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Premades are ruining non-ranked warzones


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I found the juxtaposition of the eloquent and the blunt to make the response all the more enjoyable actually.


I found it quite the opposite...the simplistic caveman response left the eloquent speaker the winner of the two insult traders in my eyes.

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A qq solo pug pvp forum whiner is "a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."


William Shakespeare clearly had gaming on his mind when he wrote that.



And now comes my standard copy-paste response to threads like these.


You're assuming that because they're in the same wz they're on voip together. That's not always true. Sometimes I solo queue, i'm not on voip, and just happen to get in a match with other guildies.


Having a 4 man isn't even a guarantee to win anyways. True it's a tactical advantage if they're are coordinated. However, even with voip and coordination we have still lost matches. The 4man is not an invincible, unstoppable force.


Besides, this is an mmo and grouping up into guilds is encouraged. Teamplay is one of the defining benchmarks of mmo mechanics. If you insist on being solo that is your choice- you accept the limitations you place upon yourself.


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This thread should be published as a full novel with the title of "MMO's are proof of how humanity is losing its ablity to have intelligent discussions."


Uncle Sam or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Premade

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Two words. Queue synching.


Still, doesn't Solo Q ranked at least appease to pugs? If EVERY solo star or pug did as they were intended to do, Q solo ranked, then wouldn't it be MUCH harder for any guild to accomplish Queue synching? You will get a few who still manage to pull it off, but if matchmaking works as devs say, wouldn't that eventually get harder and harder to do?


Queue synching is a big problem, I agree...but MMOs tend to evolve and while Queue synching happens now, since a handful of people Queue, do you not think it would cease to exist except in a rare instance? Hard to analyze the data when there is no data available to analyze.


Not poking at you by any means Helig, but when I come back at a poster concerning ranked queue, all the premade haters just dodge my questions or they give an excuse about queue synching. Thing is, people are being selfish and want it their way. Problem with that is that it's EA's way or no way. I say this without any intent of bashing the game or coming off as a fanboy(cause I'm definitely not) but it's time for people to help them out.


They don't respond anymore so it seems bleek and since there is no sheriff the crowd goes nuts, but I do believe they are reading. It's got to be hard to go through all the threads here and every time they open their mouth, they are interpreted wrong and so what's the point? They won't say anything that will make everyone happy. I used to think they should speak more too but not with how the people here can be and plus they listened in the past and it backfires. Ranked 8 was a flop, arenas are a flop, solo q is a flop, so what is left? If they mess with reg WZs, they could end up killing what's left of their own game(PvP anyways)


We all know they suck at this aspect(PvP) of the game. Sure they can write awesome stories but they have no clue on where to begin with PvP and to me, it's because they get jerked around so much, they are just shooting in the dark. Take this premade crap for instance...they gave the game SOLO Q for people that hate premades. People have been asking for it forever. So why don't you solo people do it?


Queue sync can not be the only reason and if it is then you have no reason to complain about premades in warzones. They gave you the only option they can afford to do at this point. My opinion, they underestimated how many folks liked objective based gameplay vs deathmatch based on this forums constant bickering.


You have this guy, UncleSam, necro every post who claims to be a founder(as if this holds any meaning) and here since launch right? He hates premades in Warzones right? So why doesn't he Q solo ranked? He has no reason not too. When asked, he avoids the question and just spouts off "ERMERGHERD BLAH BLAH SOLO AHHH". Again, I know Queue synching is the easiest excuse to give but it's because people are not trying. Just look at his post below:


And some, me for instance, dont wanna be hooked to a Group of two reasons:

1) PUG stomping with my fully geared lvl 55 character is just plain boring and on top of that i hamper and slow down the progress of others grinding up thier toons in regular pvp WZs.


2) I dont have time to find a Group each time I want to pvp. And most times I have to leave the computer after one WZ since I have a big family that needs attendance, and therefor I cant be hooked to Group that would have to be awaiting for me all the time. I want pvp to be more easy to access, and whenI pvp with my other low lvl toons I dont want to be stomped by Premades 95% of the time.


He has a fully geared 55, so double you tee eff? These people are the problem, not premades necessarily. I will admit that premades do have their own issues with ranked 4 mans and their avoidance of them due to people hating arenas, or FOTM comp teams, but these threads all discuss one thing, premade vs pug/solo not why premades are IN warzones. Easy to say that premades get their jollies off on crushing people, and I'm sure they do. I just don't think that's the ONLY reason there is no ranked activity...


I feel like this concept is not hard to understand but Unclesam over here is just hell bent on his own cause that I don't even think he knows what he is complaining about anymore. He's just lost it after being here for 2 years. I've seen many supporters of this game snap and go crazy during my time in this game. It's easier to unsub and move on. I'm not advocating to unsub, it is however, what I've done. I don't feel the need to start 100 threads to discuss why either. It only hurts the game I've loved for 2 years and doesn't do anything for anyone. I want this game to succeed and I want it to improve. Unfortunately, a lot of people do not feel the same way once they reach a certain point.

Edited by Master_Nate
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Haven't you read any of my posts? I think people that premade in the pug queues are about as carebear as you can get. You're just the biggest anti premade advocate around here, so i used your name in place of Dr. Strangelove.:cool:


I know stranglove. Whats your Point? Theres nothign contructive in what u write. Nothing to see, move on, next plz.

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Hi time to fix the unbalance!


It goes days and days now without any good PvP due to the Premades. PUGs cant stand a chance against a premade team with healers and all. And if the premade team is full you cant get room in there,and since theres so little players doing Pvp u run into that same premade team over and over.


right now ppl are quitting in midcombat when they see the premade, since they know theres no chance.


Fix a queue for us Solo players so we dont have to run aginst the premade teams. Or remove group queue.



Post above was from 11.10.2012. So for a year of your life you have played a game that has only gotten worse according to you and has no good PvP? Makes sense lol. You say up there, your premades were full too, SO YOU DID PREMADE AT ONE POINT :eek:. So just because you couldn't get on a team or find friends in 13 months, you expect an MMO to cater to you.


Master_Nate : You are just blbblering, theres no Point in your looooong post. Sigh. Good luck with your next game.


There is a point even if you neglect to read and see it. It wasn't intended just for you, though I use your example in it. It's fine though, seriously. You are entitled to complain and whine minute by minute about a game you can not control. You give a lot of excuses about not being able to form a group yet you can't peel yourself away from these forums even for a second so you have plenty of time apparently. I am willing to bet I know why you don't have any friends in game just by reading a handful of your posts.


I realize you sigh because you haven't moved in 48 hours. Good luck to you too and thanks for the wishes. I do hope you find what you are looking for too. On a serious note though, all gamers should play a game they love. You know it's not here so my point was, why are you?

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Your not a man of Words. Dont try debate if you dont know how to. ;)


Go back to your premade gankhord and stomp some PUGs? It will make u feel better?


This is like your standard response to everyone. The top rated group player could tell you you were wrong and you'd still tell him to stop stomping PUGs and do ranked, I swear. Anyone who disagrees with you must be looking for easy reg warzone wins, that 140 regular warzone comm reward is just soooooooooo tantalizing. I can't resist doing regs to trade in comms 3:1 for Obroan gear instead of doing ranked solo.


Perhaps you should graduate to the big leagues and do ranked yourself. Or do you enjoy "gankhord and stomp some PUGs" in your big boy gear instead of playing ranked?

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Your not a man of Words. Dont try debate if you dont know how to. ;)


Go back to your premade gankhord and stomp some PUGs? It will make u feel better?


At least start using proper grammar when saying someone is not a man of words or talks about not debating with someone if they don't know how.

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To "learn stuff" wont work since this game has gear-based skill system, rather than "real" pvp skills. All knows how to push buttons in what order but that wont help you if u lack the gear. Thats why your agrumnet is totally void.


PUGs need thier own enviroment to grow and gear up in. What they dont need is bullies to hemper and ruin that progress with meaingless stomping.


It has a gear based system.


But if two equally geared people of the same spec and class 1v1'd many times, would the deciding factor not be skill?


Since the skill is obviously *there*, the presence of a gear system does *not* take away the skill, but rather emphasizes it less so that bads can play.

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PUGs need thier own enviroment to grow and gear up in. What they dont need is bullies to hemper and ruin that progress with meaingless stomping.


There already is.


It's the lower level PvP brackets. If a player decides to wait until 55 to do PvP then they should expect to be under geared and to get stomped. Both by other PUGS and Premades alike.

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My comments on your post:


1) Yes premades are a HUGE advantage. Grouping in general (random players) has no advantage.


2) Voice comm has also a HUGE advantage sicne u can call for help while fighting, in PUG teams u have to stop fighting, to type a messgae that most ppl will miss anyway, and then continue fighting half dead.


3) Theres nothing tricky with that good composition gives HUGE advantages. PUG team has often none medic, while premades can have 2 or 3 good ones. They are alos guarded by a few tanks, while rest are DPS. In SWTOR the heals are just enormous and u can litterally heal a guy from 1% Health to 100% in 1-2 sec if your good healers or its a scorc himself. The heals are the very major key to success in SWTOR since they are so HUGE and haveing healers nor not is just a gamebreaker.

PUG teams has toatlly random composition and no setup in roles prior to combat. Premades has setup roles and battlepositions Before combat u can see how they form up in 3 rows with DPS, and tanks guadring the healers. Theres no such in PUG. Its a HUGE differance aswell.


4) Yes, it is almost impossible since most PUGs are casual players who just want to pvp a lil for a while. They most often dont listen to the "leader".



5) Yes premades like to bully and this is a good way for them to give in to that flaw in thier personality.


6) Most premades dont have that much pvping skills, they are used to have HUGE backup form their healers and tanks, so u dont need that much skills. Theres almost no skills at all needed in SWTOR btw since the "skills" are gearbased, and not at all based on the skills of the RL player. Anyone can push buttons in the right order over and over, its not hard. Those with some kind of skills are those healers that has to be real good at thier stuff.


7) Yes theres is more. Premades already have thier own WZ, its called "Ranked" and is not used much at all. Reasons for this is that most premades dont like to face challange or competition, and rather like to just stomp PUGs around.


But be reminded that there is alot of new players out there that grew tired real fast on this game and quitted due to your behavior. Many dont like being killed over and over and get slowed down and hampered in their character progress. They quit this game.


Left int eh game are mostly premade bullies right now, which means u have to start bully eachother soon. And the game is serverly bleeding players that wont come back. In the ned it will result in this gmae being shutdown. Ive seen it Before in Warhammer and SWG.


Devs dont listen to real probs like this and its up to us to save our game if we still like it?


1. Premades give an advantage. You are right. You know what also gives me an advantage? My gear. Are you advocating to take that out? My cooldowns also give me an advantage. Should I stop using my cooldowns because the other team is bad? If so, that is not competitive, if I have to lose in order to not hurt someone else's feelings.


My point: "advantage" does NOT mean "unfair" in a competition.


2. Voice chat is a huge advantage, and I wholeheartedly agree that it is an unfair advantage. However, BW cannot really enforce a ban on VoIP.


My point: you're right.


3. Composition as an advantage is like VoIP in the sense that it is a huge advantage. However, until matchmaking exists, we can't do anything about it. If we ONLY banned premades, the random composition finder would still occasionally make lopsided groups and you'd still whine


My point: add matchmaking before doing anything


4. Basically, you're saying pugs are bad. This goes back to "unfair" advantage. If I'm better, I deserve to win. Handicapping me because my opposition is bad is not competitive, because it gives no incentive to do well.


My point: You are wrong.


5. Yeah, very few times has my premade super queued, and that's because its terribly boring to win like that.


Here, I think you're using premades as a scapegoat for losses. Even if premades were banned from the solo WZ queue, individuals can "super queue" just the same way that two premades can as you say.


My point: The problem is scarce to see


6. Its easy to press buttons. Brain dead pugs just don't know what buttons to press. Its strategy, really, not skill


chess takes no skill because anyone can move a piece - no, you need to know what piece to move


My point: Bolster's equaliziation implies a huge skill gap in the player base. Skill is a major factor.


7. You say that the premade-only queue is meant for premades.


I can say, then, by that same logic (Which means I am right, what I am about to state has the same truth value as your statement. So if you call me wrong, you admit you are wrong about #7) that the solo only queue is meant for solo players.


We can then say that the normal WZ queue is mixed for casual play.


If you don't want to play solo ranked for ___________ reason, then I can say that premades shouldn't have to play group ranked because ______ reason.


My point: you are completely wrong. It is a logical truth.

Edited by Zunayson
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It seems theres alot of players here who cant read or dont understand what the written messages means.


I'll explain it all very slowly, agian...


Im NOT advocating to take away any of your gear or your friends.


What I advocate is that solo players Q in thier own Q




Groups (with all your friends & gear & voice comm & powerhealers & tanks) go in your own Q to share your own fun.






Since premade groups who runs vs random teams are too unbalanced to the premades (gear, team composition, well-rehersed tactics, and uberhealers) which brings down the random team Community. I have tried out premades runs and its dead boring to stomp all the PUG. And being a PUG trying to grind some comms to gear up is absolutly dead boring since all u do is die over and over. It really doesnt feel fun and the grind goes real SLOW both on comms and XP due to the lack of victories.


Premades go into regular WZ since their own RWZ dosent pop any battles. This is an urgent matter for the devs to fix. Its like a schoolyard for bullies that is closed, and it needs to open asap so the rest of the player base can enjoy and have fun.

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