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Everything posted by Surimaya

  1. and what about profesions? Have you some tip... What is good for pvp?
  2. Can you give my some advice how kitting? Becouse I dont have experience with melle class in mmo... I was play only ranged or healer... And so i look on some gear and i think champion saber is better than battlmaster for watchman... Becouse when i change this weapons i get a few more stats for example only 4 experise but i lost something about 50 crit... And crit is key stats for watchman... what do you think?
  3. so you agree with me... champion is better tha battlmaster
  4. Hi... Look on this two sabers... Not much diferent in the stats but cahmpion saber have crit and battlmaster saber have power... I think champion is bettr then battlmaster becouse crit is heal for watchman... Whad do you thing guys? Please look on this two swords i have dilema
  5. Why you don´t have talent in Inflammation... In Watchmen build?
  6. Hi guys... I know than the best spec for pvp is Watchman... But what is the best spec and build for pve? Can you help me and give me some advice?
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