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So Bioware is not backing down from the "Grab Bags"


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Never bothered me to see someone roll around in wow with a card game mount, nor did I ever buy any of said cards or mounts. So I'm not gonna have a problem with this.


Though they might as well start selling credits while they're at it, if the items become unbound?

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I was worried that Bioware was going to do it the same way Cryptic does. Where box after box gets into your inventory and you have to buy a key with real world money to open it or waste inventory slots or sell them. Then flash a thing across the screen every time someone gets a prize.


Keeping the packs strictly in the shop, I am going to take back everything bad I said about the boxes. Bioware did it in a way that it's not a bait and hook like Cryptic does it.

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heres the thing... when you are a subscriber paying $15 month (esp if since before F2P announcement) you shouldnt have to spend a single cent of real money (aka cartel coins) to get ANYTHING in the game.
I agree, however WoW has been using a similar strategy successfully for the last year, selling unique mounts on the website for $25 and unique pets for $10 - $15. It's made them millions, according to their shareholder's quarterlies. It would seem that very few innovtove ideas are rewarded and gaming companies are stuck in the rut of following WoW's model <sigh>
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well... they might be on the GTN for 5mil credits an item... or if they are as rare as they need to be for it to be effective gambling (less than 1% chance) then they may almost never even make it on to the gtn because people who want it would equip it instead.


same difference really...


Funny, so it's not about "As subscribers its our right to be able to get any premium item we want without having to gamble for it..." at all is it then?


Because you can get a premium item without you having to gamble for it. You complain about having a 'right' to stuff as a subscriber. A system is put in place that even subscribers who do not want to spend more real money than their sub can get it through gaining ingame credits, and that is not good enough? That does not offer you your right?


No, it is not the same difference... I call your baseless whine of entitlement and raise you with facts.


You just want stuff first, and can't stand some things are easier to get with real money than in game money. But I can assure you, more than enough people, especially F2P players, will prefer to sell some items than keep them. Items do not have the same worth for everyone. For example: I don't want the throne mount, I know many people do. I'll sell it in game if I get it. Same goes for almost every item in the boxes.


So really, what besides a whine of entitlement is your post really about?

Edited by Devlonir
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Too much crap in those backs, don't think people will buy many of them... except for those collectors who buy so much that it might wrk for BioWare. But I think bioWare could make more money by offering all the stuff in a way so that people can just buy what they want, because that way people would actually buy that stuff.


The bags are the gift that will keep on giving (to Bioware). Once people buy all of the access/perks they want, they'll continue to buy the bags indefinitely. A) they have a chance at a rare. B) they can sell what they don't want for credits to use in game. It's a win all around, IMO.

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Too much crap in those backs, don't think people will buy many of them... except for those collectors who buy so much that it might wrk for BioWare. But I think bioWare could make more money by offering all the stuff in a way so that people can just buy what they want, because that way people would actually buy that stuff.


No way would that make them more money. They would make a decent amount at first, then once everyone has the armor they wanted, there would be a very limited amount of money made here. Putting them into grab bags is the only way to get sustained money out of the armors that doesn't involve creating a new set of armor every week.

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I agree. I originally HATED the idea of these packs. But now that I've seen them in action and tried it out on the PTS and you'll be able to trade/sell the stuff from the packs, I've changed my mind and I think they are great as-is.


I agree with this. I changed my mind too.

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Too much crap in those backs, don't think people will buy many of them... except for those collectors who buy so much that it might wrk for BioWare. But I think bioWare could make more money by offering all the stuff in a way so that people can just buy what they want, because that way people would actually buy that stuff.




There will be a certain novelty time gamers will buy the bags when this launches but it will eventually trickle down to a minimum.


I can even see Subscription players wasting a few coins since they get 500 for free a month but if the items in the bags were sold individually but for say double the cost of the bag, BW would stand to make more money on individual sales than on bags alone.


Happy customers buy more. Let those players consistently get burned on the packs and watch the purchase of them drop off.


Let the same gamers buy what they want at even double the cost and you will see more consistent sales as long as there are interesting things in the shop.


I think there are more gamers that would gladly pay more for the one item (or multiple items) that they want and would be happy with, then the random grab bag that more then likely just takes there money and gives them crap over and over again.

Edited by Quraswren
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heres the thing... when you are a subscriber paying $15 month (esp if since before F2P announcement) you shouldnt have to spend a single cent of real money (aka cartel coins) to get ANYTHING in the game.


Why is it some people have a hard time understanding that?:confused:


As subscribers its our right to be able to get any premium item we want without having to gamble for it...


you don't have to because you get 500 cartel points a month. So you don't have to spend a dime.


Also as others pointed out after 5 days they can be sold/traded so again you reallly don't need to spend a single dime on them.

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Happy customers buy more. Let those players consistently get burned on the packs and watch the purchase of them drop off.


Like in the casino's?


The obvious startegy here is putting new unique stuff in those bags every month so people keep buying bags. Plus they throw in something valuable once in a while so players feel it was worth it and I guarantee you they will keep selling.


You should read some articles on how f2p games keep people buying stuff, especially those Korean grind MMO's got that down nicely. Its based on research on monkeys if I recall correctly...

Edited by Gokkus
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It's a business and these are non essential items.


As much as I HATE this type of in-game reward, Tomb-Stone is right. With the game being F2P, expect many cool items to show up in these bags. That's just how this sorta thing works...and a large reason why so many of us are/were upset to hear that it would be going F2P.

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heres the thing... when you are a subscriber paying $15 month (esp if since before F2P announcement) you shouldnt have to spend a single cent of real money (aka cartel coins) to get ANYTHING in the game.


Why is it some people have a hard time understanding that?:confused:


As subscribers its our right to be able to get any premium item we want without having to gamble for it...


I think it's cute that you think you have rights over virtual items in a virtual land but because you play a subscription. Are you entitled to everything inside a magazine you subscribe to also?


And to people who think this is an illegal form of gambling is just laughable at best. If that's the case then Lego should be in trouble for selling Lego figures in unmarked bags. But they are not, why, cause buying into a grab bag for a random chance at something is hardly a form of illegal gambling.

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Like in the casino's?


This isn't a casino. You can't get real money back out of it. (in most cases anyway) Thats what makes casinos work. While gamers will see things as having an apparent worth. It will never have the same hold as a real casino.


The obvious startegy here is putting new unique stuff in those bags every month so people keep buying bags. Plus they throw in something valuable once in a while so players feel it was worth it and I guarantee you they will keep selling.


You should read some articles on how f2p games keep people buying stuff, especially those Korean grind MMO's got that down nicely. Its based on research on monkeys if I recall correctly...


Oh I'm sure of there strategy in trying to get repeat buyers. I just think subscribers who are already paying $15 a month should have an option to buy items outright without the randomness. They can even charge twice as much at 720 coins and gamers will buy them up in droves cause we like to customize.


And more people will buy a double cost item if it's something that they really want then paying half for a very small chance at the item they want.

Edited by Quraswren
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I have seen a lot of you guys beg Bioware to reconsider putting out these "Grab Bags" (gambling bags) and judging from the PTS server, your cries have gone unheard.


So now I am asking you...Bioware....please please please do not go through with these grab bags. You are placing some of the coolest stuff in to these bags and making it to where the only way you can get this stuff is to gamble. Pink-purple crystals? Grab bag only?


Come on Devs...I am respectfully requesting you reconsider here.

They are 'optional' (fluff, cosmetic, fun and so forth). Besides they can be traded after x amount of time when the item becomes unbound. The price will be high, no doubt, but you do not have to pay real currency for a 'gamble' to get the 'cool' item you want.
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I don't like gamble bags, boxes, whatever and won't be using them. Plenty of players like them though and they're a proven revenue source for games. As long as it's shiny swag and not game-breaking gear I'm fine with them here.


More revenue means a better chance that stuff that does matter to me will be funded. And if I'm the only toon in a WZ that has a plain old saber while everyone else is waving around rainbows that's cool, variety is the friggin' spice of life.


TL;DR? Gamble bags may be cheesy but are good for the game's sustainability.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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This isn't a casino. You can't get real money back out of it. Thats what makes casinos work. While gamers will see things as having an apparent worth. It will never have the same hold as a real casino.


Gonna have to respectfully disagree with you there. There is a reason why quite a few F2P games are implementing gambling boxes into their games. They sell extremely well and for many people, they become a hobby within a hobby, especially if you continue to add more and more items you can get from them. This also seems like a much more reasonable and fair implementation of these boxes than in other games. In games like GW2 and STO, you loot the gambling boxes themselves, and then have to buy a key to open them. I'd say that's quite a bit scummier than simply buying the packs directly from the store.


There is a term that I have heard frequently as of late in conjunction with F2P games, and that term is "Whales". Most people who play F2P games don't spend a single cent in the cash shop, and I suspect that this will remain the case with SWTOR. However, there are people, who have been termed "Whales" by developers that spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars a month on F2P games, buying stuff such as this, and that is what makes up for the majority of the people being able to play for free.


As I have said in other threads, I don't really think comparing these packs to a casino makes much sense. They are, however, very similar to baseball cards or really any other type of trading card. You buy a pack, knowing up front that the individual cards you get are totally random, and if you want to buy an individual card, you can buy it from the secondary market, or in SWTOR's case, the GTN.


In fact, that's one of my favorite things about this update. Having these items become tradeable after the fact actually encourages people to interact and trade with eachother to get the items you want, and judging by the drop rates from the PTS, the majority of items aren't going to be that expensive to buy with credits. Maybe they will be at first, when there is a high demand, but eventually prices will stabilize, and both people that enjoy the game of chance, and people that just want a specific item will be happy with the system.

Edited by thesadplanet
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There not much money, you are guaranteed to get something at least rare. The line is crossed when they bring in lock boxes which cost real money to open and usually contain vendor trash with a very very rare chance of something awesome.


rare items are vendor trash, that's like spending a few bucks of real money to buy a lock box that drops an item you can sell on the gtn for maybe afew k credits? doesn't sound worth it does it?

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heres the thing... when you are a subscriber paying $15 month (esp if since before F2P announcement) you shouldnt have to spend a single cent of real money (aka cartel coins) to get ANYTHING in the game.


/Points to the 500 cartel coin a subsciber gets each month. Save them up, spend them on what you want, never have to drop incremental money on the game. ;)

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