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Premades are ruining non-ranked warzones


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I just heard a mother in general chat ask for others to log low alts so they can rape lowbies in WZs.


And in this or the older similar thread on Page 1 of this subforum, some guy who team queues posted just yesterday that when the match is about to start he frankly says "Rape begins in 3...2....1..." So, lets get off the false moral high horse some of us seem to be on about this term.


Yes, you're going to find douche-bags in every area of life. I don't see why this is different or what BW should do about it beyond what they already do. They already stated that the matchmaking tries to pit 4 man premades on each side if possible with the pool of players in the queue. I do agree with you to some extent though, this exact kind of attitude is what gives guilds/premades a bad name and probably one of the biggest factors why this discussion keeps coming up.


The other factor to me is; people think they're farmed simply because you may have gotten a casual premade on your side and a 'hard core pvp' group on the other. It's not ranked so it's not going to be perfect, with rating/skill levels taken into account. It's certainly not the fault of the casual group of friends that you happened to get nor is it the other guys fault for being good at and enjoying pvp to the point they probably do this in their sleep.


By separating queues, not only will it extend queue times for everyone, it will most certainly kill the casual guilds from wanting to group up and pvp at all if they're only going to face top pvp'ers simply because they want to group together.

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I just heard a mother in general chat ask for others to log low alts so they can rape lowbies in WZs.


And in this or the older similar thread on Page 1 of this subforum, some guy who team queues posted just yesterday that when the match is about to start he frankly says "Rape begins in 3...2....1..." So, lets get off the false moral high horse some of us seem to be on about this term.


Just because other ignorant people use that term to describe something does not make it any less abhorrent. Yet another example of an ignorant mass misappropriating a word for their own purpose, thus weakening its original meaning.

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But they *CAN* do something! They can learn how to play better so they can compete against higher skilled players!


Why does nobody even consider that an option????? :eek:


Well; in theory they can get better, but they cannot control who they get grouped with. Less of course they form their own premade. Then we are infinite loop until everyone premades. Thats not such a bad thing but I doubt it would ever be a reality. You also have an ongoing influx of new players (or at least EA/Bioware would hope) who will be at the recieving end of the big bad premades and they can then come start this conversation all over again.


So no overall solution. Just the option is there for the individual to do something about it for their own sanity.

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What server are these immortal reg ruiners on? Can you get them to post some pro tip vids?


Most premades I've ever seen, and see now, are craptastic muppets wearing the same g tags.


They need your help and solos stuck with them would appreciate it as well. Thanks in advance.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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But they *CAN* do something! They can learn how to play better so they can compete against higher skilled players!


Why does nobody even consider that an option????? :eek:


Come on now Dany that would require admitting defeat AND doing some work to get better...


How many people do you know have the ability to swallow that much pride and admit they need to improve and ask for help?

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Come on now Dany that would require admitting defeat AND doing some work to get better...


How many people do you know have the ability to swallow that much pride and admit they need to improve and ask for help?


Oh I know the answer! NONE!


The fact that this post is still alive and 653 pages long and growing is a testament to that. It would appear there are many who wish to disregard logic because they don't like something. Why would they try to get better or try to find a group of like minded individuals to premade with so it isn't so bad, when instead they can beat a dead horse with a stick?


Seriously guys, its not about premades or pugs its about individual skill. Is there coordination in a premade? Sure there is, but that doesn't mean that its a guaranteed win (some guilds on my sever are proof enough of that). You can work together as a team without being in a premade, you just have to listen to each other. Then again that goes back to the whole not having your head stuck in the ground, discarding any over-inflated egos, and making an effort thing so.. ITS ALL UP TO YOU FRIENDS!

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Oh I know the answer! NONE!


The fact that this post is still alive and 653 pages long and growing is a testament to that. It would appear there are many who wish to disregard logic because they don't like something. Why would they try to get better or try to find a group of like minded individuals to premade with so it isn't so bad, when instead they can beat a dead horse with a stick?


Seriously guys, its not about premades or pugs its about individual skill. Is there coordination in a premade? Sure there is, but that doesn't mean that its a guaranteed win (some guilds on my sever are proof enough of that). You can work together as a team without being in a premade, you just have to listen to each other. Then again that goes back to the whole not having your head stuck in the ground, discarding any over-inflated egos, and making an effort thing so.. ITS ALL UP TO YOU FRIENDS!

Good post. Well said, except for the first sentence. I am one of the only people who is competitive, yet has no problem admiting when someone better comes along, and am always open to new things. I wish more people were like me.

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First of all, you are a troll. If you can't see that, then I really don't know what more needs to be said. So much so, that you had to move your negativity into PMs on the website, don't worry, we got a good laugh about them ;):


Didn't need to bother other people with telling you what I thought of your stupidity. FYI a troll is someone that writes something to incite others and 'troll them a line' or fishing for people to respond. I couldn't give a fig if you ever responded so try and use those two brain cells of yours before you try and fling mud creep.


I am still yet to see any type of factual argument for why premading is a negative, but here are some facts as to how everything you've said in this thread is still wrong.:


I don't need to give evidence when it comes to saying what i would like to see in this game. But if you are going to tell me it is impossible or improbable then the onis falls to you for any evidence to support your claims. Beyond that anything posted otherwise is not in the spirit of the OP and if I had gotten caught up in some kind of epeen contest it was because you trolled me.


1) Population base is too small. We already have 3 queues for PvP, plus 2 more queues if you count lowbie brackets. Adding in more brackets at this point would be ridiculous to queue times for EVERYONE. This would be exceptionally bad for servers that are not POT5 or ToFN.:


If by this you are implying I want more ques you are wrong and I am sorry If i gave you that idea. I agree, with the current population, another que is not a good idea. In fact I would like to see less ques not more.


2) Solo queue does not resolve the actual issue that is lopsided team comps, unequal player skill, and unequal gear (although this is more caused by people not knowing how bolster works since they don't have 10 seconds to google it). Could it potentially equal things out? Maybe in a few circumstances, but the majority of premades I have seen aren't running ideal comps. Yesterday I had premades running 4 DPS on my team in at least half of the warzones I did. As I've said numerous times in this thread, it resolves the issue of individual players having RNG to have good players on their side and good comps, but it doesn't eliminate the RNG from matches. So there will still be stompings.:


Blah Blah Blah... preaching to the choir.... blah blah blah.


3) Players outside of premades can still compete with premades. The inability to do anything against a premade is an individual skill issue and will come up anytime you face a team with a higher skill level than you. I agree that players should be fighting other players of equal skill level in all queues, but as has been pointed out, the available players in queue would still probably prevent this from working.:


For someone so big on evidence your research is severely lacking, I have already posted on the issue of premades several times and your responce to my latest post here shows that you have no idea what I said.


4) A group queue causes logistical problems. Groups of 3 have a hard time getting games unless another group of 3 is in the queue. If you have it as a toggle, then the lack of solo players queueing with the toggle on prevents groups of 3 from getting into matches. Not to mention they then need a group of 2 to fill out the team. Add in that the number of people queuing at one time without getting a pop doubles since we could potentially have 15 players of one faction in solo queue and 7 on the other and nothing would pop. And even more in the group queue since you need the right number of players per group to get matches.:


*** are you talking about it seems you are saying group que is a problem, if so yeah i agree, get rid of it... and voila, no more premades either... problem solved :)


5) Casual groups are hurt the most. While most groups are casual, the more competitive players are far more likely than casual players to group up as 4, so casual groups will be more likely to see the top players. Grouping should be fun for all parties involved and certainly be an acceptable way to enjoy an MMO. When you run into good players facing bad players, however, you run into uneven matches that can be extremely frustrating for the losing side. I don't think it's right to consider all groups the same or think that groups are any less affected by the problem you are complaining about in this thread.:


Huh? So what is your point here?


6) Queue sync. Welcome to the world of groups queue syncing in solo queue. It will happen, you will continue complaining. I'm very much against any type of queue syncing since it goes against the rules put in place by BW, but this will be the norm. It will be exceptionally bad on low population servers where syncing will be easy.:


No not a fan nor will I ever be a fan of solo que. Que sync? do you mean matchmaking? be more descriptive please.



It's not a premade issue, it's a skill issue. Skill varies between premades and between PUGs. If we continue putting good players against bad players, people will continue to be bored and frustrated. Since we can't make people be worse at the game and, clearly, everyone is going to get better at the game, we need to do our best to match people more effectively. We can at least try and do some simple matchmaking during peak times when the queues are full and it's more likely to be effective.:


ahhj finally you come to some semblance of a point. However if I wanted to be a stickler for evidence I would ask you give some to back your claim. but i am not going to troll you as you have done me and i am simply going to discuss this with you...


The issue in this thread is about premades no matter how much you may claim it isn't. You can say that you do not agree but the issue still stands. And I agree with the OP, my basis on agreeing is that nobody likes to lose. This is common knowledge and I hope I do not need to give evidence to support it. Now on the zidea that nobody likes to lose, people will walk away from a situation where they are always losing. The more frequent the loss happens the more likely someone will walk away. (also common knowledge/logic)

So on the idea that premades are ruining WZs.... premades, by definition, are groups of people who have agreed, through action, (by joining the premade) to follow some sort of constructive order. This I have demonstrated in past posts whereby groups of friends getting together will always passively elect a leader of that group thereby forming an organisation.

Order trumps chaos... as I have demonstrated that premades are an organisation therefore a product of order they will more likely beat a pug which formed through random membership are a product of chaos.

Voip: premades are much more likely to use VOIP than a pug. In fact I have never heard of a pug using VOIP. VOIP is a 3rd party program and against the TOS. BW won;t likely mnake a code to ban VOIP but they could remove group queing to reduce the need of it in WZs.


I look forward to your wonderful response where you ignore anything I said that mattered and point out some small grammatical flaw, call me a kid, and/or tell me how to decorate the trailer park I live in. Or will that come in another PM? :rak_03:


You can look forward all you want but as you can see I did not bite your troll. Though I truly wanted to call you at least a couple of those names. :)

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Didn't need to bother other people with telling you what I thought of your stupidity. FYI a troll is someone that writes something to incite others and 'troll them a line' or fishing for people to respond. I couldn't give a fig if you ever responded so try and use those two brain cells of yours before you try and fling mud creep.


wut :rak_02:

Edited by Jorojus
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You've stopped respoding with on-topic comments to my arguments. It shows just how much of a mature debate you want.


ROFL! I was responding to your off-topic thread. Nice try but seriously? Your not exactly a bastion of maturity (or intelligence) here :)


And just so you don't get all bent out of shape because I am responding off-topic,


Premades = bad

Matchmaking = good


Merry Christmas!

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ROFL! I was responding to your off-topic thread. Nice try but seriously? Your not exactly a bastion of maturity (or intelligence) here :)


And just so you don't get all bent out of shape because I am responding off-topic,


Premades = bad

Matchmaking = good


Merry Christmas!


Lol funny how you feel the need to state what we all know already.


Don't worry, we all know the evil premades are out there to hurt you and your innocwnt PuG friends and should be banned entirely from the game. :rolleyes:


Now explain the answer to my actual comment maybe? About the absolutely silly idea of scrapping the group queue entirely, and then scrapping warzones to replace it with a completely different system? No, you probably won't respond to that, too busy trolling I suppose.


Oh and while you're at it, quote one of my posts that were off-topic please? I'd like to marvel at how well i hid them too. That i myself can't find them where Marrius the great found them. :p


And at least we agree that matchmaking == good. Worth something i guess.

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Oh I know the answer! NONE!!


Wrong, I have and I will continue to do so. Check some of my threads and you will see.


The fact that this post is still alive and 653 pages long and growing is a testament to that. It would appear there are many who wish to disregard logic because they don't like something. Why would they try to get better or try to find a group of like minded individuals to premade with so it isn't so bad, when instead they can beat a dead horse with a stick? !


Would that be your logic or logic in general? Because I have read some very well put together testaments against premades. In contrast I have read far more examples of mudslinging from people who think premades should be allowed. Maybe you should try reading a few of the posts on these 653 pages hmmm?


Seriously guys, its not about premades or pugs its about individual skill. Is there coordination in a premade? Sure there is, but that doesn't mean that its a guaranteed win (some guilds on my sever are proof enough of that). You can work together as a team without being in a premade, you just have to listen to each other. Then again that goes back to the whole not having your head stuck in the ground, discarding any over-inflated egos, and making an effort thing so.. ITS ALL UP TO YOU FRIENDS!


Wow talk about disregarding logic. A premade may not be a guaranteed win but it is guaranteed to win most of the time. Again if you want the logic on this argument try reading some of my posts on the make-up of a group and stop generalizing people because you are too lazy to do the work.

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Lol funny how you feel the need to state what we all know already.


Don't worry, we all know the evil premades are out there to hurt you and your innocwnt PuG friends and should be banned entirely from the game. :rolleyes:


Now explain the answer to my actual comment maybe? About the absolutely silly idea of scrapping the group queue entirely, and then scrapping warzones to replace it with a completely different system? No, you probably won't respond to that, too busy trolling I suppose.


Oh and while you're at it, quote one of my posts that were off-topic please? I'd like to marvel at how well i hid them too. That i myself can't find them where Marrius the great found them. :p


And at least we agree that matchmaking == good. Worth something i guess.


And if you had taken the time to read my posts instead of just jumping on the next person you see as being a premade whine monkey then you may have learned something no?


BTW here is your post I was responding to. I admit you trolled me on this one but hey I am not immune...




Lol at you trailer trash post. You'd like to assume wveryone who doesn't like your ideas is stupid.


News flash: they're not. Think about how silly the suggestion of removing group queues entirely is. If you can't find the answer, come back and ask.


Or, continue assuming everyone who's disagrees with you is trailer trash. Either way is fine by me. .


Again I will say I do not support more ques and the fact that you and others have assumed I do is a testament to the fact that you don't take the time to read what people say before you attack them. This is also what I referred to as uneducated, uninformed and trailer trash.




.... Marrius the Great... I like the sound of that.



PS. I will not likely respond to any more of your posts untill you put your big boy pants on and start discussing like an informed adult. Instead I will just treat you like one of my students and just say 'Merry Christmas'.

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And if you had taken the time to read my posts instead of just jumping on the next person you see as being a premade whine monkey then you may have learned something no?


Still not quite sure what you're trying to teach me here -_^ Is this some twisted attempt at controlling my brain or something? :o


In all seriousness though, what is the point you're trying to make? You said you wanted to see Group queue removed entirely, and you haven't even come close to convincing anyone that the suggestion makes sense at all.


BTW here is your post I was responding to. I admit you trolled me on this one but hey I am not immune...


But I was genuinely concerned at why you considered me trailer trash. :(


*Sarcasm -mode off*




Again I will say I do not support more ques and the fact that you and others have assumed I do is a testament to the fact that you don't take the time to read what people say before you attack them. This is also what I referred to as uneducated, uninformed and trailer trash.


Tsk tsk. You're trying too hard now. Scroll back up. I have paraphrased your very own words about 3 times now. I am no longer responding to you apparently asking for more queues since that's quite clearly not what you're asking for.


it was quite apparent what you were asking for right from the beginning. To quote you:


That being said, I don't want separate ques. I just don't want premades allowed. They have had thier time and have proven to unballance the WZ/arenas. Players should not be allowed to que as a group anymore because the idea of queing with your friends has been abused to the point that the dissadvantages now outweigh the advantages.


You want premades entirely removed from warzones. I just laughed out loud at the suggestion (still am laughing btw). I still would like to see the justification for such a suggestion (beyond of course "premades stomp PuGs, remove them entirely", I'm looking for a better justification than that).



.... Marrius the Great... I like the sound of that.


I know you do :p


PS. I will not likely respond to any more of your posts untill you put your big boy pants on and start discussing like an informed adult. Instead I will just treat you like one of my students and just say 'Merry Christmas'.


Suits me. Go ahead and decide whether you wanna respond further or not. Although if you are responding, make it less about Christmas and more about my question please, Christmas is still a few weeks away.

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Actually its called getting educated, a concept you are obviously adverse to.


anyways.... as i said I would....



Merry Christmas.


Good job dodgin the question entirely btw.Clearly you are here to troll.


Dunno why I even considered the possibility that you were here for a mature discussion. Have a good day (or night).

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VOIP is a 3rd party program and against the TOS. BW won;t likely mnake a code to ban VOIP but they could remove group queing to reduce the need of it in WZs.



You can keep on saying this, but it won't make it true.


You'd be better off asking for BW to implement an in game voice feature, as other games have done.

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I don't need to give evidence when it comes to saying what i would like to see in this game. But if you are going to tell me it is impossible or improbable then the onis falls to you for any evidence to support your claims. Beyond that anything posted otherwise is not in the spirit of the OP and if I had gotten caught up in some kind of epeen contest it was because you trolled me.


There's plenty of good arguments from both people pro and anti premade. There is also 0 evidence to support claims made by either side. A topic like this particular one cannot really be backed up by anything outside of the players own opinions and experiences since we don't have access to the metrics like the amount of solo players and groups queuing or win loss ratios of games of different values consisting of the different probabilities of team make ups for warzones.


If by this you are implying I want more ques you are wrong and I am sorry If i gave you that idea. I agree, with the current population, another que is not a good idea. In fact I would like to see less ques not more.


Well a lot of people disliking premades want the regular warzone split, one for solo one for groups. If you're implying that you don't want this then I'm going to guess that you simply want the regular queue to be solo only and make anyone who wants to group to form a four man and queue arenas.


Blah Blah Blah... preaching to the choir.... blah blah blah.


Excellent response. Now Jades statement too me and a lot of others feel is what the real issue with this game is. There is a huge skill gap in this game. There are plenty of players who cant admit that they're not as good as they think they are. Player accountability is very lacking in this game and you see it almost every warzone. This either comes in the form of a rage quitter or someone who vents in an ops chat that their team sucks. If players took more time in learning all they could about PvP and less time blaming other factors in this game it would vastly improve PvP.


For someone so big on evidence your research is severely lacking, I have already posted on the issue of premades several times and your responce to my latest post here shows that you have no idea what I said.


I kind of touched on this earlier but for a topic like this it only comes down to players own experiences and opinions.


*** are you talking about it seems you are saying group que is a problem, if so yeah i agree, get rid of it... and voila, no more premades either... problem solved :)


What Jade was referring to is quite simply that if another queue would be put into place which would be for groups of 2, 3 or 4 players it could create a hard time for a group of 3 to find a game.


Huh? So what is your point here?


The casual premades make up the majority of premades I would say. These range from random friends to your guild which is less focused on PvP. These groups are less interested in competitive PvP and more interested in grouping simply for the sake of grouping and playing the game with each other.



No not a fan nor will I ever be a fan of solo que. Que sync? do you mean matchmaking? be more descriptive please.


Queue syncing is a pretty straight forward concept and it exists in this game now in two queues. Anytime you have a group or several individuals queuing up at the same time it's queue syncing. It happens with two groups of three or more in the regular queue to form a 'super premade' or it could be 2 or more players queuing up at the same time in solo ranked. Either way the goal is to "sync" queues to end up on the same team. More of an issue on lower pop servers where it's more likely to work or during off times on higher pop servers. It has nothing to do with matchmaking.


The issue in this thread is about premades no matter how much you may claim it isn't. You can say that you do not agree but the issue still stands. And I agree with the OP, my basis on agreeing is that nobody likes to lose. This is common knowledge and I hope I do not need to give evidence to support it. Now on the zidea that nobody likes to lose, people will walk away from a situation where they are always losing. The more frequent the loss happens the more likely someone will walk away. (also common knowledge/logic)

So on the idea that premades are ruining WZs.... premades, by definition, are groups of people who have agreed, through action, (by joining the premade) to follow some sort of constructive order. This I have demonstrated in past posts whereby groups of friends getting together will always passively elect a leader of that group thereby forming an organisation.

Order trumps chaos... as I have demonstrated that premades are an organisation therefore a product of order they will more likely beat a pug which formed through random membership are a product of chaos.

Voip: premades are much more likely to use VOIP than a pug. In fact I have never heard of a pug using VOIP. VOIP is a 3rd party program and against the TOS. BW won;t likely mnake a code to ban VOIP but they could remove group queing to reduce the need of it in WZs.


Yes this is an opinionated thread about premades which are ruining the game for certain players. You're right that no one likes losing but I feel that it's easier to blame ones lack of success on others who're forming groups in an mmo or that are simply more skilled at this game. Your point about people walking away from a loss does happen but personally I feel people give up way, way to easily in this game. You get a quick goal scored in huttball or lose your offnode in CW or NC or you get a bomb planted on you right off the bat in VS and you see people instant leaving that game. I don't see logic in quitting when things simply don't go your way though. Frustrated yeah but not outright quitting.


Premades for the most part are nothing more than like minded people who simply want to group in this game. Reasons for such can be trying out new recruits, trying out team synergy, waiting for ranked to pick up or completing the daily/weekly. Also the caliber of group depends greatly on the players consisted of the group and it can be some random scrubs to the best players on the server and anyone in between.


The pugs are chaos thing is somewhat true but usually all it takes is someone using target markers and your defender to call incomings as well as players abilities to identify priority targets for focus fire and things become much, much easier. Those things are totally possible and are easily done. There are other things that can be done but it almost always comes down to the players individual skill.


Please stop with the VoIP. Used, yes in PvP and in PvE. Are you suggesting that every single guild that raids and runs flashpoints is also breaking the TOS? Honestly they do help but when I'm grouped and in vent we spend more time just bs'ing with eachother than actually calling out strats or focus targets as we already know our roles and know which targets need to die first. I used to guard nodes all the time (kind of getting away from it as after doing it almost a thousand times get's old) and typing grass/snow/east/west/south x is pretty easy especially if you have it waiting in ops chat to hit a number then enter. Firing off 'attack west' or 'fucus x player' only takes a few seconds. Do it when waiting in respawn or when you can spare a few seconds as everyone who plays this game should have some decent typing skills.




I solo queue as much if not more than as I group. I do win games I have beaten premades but when I lose to one I don't blame the fact that I faced one. Personally I enjoy the challenge and when you perform well you get noticed and people start to recognize you and it gets you focused more in warzones which makes it even more challenging.

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You can keep on saying this, but it won't make it true.


You'd be better off asking for BW to implement an in game voice feature, as other games have done.


I'm actially curious to know where Bioware mentions third-party software in their ToS. I remember reading in a yellow post that any software that automates actions like macros can be made to do are banned. But where exactly is all this mentioned? I would go through it myself, but reading walls of text on my ipod isn't fun

Edited by EzioMessi
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You can keep on saying this, but it won't make it true.


You'd be better off asking for BW to implement an in game voice feature, as other games have done.


Actually this was one of my suggestiong as well. After all if it can help even the playing field more then it is a good thing no?

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There's plenty of good arguments from both people pro and anti premade. There is also 0 evidence to support claims made by either side. A topic like this particular one cannot really be backed up by anything outside of the players own opinions and experiences since we don't have access to the metrics like the amount of solo players and groups queuing or win loss ratios of games of different values consisting of the different probabilities of team make ups for warzones.




Well a lot of people disliking premades want the regular warzone split, one for solo one for groups. If you're implying that you don't want this then I'm going to guess that you simply want the regular queue to be solo only and make anyone who wants to group to form a four man and queue arenas.




Excellent response. Now Jades statement too me and a lot of others feel is what the real issue with this game is. There is a huge skill gap in this game. There are plenty of players who cant admit that they're not as good as they think they are. Player accountability is very lacking in this game and you see it almost every warzone. This either comes in the form of a rage quitter or someone who vents in an ops chat that their team sucks. If players took more time in learning all they could about PvP and less time blaming other factors in this game it would vastly improve PvP.




I kind of touched on this earlier but for a topic like this it only comes down to players own experiences and opinions.




What Jade was referring to is quite simply that if another queue would be put into place which would be for groups of 2, 3 or 4 players it could create a hard time for a group of 3 to find a game.




The casual premades make up the majority of premades I would say. These range from random friends to your guild which is less focused on PvP. These groups are less interested in competitive PvP and more interested in grouping simply for the sake of grouping and playing the game with each other.





Queue syncing is a pretty straight forward concept and it exists in this game now in two queues. Anytime you have a group or several individuals queuing up at the same time it's queue syncing. It happens with two groups of three or more in the regular queue to form a 'super premade' or it could be 2 or more players queuing up at the same time in solo ranked. Either way the goal is to "sync" queues to end up on the same team. More of an issue on lower pop servers where it's more likely to work or during off times on higher pop servers. It has nothing to do with matchmaking.




Yes this is an opinionated thread about premades which are ruining the game for certain players. You're right that no one likes losing but I feel that it's easier to blame ones lack of success on others who're forming groups in an mmo or that are simply more skilled at this game. Your point about people walking away from a loss does happen but personally I feel people give up way, way to easily in this game. You get a quick goal scored in huttball or lose your offnode in CW or NC or you get a bomb planted on you right off the bat in VS and you see people instant leaving that game. I don't see logic in quitting when things simply don't go your way though. Frustrated yeah but not outright quitting.


Premades for the most part are nothing more than like minded people who simply want to group in this game. Reasons for such can be trying out new recruits, trying out team synergy, waiting for ranked to pick up or completing the daily/weekly. Also the caliber of group depends greatly on the players consisted of the group and it can be some random scrubs to the best players on the server and anyone in between.


The pugs are chaos thing is somewhat true but usually all it takes is someone using target markers and your defender to call incomings as well as players abilities to identify priority targets for focus fire and things become much, much easier. Those things are totally possible and are easily done. There are other things that can be done but it almost always comes down to the players individual skill.


Please stop with the VoIP. Used, yes in PvP and in PvE. Are you suggesting that every single guild that raids and runs flashpoints is also breaking the TOS? Honestly they do help but when I'm grouped and in vent we spend more time just bs'ing with eachother than actually calling out strats or focus targets as we already know our roles and know which targets need to die first. I used to guard nodes all the time (kind of getting away from it as after doing it almost a thousand times get's old) and typing grass/snow/east/west/south x is pretty easy especially if you have it waiting in ops chat to hit a number then enter. Firing off 'attack west' or 'fucus x player' only takes a few seconds. Do it when waiting in respawn or when you can spare a few seconds as everyone who plays this game should have some decent typing skills.




I solo queue as much if not more than as I group. I do win games I have beaten premades but when I lose to one I don't blame the fact that I faced one. Personally I enjoy the challenge and when you perform well you get noticed and people start to recognize you and it gets you focused more in warzones which makes it even more challenging.


The thing thats a little frustrating and anoying is that I find myself repeating things often in this thread because people either don't understand my position or they fail to read anything before they post. In your case I am going to assume I did not make myself clear...


I do not want any more ques. I do want premades abolished by removing the option to que as a group.

The TOS is worthless because BW does noithing to enforce it. Ergo, people question anyone who brings up the "3rd party software" clause. I know what Jade was saying but it was pointless rambling that addressed nothing I had discussed before. If he's gonna quote/post then he needs to stick to what the quote/post was about or make a new post. Otherwise it confuses and distorts (if not making impotent) the discussion on a whole.


I do not nor will I ever believe premades are an example of skill. Nor are they simply just friends getting together to enjoy the game. If this were the case premades would have stayed in the ranked WZs thereby ensuring 8v8 ranked would have had enough support to have remained a viable ranked option in WZs. No, instead too many premades have been opting for the easy kills in normal WZs and they ruined it for those premades that were legitimately friends looking to play together. (the ranked WZs didn't have enough people queing so the rest of the premades came over to normal.)


I have also mentioned that WZs should be dropped and open pvp (RvR) brought in. I think WZ/Battle grounds are silly. I joined a PVP server because I like the anticipation of questing and never knowing if an enemy player is gonna come along and ganke me. This is why my preference in any pvp is ffapvp (no rewards, no ranks, just the thrill of the kill -or- be killed idea). IMHO Anything else is carebear.


PS. --- I know ffapvp would never work in this game but RvR could ---

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Actually I don't know why I didn't say this before.... Why not have BW code the WZ ques so that premade groups can only join ranked. Thereby leaving normal WZs to the pugs. There would be no new ques and everyone would get what they want while maintaining a playing field that is more skill based. Maybe this would make 8v8 ranked more viable as well.


everyone except those premades that are seeking to farm pugs for easy comms that is.

Edited by Marrius
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The thing thats a little frustrating and anoying is that I find myself repeating things often in this thread because people either don't understand my position or they fail to read anything before they post. In your case I am going to assume I did not make myself clear...


I do not want any more ques. I do want premades abolished by removing the option to que as a group.

The TOS is worthless because BW does noithing to enforce it. Ergo, people question anyone who brings up the "3rd party software" clause. I know what Jade was saying but it was pointless rambling that addressed nothing I had discussed before. If he's gonna quote/post then he needs to stick to what the quote/post was about or make a new post. Otherwise it confuses and distorts (if not making impotent) the discussion on a whole.


I do not nor will I ever believe premades are an example of skill. Nor are they simply just friends getting together to enjoy the game. If this were the case premades would have stayed in the ranked WZs thereby ensuring 8v8 ranked would have had enough support to have remained a viable ranked option in WZs. No, instead too many premades have been opting for the easy kills in normal WZs and they ruined it for those premades that were legitimately friends looking to play together. (the ranked WZs didn't have enough people queing so the rest of the premades came over to normal.)


I have also mentioned that WZs should be dropped and open pvp (RvR) brought in. I think WZ/Battle grounds are silly. I joined a PVP server because I like the anticipation of questing and never knowing if an enemy player is gonna come along and ganke me. This is why my preference in any pvp is ffapvp (no rewards, no ranks, just the thrill of the kill -or- be killed idea). IMHO Anything else is carebear.


PS. --- I know ffapvp would never work in this game but RvR could ---


I'm glad Cycao saved me from having to do the long post.


This is by far the most short-sighted approach to an MMO in history. I'm playing this game because there are other people involved, how does eliminating grouping assist with the multiplayer aspect of the game? I do a warzone and find someone good who I sync well with and all the sudden we can never play together again unless we get a full group for ranked?


People are playing this game to group with friends and enjoy the content. If you do not wish to play against people having fun, then this is honestly not the right type of game for you. I would suggest a non team-oriented game or one that is not meant to bring large amounts of people together.


As Cycao mentioned, groups come in all shapes, sizes, and skill levels. There is no reason why anyone should be discouraged from playing with their friends simply to appease the complaints of a small few. Ranked is an extremely competitive environment, which is not what all groups are looking for. To force a group of 4 friends that just hit 55 to play a ranked arena just to stay together is asinine.


I'm glad you found a resolution to your perceived problem, but it presents an entirely new problem for you to deal with. I would conservatively say that at least 75% of the player base entering warzones would immediately hate this being implemented. And I think that's extremely conservative. I at least understand the viewpoint of those who wish to have a solo queue, but I will never understand the desire to take away the ability to group completely.

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