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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Stupid F2P Restrictions


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Really tired of people getting stuff for free complaining they aren't getting enough free stuff...both in games and in society at large.


If you like game and don't want to worry about the restrictions, then stay subbed. If the game isn't worth $15 a month or unlimited playtime/access, then it's not worth playing for free with restrictions. Either pony up the whopping $0.50 a day, or quit complaining about how you're not getting enough free stuff.


See the problem with your whole point is that without SOME kind of change the game will die. It's on a trajectory straight into the grave, and I personally love this game, enjoy playing it nearly every day, and want to stay subbed and continue playing, but there aren't enough people out there like me to do so.


BW has a choice, they can alter their payment model and lower their profits to entice more people to play and hopefully save the game, or they can let it die and choose to make ZERO money from it and take the loss.


If you put out a game that people don't want to pay for, it's entitlement to assume you have a right to profits and people should just shut up and keep paying.


It's entitlement to assume a company will keep an unprofitable venture alive just to cater to the few remaining people that still want to play it.


It's entitlement to believe that BW has a right to our money without delivering a quality product. It is a fact that the vast majority of people that try this game do NOT believe it is worth the money. Balls in their court, they can take it and go home or play, but either way something has to give, and it's NOT going to be the consumer, not without some kind of incentive.


That's how real markets work. That's how the real world works. This specific market is too competitive and cut throat for them to get all high and mighty and hope to remain unscathed.

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I do think locking all but one of the toons for preferred players is not wise...I would set it to three, then offer pay to unlock using cartel coins for others. F2P players should get one.


I would also allow preferred players to use anything they have already unlocked by paying a sub with no restrictions, but push the FP and Warzone restrictions on them, while allowing a universal unlock for these game features at a high cost.


This way after an investment of, say, 150 to 200 dollars in equivalent cartel coin currency a F2P player could experience the game in almost the same state as a sub....call it a lifetime sub threshold. A preferred player would only have to pay about half that on average to reach the same goal.


Of course, I believe, based on market history with F2P titles reported by studios that the vast majority of players will choose to sub instead of paying the max rate to get a matching unlocked game.

Edited by LordArtemis
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See the problem with your whole point is that without SOME kind of change the game will die. It's on a trajectory straight into the grave, and I personally love this game, enjoy playing it nearly every day, and want to stay subbed and continue playing, but there aren't enough people out there like me to do so.


BW has a choice, they can alter their payment model and lower their profits to entice more people to play and hopefully save the game, or they can let it die and choose to make ZERO money from it and take the loss.


If you put out a game that people don't want to pay for, it's entitlement to assume you have a right to profits and people should just shut up and keep paying.


It's entitlement to assume a company will keep an unprofitable venture alive just to cater to the few remaining people that still want to play it.


It's entitlement to believe that BW has a right to our money without delivering a quality product. It is a fact that the vast majority of people that try this game do NOT believe it is worth the money. Balls in their court, they can take it and go home or play, but either way something has to give, and it's NOT going to be the consumer, not without some kind of incentive.


That's how real markets work. That's how the real world works. This specific market is too competitive and cut throat for them to get all high and mighty and hope to remain unscathed.


I'm not saying EA/BW doesn't need to do something to get more people playing the game and giving EA/BW money...I'm just sick of people getting something for free, and then complaining it's not enough. Those are two totally different arguments, and no, entitlement by definition is thinking you deserve something just because. They're going to be giving away most of the game, and people say it's not enough. Where the heck do I suggest BW is entitled to anyone's money?


Changing the payment model doesn't make the game better or more worth paying for. Problem is, they're giving away the best part of the game (1-50 story/leveling experience), and then trying to charge for the part most that left consider lacking (endgame). They'd be better off IMO using something more like the LotRO model and charging to unlock planets past the capitol worlds, and making he rest of the game free.


Who is going pay to just to unlock 4 PvP zones, space combat (LOL), or FPs/Ops? Another fatal flaw (IMO, if true) is one character slot. Even cheap *** fail MMOs like AoC give you 2, and STO gave 3. AFAIK a lot of the money they hope to make will be one time per character purchases like cosmetic gear and temp items like XP boosts and leveling gear, and only one character = less items being sold. I'm sure legacy unlocks will be available in the cash shop, and few F2P players are going to buy legacy unlocks, since they only get one character and they'll be close to 2/3 of the way through the game when they even get their legacy.


I don't really see their version of F2P being much of a savior.

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You are certainly entitled to your opinion, and I even share in your opinion in that I think it would have been best to allow players to unlock certain planets (say after level 30 or so) by paying for them but have less regular game restrictions along the way, like death and fleet pass.


I do not, however, feel most people that complain about the game or the current planned F2P setup are in any way demonstrating an "entitlement mentality"... I think instead they are simply indicating what will gain their patronage.


Like it or not no game, no product, NOTHING in a capital market deserves patronage. It has to be earned. If the game possessed enough to hold it's prior subs and that was the sub target this would be moot, but the game did not retain it's subs. Something is amiss.


They need to hear what will keep current players if they choose to go F2P. They have already paid, in large or small measure, money toward the game. That means they have an idea of what that patronage is worth and are giving the devs a chance to earn it.


My guess would be they do not feel they have, and I would say this is not an unfair sentiment.

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If posting here is really important to you your $15 per month is important to Bioware. Even if you never play the game I'm sure you can find $15 worth of entertainment here. The game is practically free then. I paid $15 dollars per month for this forum and I even got a AAA MMO included. That's a heck of a deal.


Indeed. I have been saying this all along. :cool:

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So many of you missing the point completely. Especially the op's point. All qq and whine and moan and 'sub or sod off' elitists attitude.


All you subbers (I am currently one, just subbed before F2P hits)....you NEED the F2P players or your game will DIE. Are you so far up your own righteousness you cannot see this?


The game has NO real content past the story line. Why do you think the game has lost 3/4 of it's paying players? With the very harsh (and sorry, they are compared to many other successful MMO's) restrictions, really, what incentives are there for a F2P player to subscribe?


As has been mentioned. Let's take Lotro (I've played since release). You can play the ENTIRE game for FREE. Is it hard work? Yes. Is it damn time consuming? Hell yes. Is it 'doable'....for sure. Is it easier to sub? Hell yes again. Can I pay for all the unlocks earning in-game tokens? Yes. Is that also a royal pain in the rear? Yes.


A month sub alone...unlocks so many game features. and they are ACCOUNT wide.


Sunscribing should just be a time saver, making the game easier, save grinding countless hours for in game unlocks when you get them all for subbing. it should not be so limiting that you have to sub in order to really play the game. And in this games case, it is not worth the sub cost. The very fact the dev's have stated that cartel coins will not be earnable in game, is already enough to sign this games death warrant.


Can any of that be applied here? So far from the information, that is a fat no. Again, let me remind you, you need the free to play players in this game, or it will sink as the biggest waste of time of an MMO ever. The main and only reason I got this, was because it was ToR and I got it dirt cheap new and for the class story. Also, to get a few coins before it went F2P. This game sure as hell has no content to interest me in paying for a sub past the class story line. (re what I said before about content).


Will I sub after it goes F2P? No I won't. Simple as that. Will I keep playing depending on the restrictions? We shall have to wait and see. Currently, it's unlikely.


Proof right there, the F2P model that EAWare seems to be wanting to roll out is NOT going to keep people playing this game. Even the OP, who 'is' a subber, can see this. Hence, you will have no game to play, because your subs alone are not enough to keep this game in business. So, you will still be sat on the fleet twiddling your thumbs waiting for something to do.


Want to deride the free to play players (and I will be one), go right ahead...enjoy your next MMO when this ones servers are switched off :)


Great post!!! So much truth to it and well written.


All of these people calling others names obviously haven't got a clue what the reality of this game is. It's not 3/4 of the players, it's worse, it's 4/5ths that have quit minimum. 4 of every 5 people who BOUGHT this game, don't want to pay the $15 sub fee...and NOTHING about F2P is going to change that.

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Sprint at level 1 disabled?



I don't think that you have been a subscriber for that long. Sprint used to be unlokced at level 15 and you had to pay for it so people delt with it and new players can too. If they give everything for free then there is no point in subscribing and the game gets shut down. If everyone then becomes F2P then you have LOTRO and that is a sorry excuse for a game.

Edited by Tekell
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F2P play won't save this game because the endgame is the problem, not the "meat" of the game. I'm sure at some point a poster somewhere on the forums said they loved the endgame here, but hated leveling, but I never saw it.


<snip>The main and only reason I got this, was because it was ToR and I got it dirt cheap new and for the class story. Also, to get a few coins before it went F2P. This game sure as hell has no content to interest me in paying for a sub past the class story line. (re what I said before about content).


Will I sub after it goes F2P? No I won't. Simple as that.


I know this is anecdotal, but this poster IMO is the typical person that is already unsubbed. He likes the story/leveling, but wouldn't pay to unlock endgame content. When the game goes F2P, he can still play the best part of the game for free, and won't be generating any extra revenue for the game, and in fact loses BW even more money.


Want to deride the free to play players (and I will be one), go right ahead...enjoy your next MMO when this ones servers are switched off :)


SO...if you won't be spending any money in the cash shop and also not subbing? Why should we care if you're not playing? BTW I will lose zero sleep when this game shuts down. It's just a game.

Edited by HarleysRule
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Really tired of people getting stuff for free complaining they aren't getting enough free stuff...both in games and in society at large.


If you like game and don't want to worry about the restrictions, then stay subbed. If the game isn't worth $15 a month for unlimited playtime/access, then it's not worth playing for free with restrictions. Either pony up the whopping $0.50 a day, or quit complaining about how you're not getting enough free stuff.


^This x10000000^10000000 :cool:

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Indeed. $15 a month is a pittance. :cool:


It isnt a pittance for everyone, especially with the economy in the state it's in currently IMO.


Otherwise I expect many more people would have remained. After all, EA stated directly that a large group of folks left due to the sub. Only three reasons I can see for that...


1) the game isn't worth 15 bucks a month

2) other games on the market offer more for less or the same

3) the market and/or this game does not support a 15 dollar sub value any longer.


I think its most likely that 15 bucks is more than just a pittance for most people in this day and age.

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It isnt a pittance for everyone, especially with the economy in the state it's in currently IMO.


Otherwise I expect many more people would have remained. After all, EA stated directly that a large group of folks left due to the sub. Only three reasons I can see for that...


1) the game isn't worth 15 bucks a month

2) other games on the market offer more for less or the same

3) the market and/or this game does not support a 15 dollar sub value any longer.


I think its most likely that 15 bucks is more than just a pittance for most people in this day and age.


Then don't play an MMO.... :rolleyes: If it's that hard to pay $15 a month for a game then you really need to sit down and organize your spending and sacrifice a few things for a bit.


And do you really believe that is why people left? The closest thing would be something like, "This @#%! game sux! I'm not paying for such crap!" and that's what EA got that from most likely.


People left due to unrealistic expectations.

Edited by Eillack
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Yea...you know guys, I think that Bioware might have a different take on what someone should do with respect to paying for a sub in this game. And I have to say that, unfortunately for you "I am sick of freeloaders" folks history proves F2P increases profits exponentially.


You just don't have truth on your side. Sorry. Your certainly entitled to how you feel, but it's not a very sensible or reasonable stance IMO, nor is it supported by anything other than a very narrow judgmental viewpoint that kills productivity and market dynamics.


People that do not adapt cease to exist.


If this game survives or not will not be based on the F2P model. It will be based of the QUALITY of the PRODUCT. If EAware had actually payed attention to their competition and put out SWTOR in a form that COULD HAVE COMPETED with the TOP subscription games it would NOT be in the situation it is in.


If they had ALL the AAA feature people are used to, when it launched it would not be in the situation it is now.


If they hadn't screwed up Illum, it would not be in the situaltion it is now.


If they hand't segregated the dang game so much that OWPvP is not really possible, the game wouldn't be in the sintuation it is now.


If they had actually made a MMORPG, and NOT an RPG that you can play cooperatively, the game would not be in the situation it is now.


If they had not borked their version of the HERO engine, the game would not be in the situation it is now.


See where this is headed.


The reason 4 out of 5 people that bought this game are not playing ( via TUXs) is NOT because of the SUBSCRIPTION. It is because what the sub BUYs you currently isn't WORTH the sub to many. It's the QUALITY of of SWTOR not the freaking COST. Millions of people are still paying to play WoW. Millions!! (The number of millions is up for debate but it's still millions.)


The most innovative part of SWTOR is the STORY, the RPG KoTOR part. They are giving the most innovative part of their product away for FREE to attract people to stay. Sure there are those that will level up to 50 and go ok, Imma done. But, there will be those that stay (but only if they continue to fix and improve the quality of this game to make it into a REAL competitor). So far SWTOR hasn't succeeded in drawing in the hardcore competitive types ( PvPers and Raiders) and keeping them. If SWTOR is going to succeed AS AN MMORPG long term they need to do whatever they can to draw in those veterine PvPers and Raiders and keep them.


F2P is a ruse. It is smoke and mirros as to what's freaking wrong with this game.



Edited by Urael
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Just like to say first I like your posts. You talk a lot of sense. And yes, Riders of Rohan was financed that exact way. The game is busier now than ever. Not because it is free to play, because of the game and content.


And yes, three types, and if the game is good enough, all will spend money, thus making the business model profitable. But I don't see right now, with the current state of the game (which I enjoy) and the current known F2P model, that it will actually save ToR.


Simple example would be the kin I am an officer in in Lotro...over 600 individuals (1300+ characters).....I would estimate, at least 60% of the kin are subscribers...for a game that is 'entirely' free to play...if you wish it to be...that says something for the game doesn't it.


When ToR has lost most of it's subscribers...

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This game need MONEY. Having more people is what they're hoping results in that money, but if those people are unwilling to spend $15 per month and they also want everything for free, then they're worthless to EA, they're worthless to Bioware and they're worthless to the rest of the gaming population. If we have 10 Million people all unwilling to spend a penny, the game will still die.... and yet some here think Bioware should give more than they already are away free of charge.


Resistant...not necessarily unwilling. History demonstrates the F2P model not only generates income from folks that would probably NEVER pay anything for a game, it also increases income from past and current players.


In almost every case reported by studios this has been the norm. The problem is that facts simply do not support the idea that F2P kills games. It's quite the opposite.


The idea is that this game needs to entice both former players and potential new ones. Some propose removing some of the restrictions, some contend the game does not have enough value in it's current state, I am of the opinion that PREFERRED status should get a bit of an easing as far as current restrictions on some things but overall the system seems sound and the game has value to appeal to the F2P crowd.


It clearly did not have enough appeal to the regular sub crowd. And that is why we are where we are today.

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Just like to say first I like your posts. You talk a lot of sense. And yes, Riders of Rohan was financed that exact way. The game is busier now than ever. Not because it is free to play, because of the game and content.


And yes, three types, and if the game is good enough, all will spend money, thus making the business model profitable. But I don't see right now, with the current state of the game (which I enjoy) and the current known F2P model, that it will actually save ToR.


Simple example would be the kin I am an officer in in Lotro...over 600 individuals (1300+ characters).....I would estimate, at least 60% of the kin are subscribers...for a game that is 'entirely' free to play...if you wish it to be...that says something for the game doesn't it.


When ToR has lost most of it's subscribers...


Thank you for the kind comments.


To counter, I tend to think that the storyline is the part of the game that holds the most value overall. That is not to say Warzones, Flashpoints or the like do not have value to some players, I wouldn't say that, only that I am of the belief that the most valuable part, arguably of course, is the storyline.


And in that belief alone I subscribe to the notion that the current setup is a wise one...though perhaps it needs a few tweaks. The players that will most difficult to entice but most likely to resub seem to be prior players, and some of the restrictions on preferred accounts seem to be a bit draconian. I have suggested some changes there.


I generally like the idea of buying the parts of that game that hold interest to me. This is valuable to me because I would rather pay lump sum for what I want, then perhaps throw out a bit of coin to try this or that and if I dont like it, I can leave it be. Now, thats just me...but my guess would be Im not alone in that sentiment.


What I don't like is a monthly sub. I just dont like money coming out automatically for anything, so I sub, then cancel....then perhaps take a break, then resub if I feel like it. I dont feel this game is worth 15 bucks at present, since I have little interest in warzones, PVP and the like. Endgame holds little to no interest for me. There just isnt much to do that I would be interested in, since gear grinding and raiding is just not fun for me. I like more sandboxy activities..minigames...and this game has few if any options in that regard.

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So many of you missing the point completely. Especially the op's point. All qq and whine and moan and 'sub or sod off' elitists attitude.


All you subbers (I am currently one, just subbed before F2P hits)....you NEED the F2P players or your game will DIE. Are you so far up your own righteousness you cannot see this?


The game has NO real content past the story line. Why do you think the game has lost 3/4 of it's paying players? With the very harsh (and sorry, they are compared to many other successful MMO's) restrictions, really, what incentives are there for a F2P player to subscribe?


As has been mentioned. Let's take Lotro (I've played since release). You can play the ENTIRE game for FREE. Is it hard work? Yes. Is it damn time consuming? Hell yes. Is it 'doable'....for sure. Is it easier to sub? Hell yes again. Can I pay for all the unlocks earning in-game tokens? Yes. Is that also a royal pain in the rear? Yes.


A month sub alone...unlocks so many game features. and they are ACCOUNT wide.


Sunscribing should just be a time saver, making the game easier, save grinding countless hours for in game unlocks when you get them all for subbing. it should not be so limiting that you have to sub in order to really play the game. And in this games case, it is not worth the sub cost. The very fact the dev's have stated that cartel coins will not be earnable in game, is already enough to sign this games death warrant.


Can any of that be applied here? So far from the information, that is a fat no. Again, let me remind you, you need the free to play players in this game, or it will sink as the biggest waste of time of an MMO ever. The main and only reason I got this, was because it was ToR and I got it dirt cheap new and for the class story. Also, to get a few coins before it went F2P. This game sure as hell has no content to interest me in paying for a sub past the class story line. (re what I said before about content).


Will I sub after it goes F2P? No I won't. Simple as that. Will I keep playing depending on the restrictions? We shall have to wait and see. Currently, it's unlikely.


Proof right there, the F2P model that EAWare seems to be wanting to roll out is NOT going to keep people playing this game. Even the OP, who 'is' a subber, can see this. Hence, you will have no game to play, because your subs alone are not enough to keep this game in business. So, you will still be sat on the fleet twiddling your thumbs waiting for something to do.


Want to deride the free to play players (and I will be one), go right ahead...enjoy your next MMO when this ones servers are switched off :)



This. I've been trying to say this. Again look at DCUO. Its f2p model brought alot of ppl to the game.This game will die if new people dont play. When all the "sub or leave" people are on 3 hour queues again they will realize its over. F2P should invite people to want to be a part of the game, not punish them and segregate them. End game will suffer, what little of it there is.

People need to stop just saying "sub or leave" , cause that fixes nothing. Adding people to the game and end game specifically whether its pvp or pve helps. Sorry to keep harping on it but i see DCUO and wonder why not have that work here. Microtransactions work there just fine, and even reward people by offering a bit more for buying things. I've been here since beta, i'm a star wars fan. I'd love for this game to thrive and become something better than it is now. But the outlook is grim to say the least. It seems like its a "f2p but sub or leave" thought process by EA and most "gamers" here.


If this stays true, this game won't last long.....

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Assumptions are very dangerous things...


I've actually been playing for the grand total of 2 weeks :) And yes, I am already bored to a large extent. Sure, the class story is interesting, and want to see how it finishes (well, how it finishes up to the current point)....but the quests are generic, it is missing 'so many' simple and accepted features that are in many other games and the fun of killing 'x' number of related generic mobs for the 'x' number if time with a lightsabre is just starting to lose it's gloss.


Will I maybe roll another character to see another class story? Perhaps...depends on the cost when the game goes F2P. But my suspicions from friends who have played this for months etc, is that it was never worth the sub money. After 2 weeks (or just over maybe), those suspicions have been correct (to me...and well...to a million+ other people also it seems).


There is not enough here (as nice as some parts are) to make me pay a monthly sub. making the F2P ultra restrictive, will make it even less likely. And that is the problem. As has been said before (which you keep glossing over), the game could not keep its player base as it is, how (when the game is not actually really changing in any way) are they going to entice them back with a restrictive F2P model?


My whole point originally has been lost. I am currently on the face. Have just over a weeks 'free sub' left...do I continue to sub...wait for F2P...see what happens...etc etc...


I am the kind of player this game is trying to attract, and the kind of player EA needs to keep this game alive (and you need to keep the game alive)...but currently, there not really a great deal to make me want to stay and spend money.


Does that make sense?

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What I don't like is a monthly sub. I just dont like money coming out automatically for anything, so I sub, then cancel....then perhaps take a break, then resub if I feel like it. I dont feel this game is worth 15 bucks at present, since I have little interest in warzones, PVP and the like. Endgame holds little to no interest for me. There just isnt much to do that I would be interested in, since gear grinding and raiding is just not fun for me. I like more sandboxy activities..minigames...and this game has few if any options in that regard.


Now this is interesting.


It has been said since the beginning of developer interviews that there isn't a sandbox experience offered here. In fact on these forums Georg Zoeller was very very specific about that. I take it that you've been playing since the beginning and you KNEW that going into buying the game.


Now because of that it hardly seems fair that you'd expect this game to offer you sandbox elements when they never intended to? It would be completely different if they said they were going to make a sandbox game and tricked you into buying this one. I'd love mini games like Pazzak or Sabbac but since the game never offered it - and never promised to- I can't really be angry about it.


Perhaps then you have to wonder if you are the target audience for this game. Let me clarify that and state that it's perfectly ok to dislike the game and if you find yourself in this group the game may not have been made to suit you. Nothing EA/Bioware does will appease you if you do not enjoy this type of game. In fact your feedback is specifically not useful because you were never their intended audience and in most cases the suggestions are just radical reworkings of the game play mechanics.

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What I don't like is a monthly sub. I just dont like money coming out automatically for anything, so I sub, then cancel....then perhaps take a break, then resub if I feel like it. I dont feel this game is worth 15 bucks at present, since I have little interest in warzones, PVP and the like. Endgame holds little to no interest for me. There just isnt much to do that I would be interested in, since gear grinding and raiding is just not fun for me. I like more sandboxy activities..minigames...and this game has few if any options in that regard.


Agreed 100%. Not because of the cost (subbed for Lotro for way too many years), but more perhaps the time. I can not play for weeks at a time, similar to yourself, so why be paying for something I'm not using etc?


Also have little interest in end game and raiding...used to many many years ago...but grown out of that now. Besides in most MMO's, end game gear is only good for a few months, then the grind starts again lol..why bother?


And yes, perhaps you are right. The story is the main pull, and maybe as long as they don't make the other restrictions to harsh regarding 'that aspect' of the game, it could work. Time will tell I guess. Would I stay purely for the story content? yes I would. is there enough of other things inbetween waiting for that to justify a sub? Sadly no.


Will I spend a fortune in the store on fluff and cosmetics etc? Sure I will, if the game itself is worthy of me spending time in it.

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Assumptions are very dangerous things...


I've actually been playing for the grand total of 2 weeks :) And yes, I am already bored to a large extent. Sure, the class story is interesting, and want to see how it finishes (well, how it finishes up to the current point)....but the quests are generic, it is missing 'so many' simple and accepted features that are in many other games and the fun of killing 'x' number of related generic mobs for the 'x' number if time with a lightsabre is just starting to lose it's gloss.


Will I maybe roll another character to see another class story? Perhaps...depends on the cost when the game goes F2P. But my suspicions from friends who have played this for months etc, is that it was never worth the sub money. After 2 weeks (or just over maybe), those suspicions have been correct (to me...and well...to a million+ other people also it seems).


There is not enough here (as nice as some parts are) to make me pay a monthly sub. making the F2P ultra restrictive, will make it even less likely. And that is the problem. As has been said before (which you keep glossing over), the game could not keep its player base as it is, how (when the game is not actually really changing in any way) are they going to entice them back with a restrictive F2P model?


My whole point originally has been lost. I am currently on the face. Have just over a weeks 'free sub' left...do I continue to sub...wait for F2P...see what happens...etc etc...


I am the kind of player this game is trying to attract, and the kind of player EA needs to keep this game alive (and you need to keep the game alive)...but currently, there not really a great deal to make me want to stay and spend money.


Does that make sense?



So, you've only been playing for 2 weeks. You have unlimited access to everything and yet you're still bored. So, what you're saying is that Bioware could give away the entire game free and people would still be bored? It's pretty obvious that you're not the type of gamer that they should be shooting for regardless. I mean, two weeks and bored? Back in January the people posting about this game couldn't get enough. Those are the types of gamers Bioware needs to go after, Gamers that like MMOs and appreciate a good story and also players that love the IP.



Bored after two weeks...... lol.

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Agreed 100%. Not because of the cost (subbed for Lotro for way too many years), but more perhaps the time. I can not play for weeks at a time, similar to yourself, so why be paying for something I'm not using etc?


I don't understand this line of thinking. SWTOR is a "service" provided by EAware that happens to be a "game".


Do you have cable television? If so, do you have the option to only pay when you watch? Usually not. You pay to access the service. You pay to have the service available for use when you have time to use it. This is the same as the service model provided by a "game".


You can not think about online "games" as "products" (i.e. stand alone, hold in your hand (even if you buy a box)). They are "services" much like, cable television, or internet. It just happens to be service that is delivered by another service (the net in this case).


From strickly a "service" PoV and not a "quality of the service" PoV. I pay a sub to have acces to the services that are the online games that I play, when I want to access them ( maintenance periods and outages not withstanding). If I am not playing a game at one time or another I still pay the subscription if I am going to play again so as to have access when I want to access the service again.


I don't think it's realistic to pay only for when you are accessing the service because part of what you are paying for is not JUST the time you are accessing the service, but also the maintenance and upkeep of the service so that you CAN access it when you want to. All of this is rapped up in the cost of the service.


I just don't understand why people can not see this. :cool:

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This. I've been trying to say this. Again look at DCUO. Its f2p model brought alot of ppl to the game.This game will die if new people dont play. When all the "sub or leave" people are on 3 hour queues again they will realize its over. F2P should invite people to want to be a part of the game, not punish them and segregate them. End game will suffer, what little of it there is.

People need to stop just saying "sub or leave" , cause that fixes nothing. Adding people to the game and end game specifically whether its pvp or pve helps. Sorry to keep harping on it but i see DCUO and wonder why not have that work here. Microtransactions work there just fine, and even reward people by offering a bit more for buying things. I've been here since beta, i'm a star wars fan. I'd love for this game to thrive and become something better than it is now. But the outlook is grim to say the least. It seems like its a "f2p but sub or leave" thought process by EA and most "gamers" here.


If this stays true, this game won't last long.....

...Financially yes DCUO going F2P saved it. But a look at the general community will give you a different outlook on it. The restrictions still seem pretty lenient compared to some F2P games (or P2W) that are out there. So if we were looking at it in a new player's point of view, one who has played other F2P mmos perhaps, I would imagine it would be something like this:

  • Limited Character Creation Choice: Ah dang, I can't use this race/class? Darn it all! Oh well I guess I'll just play as this...
  • Limited Access to Operations: What is an operation? Oh a raid? LOL I'm not even 50 yet so I don't have to worry yet!
  • Limited Warzones: 3 per week? That isn't really fair. I like to PvP, why is my PvP ability limited of all things?
  • Limited Flashpoints: I can only get loot thrice a week without paying? Okay that's just no fair.
  • Limited Space Missions: They are fun... but nothing to write home about. -shrugs-
  • Limited Cargo Hold: I was hoping this game wouldn't limit my inventory like other F2P games. Oh well.
  • Limited Inventory: (see above)
  • Limited Crew Skills: Tradeskill limitations? That is rather bogus.
  • Limited Quick Travel: Oh heck, you can quick travel at all in this game? I don't have to run from point A to point B every time? Don't like the long CD but still... I guess I can pay for a reduced CD.
  • Limited Emergency Fleet Pass: Used to running around anyway. But I may just purchase this to make life easier.
  • Limited Death: Oh, I can revive at the spot where I died? NICE! Oh, only 5 times? I better be careful. (Is it five times total or... every so often?)
  • Limited Game Login: No priority in the queue? Well that's normal. Hasn't affected me yet.
  • Limited Item Equipping: I have to buy a license in order to equip purple items? That is annoying.

If the 'potential new player' happens to be of the entitled sort however, every feature would be responded with, "Why do I have to PAY for that? I should get it for free because I'm playing."

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