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Premades are ruining non-ranked warzones


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On some servers it was organised, it's removal caused people to leave the game on these servers. It was better than arena, though I'm not saying remove arena. Arena shouldn't have just replaced objective based pvp though because many people prefer it.


I'm sorry, but no "organized" rated nights on any server came close to approximating the numbers of the reg population or that of the first month of rated teams before they realized they had no shot at a win. there was a revival after transfers on the two pvp servers (north america), but that's way later than what I was talking about.

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What is this?! 838k damage with your marauder in your first screenshot?? NERF MARAS!! XD It looks like our friend Kalispa is nowhere to be found. He has yet to reply :)


Whats funny is I did that with smash. A spec that is now considered trash, which imo, its still great for regs lol.

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Whats funny is I did that with smash. A spec that is now considered trash, which imo, its still great for regs lol.


Anything that is not faceroll easy is considered trash here. There are exceptions, of course. I don't get those premade QQ posts though. Is the OP queueing at like 5 AM in the morning or something? Or are they playing on low pop servers like Jung ma?

Edited by Darkshadz
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I've seen 6-0 HBs with PUGs beating a premade and 6-0 in PUG vs PUG. So who is to blame in those instances?


People blame premades for losses when, a lot of times, it's just bad players on their team.



See this is the problem.


This is a troll post... you know that is not the norm or status qua. You say that crap to act like it's balanced and it all comes out in the wash, but it doesn't and you know it.


If a premade is queing over and over against other pugs it is a blatant disadvantage to the other team. To deny this is just lying to yourself or taking everyone for idiots.


I never used to complain about it but its sad when a premade not only beats a pug group but then goes on to run their mouth about it while doing it (as if that encourages pugs to continue playing). People are not stupid, its an obvious disadvantage and you are not a hero.


Many of the premades not only que against pugs but do it on a regular basis and do it with familiar teammates. To anyone saying you are not stacking the deck while doing this is just lying to themselves or again, taking people for idiots.


While I realize this is an MMO they need to realize that queing as a group automatically puts the other team at a disadvantage before the match even starts.


I am now to the point of thought that if people are rolling premades, they should only get a que pop when they will be facing another premade as a way to nullify the situation even if it is only a little bit. If they don't like that and want to get faster pops... then they can que solo like everyone else.


This gets worse and worse with server pops dying because you end up facing the same premade and stuck on the same pug group several matches in a row.


As the OP stated... there is even matches now where you have 2 premades on the same teams against a full pug group. Matchmaking needs fixed or stop letting premades into regular WZs and make it so if they want to group... they need to group ranked against another premade. Its so obvious its not even funny.

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See this is the problem.


This is a troll post... you know that is not the norm or status qua. You say that crap to act like it's balanced and it all comes out in the wash, but it doesn't and you know it.


If a premade is queing over and over against other pugs it is a blatant disadvantage to the other team. To deny this is just lying to yourself or taking everyone for idiots.


I never used to complain about it but its sad when a premade not only beats a pug group but then goes on to run their mouth about it while doing it (as if that encourages pugs to continue playing). People are not stupid, its an obvious disadvantage and you are not a hero.


Many of the premades not only que against pugs but do it on a regular basis and do it with familiar teammates. To anyone saying you are not stacking the deck while doing this is just lying to themselves or again, taking people for idiots.


While I realize this is an MMO they need to realize that queing as a group automatically puts the other team at a disadvantage before the match even starts.


I am now to the point of thought that if people are rolling premades, they should only get a que pop when they will be facing another premade as a way to nullify the situation even if it is only a little bit. If they don't like that and want to get faster pops... then they can que solo like everyone else.


This gets worse and worse with server pops dying because you end up facing the same premade and stuck on the same pug group several matches in a row.


As the OP stated... there is even matches now where you have 2 premades on the same teams against a full pug group. Matchmaking needs fixed or stop letting premades into regular WZs and make it so if they want to group... they need to group ranked against another premade. Its so obvious its not even funny.


And yet so many people are crying claiming that premades vs pug is the norm.


The only times I've noticed premades vs pugs is when there is only one premade in queue at that particular time. Double premade vs full pug can happen too if there are 2 imp premades in queue and no pub premades. In my experience, groups also get pops faster and it's probably because it puts the group in queue and fills up the rest of the team with solos or other groups.

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Anything that is not faceroll easy is considered trash here. There are exceptions, of course. I don't get those premade QQ posts though. Is the OP queueing at like 5 AM in the morning or something? Or are they playing on low pop servers like Jung ma?


The thing with smash being considered terrible is that its now a single target dps but still counted as aoe and a bunch of specs run 30% aoe reduction talents. To me its not trash, but its certainly not great either. I really only run smash when I queue solo as I usually just don't feel like dealing with roots/slows and smash spec is very difficult to kite, which is why I say its still great for regs.


I can push smash spec and do pretty well with it, but if I was running carnage or annihilation in that match I probably would of easily broken 1mil that game with around 1300+ dps. That's generally why smash is kind of laughed at now. Its great for BSing when you don't feel like dealing with roots/slows, but in general, anything you push out with that spec can be pushed higher with the other two specs.

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Can this thread be put to bed please. It's the same thing over and over.


The people arguing premades in regs shouldn't exist are just wrong. You are supposed to play this game with friends. Just because you don't have any doesn't mean others should have to be relegated to loser status as well. If you are constantly being beat by the same premade then either make your own premade or stop playing for the night.


It has nothing to do with reg-premades wanting easy wins. It has everything to do with not wanting to blindly draw from the pool of complete dipsh*ts that seem to queue for regs. I like having a few other good players on my team I know will put out decent heals/derps/protection.


And pretty sure 4 players who want to play together could sync queue regs with ease if they stopped allowing groups to queue, so this thread is more or less pointless, except for those players that strictly pug and want to cry about getting smoked by premades.

Edited by Jimmajamma
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See this is the problem.


This is a troll post... you know that is not the norm or status qua. You say that crap to act like it's balanced and it all comes out in the wash, but it doesn't and you know it.


If a premade is queing over and over against other pugs it is a blatant disadvantage to the other team. To deny this is just lying to yourself or taking everyone for idiots.


I never used to complain about it but its sad when a premade not only beats a pug group but then goes on to run their mouth about it while doing it (as if that encourages pugs to continue playing). People are not stupid, its an obvious disadvantage and you are not a hero.


Many of the premades not only que against pugs but do it on a regular basis and do it with familiar teammates. To anyone saying you are not stacking the deck while doing this is just lying to themselves or again, taking people for idiots.


While I realize this is an MMO they need to realize that queing as a group automatically puts the other team at a disadvantage before the match even starts.


I am now to the point of thought that if people are rolling premades, they should only get a que pop when they will be facing another premade as a way to nullify the situation even if it is only a little bit. If they don't like that and want to get faster pops... then they can que solo like everyone else.


This gets worse and worse with server pops dying because you end up facing the same premade and stuck on the same pug group several matches in a row.


As the OP stated... there is even matches now where you have 2 premades on the same teams against a full pug group. Matchmaking needs fixed or stop letting premades into regular WZs and make it so if they want to group... they need to group ranked against another premade. Its so obvious its not even funny.


I giggled. :D

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And yet so many people are crying claiming that premades vs pug is the norm.


The only times I've noticed premades vs pugs is when there is only one premade in queue at that particular time. Double premade vs full pug can happen too if there are 2 imp premades in queue and no pub premades. In my experience, groups also get pops faster and it's probably because it puts the group in queue and fills up the rest of the team with solos or other groups.


Dont need to be a full premade. 2 X premade.


I am not sure you read the full post.


The bottom line is premades should not be able to que against a full pug group. It's not complicated.


Easy question... you can answer this yourself... if you are honest about it.


What is more likely to happen.


1) Pugs leave the game (due to lack of enjoyment) because of losing to premades and getting farmed?

2) Premades leave the game (due to lack of enjoyment) because of losing to pugs and getting farmed?


I have yet to see a post about a single player farming a premade in a WZ.


Its not complicated, I understand people not wanting to let go of an obvious advantage and crutch. Nobody is asking that premades be done away with. People are asking that an obvious disadvantage be rectified.


I say that unless the other team has a premade as well, a premade sits in que until there is a wz against another premade. I am failing to see why that would even remotely be an issue. Unless you are more concerned with farming than fairness in PVP.

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It has nothing to do with reg-premades wanting easy wins. It has everything to do with not wanting to blindly draw from the pool of complete dipsh*ts that seem to queue for regs.


Then queue ranked FFS, and stop being a little crybaby.

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I'm sorry, but no "organized" rated nights on any server came close to approximating the numbers of the reg population or that of the first month of rated teams before they realized they had no shot at a win. there was a revival after transfers on the two pvp servers (north america), but that's way later than what I was talking about.


There's this place outside of America - we call it europe. Actually we had a nice bunch of transfers from tre to tofn and a structured ranked scene before they removed 8 v 8.


No one is saying it was as popular as regs either, so not sure what you are getting at here tbh.


Was it more popular than ranked arenas though? Probably considering half those player or teams left the game.

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Anything that is not faceroll easy is considered trash here. There are exceptions, of course. I don't get those premade QQ posts though. Is the OP queueing at like 5 AM in the morning or something? Or are they playing on low pop servers like Jung ma?

JM is, w/o doubt, the most forgiving server for solo puggers that I've played on. on JC, you'd very rarely see very good players solo and rarely see very good guild tags solo. on JM, you regularly see it. and there aren't many 4m's that can dictate a match.


edit: and solo on pot5 was an exercise in masochism (pub) and a free ride (imp) unless imp happened to be same faction.

Edited by foxmob
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There's this place outside of America - we call it europe. Actually we had a nice bunch of transfers from tre to tofn and a structured ranked scene before they removed 8 v 8.


No one is saying it was as popular as regs either, so not sure what you are getting at here tbh.


Was it more popular than ranked arenas though? Probably considering half those player or teams left the game.


dude. stop citing what happened after they allowed transfers. that's LONG after what I'm talking about. and the fact that ppl had to transfer in order to create a decently populated 8m queue supports my claim. allowing 8m's in regs would result in a mass exodus. and before you say, so what? they suck. it's regs. it's not a cutthroat format.

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I dunno what its like on other servers, but on TRE, pvp has gotten steadily worse in the last few weeks since Strongholds was launched. Far too many clueless noobs and far too many pve geared idiots. No excuse for bolster off 1200. Why is it ok for a pve'r to get in a wz and be totally useless and get rolfmastomped, but its not ok for someone in pvp gear to join a HM ops?


So iam not going to even thinking about queing solo, it's premade or no pvp for me, its just not fun being with idiots getting rolfstomped.


Oh and yeh I know it's a pve server, so what.


Please make the conquest points from a wz win.

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Then queue ranked FFS, and stop being a little crybaby.


really, really, really bad comeback. no one queues group ranked. Thus, you are asking a group to queue that way, wait for 4 hours for a pop, if they're lucky....yeah, that'll work.....and can't queue for regs.


And if it's just a run of the mill pre-made, you know those in guild, "let's pvp" that happens a ton, then they have no chance to compete in ranked, hell, they have trouble competing in regs. But by pigeonholing pre-mades into the "we will dominate you" catagory, you kill the whole group for fun part of an mmo pvp warzone/arena.

Edited by Anyakaschala
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The only times I've noticed premades vs pugs is when there is only one premade in queue at that particular time. Double premade vs full pug can happen too if there are 2 imp premades in queue and no pub premades. In my experience, groups also get pops faster and it's probably because it puts the group in queue and fills up the rest of the team with solos or other groups.



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Dont need to be a full premade. 2 X premade.


I am not sure you read the full post.


The bottom line is premades should not be able to que against a full pug group. It's not complicated.


Easy question... you can answer this yourself... if you are honest about it.


What is more likely to happen.


1) Pugs leave the game (due to lack of enjoyment) because of losing to premades and getting farmed?

2) Premades leave the game (due to lack of enjoyment) because of losing to pugs and getting farmed?


I have yet to see a post about a single player farming a premade in a WZ.


Its not complicated, I understand people not wanting to let go of an obvious advantage and crutch. Nobody is asking that premades be done away with. People are asking that an obvious disadvantage be rectified.


I say that unless the other team has a premade as well, a premade sits in que until there is a wz against another premade. I am failing to see why that would even remotely be an issue. Unless you are more concerned with farming than fairness in PVP.


If you're worried about a group of 2 farming you and your team, then you should stop blaming premades and start looking at yourself. As to your question though, usually it's pugs getting beaten by premades because lots of premades group up with good players so that they aren't grouped up with as many bads. You must not have read the entire second paragraph of my post too.

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JM is, w/o doubt, the most forgiving server for solo puggers that I've played on. on JC, you'd very rarely see very good players solo and rarely see very good guild tags solo. on JM, you regularly see it. and there aren't many 4m's that can dictate a match.


edit: and solo on pot5 was an exercise in masochism (pub) and a free ride (imp) unless imp happened to be same faction.


Ah, interesting XD I stopped playing on JM a long time ago. So I guess QQers play late at night, when there is a higher chance that they face a premade.


The thing with smash being considered terrible is that its now a single target dps but still counted as aoe and a bunch of specs run 30% aoe reduction talents. To me its not trash, but its certainly not great either. I really only run smash when I queue solo as I usually just don't feel like dealing with roots/slows and smash spec is very difficult to kite, which is why I say its still great for regs.


I can push smash spec and do pretty well with it, but if I was running carnage or annihilation in that match I probably would of easily broken 1mil that game with around 1300+ dps. That's generally why smash is kind of laughed at now. Its great for BSing when you don't feel like dealing with roots/slows, but in general, anything you push out with that spec can be pushed higher with the other two specs.


I wasn't saying that the smash spec was really amazing but like you said, it's not terrible either. I never really liked that spec anyway.

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