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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

F2P - 3 Warzones Per Week LOL


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What a jaded and negative attitude...


We need people to TRY, and LIKE, this game. Restricting them "to hell" sure doesn't help with that. We need them to WANT more...not just PAY more. They've already demonstrated an unwillingness to pay for the game NOW, how on earth do you think restricting them "to hell" encourages them to subscribe?! Do you not see the problem with that thinking???


I agree and disagree now on this topic. A lot of people are right, you don't want to give the F2P too much of the warzone experience or else they will not sub. Though i do still think that three warzones per week is still too low. I play at least 10 a day or every other day. The new player is not even coming close to enjoying the warzones if all they can do is 3.


Like someone said, what happens if you have a few people leave, what if the player doesn't get out of the beginning area in time and gets kicked out. There are a lot of things that can happen, sometimes i get disconnected from the warzone. So i still think 3 is going to really upset a lot of new players. Sure, they get a taste of the game which is great, you don't want them to have too much, but you also don't want them to have too little.


I know, i'm going to hear that's why they should sub so they can do more. A better number for them is at least 7 per week, that is make it 1 per day. Even just doing 1 per day is just a tease, as you know they are going to want to do more and waiting 24 hours to do the next one is going to be hard.


I do see the positive and negative sides to this, but still if you want people to pay for it, at least give them a little more taste. As a subscriber, how would you feel if you could only do one warzone a day? I know that will never happen, but can you imagine the frustration? Sure, there's a reason why it's only three, makes them want to sub. I understand that, but i still feel 3 is too low. If not 7 then maybe at least 4 or 5.

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What if they just opened up War-zones to all on a set day/time only for the taste?


I think having bonus 'weekends' would be a great way to allow people to try more of them. But that still doesn't account for the people who can't log on during that one weekend and are limited to 3 for a week.


3 is just terrible. 3 is so minimal that it's foolish...but given the source of that idea, not that surprising. It's not a "tease", it's discouraging. It's something to AVOID. If players avoid it, why on earth would anyone think they'd somehow pay for it?! Imagine if someone gave you 3 potato chips - random sized (crumb, full size chip and a half chip) chips of 4 different flavors...can you tell me you'd honestly buy a case of random chips after sorta tasting 3 random partial chips?! Hell no. What if one was bitter or burnt? It's dumb.

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I think having bonus 'weekends' would be a great way to allow people to try more of them. But that still doesn't account for the people who can't log on during that one weekend and are limited to 3 for a week.


3 is just terrible. 3 is so minimal that it's foolish...but given the source of that idea, not that surprising. It's not a "tease", it's discouraging. It's something to AVOID. If players avoid it, why on earth would anyone think they'd somehow pay for it?! Imagine if someone gave you 3 potato chips - random sized (crumb, full size chip and a half chip) chips of 4 different flavors...can you tell me you'd honestly buy a case of random chips after sorta tasting 3 random partial chips?! Hell no. What if one was bitter or burnt? It's dumb.


They could mix up the days, but I see your point.


I think the most painful part would be that they would not be able to keep up with comms while leveling to even start to get some gear at 50. I learned on my first toon that how in older games where I used to not PvP really until I finished building/leveling the toon, was a big mistake.

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This is like going to the supermarket and complain to the lady in the deli counter that you can't get the whole cheese for free.


You get samples, so if you like it, you can buy it. It's called society.


Hard to really compare this to supermarket sampling, but even still you have it wrong.


This is more like getting a sample of a cheese, and when you ask for a sample of a different cheese being told you have to give her $2, but then you get unlimited samples. But you even then, you still gotta pay the full cost if you want to bring enough cheese back for the rest of week.

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I am a subscriber, but i don't think that's fair. They really should raise the limit to like 15 per week, not 3. I understand that you have to purchase unlimited with cartel coins, but still that's not a way to get F2P players interested in playing warzones.


That is going to make it almost impossible to gain commedations for gear. I hope they reconsider that, not saying they have to make it a high number, but you would think you would want them to experience it frequently to decide if they want to unlock it. 3 Per week is lame if you ask me even for a F2P player.


LOL basically whats going to happen with the way it is is 2 fold


If a person does their 3 matchs a week in the pre 50 WZ they might actually enjoy and that might get them to subscribe


But once they hit the post 50 its going to basically be


Destroyed by over geared pre mades, receive 2 medals

destroyed by over geared pre mades, receive 2 medals

destroyed by over geared pre mades, receive 2 medals

Cancel subscription if they did subscribe or just focus on f2p pve storylines and then walk away from game never subscribing.


3 warzones doesnt cut it at all

But long as the equipment imbalance remains combined with pre made vrs full PUG contests,


This game will never attract subscribers post 50


Those greifing the WZs will yell L2P

F2P players will go else where

and eventually pug players bored of not being able to go against other pugs will also move one.


And the problem players will be left to play with themselves till game done with.


Said it before and say it again,

I dont get why EA cant understand this simplistic and far to often occurence before they make same mistakes many others have in past.


Personally I think F2P should be


2 warzones a day max for F2P but no daily/weekly PVP quests before or after 50 unless they subscribe (there needs to be a benefit for subscribing and this a huge one if done this way)


and then split thw War zones into the following 4 ques to balance the feild out somewhat and avoid the warzone greifing that is common place now.


Warzone 1 = pre made vrs pre made

Warzone 2 = PUG vrs PUG (no more then 2 people grouped in same warzone. ) Plus a expertise limit of 1250

Warzone 3 = Pug vrs Pug (same as Warzone 2 but for players with more then 1250 expertise)

(please note in Warzone 2 if you equip a item after entering that takes you over 1250 you are instantly removed from warzone and receive no credit for warzone to cancel kids that try to exploit systems)

Warzone 4 = Ranked as currently is (though honestly this also should have a 1250 expertice minimum per player to enter)

Edited by Kalfear
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If the number of wz's they could run was satisfactory, they wouldn't want to be subscriber now would they? :D


you are correct. however, entering WZs in recruit gear is just going to get them rofl-stomped. and that won't exactly send them running for their credit cards either. I think 2 per day is fair. if you only do 2 per day, you probably are not a serious pvper. AND you already cannot do rated, even if you have the gear. you'd only get the daily if you actually won both matches. anyway...i don't really care. but...well...there it is. 3 per week is a bit of a joke, imo. that's like saying "hey. it's f2p...until lvl 20" "WoW. really? well I'll get right on that!" not.

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Well there's a couple things about this that do seem terribly counter-productive.


The big one is the limit of three a week. That, wow, is restrictive. It's actually worse than that, it's suffocating. That is maybe 45 minutes of PvP a week if every round last 15 minutes. Is that truly enough to hook a customer? Especially when (in the 50-bracket) they will be at a complete disadvantage against every one else? Three warzones a week, reasonably, is not enough time to experience what is truly being offered. Yes, you can have three really great teams...but what if you have three terrible teams? Trust me when I say, if my first three warzones were supposed to be a gauge of whether or not I should or shouldn't PvP I wouldn't be here. To put in perspective, I didn't win a single warzone for literally all of January. February was my first 2+ game win-streak, but that's only because I had enough time to play. Their F2P is essentially a demo at Level 50. There is barely enough time to look at the pool, much less get your feet wet in the PvP department.


Beyond that, there are two other issues that I'd like clarified. First: do warzone deaths count toward number of revives? If it does...and this is just speculation if it were true...I'd be downright baffled. What percentage of the population dies less than 5 times over the course of three warzones?


Second, it mentions that F2Pers cannot use most purple items -- does that include PvP gear? If so, there's already an existing handicap on every F2Per that they cannot achieve Battlemaster or better. They're already disadvantaged. It's only my opinion, but wouldn't it make more sense if you could PvP an unlimited number of times but don't earn commendations and/or cannot wear the better gear unless you subscribe?

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you are correct. however, entering WZs in recruit gear is just going to get them rofl-stomped. and that won't exactly send them running for their credit cards either. I think 2 per day is fair. if you only do 2 per day, you probably are not a serious pvper. AND you already cannot do rated, even if you have the gear. you'd only get the daily if you actually won both matches. anyway...i don't really care. but...well...there it is. 3 per week is a bit of a joke, imo. that's like saying "hey. it's f2p...until lvl 20" "WoW. really? well I'll get right on that!" not.


Actually, from all of the marketing data I've ever seen and/or used, what chuixupu described is incorrect. People who are not enjoying something will not pay to "get out of a penalty" or in this case, a restriction.


People pay money once they are ALREADY having fun and when that money translates into a benefit.


Again, I'd argue that the best way for BioWare to make dollars here is by doing what's best for ALL their players. Let P2P and F2P have unlimited Warzones. Allow gearing to move "faster" (and only faster, because you NEVER want to have a P2W game, as Doomsdaycomes pointed out) for P2P and restricting access to Rateds (unless something is changed like solo Rated queues) is fine, but probably a non-variable in this case.

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What a jaded and negative attitude...


We need people to TRY, and LIKE, this game. Restricting them "to hell" sure doesn't help with that. We need them to WANT more...not just PAY more. They've already demonstrated an unwillingness to pay for the game NOW, how on earth do you think restricting them "to hell" encourages them to subscribe?! Do you not see the problem with that thinking???


If you looked at my entire post, the part above your quoted part commented on how a typical F2P game with a cash shop offering "bonus exp, bonus droprates, etc..." is a a Pay to Win system, and is one of the most evil, manipulative, cash-grabbing schemes a company can use.


I'd rather people come in, have a little fun, and realize they should subscribe if they want to have more fun (ie, restricted play times, or something like it).

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I am a subscriber, but i don't think that's fair. They really should raise the limit to like 15 per week, not 3. I understand that you have to purchase unlimited with cartel coins, but still that's not a way to get F2P players interested in playing warzones.


That is going to make it almost impossible to gain commedations for gear. I hope they reconsider that, not saying they have to make it a high number, but you would think you would want them to experience it frequently to decide if they want to unlock it. 3 Per week is lame if you ask me even for a F2P player.


Nobody knows what the price will be for a week pass of Warzones, if it's only $1.50 for a week pass for unlimited Warzones thats only $6 a month and if you mostly do Warzones then your saving a lot of money vs paying $15... Even if its $2 for a week pass thats still only $8 a month for unlimited warzones...


So before everyone freaks out we might want to wait and see what the pricing is.

Edited by Monoth
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I don't think the 3 rate limit will be effective as there isn't enough time to become "addicted" to pvp. That should be the goal, right? You know... allow people a free hit so they come back with money and wild promises of promiscuity. Sounds right to me. Edited by Blasphemerr
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I don't think the the 3 rate limit will be effective as there isn't enough time to become "addicted" to pvp. That should be the goal, right? You know... allow people a free hit so they come back with money and wild promises of promiscuity. Sounds right to me.


It's enough to get a taste of it... Odds are if they want to explore it more they can buy a week pass probably for a couple bucks.... Thats the whole point of F2P..... Pay for what you like....

Edited by Monoth
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3 per WEEK is silly.


I understand they're playing for "free", but 3 wz's a week is just foolish. I have 3 per night where we play short handed as people disconnect or don't back-fill, or blow out/get destroyed by people. 3 per 24-48 hour period I would understand, or 3 wins per week or something like that...but 3 per week in something as buggy and lopsided as WZ's can be, is just a terribad idea.


/sigh you are missing the point. If you are f2p they want you to only sample certain features and if you like it you can buy a pass for cartel coins or subscribe. How are they going to get money off people if they let you have full access for free?...

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Because everything in F2P IS NOT FREE. No one would ever use the F2P model if everything was free. They have to make revenue somehow and this is one of those ways. Just be glad the Cartel Points market isn't adding items that make you inherently better than everyone else (which is called a Pay to Win model).
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I also think that 3 per week sounds really low.


I guess the idea here is that they want people to just get to try PVP WZ, and then if the like it they can buy access.

Makes it seem more like a trial than normal F2P (which I am OK with).


That said, I'm looking forward to seeing how this all plays out in the end.

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/sigh you are missing the point. If you are f2p they want you to only sample certain features and if you like it you can buy a pass for cartel coins or subscribe. How are they going to get money off people if they let you have full access for free?...


Thats not how the f2p model works. You make money off of whales, people that spend more than they ever would on a subscription, and you do that by providing premium services of convenience and vanity, not by nickel and diming the free player who would never spend the money on a sub in the first place.

Edited by Polebreaker
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Thats not how the f2p model works. You make money off of whales, people that spend more than they ever would on a subscription, and you do that by providing premium services of convenience and vanity, not by nickel and diming the free player who would never spend the money on a sub in the first place.


We don't even know the prices yet. A weekly pass for pvp could be really cheap, maybe like 2 bucks or less? If all you do is pvp then going f2p will actually save you money and you'll still get the same quality of gaming in.

Edited by Darth-Rammstein
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That's true. But no new player is going to get hooked on the pvp by playing 3 wz's a week. As you point out, it may save money for those who only pvp who will drop their subs completely. So, double fail with this plan.


And imho, if you arent already invested in this game via friends/guild/attachment to your character from levelling, then the pvp alone isnt worth very much at all when there are better games out there that dont charge anything at all for unlimited play.

Edited by Polebreaker
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That's true. But no new player is going to get hooked on the pvp by playing 3 wz's a week. As you point out, it may save money for those who only pvp who will drop their subs completely. So, double fail with this plan.


And imho, if you arent already invested in this game via friends/guild/attachment to your character from levelling, then the pvp alone isnt worth very much at all when there are better games out there that dont charge anything at all for unlimited play.


which better games pls? gimme a tip ... i bought gw2, but dont like pvp there, but i admit pve and leveling is great ... but others better games?? and i dont play wow and conan anymore...

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Yes, that is true and i forgot about the daily. They will not be able to do the weekly as that's 9 per week. That is almost like a slap in the face to new players, not giving them a chance to really see what warzones are like. There are more than 3 warzones, and with another added soon it could be 2 weeks before some players see them if they are unlucky to get the same ones over and over.


Bioware really needs to rethink their limit!


maybe thats the point that they cant do the daily? nor the weekly? just saying

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