jump. Its supposed to be a bit of a challenge. I've done it when my connections are good, when my connections are bad, etc. It is supposed to be a reward for effort.


I do think the Balloon and the Nar Shaddah billboard rides could be a bit faster. I do not like these mechanics where the point of it is for you to sit, inactive, for a length of time to get something. Speeding up these things would make these datacrons maybe a bit better, but the ride itself should still exist. You should still have to jump up onto the awning to catch the billboard etc. Just speed up the ride a little because mechanics that force idleness are bad design.


Heck I would rather see puzzles implemented, like the puzzle with the towers on Balmorra for one of the quests. More mechanics like that would be fun for Datacrons.


Using seeker droids etc would be a welcome addition for new datacrons etc.


Make more of THOSE types of suggestions.


Please stop begging for ways for you to skip playing the game. All of these offer only short term satisfaction and create long term problems and DO affect the game play of other players.

Edited by EnkiduNineEight
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When was the last time you logged off your assassin and logged onto your shadow without having to send that legacy gear to your shadow?


When was the last time you logged on to play your operative without having to check to ensure that your legacy gear had been sent to your operative?

Your argument was that one character shouldn't benefit from the progression of another character. When people mention that money can be shared, you said that's ok, because it's not duplicated. Legacy gear is not duplicated, but that point is moot, since you can't log into 2 chars at the same time. One character can't "use up" the gear and prevent another char from using it. In essence, both characters can use the progression without the detriment to the other character. The only "loss" is that you have to transfer it. If that's your argument, then fine, make me jump through a small hoop to "transfer" my legacy datacrons. Make me click a button that says, transfer datacrons to character X.


When was the last time your mercenary and your marauder got he exact same benefit from the exact same set of legacy gear?


When was the last time you looted a piece of gear and had EACH AND EVERY CHARACTER get a class appropriate equivalent piece of gear?


Would this happen for legacy datacrons? When I get an Aim datacron for my Vanguard, does that get translated into a Willpower datacron for my Shadow? I'd think not.


It does happen for legacy class buffs though. I mean it's not a "piece of gear", but then again, datacron bonuses aren't a "piece of gear" either.

Edited by gocard
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Would this happen for legacy datacrons? When I get an Aim datacron for my Vanguard, does that get translated into a Willpower datacron for my Shadow? I'd think not.


It does happen for legacy class buffs though. I mean it's not a "piece of gear", but then again, datacron bonuses aren't a "piece of gear" either.


All attributes provide value to all characters. Some attributes provide MORE value to specific classes. It is to your best interest to pick up every datacron in the game, not just those that benefit your primary stat or endurance.

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All attributes provide value to all characters. Some attributes provide MORE value to specific classes. It is to your best interest to pick up every datacron in the game, not just those that benefit your primary stat or endurance.


Is that right?


From what I've been told, Aim and Cunning do nothing for Jedi Knights and Consulars. And Willpower and Strength do nothing for Troopers and Smugglers. Cunning does help Troopers as a secondary stat though, and Aim helps Smugglers as a secondary stat, and Strength helps Consulars as a secondary stat and Willpower helps Knights as a secondary stat.


Actually, I think the legacy datacron naysayers have mentioned this as a point that you should only be getting the 2 stat datacrons that are relevant for your class, thus cutting the number of datacrons you need to get by like 40% or whatever.


Let me know if I'm wrong.

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From what I've been told, Aim and Cunning do nothing for Jedi Knights and Consulars. And Willpower and Strength do nothing for Troopers and Smugglers. Cunning does help Troopers as a secondary stat though, and Aim helps Smugglers as a secondary stat, and Strength helps Consulars as a secondary stat and Willpower helps Knights as a secondary stat.

Yeah, you can hover over a tech stat for a force character or a force stat for a tech character and see that the 2 stats of the "wrong" type do absolutely nothing.

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Unfortunately, that does not apply to every participant in this thread. He's trying to bully others into not supporting ...


You're both bullying and the thread isn't any better for it. The thread is now completely and wholy consumed with your holy war against the infidels distorting the thread.


It's a feature request

for a video game

on an internet forum

just some perspective....


I want the feature as well, but feeding these trolls isn't helping, all it's doing is creating more problems by a factor of 10. At this point the thread probably isn't even worth saving and the devs should just remove it.

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My Shadow, have ONLY the WILLPOWER Datacrons.


My Vanguard does not need the Willpower.


It is quite easily fixed.


Get 4 different classes. Let every class get their specific Class Datacron.


Let your main have the Endurance ones.


Why bother unlocking Strength, for a Cunning user? WAIT for it, til you play a class which benefit from cunning. In this way, it wont be any problem getting all datacrons, and you just need them ALL ONCE.


Legacy Wide Datacrons. Is probably the most meaningless Perk Ive heard so far. But that is my personal opinion of course, and probably should be yours now aswell :D



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Would this happen for legacy datacrons? When I get an Aim datacron for my Vanguard, does that get translated into a Willpower datacron for my Shadow? I'd think not.


It does happen for legacy class buffs though. I mean it's not a "piece of gear", but then again, datacron bonuses aren't a "piece of gear" either.


The willpower datacron stat bonus you got on your vanguard WILL translate into a benefit for your shadow, even though your shadow did NOT find that datacron and should not have that stat bonus unless he does find that willpower datacron.

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Its been settled prior to this that dev's have a hard-line stance on carrying stats (aside from Legacy gear) across any characters for any actions, so the line of thought is to at least have the datacrons added to your Legacy much like Achievements currently are. Those important stat pinatas are still valuable with this request, and should still encourage foot traffic to those areas even if its off the beaten path.


Once again, I do not recall anyone being against the CODEX entries being legacy wide, only the stat bonuses. We should be in agreement on this, if I understand you correctly. Therefore, there should be no reason for you to continue to attack me or anyone else opposed to the datacron STAT BONUSES being legacy wide.


If there could be an adjustment to the holocron system that would both ease the pain of some of the less thought out locations while simultaneously encouraging more players to re-visit older locations I'd be all for it. Maybe a new class of lore-based item fetching, like the Seeker Droid and Microbinoc missions?


I have also stated that I support making the finding of datacrons easier for SUBSEQUENT characters of a given faction, once ONE character has found all the datacrons available to that faction.

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The willpower datacron stat bonus you got on your vanguard WILL translate into a benefit for your shadow, even though your shadow did NOT find that datacron and should not have that stat bonus unless he does find that willpower datacron.


I don't get your point. This is what you said:

When was the last time your mercenary and your marauder got he exact same benefit from the exact same set of legacy gear?


When was the last time you looted a piece of gear and had EACH AND EVERY CHARACTER get a class appropriate equivalent piece of gear?


You even highlighted "EACH AND EVERY CHARACTER". My vanguard picking up the willpower datacron does NOT mean each and every character gets a class appropriate stat bonus. My vanguard still gets the useless willpower bonus. So does my mercenary. Maybe you should rephrase and let me know what your point was.


I interpreted your post as, legacy gear doesn't benefit every character, only the classes that can use it. My response is, if I pick up a datacron, it doesn't benefit every character, only the classes that can use it. Legacy gear and the idea of legacy datacrons are VERY similar, in my opinion.


That said, I'm able to see both sides of an argument. Just because a precedence has been set (and I do think it's hard to argue against the opinion that a precedence has been set with legacy gear) doesn't mean that they should do it.


I'm for this because while the datacrons were fun once, I don't think there's a lot of replayability in it. It's also the reason I like 12x XP. After running through all side missions the first time on each side, the real fun comes in running through other storylines. And the real fun comes in PVPing against other characters. And in running Ops with other characters. All of those things are either fresh or much more dynamic than side missions and datacrons. The element of fresh content or the element of surprise and volatility that comes from playing with other players is what would keep me around. If datacron and side quests are actual deterrents to me playing a different class, then I'm more likely to unsub. Legacy datacrons and 12x XP lower the barrier to try out a new character, thus opening up a whole new line of content. And if you feel like that still takes content away, well, you're still free to do the content (which is why they're adding a toggle to 12x XP).

Edited by gocard
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I don't get your point. This is what you said:



You even highlighted "EACH AND EVERY CHARACTER". My vanguard picking up the willpower datacron does NOT mean each and every character gets a class appropriate stat bonus. My vanguard still gets the useless willpower bonus. So does my mercenary. Maybe you should rephrase and let me know what your point was.


I interpreted your post as, legacy gear doesn't benefit every character, only the classes that can use it. My response is, if I pick up a datacron, it doesn't benefit every character, only the classes that can use it. Legacy gear and the idea of legacy datacrons are VERY similar, in my opinion.


That said, I'm able to see both sides of an argument. Just because a precedence has been set (and I do think it's hard to argue against the opinion that a precedence has been set with legacy gear) doesn't mean that they should do it.


I'm for this because while the datacrons were fun once, I don't think there's a lot of replayability in it. It's also the reason I like 12x XP. After running through all side missions the first time on each side, the real fun comes in running through other storylines. And the real fun comes in PVPing against other characters. And in running Ops with other characters. All of those things are either fresh or much more dynamic than side missions and datacrons. The element of fresh content or the element of surprise and volatility that comes from playing with other players is what would keep me around. If datacron and side quests are actual deterrents to me playing a different class, then I'm more likely to unsub. Legacy datacrons and 12x XP lower the barrier to try out a new character, thus opening up a whole new line of content. And if you feel like that still takes content away, well, you're still free to do the content (which is why they're adding a toggle to 12x XP).


Legacy datacron stat bonuses would give EACH AND EVERY CHARACTER an identical set of bonuses (of all the stats, the ones that benefit them and the ones that don't). Legacy datacron stat bonuses would benefit all classes equally. They are NOTHING like a set of legacy gear that only benefits the four classes that use the primary stat of that legacy gear, IE legacy gear with strength benefits juggernaut, marauder, guardian and sentinel, but is useless for mercenary, powertech, commando and vanguard.


Legacy gear does NOT, IMO, set any precedent for legacy datacron stat bonuses, as it does NOT provide permanent stat bonuses and does not provide equal benefit to each and every class. Legacy gear can only facilitate the transfer of a SINGLE SET of mods. Legacy gear does NOT provide an equivalent, class appropriate set of mods for each and every character.


Your opinion that the "fun stuff" is in PVP'ing, running OP's, etc. is not shared by everyone. Your opinion that datacron hunting is not fun is not shared by everyone. Fortunately, they are all optional and not required to play the game.


The player who does not like PVP is not forced to engage in PVP, but they do not get to reap the rewards that that are only obtainable through PVP. They also do not get a class appropriate, equivalent reward on each and every character for simply obtaining a PVP reward on ONE character.


The player who does not like to run OP's is not forced to run them, but they do not get to reap the rewards that are only obtainable by running those OP's. They also do not get a class appropriate, equivalent reward on each and every character for simply obtaining an OP reward on ONE character.


The same applies to that datacron stat bonuses. You are not required to find them on every character, or even find them on any characters. IMO, you should not expect to receive the rewards on each and every character just because you found them on ONE, or even a few, character(s), though.


As has been stated many times in this thread, if the stat bonuses are negligible and not worth the minimal effort to obtain ona given character, then you don't have to find them on that character. If, on the other hand, those stat bonuses are important enough to have on a given character, they are important enough to find on that character.

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Your opinion that the "fun stuff" is in PVP'ing, running OP's, etc. is not shared by everyone. Your opinion that datacron hunting is not fun is not shared by everyone. Fortunately, they are all optional and not required to play the game.


By your definition of legacy datacrons, you're grouping all the bonuses as one "item". Well sure, we can do the same for legacy gear. If I got a set of willpower gear, and strength gear, and aim gear, and cunning gear, then yeah, now I have stats which every character can use. In fact, legacy gear is more forgiving than your notion of legacy datacrons because I DON'T have to collect every set in order to start having alt characters benefit from them.


Anyway, I think the reason people are posting in this thread is that they are indicating that they don't get enjoyment from replaying datacrons. If I were a Product Manager at Bioware, I'd take a look and see if legacy datacrons could increase the engagement/enjoyment (which probably leads to revenue generation) and see if it's worthwhile. You seem to think it won't, which is fine. But you seem to be on a mission to dissuade people from expressing this sentiment and providing this feedback to Bioware.

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By your definition of legacy datacrons, you're grouping all the bonuses as one "item". Well sure, we can do the same for legacy gear. If I got a set of willpower gear, and strength gear, and aim gear, and cunning gear, then yeah, now I have stats which every character can use. In fact, legacy gear is more forgiving than your notion of legacy datacrons because I DON'T have to collect every set in order to start having alt characters benefit from them.


Anyway, I think the reason people are posting in this thread is that they are indicating that they don't get enjoyment from replaying datacrons. If I were a Product Manager at Bioware, I'd take a look and see if legacy datacrons could increase the engagement/enjoyment (which probably leads to revenue generation) and see if it's worthwhile. You seem to think it won't, which is fine. But you seem to be on a mission to dissuade people from expressing this sentiment and providing this feedback to Bioware.


Legacy gear is in NO WAY the same as legacy datacron stat bonuses. Once again, do you get a class appropriate, equivalent set of mods for each and every one of your characters, present and future, simply because ONE of your characters got a set of mods? If your marauder loots a piece of gear, does your sniper get a class appropriate set, equivalent piece of gear?


Feel free to make your "suggestion" or to "provide feedback" to BW. I will continue to express my "suggestion" that they do not cater to those too averse to the minimal effort required to earn the stat bonuses on the characters they wish to have those bonuses.


As another poster (ironically one of the pro legacy datacron posters) has pointed out, BW has made it fairly clear they have no plans to implement legacy datacron stat bonuses. I'm sure this will not stop you from continuing to pester the devs for that cookie, though.

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If your marauder loots a piece of gear, does your sniper get a class appropriate set, equivalent piece of gear?


No, my sniper doesn't get a class appropriate set. But that doesn't happen with datacrons. With datacrons, if I get a willpower datacron, EVERYONE would get the willpower datacron, NOT the class appropriate one. With legacy gear, if my marauder gets a willpower piece of gear, then I can put those mods in legacy gear and let any of my chars use it.


I really don't understand your point about "class appropriate". Datacrons don't magically switch to the correct stat. You get what you get. Just like loot. For me, on my vanguard, to give all my classes a willpower datacron, I'd have to go out and get that willpower datacron. But it wouldn't help my vanguard. With legacy gear, for me to give all my classes access to a willpower piece, I have to go collect that willpower piece. And it wouldn't help my vanguard.


I'm sure this will not stop you from continuing to pester the devs for that cookie, though.


Nope. And it won't stop you from pestering those who do want it. Just curious, which two users have the most posts in this thread? I didn't go through all the posts, but I think I can guess with a good degree of confidence and neither of them would be me.

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No, my sniper doesn't get a class appropriate set. But that doesn't happen with datacrons. With datacrons, if I get a willpower datacron, EVERYONE would get the willpower datacron, NOT the class appropriate one. With legacy gear, if my marauder gets a willpower piece of gear, then I can put those mods in legacy gear and let any of my chars use it.


I really don't understand your point about "class appropriate". Datacrons don't magically switch to the correct stat. You get what you get. Just like loot. For me, on my vanguard, to give all my classes a willpower datacron, I'd have to go out and get that willpower datacron. But it wouldn't help my vanguard. With legacy gear, for me to give all my classes access to a willpower piece, I have to go collect that willpower piece. And it wouldn't help my vanguard.



Does your sniper get an IDENTICAL piece of gear if your marauder loots a piece of gear? Do EACH AND EVERY character you have, present or future, get the same piece of gear your marauder just looted simply because your marauder looted that piece? Did your marauder loot ONE piece of gear or did he loot a piece of gear for himself and an IDENTICAL piece of gear for EACH AND EVERY character you have, present and future?


Although I have no doubt that you will refuse to actually answer the questions as posed, I will ask that you actually answer the questions posed and not try to dodge them. I would ask that you don't bother trying to dodge the question by saying that a player cannot be logged into two characters at the same time, or that you can pay to pull the mods and use legacy gear to send a SINGLE set of mods between characters. Neither one of those responses actually answers the questions as they were posed.


Nope. And it won't stop you from pestering those who do want it. Just curious, which two users have the most posts in this thread? I didn't go through all the posts, but I think I can guess with a good degree of confidence and neither of them would be me.


Then I am sure yo can guess which two posters are not asking for handouts, to be able to skip content and still be rewarded or to be rewarded on ALL of our characters for something we only did on ONE character.

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Although I have no doubt that you will refuse to actually answer the questions as posed, I will ask that you actually answer the questions posed and not try to dodge them. I would ask that you don't bother trying to dodge the question by saying that a player cannot be logged into two characters at the same time, or that you can pay to pull the mods and use legacy gear to send a SINGLE set of mods between characters. Neither one of those responses actually answers the questions as they were posed.

I'd like to see one of them answer why they so desperately "need" the datacron boosts on every single character. With main stats over 4000 in the blue 190 gear from Ziost, what kind of a difference does 50 or 60 make? With hit points over 50,000, what kind of a difference does ~500 more make?

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Does your sniper get an IDENTICAL piece of gear if your marauder loots a piece of gear? Do EACH AND EVERY character you have, present or future, get the same piece of gear your marauder just looted simply because your marauder looted that piece? Did your marauder loot ONE piece of gear or did he loot a piece of gear for himself and an IDENTICAL piece of gear for EACH AND EVERY character you have, present and future?


You're right. You don't get an identical piece. But because you can't log in to 2 characters at the same time, it's moot. Essentially every character can use that one piece because you can't log in to 2 characters at the same time. And because legacy gear isn't consumed/bound on use (like other items, resources, or money), that is what makes legacy gear similar to the idea of legacy datacrons. That's my point.

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I'd like to see one of them answer why they so desperately "need" the datacron boosts on every single character. With main stats over 4000 in the blue 190 gear from Ziost, what kind of a difference does 50 or 60 make? With hit points over 50,000, what kind of a difference does ~500 more make?


It's equivalent to not having upgraded 3 pieces of PVP gear from reg to ranked. I'll let you decide whether you think it's important. For me, it's important enough that I'll do it. But after doing it for the fifth time, I absolutely would have rather spent my time PVPing or running an Ops. You know, playing with other players in an MMO.

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You're right. You don't get an identical piece. But because you can't log in to 2 characters at the same time, it's moot. Essentially every character can use that one piece because you can't log in to 2 characters at the same time. And because legacy gear isn't consumed/bound on use (like other items, resources, or money), that is what makes legacy gear similar to the idea of legacy datacrons. That's my point.


That is your opinion. I do not think the point is moot. IMO, the point is that legacy gear and legacy datacron stats are too entirely different things, if only due to the way they function, or would function in the case of legacy datacron stats.


My opinion is that since legacy gear only allows you to transfer a SINGLE set of mods and does NOT create a copy of of that piece of gear, they are nothing alike. Rewarding each and every character, present and future with an IDENTICAL SET OF PERMANENT stat bonuses for something that player only did with ONE, or even a few, character(s) is a far cry from allowing a player to transfer a SINGLE set of mods between characters.


We can agree to disagree.


Ultimately, though, the fact remains that the devs have made it pretty clear that they have no plans to implement legacy datacrons. I do not expect that to change no matter how much the "lazy, entitled, instant gratifiation, have to have it now and for as little effort or cost as possible" crowd chooses to pester them like that petulant 5 year old who continues to pester his mommy after she says he can't have a cookie, but I expect that they will continue to knock their heads into a wall like that petulant 5 year old.

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It's equivalent to not having upgraded 3 pieces of PVP gear from reg to ranked. I'll let you decide whether you think it's important. For me, it's important enough that I'll do it. But after doing it for the fifth time, I absolutely would have rather spent my time PVPing or running an Ops. You know, playing with other players in an MMO.


Obviously, you feel they are important enough to put forth the effort to obtain them.


You can spend your time PVP'ing or running OP's. You are not required to find the datacrons. If you would rather do something else, then do something else.


I'll ask you the same questions that were asked in another thread started by people too averse to do what was required to obtain the reward they sought.


Would you support giving a player a class appropriate, equivalent piece of PVP gear ( or even an identical piece of PVP gear) for simply obtaining a piece of PVP gear on ONE character? After all, that player may not like PVP, but wants the armor for its appearance and so does the PVP in order to get the reward. They may very well prefer to be doing other things that they find "fun".


Would you support giving a player a class appropriate, equivalent piece of OP's gear ( or even an identical piece of OP's gear) for simply obtaining a piece of OP's gear on ONE character? After all, that player may not like running OP's, but wants the armor for its appearance and so runs the OP's in order to get the reward. They may very well prefer to be doing other things that they find "fun".


Why do you think that should you be able to skip the skip the parts of the game that you don't want to do and still be rewarded as if you had done it (in this case legacy datacrons), and then turn around and try to tell others that they cannot skip the parts of the game they may not like without also giving up those rewards?

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It's equivalent to not having upgraded 3 pieces of PVP gear from reg to ranked. I'll let you decide whether you think it's important. For me, it's important enough that I'll do it. But after doing it for the fifth time, I absolutely would have rather spent my time PVPing or running an Ops. You know, playing with other players in an MMO.

Pretty sure you can get datacrons with other players.


But, OK, if the stats really are that big a deal to you, then you should be more than glad to take the time to get them.


I want Social 10 on all my characters because I like the Party Bomb. I've already got it on a few characters, so I assume you would be OK simply awarding it to my characters that don't have it. I have LS V and DS V on at least one character. I'd like to have max LS or DS on all my characters. I assume you'd be OK with the ability to simply assign LS or DS V to the characters of my choosing. I kind of like the title The Unmasked, but I don't have it on all of my characters. I guess I should be able to give it to all of my characters. I have reached level 60 with quite a few characters. I should be able to simply advance to 60 any other character I make. I have maxed affection with every companion in the game at least once. I should be able to grant max affection to any companion on any character.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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It's equivalent to not having upgraded 3 pieces of PVP gear from reg to ranked. I'll let you decide whether you think it's important. For me, it's important enough that I'll do it. But after doing it for the fifth time, I absolutely would have rather spent my time PVPing or running an Ops. You know, playing with other players in an MMO.


What do you mean by "doing it for the fifth time?"

Are you saying you have 5 Counslars that gathered their WillPower Datacrons 1 time each?




Do you really say you have gathered ALL Datacrons on FIVE characters Five Times?



And last question:

What do you seriously mean by "3 pieces of PVP gear from reg to ranked", can you try to convert this to PVE?



And for everyone:

How much Willpower will you gather if you collect ALL willpower from all destinations on pub or imp side?

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How much Willpower will you gather if you collect ALL willpower from all destinations on pub or imp side?



Imperial: 58

Republic: 55



Imperial: 58

Republic: 58



Imperial: 55

Republic: 55



Imperial: 55

Republic: 58

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Pretty sure you can get datacrons with other players.


But, OK, if the stats really are that big a deal to you, then you should be more than glad to take the time to get them.


I want Social 10 on all my characters because I like the Party Bomb. I've already got it on a few characters, so I assume you would be OK simply awarding it to my characters that don't have it. I have LS V and DS V on at least one character. I'd like to have max LS or DS on all my characters. I assume you'd be OK with the ability to simply assign LS or DS V to the characters of my choosing. I kind of like the title The Unmasked, but I don't have it on all of my characters. I guess I should be able to give it to all of my characters. I have reached level 60 with quite a few characters. I should be able to simply advance to 60 any other character I make. I have maxed affection with every companion in the game at least once. I should be able to grant max affection to any companion on any character.


If they wanted to add any of that, I really wouldn't care. It wouldn't affect how I played the game or my enjoyment of the game at all. And if it attracts more players to the game than it deters, then I'd be for it.

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Obviously, you feel they are important enough to put forth the effort to obtain them.


You can spend your time PVP'ing or running OP's. You are not required to find the datacrons. If you would rather do something else, then do something else.


I'll ask you the same questions that were asked in another thread started by people too averse to do what was required to obtain the reward they sought.


Would you support giving a player a class appropriate, equivalent piece of PVP gear ( or even an identical piece of PVP gear) for simply obtaining a piece of PVP gear on ONE character? After all, that player may not like PVP, but wants the armor for its appearance and so does the PVP in order to get the reward. They may very well prefer to be doing other things that they find "fun".


Would you support giving a player a class appropriate, equivalent piece of OP's gear ( or even an identical piece of OP's gear) for simply obtaining a piece of OP's gear on ONE character? After all, that player may not like running OP's, but wants the armor for its appearance and so runs the OP's in order to get the reward. They may very well prefer to be doing other things that they find "fun".


Why do you think that should you be able to skip the skip the parts of the game that you don't want to do and still be rewarded as if you had done it (in this case legacy datacrons), and then turn around and try to tell others that they cannot skip the parts of the game they may not like without also giving up those rewards?


Seriously with the "class appropriate" again? You never responded to my last inquiry about that. What does "class appropriate" have to do with anything? If my vanguard acquires a willpower chestpiece, a strength chestpiece, an aim chestpiece, a cunning chestpiece, then yeah, all my characters would have access to a "class appropriate" chestpiece. The only way for legacy datacrons to be "class appropriate" is if my vanguard goes out and acquires the willpower datacrons, the strength datacrons, the aim datacrons, the cunning datacrons.


I think Bioware should look into allowing players to skip parts of the game if it benefits the game. They mentioned that 12x XP was very popular, enough so that they brought it back. They found that allowing players to concentrate on storylines and being able to skip planet side missions was something players enjoyed, and I don't have access to the data they had, but I'm assuming player engagement was up during that time, and more importantly, player engagement continued to be up after 12x XP. Otherwise, they wouldn't bother bringing it back.

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