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no hk51 for solo players


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Here's my question:


The guide shows component 7 to be Empire only on Hardmode Maelstrom Prison/Foundry.


Instead of saying you only need a level 50 on one side and a level 15 on the other don't they mean a level 50 Empire side and a level 15 republic?


I have a level 50 Jedi and a level 16 Sorcerer for example, that means I'm out of luck right?


Maelstrom Prison is a Republic quest. So you're not out of luck, you just do Maelstrom instead of Foundry.

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  • 6 months later...
Are you kidding me? I've never seen a "Solo Player" that doesn't use group finder.


You obviously have never seen me. I solo all the time and yes I can solo many flashpoints that are near but not above my level.

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You obviously have never seen me. I solo all the time and yes I can solo many flashpoints that are near but not above my level.


By Order of the Sith Empire, I am placing you under arrest for Necromancy with intent to engage in pugilism with a deceased equine. Surrender your keyboard and put your hands behind your head.

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Hi, I'm a solo player that doesn't use group finder. In fact, all of my game time is spent doing my own thing and ignoring all group/guild/chat invites other than general chat. I don't bother with Heroics. Flashpoints. Warzones or anything else that involves having to group up with people.


Have a nice day.




You're not alone. :)

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I dont use group finder. The game i play group content in which will remain nameless is so far above this one for raid/group content quality that there just isnt any point in doing them here. (Sorry but they are the king of raids, by a mile). So I solo this. And miss out on a lot of stuff. /shrug




PS To make the fan bois feel better, these guys beat them ALL as far as story goes, hands down. Also, I have never had as much fun in any game as I had in this one with the companion system. So there you go, two things that I think this game is better than the other one at.

Edited by hippiechick
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I dont use group finder. The game i play group content in which will remain nameless is so far above this one for raid/group content quality that there just isnt any point in doing them here. (Sorry but they are the king of raids, by a mile). So I solo this. And miss out on a lot of stuff. /shrug




PS To make the fan bois feel better, these guys beat them ALL as far as story goes, hands down. Also, I have never had as much fun in any game as I had in this one with the companion system. So there you go, two things that I think this game is better than the other one at.


Got to disagree, I much prefer the FPs and OPs in this game compared to WOW. WOW has turned into complete faceroll and a rush to the end (usually about 15mins) and no one even says a word to each other because of cross server group finder. I much prefer a bit of story and different paths due to crew skills etc.

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By Order of the Sith Empire, I am placing you under arrest for Necromancy with intent to engage in pugilism with a deceased equine. Surrender your keyboard and put your hands behind your head.


That just might be the best thing anyone's written on these forums all week. Well done sir.

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Got to disagree, I much prefer the FPs and OPs in this game compared to WOW. WOW has turned into complete faceroll and a rush to the end (usually about 15mins) and no one even says a word to each other because of cross server group finder. I much prefer a bit of story and different paths due to crew skills etc.


Hey to each their own. The truth of the matter is if it werent for the time investment required to raid on that game that I didnt say the name of lol Id do some here too. As far as the encounters go though i much prefer theirs, they are more dynamic and require more group cooperation imo. Anyway, yeah, to each their own. Glad you like it here, this game IS fun for sure.


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Are you kidding me? I've never seen a "Solo Player" that doesn't use group finder.


I'm a solo player and I've never used group finder. I've also never done any ops or flashpoints that I couldn't do with just my hubby, who quite playing, so I'm on my own again. My Mara has all quests for HK51 done, except for the group content at the end. I loathe the idea of having to join others, because of how nasty some people can be. I've read plenty of posts here, how mean people can be, and I don't relish the idea of subjecting myself to that. :(


Is it possible to solo the group quests that come at the end of the HK 51 trials?

Edited by Lunafox
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I'm a solo player and I've never used group finder. I've also never done any ops or flashpoints that I couldn't do with just my hubby, who quite playing, so I'm on my own again. My Mara has all quests for HK51 done, except for the group content at the end. I loathe the idea of having to join others, because of how nasty some people can be. I've read plenty of posts here, how mean people can be, and I don't relish the idea of subjecting myself to that. :(


Is it possible to solo the group quests that come at the end of the HK 51 trials?

I am pretty much in the same boat as you. Well with the exception of the hubby. :)


Even though I may group every once and a while, I pretty much am just solo nowadays. I have just grown out of grouping over the many years that I have been gaming. I only really group in FPS Games when I squad up, and there I do not talk to people much.


Right now with the quest I am at the same stage as you. I just have the two missions at the end to do. I tried the False Emperor by myself but just couldn't get past the first door except by running and they chased me down so I just jumped off the side for a suicide.


One of the problems I have is that I am so Casual of a player now that I am just not geared well. I play like one or two days out the week as of late. To give you an example, I am still wearing my Tionese gear as I have yet to get enough comms for anything else, and I am a level 54 already. Leveling is easy and fast but getting comms for good gear just takes time.


The HK-51 is a companion I have wanted since I first heard of him becoming one. But a few things they decided to do in order to obtain him I just did not like and would not have done. First thing. Placing a part in a Free-For-All PVP Zone. Not to much of a problem but it was just the principle of it that got on my nerves. The second thing. Not making the last two Missions Scalable. If they were Scalable it would have gone a long way to satisfying those that are Solo Players. Sort of like that Quest I just did for the Seeker Droids.


Anyways... Every time I am online I never see anyone doing the quest, and I do not feel like sitting around waiting to do something. SO I have yet to do the two last Missions. Maybe one day I will get around to it. :rolleyes:

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I am pretty much in the same boat as you. Well with the exception of the hubby. :)


Even though I may group every once and a while, I pretty much am just solo nowadays. I have just grown out of grouping over the many years that I have been gaming. I only really group in FPS Games when I squad up, and there I do not talk to people much.


Right now with the quest I am at the same stage as you. I just have the two missions at the end to do. I tried the False Emperor by myself but just couldn't get past the first door except by running and they chased me down so I just jumped off the side for a suicide.


One of the problems I have is that I am so Casual of a player now that I am just not geared well. I play like one or two days out the week as of late. To give you an example, I am still wearing my Tionese gear as I have yet to get enough comms for anything else, and I am a level 54 already. Leveling is easy and fast but getting comms for good gear just takes time.


The HK-51 is a companion I have wanted since I first heard of him becoming one. But a few things they decided to do in order to obtain him I just did not like and would not have done. First thing. Placing a part in a Free-For-All PVP Zone. Not to much of a problem but it was just the principle of it that got on my nerves. The second thing. Not making the last two Missions Scalable. If they were Scalable it would have gone a long way to satisfying those that are Solo Players. Sort of like that Quest I just did for the Seeker Droids.


Anyways... Every time I am online I never see anyone doing the quest, and I do not feel like sitting around waiting to do something. SO I have yet to do the two last Missions. Maybe one day I will get around to it. :rolleyes:


It's nice to know that atleast I'm not alone on this. Others may get upset, but I would give just about anything if they made solo-able alternatives to the group quests. I don't care if its long, boring mundane, difficult, so long as its soloable, so that I could get the droid. The other quests like you say, were no walk in the park, and its kind of a drag not to be able to get something out of it. :/

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Don't see why people are crying. They need to l2solo the easy hm fps.


I can understand having trouble soloing some of the level 50 HM FPs (Kaon, Foundry, Taral V) but HM FE is easy as heck to solo at 55, it's been done at level 50.



P.S: I don't think you can solo Sav-Rak unless I misunderstand the pillars of fire mechanic.

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and if he leaves you will have to deal with having all that gear and not having anyone to kill.vicious circle there cowboy.


Not really, since the guy doesn't play withothers, he probably doesn't pvp, and I'm guessing is on a pve server.

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I can understand having trouble soloing some of the level 50 HM FPs (Kaon, Foundry, Taral V) but HM FE is easy as heck to solo at 55, it's been done at level 50.



P.S: I don't think you can solo Sav-Rak unless I misunderstand the pillars of fire mechanic.


oops. :)

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I'm a solo player and I've never used group finder. I've also never done any ops or flashpoints that I couldn't do with just my hubby, who quite playing, so I'm on my own again. My Mara has all quests for HK51 done, except for the group content at the end. I loathe the idea of having to join others, because of how nasty some people can be. I've read plenty of posts here, how mean people can be, and I don't relish the idea of subjecting myself to that. :(


Is it possible to solo the group quests that come at the end of the HK 51 trials?


I use the groupfinder several times a week and 90% of the time have a great experience. If everyone everywhere is nasty to you, the problem might be in the mirror.

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I'm a solo player and I've never used group finder. I've also never done any ops or flashpoints that I couldn't do with just my hubby, who quite playing, so I'm on my own again. My Mara has all quests for HK51 done, except for the group content at the end. I loathe the idea of having to join others, because of how nasty some people can be. I've read plenty of posts here, how mean people can be, and I don't relish the idea of subjecting myself to that. :(


Is it possible to solo the group quests that come at the end of the HK 51 trials?


I know how you feel. Up until recently I really didn't want to do the group content for the HK parts, either, because I was worried about being terrible and/or getting unlucky with group members.


Here's my advice, though: Run through Makeb and if you're worried about gear, run some dailies for basic commendations - a few pieces of basic gear will be more than enough. Read up on the FPs on dulfy so you'll feel more confident and then just do it. Tell your group you haven't done it before. I know there are horror stories on the forums, but my experiences so far have all been positive. (Yeah, do expect that people might ask you to skip the cutscenes, but that's the only thing.) Most people in the game are quite decent, it's just that you don't hear about them as much ;)


I'm rather sure that BW won't ever provide a solo alternative for this. Just look at the end of the Macrobinoculars/Seeker Droid questlines - clearly someone thinks mandatory group (that barely anyone will be doing months from now) is a great idea.

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  • 1 year later...
Ok this thread is outdated but swtor is at 3.0.1 which means a higher level cap (from SoR) that makes the hard mode flash point (maelstrom prison/the foundry) Gray quested (meaning low that it seems like child's play). So for those who are willing to get HK you can do it by your self even if your at 55 or lower, SoR will give you the levels and the gear to storm though it. (And get a easy 191 sniper rifle at the beginning or end of the chapter for him):cool:
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why do you force us solo players to do a hm fp to get HK-51.

is no-one playing these fp that you heve to force the solo players to do those FP.


That's not true, lad. I soloed that flashpoint in order to receive the part and if I can do it, everyone else can.

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Ok this thread is outdated but swtor is at 3.0.1 which means a higher level cap (from SoR) that makes the hard mode flash point (maelstrom prison/the foundry) Gray quested (meaning low that it seems like child's play). So for those who are willing to get HK you can do it by your self even if your at 55 or lower, SoR will give you the levels and the gear to storm though it. (And get a easy 191 sniper rifle at the beginning or end of the chapter for him):cool:

And you thought this was important enough info to necro a one and a half years old thread for?

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