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Stupid F2P Restrictions


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the only thing stupid about the F2P restrictions are the people complaining about them when for 50 cents a day they all disappear


it's like they don't realize the whole "F2P" deal is and always has been just a marketing gimmick

Edited by Liquidacid
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I find the F2P restrictions just fine given that its supposed to be for CASUAL players. And whining about sprint at level 1 disabled? It use to be like level 13.


Whining about 5 rezzes with med probe? Is this your first MMO? Thats a huge luxury option that doesnt even need to be there. WTB naked corpse runs across huge continents please.


I remember back in my first MMORPG Asheron’s Call, I carried around 12 VERY EXPENSIVE ‘Death Items’ So if I got killed in a spot I couldn’t get back to all I was out was maybe a million pyreals. Otherwise I could lose something I needed and would have EXP debt and **** to work off after trying to get back to my stuff without armor/weapons, it could go on for a few hours.


5 on the spot rezzes a day would have been awesome.


The only thing I see as off is the number of War Zones. I think that should be a little bit higher, and account wide so at least one character can finish the weekly. Other than say maybe 15 WZ's a week per server It's freemium, you want to have full enjoyment either sub or buy the passes, otherwise play less for free.

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I do agree that the devs have to be VERY careful not to turn off new players, specifically the ones unfamilar with MMO's.


Maybe let the first week or 2 of F2P have all the perks of a subscriber, before it lapses to the F2P restrictions. That way they know what they're missing and their first impressions are smoother.

Edited by Stenrik
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Yeah a few I'd like to point out that I've not seen in other F2P games before.


A restriction on Death for F2P users, this isn't going to go down well, after 5 deaths you have to purchase a license to stop dying at the nearest point.


Sprint at level 1 disabled?


Purchase a weekly pass for flash points, nobody does flash points enough for you to provide it as a weekly pass?


Emergency fleet pass restrictions, gotta pay money to get an 18 hour cool down, good luck with that.


You might as well start charging people 50 cartel coins to login, or 50 cartel coins to buy an item from a vendor or to be able to sell.


Some of the features are stupid and retarded and you will get nothing but public out roar over it. Yes, I'm well aware some people can live without these features.


But i don't like it and im paying user who's been subscribed since release and i think some of these free to play changes are ridiculous, it's gotten to the point that the cash shop won't just be a content / cosmetic feature, but you people at Bioware will force new players to pay for most of the ground up features that are free in other games, so good luck with this plan because if you go through with it, it will most likely fail.


Dont like the restrictions? Pay for it.There will be no uproar since F2P wont know what they are missing until they play.Hey people were clamouring for this so here it is.Be careful what you wish for , you just might get it! LMAO!

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I'm really worried about how they're going about monetizing things...


F2P should see them introduce new features that are monetized, not have them gut out the majority of existing features to monetize them. And a restriction on equipping items lol?


Backlash from ex subscribers that come back to see the main drive of f2p being nickle and dimming people for "QOL" stuff that makes the game less frustrating could be huge. :(

Edited by aeterno
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Okay so from what ive been reading free 2 play is pretty much going to be a failure seeing how its going to force you pretty much to pay to play the game. Not a big deal to me I already pay 2 play this broken game already. Heres where it becomes a problem to me. The added free 2 play option is not helping bolster the community with players that can do ops/fp/pvp its only going to cause spammers tring to sell worthless currency. That alone will b enough to cause me 2 cancel my sub. So why is this game going free 2 play again?
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I'm really worried about how they're going about monetizing things...


F2P should see them introduce new features that are monetized, not have them gut out the majority of existing features to monetize them. And a restriction on equipping items lol?


Backlash from ex subscribers that come back to see the main drive of f2p being nickle and dimming people for "QOL" stuff that makes the game less frustrating could be huge. :(


What will they do, not play? How is that different from their current status?

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Its simple really. If you want to keep playing the game, keep subbing.


If your still a subscriber when the game goes F2P, nothing will change for you. The game goes on as it always has before.


No it doesnt, imagine the pain in flashpoints and warzone on Mondays and Tuesdays, ogod

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I thought to write my opinion HERE, but I try (sometimes I do fail) not to offend people and couldn't really find a nice way to say what I feel is the value of the opening message. Edited by FINNT
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posted this in the other topic too, since they are popping up like mushrooms.


What people here still don't seem to understand that there is going to be a free to play 'option', to get people to try out the game and subscribe if they like it, maybe extended trial would have been better wording, but in a way you get to play for free, your story.. I fully understand and agree on that pvp restriction, i still remember the qq here on the forums about why even bother to stay sub, well here it is, subscribers keep the game as it is, a subscribing mmo.. but new players get the change to see what it's about, how it plays, so when they like it they can sub and play the game in full.

So those that stopped their subscription cuz they wanted a free to play game, sorry, should have listened to official news and not rumours. because it's the community that spread the word this game was going free to play, biggest misconception ever.

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posted this in the other topic too, since they are popping up like mushrooms.


What people here still don't seem to understand that there is going to be a free to play 'option', to get people to try out the game and subscribe if they like it, maybe extended trial would have been better wording, but in a way you get to play for free, your story.. I fully understand and agree on that pvp restriction, i still remember the qq here on the forums about why even bother to stay sub, well here it is, subscribers keep the game as it is, a subscribing mmo.. but new players get the change to see what it's about, how it plays, so when they like it they can sub and play the game in full.

So those that stopped their subscription cuz they wanted a free to play game, sorry, should have listened to official news and not rumours. because it's the community that spread the word this game was going free to play, biggest misconception ever.


They shouldn't bother calling it F2P then.


If you want to see a real F2P model, take a look at DDO, or LOTRO, or STO. They have models that work, and don't make the paying F2P player feel like a second class citizen. All of this nickle and dimeing is ridiculous, and it will not do SWTOR any favors with trying to court new players.

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They shouldn't bother calling it F2P then.


If you want to see a real F2P model, take a look at DDO, or LOTRO, or STO. They have models that work, and don't make the paying F2P player feel like a second class citizen. All of this nickle and dimeing is ridiculous, and it will not do SWTOR any favors with trying to court new players.


please read my post again and then come back again, they didn't say free to play, they said free to play option, and if i'm correct they even said 'restricted free to play option' =/= 'free to play'


edit : plus, you get to play your story for free, which makes the story part of the game free to play the way you see it, it also makes the kotor fans happy because they get to come in and play the story of the game without any extra cost.

Edited by Ifrica
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Im torn on this. There is a need to get people to sub for this game, at the same time F2P can actually be more profitable than a sub (and has been for some games apparently), we don't want people to leave the game in frustration, but at the same time will they really know that players have these features normally?


It seems a bit odd to restrict some of the items at the level they have...requiring constant purchases it seems Unlocks would have been better IMO...much like the way legacy works.


Also they should be adding convenience features that both F2P and paying customers could use, like a way to reduce or remove recharge times on QT and Fleet, speeder rentals, etc. But I guess restricting game features is one way to go.


One thing that does concern me is that this game is already pretty lean on features. The purple restriction is a bit odd, especially considering some purple items are technically orange gear...but if they stay unlocked for former paying subs this may not be a problem.


I like F2P because I can pay for features I want when I want them. If I am interested in PVP I can pay to unlock it. I can also pay for extra cargo slots, extra bag space instead of using in game currency, which is very light early on in the game. That is, if they go this way.


As long as they do not treat F2P as a punishment, and add grat convenience features that used to be credit sinks in the game for both sub and f2p players I think it's a good thing.

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Yeah i know that but you shouldn't have to pay cartel coins to unlock abilities, thats pretty much game breaking.


If you are subscriber, you won't have to.These restrictions are designed good, they are different from other games, but TOR is different too. First time I'm ever saying this: Bioware is right, this is going to work. Don't be so negative. Subscribers will not be inflicted negatively anyways.

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When I heard SWTOR was going FTP, I actually went and bought a month just so that I could come back into the game and fall in love with it. Now that I see the kinds of restrictions on FTP players, I'm once again facing the sinking, ice-in-the-gut feeling that is one simple fact: The game isn't worth paying to play, and FTP is just going to be a headache.


Three flashpoints a week? Outrageous. I run that on a new toon in the Esseles instantly. Three warzones a week? I burn them out in about two hours if that. Limiting inventory space and cargo hold space for cartel coins? Sheesh Bioware and EA, you might as well tell players "here is a butchered, neutered trial version of our game for you" and just get rid of the free-to-play notion.


Soooo you basically wanted to pick up your previous gaming experience but for free with no penalties? :rolleyes: they informed there would be restrictions since day one of the f2p press release.

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