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Windows 8 SWTOR


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Let's see:


1. Win8 will be 40$(US) until January 2013. Then bumps up significantly(99.00 US). for digital downloads, so for the wait guys.. will cost you money.


2. Win8 is just lipstick on Win7. Yep that's right.


3. You can already download mods to boot directly to your standard Win7 screen, and get your start stuff etc.


4. the only question remaining: will SWTOR support Win8, or will the CSRs use it as ANOTHER excuse that the problems are YOUR computer or YOU. :(

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Running Windows 8 and loving it. No problems with SWTOR or anything else. In fact, this OS runs even more smoothly than 7. It's less bulky. It's faster. It's smoother. The only issue I had was that I needed to update my antivirus software right away as there was a compatibility issue, but Avast had already released an update for 8 so all is well. :)
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I've been running Windows 8 for several months now. SWTOR runs as well if not better in Win 8.I can't go back to 7 which seems slow and boring compared to 8. The Start Screen is nothing more than a full screen start menu. Once people realize that's what it is they will adjust. And then they will actually like using it, because it's pretty darn slick. People who can't stand the change are boring conservatives who will probably vote for Romney
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I just installed Windows 8 on this Desktop. So far I am liking it. It does take a little getting use to. If you use tablets then it will not be to hard to figure out.

I simply got Windows 8 because my FX8150 has better performance with it. On top of that I am also starting a new build and I needed another OS.


One thing I am pleased with from Microsoft this time is that they have priced it a lot better. $69.99 or $39.99 if you get the Digital Special Offer.

The bad thing is that they are supposedly going to increase the Price after January 31. Something like $199.99 which is insane. Hopefully they will not do that and just leave the price as it is.


I am currently Updating SWTOR right now since I just reinstalled it. I probably will not be playing until tomorrow since I have a lot of things to reinstall. :rolleyes:

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Got Windows 8 for $14.99, which is a great deal. Like people have been saying its takes getting used to, but in the end is better then 7 in my opinion. Don't let those people brainwash you into thinking 8 is horrible, try it before you make your decision whether it sucks or not, so you can know you at least tried it.
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I can say for a FACT that Windows 8 is better than Windows 7.

It runs this game a lot better than 7 does. No issues loading or running, everything works.

I have been running 8 since customer preview and it's performance gains are true. Just do a quick Google search and you can find plenty of information about how 8 runs better with less resources than 7.


Yes the GUI/user interface is different, and it takes a little getting used to, but over all I am 100% happy with the performance gains from running on 8 instead of 7.

The OS take less resources overall leaving more for the game. Better performance at the OS level = better performance for everything.

In addition, I run the 560ti video card and NVidia has had 8 beta drivers out since Jan.

So far compatibility and reliability are solid. No matter what you are doing as far as a PC, you will see better performance from 8 over 7.

As always, it is best to do a fresh install of any operating system, I can not speak of an upgrade.


This 100%. There is a lot of unjustified hate out for the system when in fact it's performance is much better than previous versions of windows. Yes the UI is different than previous versions of Windows, but it only takes about half an hour to get used to it.


I am personally running Windows 8 with 3 monitors, utilizing it for gaming and watching videos at the same time and the performance is excellent.

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I read all of the anti windows 8 post and laugh..most of this tripe comes from non tech people who can barely operate the version of windows they currently have.


I have been working with windows 8 for months and it is a huge advancement over windows 7

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Couple people who I know play SWTOR and have Windows 8 soon returned to 7 because the game client kept crashing.


That's about all I know about it ^_^


I have been running the release version for two months with no issues with my game client. They might want to check their device drivers before blaming Windows.

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That is correct. The Start Menu has been replaced by the "Metro screen" - like a tablet all your applications are shown in a "tile" format. The design is optimized for a tablet or touch screen computer. The concept is that you need not have to know two different interfaces to use a computer (desktop or laptop) and a tablet.


If you go to Dell and HP and all the other major manufacturers you will see a lot of laptops and all-in-one desktops that come with a touch screen.


It will DEFINITELY take some getting used to and a LOT of users will not like it. My suggestion would be to go to your local Best Buy, CostCo, electronics store, etc and "test drive" a Windows 8 system before investing.


That being said, Microsoft has priced the upgrade version VERY well. I got an e-mail from Office Depot - $69.99 for the Windows 8 Pro upgrade disk. Microsoft is offering digital download for $39.99. Remember that (since Windows XP) the upgrade disk can do a full installation, you just have to either have an upgrade path OS already installed (and the installation will store that older version in a separate folder), or a valid product key for a upgrade path OS.


Since I work for a company that make software drivers for various OSes I have had a chance to play with Windows 8 a lot prior to release and I am one of those who is not happy with it. Like another who posted my plan is wait until I buy a new computer before upgrading - that will most likely a year to 18 months from now. By then we will all know if Windows 8 sticks.




There is something to this. Since Win95 every other MS OS has been a flop.


win95 - a big step aka great

wion98 - not a total failure but not great

win98se great

winMe flop

winXP great

winVista flop

win7 great

win8 ??????????


I have test Windows 8 station, it is optimized 7 core + some new interfaces.

I have found a way to not use "metro" without messing with 3rd party software, it is not hard ...

All this mess with living panels on desktops is about getting developers to work for them, I suppose soon there will be official way to switch interfaces on classic PCs.

At least large companies will give them bad feedback when begin transitions.

About Windows versions ...


Windows 1 & 2 - never sow them do you?

Windows 3, 3.1, 3.11 - on those old PCs they had just DOS graphic shells

win95 - a big step aka great (still DOS shell)

Windows NT 3, 3.5 - first real OS with stable core

wion98 - not a total failure but not great - better than 95 :)

Windows NT4 - very stable server & workstations... servers still in use in some cases.

win98se great - 98 SP1 :)

winMe flop - 98 SP1 with some interface changes - core same, OS same.

Windows 2000 Server & workstation - 1st NT with multimedia core support & gaming capabilities - great after SP1

winXP great

Windows 2003 Server - above great

winVista flop - Vista has very close to 7 core, it was just not so optimized and above mass existing hardware, very little setting & tweaking on good rig - works as 7

Windows 2008 Server - great but for server only, graphic/gaming suppressed to avoid using it as desktop OS as it was with 2003

win7 great

win8 ? - there is pattern you think?


P.S. - my testing station is not gaming one, so cannot tell what would happen with SWTOR on it... it is Core duo 2.53 with 4 GB RAM and integrated Intel video.

Edited by morfius
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People saying things like "performance is much better with win8" and "my system runs faster now with win8" are mostly just experiencing that New OS Smell you get from a clean install. Unless you do a side-by-side comparison with fresh installs on identical hardware, you really arent qualified to make statements like those.


Now, people who DO have such things report mixed results. In general, Win 8 is a *bit* leaner and meaner... but it only really makes a difference on lower end machines and... you guessed it, tablets. It's an OS designed for tablets and phones, and it does those very well.


But if you are running Win7 on a desktop or non-touchscreen laptop (aka 99% of them) and looking at upgrading, you have to ask yourself... why? Ok, you say $14.99 is a great deal.. but what are you getting? The joy of reinstalling everything and waiting for driver support that may not be there? For dealing with IT centers that simply will not help you until their products are officially supported, and no guarantee that they ever will be? And you get to pay for these privileges?


I never understand these rushes to new OS's... I always boggle at the hype surrounding each .1 incremental upgrade of Apple's OS, and really Win8 is closer to a Win7.1+Metro upgrade than anything else. If it comes on your new computer, fine, deal with it. But it isnt worth paying any money for if you've already got 7.

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I upgraded to Windows 8 on my laptop and have only been using it for a couple of hours. It is a lot faster than Windows 7 and it does boot up quicker, since my laptop only has a 500GB 5400RPM drive. In terms of my desktop I don't think I'll be upgrading anytime soon as even on my laptop it feels as though you need a touch screen.


It would seem that Windows are trying to move computing forward from the typical mouse and keyboard approach onto different methods.

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Only upgrade from XP to win 7 64bit, 4 months ago. Honestly not interested in a non-essential OP system thats being released till they work the kinks out, which is probably half a year.


And that time frame increases if I am forced to reinstall all of my information again. Besides that touch screen app is dead weight for home computers.

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People saying things like "performance is much better with win8" and "my system runs faster now with win8" are mostly just experiencing that New OS Smell you get from a clean install. Unless you do a side-by-side comparison with fresh installs on identical hardware, you really arent qualified to make statements like those.


Now, people who DO have such things report mixed results. In general, Win 8 is a *bit* leaner and meaner... but it only really makes a difference on lower end machines and... you guessed it, tablets. It's an OS designed for tablets and phones, and it does those very well.


But if you are running Win7 on a desktop or non-touchscreen laptop (aka 99% of them) and looking at upgrading, you have to ask yourself... why? Ok, you say $14.99 is a great deal.. but what are you getting? The joy of reinstalling everything and waiting for driver support that may not be there? For dealing with IT centers that simply will not help you until their products are officially supported, and no guarantee that they ever will be? And you get to pay for these privileges?


I never understand these rushes to new OS's... I always boggle at the hype surrounding each .1 incremental upgrade of Apple's OS, and really Win8 is closer to a Win7.1+Metro upgrade than anything else. If it comes on your new computer, fine, deal with it. But it isnt worth paying any money for if you've already got 7.


Maybe some of us just tried both fresh installed to see... as I said I have separated testing station... it is not great/gaming one but for compatibility and performance testing is OK.

It is faster, as 7 was faster than Vista (but not in that scale) ... optimizations exist.

It boot faster (with core hibernation) from shut-down.

It is just not easy to take from interface point of view :)

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I wouldn't use Windows 8, horrid reviews with it so far.


But in general something is telling me to suggest you wait with updating to W8 until a lot of its issues are resolved, some graphics cards, like Nvidia are already giving downloads to prep for W8...but with the way TOR has been handled...things will prob suck for an X time.


I've not seen any, but going by every windows release ever, I think it's madness to "upgrade" (and often it isn't an upgrade at all [Like 98 to ME or XP to Vista]) before at least 6 months (in Vistas case it was never a good idea till Win 7). :)

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Don't listen to all the idiots who are saying NO to Windows 8 based on personal opinion, they have no idea what they are talking about.


Windows 8 and SWTOR get on very well together, I have been using the release candidate for the last couple of weeks. The game actually runs much better in Windows 8, it is far smoother than it ever was in Windows 7.

In Windows 7 I would always get this jerkiness whilst running in SLi, then I upgraded to Windows 8 with the same nVidia driver version & version of the game (I used the exact same installation files), and the game has been running smooth as silk. My FPS have improved too, probably because Windows resource management is far superior in Windows 8 than it is in 7.


My specs are;

i7 3820 @ 3.8GHz



2x GTX 480's running in SLi


For the record BF3 is running much better too. And this is the release candidate of Windows 8, after a few performance updates Windows 8 will be blowing Windows 7 out of the water.


Windows 8 & SWTOR are so far a match made in heaven. So if you want better performance knowing that it will only get better, get Windows 8 and don't listen to the people stating their opinion as fact when they haven't even tried it yet...

Edited by Sweeet
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I wouldn't bother even thinking of upgrading to Windows 8. It's so revolutionary (in a desktop sense) and so potentially problematic for gaming that 99% of gamers will want Windows 7 to be given 9 lives, much like Windows XP. Edited by Leematon
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I upgraded to Windows 8 on my laptop and have only been using it for a couple of hours. It is a lot faster than Windows 7 and it does boot up quicker, since my laptop only has a 500GB 5400RPM drive. In terms of my desktop I don't think I'll be upgrading anytime soon as even on my laptop it feels as though you need a touch screen.


It would seem that Windows are trying to move computing forward from the typical mouse and keyboard approach onto different methods.


They're also trying to move computing from being an open platform where you can do and install anything you want, to a closed one where all downloaded applications have to be certified by Microsoft.

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I have test Windows 8 station, it is optimized 7 core + some new interfaces.

I have found a way to not use "metro" without messing with 3rd party software, it is not hard ...

All this mess with living panels on desktops is about getting developers to work for them, I suppose soon there will be official way to switch interfaces on classic PCs.

At least large companies will give them bad feedback when begin transitions.

About Windows versions ...


Windows 1 & 2 - never sow them do you?

Windows 3, 3.1, 3.11 - on those old PCs they had just DOS graphic shells

win95 - a big step aka great (still DOS shell)

Windows NT 3, 3.5 - first real OS with stable core

wion98 - not a total failure but not great - better than 95 :)

Windows NT4 - very stable server & workstations... servers still in use in some cases.

win98se great - 98 SP1 :)

winMe flop - 98 SP1 with some interface changes - core same, OS same.

Windows 2000 Server & workstation - 1st NT with multimedia core support & gaming capabilities - great after SP1

winXP great

Windows 2003 Server - above great

winVista flop - Vista has very close to 7 core, it was just not so optimized and above mass existing hardware, very little setting & tweaking on good rig - works as 7

Windows 2008 Server - great but for server only, graphic/gaming suppressed to avoid using it as desktop OS as it was with 2003

win7 great

win8 ? - there is pattern you think?


It's not really fair to include both the DOS/3.1/9x line and NT lines in the same comparison, as they were different kernels. 3.1/9x were, as you said, GUIs for DOS (I read 95 being described as "a colourful clown suit for DOS"), whreas NT was written as its own thing as a server OS with no DOS code in it. The Win32 API developed for NT was later back-engineered into 3.1 and 95, but that was compatible calls, rather than actual NT code.


It wasn't until ME that they started trying to merge things - although it still had some DOS in it, it also had some NT in it (such as the TCP/IP stack). By XP they gave up on merging DOS and NT, and just scrapped DOS completely, with XP being the next iteration of NT.

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Then you will never get windows 8.


Micro$oft is most likely not gonna do service packs anymore because of the statement you just made.




MS will be moving to a release model close to Apples. May even goto a yearly OS release. If they do then I expect the price for said OS to be alot cheaper and more frequent.


Ok, they may not call them service pacs any longer, , never seen microsoft release anything that did not need to be fixed in the field in some way, I like the idea of smaller more often patches, so let me re-phrase I will consider windows 8 after a coulpe of patches.. :)plus win 7 works great for me now, I am in no hurry to get something i don't need at the moment.. :)

Edited by kevlarto
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