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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I'm a Jedi and I wear a Brown Robe.


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So I really don't care about any of the new gear, new mods are all that matter to me. Because im a Jedi and I wear a Brown Robe. So who's with me? Who else is a proud Brown Robe wearing Jedi? Forget about all those crazy flamboyent types that want to strut their sparkly new cloths. Brown Robes Represent!
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So I really don't care about any of the new gear, new mods are all that matter to me. Because im a Jedi and I wear a Brown Robe. So who's with me? Who else is a proud Brown Robe wearing Jedi? Forget about all those crazy flamboyent types that want to strut their sparkly new cloths. Brown Robes Represent!


as long as they're around heavy armor like the battlemaster set.

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So I really don't care about any of the new gear, new mods are all that matter to me. Because im a Jedi and I wear a Brown Robe. So who's with me? Who else is a proud Brown Robe wearing Jedi? Forget about all those crazy flamboyent types that want to strut their sparkly new cloths. Brown Robes Represent!


I just want is the Battlelord chest since it's the last thing I need.. with a Revan mask.. :p

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I have a jedi and wear a white robe.


I keep it to wear it until I absolutely have to put on whatever monstrosity I have to wear to level....then it comes off quick to put back on the white robe.


I REALLY wish this game had a way to convert armor to empty Orange armor.

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im a sentinel and i ware CLOTHES that would alow for all the spinning and flipping movements my char makes and i wish there where more of them but there are very few and there seems to be no sentinel only amour at all robes make very little sense for any of the melee jedi like vanguards and sentinels or even shadows at least not as long as you cant shead them before a battle like quigon and obiwan do in ep1



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So I really don't care about any of the new gear, new mods are all that matter to me. Because im a Jedi and I wear a Brown Robe. So who's with me? Who else is a proud Brown Robe wearing Jedi? Forget about all those crazy flamboyent types that want to strut their sparkly new cloths. Brown Robes Represent!


My sage wears a brown robe and skirt does that count?

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So I really don't care about any of the new gear, new mods are all that matter to me. Because im a Jedi and I wear a Brown Robe. So who's with me? Who else is a proud Brown Robe wearing Jedi? Forget about all those crazy flamboyent types that want to strut their sparkly new cloths. Brown Robes Represent!


Except your brown robe is not significant to being more than other brown robes. That is the problem. There is nothing wrong with a certain style, however if you got that robe from a random drop killing a pirate and the robe is called something random, then it is meaningless other than being your brown robes.


However, if you have brown robes from an epic quest, and its called after someone epic, and there is a huge development towards that, then even though they are brown robes, they are the brown robes of someone great.


I think that is what is also missing in the game. That epic gear has no story to it, and is very random. The only time we see something relevant and has development in terms of items is the kh driod. However, I would prefer if gear was related to quests arc, and them being very long as well and having very specific rewards that are iconic to the planet. This could have been done easily for world arcs or class stories in swtor. This was a big part I feel that they missed in the game.


Other than having quests called the heist of the melenium (sp) and getting very little for it. Having gear that has no reference to story, worlds, or persons can feel very unfamiliar and therefore underwhelming.

Edited by VegaPhone
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