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[Guide] Sentinel PvP


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The 30% snare is plenty for most situations. You don't waste 2 rage and a GCD on the 50% snare.


If you are fighting someone who will do some prolonged kiting, then consider the 50% snare.


Hrm, typically I'm going to be applying Leg Slash to every ranged class, is there a certain one you skip it on?

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Hrm, typically I'm going to be applying Leg Slash to every ranged class, is there a certain one you skip it on?


Bad players. It's not hard to learn who doesn't kite well, and if you make a mistake you won't make it twice, just use a couple cooldowns to recover.

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Question for all since I haven't found it anywhere.


Are there sent ligthsabers for centurion/champion tokens?


I'm at my job so I can't check it in game now, but if I my memory works fine, all those ligthsabers/offhand saber had way more endurance than strength.

I remember cause my actual orange saber has +86str and neither the centurion or champion sabers seemed to have more str than that.


They do have more base dmg tough


Mostly, the PvP sabers have the Expertise, which makes up (or should) for the loss of Str.

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Can you give my some advice how kitting? Becouse I dont have experience with melle class in mmo... I was play only ranged or healer...


And so i look on some gear and i think champion saber is better than battlmaster for watchman... Becouse when i change this weapons i get a few more stats for example only 4 experise but i lost something about 50 crit... And crit is key stats for watchman... what do you think?

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Bad players. It's not hard to learn who doesn't kite well, and if you make a mistake you won't make it twice, just use a couple cooldowns to recover.


If the only time I wouldn't leg slash is against bad players then I don't care about the wasted GCD and focus spent on leg slash ><

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The Focus PvP rotation in the OP is wrong.


Ideal 1 vs 1 straight damage rotation


Force Leap, Force Stasis, (use Relic) Force Sweep, Bladestorm

Zealous Strike, Crushing Leap, Force Exhaustion, Force Sweep

Valorous Call w/ Zen followed by Slashes.



Exhaustion before a leap is doable, but the ticks before the leap wont count towards the crit damage multiplier. Not ideal but needed sometimes in WZ's like Huttball.

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The Focus PvP rotation in the OP is wrong.


Ideal 1 vs 1 straight damage rotation


Force Leap, Force Stasis, (use Relic) Force Sweep, Bladestorm

Zealous Strike, Crushing Leap, Force Exhaustion, Force Sweep

Valorous Call w/ Zen followed by Slashes.



Exhaustion before a leap is doable, but the ticks before the leap wont count towards the crit damage multiplier. Not ideal but needed sometimes in WZ's like Huttball.


Not sure what you mean by Exhaustion before leap as in the one I listed I start with leap.


I also perfer Exhaustion before Stasis so you can get 3 off as fast as possible, but thats very dependent on situation

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Stasis is better then exhaustion. The above average player wont burn their pushback on the initial leap(if they have one). Nor will they trinket the channeled CC. They'd save the trinket for Awe.


I simply meant as a way to get more smashes out faster. Again depends on the situation but this also highlights one of the reasons I dont like focus. You end up using your utility stuff like stasis to do damage instead of having it when needed ><.

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Hrm, typically I'm going to be applying Leg Slash to every ranged class, is there a certain one you skip it on?


The only classes I use it on are:


- Non-gravspam (tracerlol) Commandos/BHs

- Hmm ... once in awhile on an Op/Scoundrel healer



For everyone else, it doesn't matter much.

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Hrm, typically I'm going to be applying Leg Slash to every ranged class, is there a certain one you skip it on?


Bad players. It's not hard to learn who doesn't kite well, and if you make a mistake you won't make it twice, just use a couple cooldowns to recover.


Apocalypse has it dead on. I'm definitely not very good in PvP, but I can tell you that a good 3/4 of players don't know enough to get out of the way when I'm winding up for a Zealous Strike, and that includes a number of 50s. Even a complete noob like me can tell. If you see a player kiting like crazy and looking like a hyperactive chihuahua on speed, that's probably the guy who would benefit from a Leg Slash (or other root ability).


From what I've seen, there seem to be three types of players; the really good players (moving like crazy, hard to target), the not so good players (generally move from one target to the next, but don't move much once they're in position to hit whatever they're attacking), and the really bad ones (who just stand in one place as soon as they're in position to hit someone or try to cap a node and die a lot).

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1 vs 1


Only two reasons to use Leg Slash is if its 100% apparent that your target intends on kiting while bursting you down. Or you wish to create distance to use another force leap.


Otherwise its a waste of focus.

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I would like someone to test something for me.


Trauma healing debuff is 30%.

Sentinels healing debuff is 20%


Expertise +healing, does not increase healing power. it instead counters trauma.

So a healer with 10% expertise, cuts through 10% of trauma, thus healing is only debuffed 20% for them.

Expertise capping at 20%.


I am curious to see if expertise is double dipping on heals, and reducing the sentinel debuff as well.

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I would like someone to test something for me.


Trauma healing debuff is 30%.

Sentinels healing debuff is 20%


Expertise +healing, does not increase healing power. it instead counters trauma.

So a healer with 10% expertise, cuts through 10% of trauma, thus healing is only debuffed 20% for them.

Expertise capping at 20%.


I am curious to see if expertise is double dipping on heals, and reducing the sentinel debuff as well.


considering the fact that healers already get stronger the stronger the gear of the group is (-dmg of you and +dmg of the enemy negate each other while +heal doesnt get countered) this would be pretty annyoing having full geared groups vs full geared groups in about a month or so.

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The concept of the "healer advantage" with expertise is slightly overrated. Specifically, while they do get double benefit in for personal defense, don't forget that on a fundamental level they heal everyone in their party.


That includes you. So when you start talking about premade vs. premade, where you actually have a healer, then remember your defense is increased by expertise and your healer heals you for more. So you are also gaining a double benefit.


The result of high expertise vs. high expertise is that DPS is harder for all sides. When it's harder to burst someone, that means Op/Scoundrels start to suck dick, Assassins start to drag. It means that Mara/Sents, BH/Troopers, and potentially Sorc/Sages will be the most effective DPS in high expertise premades.


Sidenote: It also means it's easier for Mara/Sents to use defensive cooldowns more slowly and tactically.


Mara/Sent can be theoretically kited. BH/Troopers get interrupted, and Sorc/Sages have low armor. All 3 have general pervasive weaknesses.

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Is there rly a point in putting 2 points into reducing the range of which u can force leap ? seeing that u can hit ppl in 4 range and with 1 point it is 5 - 30 = if they are out of range of ur hits u can charge em and if u see it as another interrupt surely u dont need that many and 1 step away and u can use it anyway ?
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Is there rly a point in putting 2 points into reducing the range of which u can force leap ? seeing that u can hit ppl in 4 range and with 1 point it is 5 - 30 = if they are out of range of ur hits u can charge em and if u see it as another interrupt surely u dont need that many and 1 step away and u can use it anyway ?


One point can work. The reason to take two is so that you can use it as an additional interrupt on a healer if needed. That said, if you want a point somewhere else (Inflammation etc), 1 point can still work you just have to react faster by stepping back first to use it as an interrupt.


Really useful, thanks. My question is - with working debilitation Combat specs looks pretty good for PvP, but should I respec for Watchman because of greater damage it can inflict?


First, debilitation "works". It's still slightly buggy it seems :(. Your spec depends on what it is you want to be doing. Combat provides a little better target holding utility in the form of two additional roots. In trade it sacrifices a bit of damage and durability, as well as healer lockdown capabilities. From a general standpoint, I would recommend Watchman for the current semi-organized PvP.

Edited by Rankith
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Very nice. Can someone confirm that debilitation doesn't work? Ha, that WAS going to be my next talent...


It does not work at all. I have the problem all the time, when i reported this bug. Told them i was lvl 48 had 2 points in this talent, i got the response saying

that 'masterstrike has the ability to stun for 3sec for standard and weak enemies and told me to look at tips' .... i was like ***, have they read my bug report at all

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It does not work at all. I have the problem all the time, when i reported this bug. Told them i was lvl 48 had 2 points in this talent, i got the response saying

that 'masterstrike has the ability to stun for 3sec for standard and weak enemies and told me to look at tips' .... i was like ***, have they read my bug report at all


That skill is definately not 100% consistent still.

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Didnt read your entire thread, but would like to make some comments on some of what I read.


While I found most of what I read to be correct/good:


1: Zen is absolutely awesome in ataru form if used/specced correctly, if you have points in the talent that returns 1 rage everytime you use blade rush etc, you will essentially be able to spam bladerush for 1 rage per attack, and considerably faster normal.


I have downed 23khp tank juggs before they realise what hit them in this way, mixed with our armor pen buff ofc.


Mixed with Adrenals/relic/blood you can get as much as 5-6kk dmg per hit from bladerush (with ataru proc and offhand ofc)


2: Having tried both, I STRONGLY disagree that Anni/watchmen is more difficult to play then Carnage/Combat while watchmen have to keep an eye of theyr cooldowns etc, and watch theyr dots tick, combat constantly has to juggle abilities, and if played correctly a combat spec player will be juggling more abilities then a watchmen specced player, and more often.

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2: Having tried both, I STRONGLY disagree that Anni/watchmen is more difficult to play then Carnage/Combat while watchmen have to keep an eye of theyr cooldowns etc, and watch theyr dots tick, combat constantly has to juggle abilities, and if played correctly a combat spec player will be juggling more abilities then a watchmen specced player, and more often.


Hm, what abilities are you referring to juggling? You have BR vs Slash, BS Vs Merc Slash, Armor pen move vs OS, then watchman has Cauterize too and the CDs on the above list skills are mildy more difficult to manaeg then combats. The only thing I can really think of is Master Strike but thats a longish cd.


Of course, the style could just be more natural for you too, there definately isnt a huuuuuuuuuuuge gap in difficulty by any means.

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My point is while watchmen have theyr dots ticking until theyr needed again, combat has to constantly keep punching those combos.


And my words were misleading, at the very base we have the same amount of abilities, the diffrence is how many are vital.


and from what I can see there are less abilities that are vital to a watchmen then a carnage/combat player.


For example: Carnage/combat needs rupture to avoid vanish.


Ravage/master strike is a must even in pvp as a carnage, its not a must as a watchman/anni since they lack the immobilize to fully utilize it.


Deadly throw a must for the carnage marauder because of the root, not a real must for anni, even less so since they have a 6cd interrupt.


Healing debuff is nice, but with a 6cd interrupt a healer shouldnt be able to get off much anyhow.


Force scream another must for a carnage spec, but not very useful to anni/watch, infact at 4 rage cost, id call it a massive waste.


And while watchmen obviously have the 2 special abilities from talents which are a must, carnage also has 1 + blade rush/massacre which replaces vicious slash, that still leaves the carnage/combat spec with 2 more must abilities, and he also has to keep those up constantly, rather then just applying them then waiting for them to wear off.


Another thing that makes Watchmen easier to play is that they have a constant income of health, unlike combat, which means combat has to take extra cautions that the watchmen dosnt, and also means they have less room for screwing defensive cooldowns etc.




Hopefully my reply was not to confusing, I play a Sentinel and Marauder, so tend to mix up which skill is for which side ;)

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