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White Crystals...Youre kidding me right?


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You see what he did right? The same person put up two identical items. One for 1billion (totally not a serious listing) and one for 20 million. They are just trying to get you to justify a price of 20million for that item which may be well, well above what the rest of the server has been selling their items for.


I'm sure you were smart enough to spot that... or you'll ignore this post because you realize it now.


Which negates the fact that:

A) I was right and had facts.

B) You were wrong and just talked with no knowledge

C) I was right and you were wrong. Again. Just in case you werent smart enough to realize it.


On a side note you might be right it was a joke except as of last night theyve kept trying to get that price. Keep talking without knowing what you are talking about.

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I'm a casual player and i would choose a subscription based game any day. Why? Because everyone who wasn't born yesterday knows that the term "F2P" is nothing but a lure.

With a sub model you pay a fixed amount of money monthly and get full access to all available content, while with F2P model you're restricted in everything and have to pay more and more to unlock more and more features and items.

I don't like being restricted in anything the game has to offer. I don't like to buy features or items or anything from in-game shop for real money. I like to explore the game world and earn things myself by in-game means. This provides you a sence of accomplishment, which is enjoyable. Nothing bought by $$$ will ever be able to do the same, no matter how kewl it is.

And, to be honest, i've seen lots of people who see things the same way i do.


So if you had the choice to get to learn a game for free or pay for it, youd instantly pay for it even though you can learn it for free first? You wouldnt play a demo if available before purchasing a game?

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Which negates the fact that:

A) I was right and had facts.

B) You were wrong and just talked with no knowledge

C) I was right and you were wrong. Again. Just in case you werent smart enough to realize it.


On a side note you might be right it was a joke except as of last night theyve kept trying to get that price. Keep talking without knowing what you are talking about.


Clearly I was mistaken! The going rate is 1 billion credits. They are selling like hotcakes. :cool:


And yes I am laughing out loud. :D

Edited by Tim-ONeil
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I don’t understand why people are so upset about the white crystal and other legacy unlocks. You still have yours, so what if someone else can get the white crystal. Not that they’re going to be all that common, after all there are a random drop. As for level 10 using them, I don't think it going to make that much of a difference and that if they can use them form the get go.
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I don’t understand why people are so upset about the white crystal and other legacy unlocks. You still have yours, so what if someone else can get the white crystal. Not that they’re going to be all that common, after all there are a random drop. As for level 10 using them, I don't think it going to make that much of a difference and that if they can use them form the get go.


You miss the point completely. At least mine. I dont care if others get it. But instead of making it a "Look i logged in with moms credit card see what I got" make it a "Wow! I did this quest line for x amount of time look at the cool reward! Man I cant wait till the next one"

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You miss the point completely. At least mine. I dont care if others get it. But instead of making it a "Look i logged in with moms credit card see what I got" make it a "Wow! I did this quest line for x amount of time look at the cool reward! Man I cant wait till the next one"


To get the original white crystal all you had to do was your dailies and you could buy it outright. Its not like you had to do something difficult

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To get the original white crystal all you had to do was your dailies and you could buy it outright. Its not like you had to do something difficult


It still took 5 million credits for one. You didnt log in and do one set of dailies. You did your dailies, quests, flashpoints, and sold on the GTN whatever your style was for quite some time. The point being you STILL spent time IN GAME playing with others moving the game along. You didnt buy it with your credit card in 30 seconds, show it off for 30 minutes to your friends, and then log off cause you have nothing to do. There were TONS of people who couldnt make the money just to get them because it was a struggle for alot of people. Dont try and trivialize it.

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I see the point you are making and I worked hard to get the credit to buy the crystal I got too but it doesn't upset me if someone else get them. I still know the work I did to get mine and someone else getting one won't change it.

Saying these things will make people play the game isn’t true, many people simple quit because they didn’t want to endless grind credit. If they like the game they will play it and they should have a chance at getting the crystal too. Even if that buying it for a lot of credit off the market or spending real money. Plus they aren't going to be able to just buy it they will have to hope they are lucky enough to get it, remember there random item packs. Who known how rare or often it will drop.

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I'll leave your thread now since all that has to be said has been said.


There's a touch of I'm jealous that so and so has X item here for sure. You can't deny that when 'using mommie's credit card' as an example you further expand on your motivation. You feel you 'worked hard' for the item and you don't like the new method of acquiring it.


What you are really upset about is the F2P business model they've adopted and how it's going to impact your status as a player.


In an MMO none of us are unique, we all have the same skills, access to the same items, etc. Our perceived status however is a reflection of ourselves compared to other in the things we can directly observe, skill to a degree but mostly cosmetic or achievement based comparisons.


There's no reason they can't adopt your heroic awesome uber quest model in the future. However an item that is easily obtainable for everyone one is no longer rare and it loses it 'value' in that sense. The journey might be fun but the reward isn't special.


There is no quest that you can devise that will not be able to be completed by everyone at some point.

Edited by Tim-ONeil
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So if you had the choice to get to learn a game for free or pay for it, youd instantly pay for it even though you can learn it for free first? You wouldnt play a demo if available before purchasing a game?

Firstly, i never rush to try a game instantly, just because it for some reason drew my attention. I do a small research on it beforehand - watch videos, get familiar with game site, forums etc. Only then i decide if the game may suit me or not, if i want to try it or not. And if i do, i'd start the game with an intention to stay.

In the case of TOR you have a choice on how to start. So i would have to decide what i want more - to pay a month of game time, receive subscriber benefits and make a better first impression, or the second option, where i'm going to be restricted in many ways from the very beginning, becoming annoyed because of it and possibly ruining my first experience? Considering my intention to stay, i think i'd go with the first option.

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So let me get this straight. They are now a BoE, bought out of a cash bag and a level 10 can use them? A level 10 can use a +41 crystal? (Way to not go pay to win BW :rolleyes: ) THIS is what you Devs meant when you promised us they would be hard to acquire, rare items? Way to fail on so many levels BW. GG.


So I only see a few people with them, I have one btw that I have not equipped. I do not believe we will see a lot of them, and not anymore than the purple crystal on repub toons.

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I'll be totally honest, I don't care about how rare a crystal is, so much as how I acquired it.


My crystal? A +41 purple I got from my first HM LI clear. I have 4 purple crystals now and I've given 3 of them to my companions. I still really like the +41 even if it isn't rare, because I have fond memories of acquiring it. That's why the new Pink-Purple will never appeal to me as much as Purple or Magenta, because I enjoyed coming up with LI strats, and read every forum post on the Magenta until we solved it (okay I didn't solve it, but I was watching every step of the way).


P.S: Does the Cartel Shop Lightsaber with a special effect (the base glows) look cool? Sure, but I'm not a gambler. Would I buy one off the GTN for 8 million :sy_auction:? No, I'd be better off buying 340 diplomacy missions so i can craft more Exotech for my guildmates. I'll gamble occasionally with the CCs I get from my sub, but I'm not spending real world money on top of my sub.

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Me, I never wanted this game to go F2P for a lot of reasons but I don't think anyone wants to read my essay on F2P systems and why I believe they are a "Bad Thing TM" -- anyway even I have to admit that the game was going down the gurgler with the massive drop in people playing on the Oceanic servers that I've witnessed the past few months. Of course I'm just one person but I'm on TOR every day and see a lot of the PvE server Dalborra thanks to the 10 characters I switch between quite regularly. Anyway if TOR is going F2P, as a lot of people claimed to have wanted, this is what we are all going to have to accept. Either we have F2P and put up with this sort of thing, ie. carrots on sticks designed to pull credit cards out of wallets/purses, or watch TOR limp along as a subscription-only game until it dies a pathetic lonely death. Not that F2P is a guaranteed save though. That relies a lot on the design of the F2P system and, to a certain extent, how aggressive they get with their carrots and sticks.
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Dont care about who can use them. I think its BS if you can only get something from a grab bag. I shouldnt have to pay extra for something that should be in the game. Special pets and fluffy mounts thats one thing. Gear should be aquirable in game ways.


Economics trumps fairness 7 days a week. True story.

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I have the best crystal ever. The transparent one. It looks like I swing an unlit light saber. Tricks people every time, and I always hit them first.


Its extremely rare though, and its from the wondrous egg.


I could reveal the secret, but its actually kind of disgusting.

Edited by VegaPhone
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I have the best crystal ever. The transparent one. It looks like I swing an unlit light saber. Tricks people every time, and I always hit them first.


Its extremely rare though, and its from the wondrous egg.


I could reveal the secret, but its actually kind of disgusting.


I LOVE disgusting. Tell me more:)

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Dont care about who can use them. I think its BS if you can only get something from a grab bag. I shouldnt have to pay extra for something that should be in the game. Special pets and fluffy mounts thats one thing. Gear should be aquirable in game ways.


But that's the thing: you don't have to get them from a loot bag. You can buy them off the GTN, much like you can buy a black-purple crystal, that drops as a random loot from Ops. And, again, like black-purple crystals it will be very expensive at first but as more people get it, the prices will go down.

If the crystal gave you +51 stat, then it would be wrong.

But you can have the exact same +41 stat with a simple red/green/blue crystal that will cost you almost nothing.

Therefore, it is fluff.

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Complaints about grab bags are common it seems, at least to me, across games that offer them. But they do seem to be EXTREMELY popular items. Especially in games like STO.


Unfortunately if you are against them that means you will have to tolerate them most likely due to the high profit potential. The only saving grace here is that perhaps the items in the bag will become unbound after 5 days.

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