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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Premades are ruining non-ranked warzones


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Im a PUGer, your a Premader, and if you look at my post on pg 197, I think we are saying basically the same thing... Lets see if your post gets as ignored/flamed as mine did. I don't think some of the people here ACTUALLY want meaningful change. Its like Racism but not... Groupism?


Probably if yours was as well. Though I think it will get ignored more than flamed, I think.


I didn't say anything groundbreaking, I just described the PvP system of other successful MMO games. Chances are the devs know those anyway, they just lack the resources/permission to fix their system.

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Probably if yours was as well. Though I think it will get ignored more than flamed, I think.


I didn't say anything groundbreaking, I just described the PvP system of other successful MMO games. Chances are the devs know those anyway, they just lack the resources/permission to fix their system.


I think that you hit the nail right on the head, BW put so much love into this game that i think that they simply do not have the resourses to make changes with regards to the overly overly overly excessive CC's, the premade issues, and no cross server pvp ques.


The game is awesome, the problem is they have made a few bad desicions, i cant fathom why they went the route's they have recently mostly with 1.4 but i am hopeing they make some positive changes soon.

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Probably if yours was as well. Though I think it will get ignored more than flamed, I think.


I didn't say anything groundbreaking, I just described the PvP system of other successful MMO games. Chances are the devs know those anyway, they just lack the resources/permission to fix their system.


I agree... I think EA ruins most of the games they touch... Command and Conquer is a great example... It drives me nuts v.v Lets just hope Disney doesn't try to touch this game, they are going to mess up the universe plenty without messing up my game xD

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I agree... I think EA ruins most of the games they touch... Command and Conquer is a great example... It drives me nuts v.v Lets just hope Disney doesn't try to touch this game, they are going to mess up the universe plenty without messing up my game xD


I do not feel EA ruined this game, I rather like SWTOR but i do believe that there have been some rather bad decisions by BW tho most notably 1.4.

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I do not feel EA ruined this game, I rather like SWTOR but i do believe that there have been some rather bad decisions by BW tho most notably 1.4.


They haven't ruined the game... not yet. But they like to dictate what happens in their games or doesn't and THAT is what is going to ruin this game

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I don't even like playing with premades, when the 4 players on teamspeak just carry the match and ignore the rest of us.

The free win for my weekly is nice but you can't get any medals because the game is over so fast. The best you can do is just sit back and fight a few 1on1s to, entertain yourself while they face-roll the competition.


I don't think they should be 100% seperate, but the queue should emphasize premade vs premade and PUG vs PUG. Because pug v pug always end up being the best matches (had a 2% to 0% denova game last night, it was glorious!)

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I don't even like playing with premades, when the 4 players on teamspeak just carry the match and ignore the rest of us.

The free win for my weekly is nice but you can't get any medals because the game is over so fast. The best you can do is just sit back and fight a few 1on1s to, entertain yourself while they face-roll the competition.


I don't think they should be 100% seperate, but the queue should emphasize premade vs premade and PUG vs PUG. Because pug v pug always end up being the best matches (had a 2% to 0% denova game last night, it was glorious!)


or our comeback today against a premade on civil war that we won after several quitters 10-0 :) Rare thing, but happens 1-2 times in a month :D

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I don't even like playing with premades, when the 4 players on teamspeak just carry the match and ignore the rest of us.

The free win for my weekly is nice but you can't get any medals because the game is over so fast. The best you can do is just sit back and fight a few 1on1s to, entertain yourself while they face-roll the competition.


I don't think they should be 100% seperate, but the queue should emphasize premade vs premade and PUG vs PUG. Because pug v pug always end up being the best matches (had a 2% to 0% denova game last night, it was glorious!)


I agree, pug vrs pug is some of the best matches i have ever played in, pugs and premades need their own seperate que and a cross server pvp que to boot.

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  • 2 weeks later...
When will solo queue be a solo queue then? Why are we forced to group up to win wz's?


I found a solo only queue, but not sure which language it is in. It appears as "duel" :D


All kidding asside; it is bads that ruin WZs as someone posted. I don't even mean "bad" as far as does not perform the way they should as X class. I mean the ones that do not know what role they should play given their class and the warzone they are in, or the modern Napoleans that are out there that think they are General ranked geniuses and have figured out a "new" strategy which should have worked despite multiple failures at attempting it with a PUG. If only they had "good" players on their team, I guess. Couldn't be their strategy.

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I agree, pug vrs pug is some of the best matches i have ever played in, pugs and premades need their own seperate que and a cross server pvp que to boot.


It's really two completely different playstyles. Honestly I really don't get how some of these premades can have fun rolling PUGs, to me that was always boring.


To me premades are only fun against other premades, and honestly I never liked having to work with PUGs when I'm on a premade, I'd much rather bring my entire guild. If you can only get 4 and not 8 they should just group another premade with you, usually everyone is on Vent anyway even with different premades.


PUGs you know you're going to have a random team makeup and you don't know who your teammates are or their tendencies. It is supposed to reward those who adjust quickly. But it's not fair to put these PUGs against premades who don't have that issue, it's just not a fair game.


When i PUGed I always hated having a premade with me too, especially if it was a good premade. I strongly preferred to go up against these people instead and bully them, although usually you need your own premade to do that because most premades never solo queue at all. It's rare that you'll see a skilled premade player solo PUG, but those are generally the best players imo because they don't need the voice chat and teammates to carry them and can perform on level playing fields. I was one of those but Fatman had many on Repub side that were similar, so we generally won a lot. We just couldn't ever beat the top premades, especially when they'd double queue against us when PUGing (which REALLY should never happen).

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I have to agree with OP.

Being in a WZ which you finish with 0 objectives, 0 medals, 0 valor, 0 WZ comms is not something I wish or look forward to. It happens rarely, but it's still not fun and it takes the desire to do more WZs out of me for some time. I am still human after all :). And yes, it does usually happen against extremely good teams, there is not doubt about that. They stomp our behinds like tornado for which they do deserve praise.


But the thing is, I don't care that much about winning or losing as the main focus for me atm is collecting comms and especially experience against good teams in PVP. The problem with PUGs Vs pre-mades is also quitting on losing team. There is constant quitting and joining on our team in such WZs and this also does not help. Someone might say that those that quit or those that are not so good in PVP (bads as you like to call them) are the problem. To that I would say that this problem just means WZs have to become adjusted according to it. After all it is much, much easier to adjust the game than it is to adjust people.


Which also brings me to another interesting thing ... how do those stomping pre-mades find enjoyment in these kind of fights. I understand there are many people that get "hard" by being so much more powerful, but it just can't be the majority of them, can it?

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I agree, pug vrs pug is some of the best matches i have ever played in, pugs and premades need their own seperate que and a cross server pvp que to boot.


I do think this is one reason why there are far less blowouts in the 10-49 wvz's = fewer lowbie premades.


Also, I'd rather be in a non premade group (w/decent players, of course) myself. For one, I've noticed PUG healers are more likely to heal me.

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I do think this is one reason why there are far less blowouts in the 10-49 wvz's = fewer lowbie premades.


Also, I'd rather be in a non premade group (w/decent players, of course) myself. For one, I've noticed PUG healers are more likely to heal me.


Couldnt be because they are gaining xp for completing the warzone then?

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Probably because there is no reason for them to comment on this.


They don't comment on anything because they don't really care as long as we pay our monthly sub. We gonna get more cartel packs before they fix smash, bubble stun and 10 other things that are far from being balanced.

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They don't comment on anything because they don't really care as long as we pay our monthly sub. We gonna get more cartel packs before they fix smash, bubble stun and 10 other things that are far from being balanced.


...or there is nothing to change and they said we will get some sort of matchmaking system this year and making expertise the same across all gear levels.

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The current situation is just painful when it comes to PvP:ing as LvL 50+. I recently rolled a new char and BING - the Pvp was fun and challeing again as low Lvl Pvp! :D Real long and hard battles again, lovly!


When i came back to my main I noticed how big the differance was! Jeez, been playing off and on for 2 weeks (as PUG player Lvl 50+) now and still havent finished the 9 successfull PvP WZs. When you face premade teams with fully balanced groups of healers and tanks protecting the healers theres just ZERO chance of winning as PUG team.


I just ask myself - Whats the point of this unbalance, Biware? Where is the fun for either part in these WZs? The Premades has far too easy mode and the PUGs has impossible mode.


Where is the FUN?

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The current situation is just painful when it comes to PvP:ing as LvL 50+. I recently rolled a new char and BING - the Pvp was fun and challeing again as low Lvl Pvp! :D Real long and hard battles again, lovly!


When i came back to my main I noticed how big the differance was! Jeez, been playing off and on for 2 weeks (as PUG player Lvl 50+) now and still havent finished the 9 successfull PvP WZs. When you face premade teams with fully balanced groups of healers and tanks protecting the healers theres just ZERO chance of winning as PUG team.


I just ask myself - Whats the point of this unbalance, Biware? Where is the fun for either part in these WZs? The Premades has far too easy mode and the PUGs has impossible mode.


Where is the FUN?


I had what amounts to the opposite of your experience. I had very little fun in the pre 50 pvp groups. But as a 50, I am having a ball. I will group with one friend, we both are getting gear along the way, but mainly recruit with war hero stuff mixed in, and we've been a part of some epic matches. Last night him and I both finished up the weekly win 9 matches. Yeah it can be difficult, and the odds of getting a team that is bad is high. I think we played around 15-20 games last night. We won 5. Even won a huttball game (which was awesome. Shameless plug I scored my first ever huttball goal. Pumped). I do agree that going against a premade team is tough. But, I like the challenge. Just me though.

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