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no hk51 for solo players


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why do you force us solo players to do a hm fp to get HK-51.

is no-one playing these fp that you heve to force the solo players to do those FP.




Its people like you that make games turn into WoW. This is an MMO, MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER. not MASSIVELY SOLO.


If you want to solo, go play KOTOR. Stop coming and making posts like this that will not only get you flamed, but even give the remote IDEA to bioware that solo content needs to be emphasized. this game is TOO EASY already, stop freaking asking to make it easier.

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Hi, I'm a solo player that doesn't use group finder. In fact, all of my game time is spent doing my own thing and ignoring all group/guild/chat invites other than general chat. I don't bother with Heroics. Flashpoints. Warzones or anything else that involves having to group up with people.


Have a nice day.




I guess you won't be obtaining HK-51 then. :rolleyes:


I don't run HM's either, I'm a hardcore PVPer....but I'll gladly WORK FOR GETTING HK-51. and do what I gotta do because I don't like things just handed to me.

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why do you force us solo players to do a hm fp to get HK-51.

is no-one playing these fp that you heve to force the solo players to do those FP.


It's an MMO, you cannot expect everything to be available to you without working with other players in a team. That would make for an incredibly boring game.

And if we had to do the hardest operation on nightmare mode for this new companion you'd have a point, but to complain about having to do a single hardmode flashpoint...it's just complaining for its own sake.

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Hi, I'm a solo player that doesn't use group finder. In fact, all of my game time is spent doing my own thing and ignoring all group/guild/chat invites other than general chat. I don't bother with Heroics. Flashpoints. Warzones or anything else that involves having to group up with people.


Have a nice day.




Then it's clear you cannot be bothered by the rewards that come from those group activities.


The HK quest is similar to those. It starts as a group quest and ends that way. Since you're not fond of grouping or the rewards they provide for grouping. The HK quest should bother you if it does.


The same goes for the OP as well.

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I'm honestly more annoyed I need a cross-faction alt. I play empire and have no desire to play republic - yet I have to roll an alt just to this quest, which I find very odd.


No reason to be annoyed. Not only was this announced a long time ago at having to have an alt, but it's a good thing to have so you can experience the game better.


I have a 50 on each side...and Im glad that I do. If I didn't, id roll the alt and deal with it :)

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But thats not what this is. You choose to play solo, you choose to miss out on content.


The reality of this game is that the vast majority of the content IS soloable, leaving only a relatively small portion of content that requires or encourages grouping. truth is, this game is a 'computer game with some online content' for lack of a better description.


Myself, I am not exactly a social person. Fact is I detest people in general so when I play this game, I do so solo. I enjoy it for what it is and I don't miss the group portions of it at all as I don't bother with them.


Am I missing out on some content? Yes, and that is the choice I make by not grouping with people. But just because BW/EA calls SWTOR an MMO doesn't make it one in reality. Not with how it's been built is more for the solo player (their own words) than as an actual MMO.


Heck, even in real MMO's I almost never group up. In EVE, I solo most of my PvP fights (though I do get my backside handed to me often enough when I underestimate an opponent lol), in Everquest short of certain areas you never want to be alone in, I solo'd most of it. I played WoW for a very very short time and grouped up all of a handful of times. NEVER grouped in STO, and AION the only time I was grouped was during PVP when we were after forts.


Not everyone plays MMO's to be social. Many people play MMO's because they are the types of games they like (fantasy, space etc) in a larger world than anything you can get from a console game. Many people play MMO's not to be social but to just enjoy themselves and relax a while.


So while you might play for the social aspect, not everyone else does.

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You only need to do 2 groupfinding FP's and the other you can solo. If you dont like it dont play an MMO or dont whine about solo'ing an MMO

Yes its your money and you play as you want but its their game and they make it how they want. You also knew this was an MMO so you should have realized that it would have MMO content and you might miss out. Now that you miss out on something dont start QQing

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Thank you for bringing that to my attention. That is going to be my go-to site for a while. :p


NP. Happy to pass the information along and give Dulfy a plug. She is active here on these forums as Iwipe. :)


That's really great news, indeed! Honestly, I'm feeling more relaxed already, since all my toons have at the least the daily comm gear.


Now my final question, does the final quest (FP HM) can be done in that gear? The only reason I don't have an higher tier gear (sorry if this sounds stupid) it's because it really look hideous on my main! I'd really hate to farm such gear just for one quest. Of course, we're talking about a very special quest.


Unknown at this time. Hopefully Dulfy will see this thread and comment. :cool:

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The reality of this game is that the vast majority of the content IS soloable, leaving only a relatively small portion of content that requires or encourages grouping. truth is, this game is a 'computer game with some online content' for lack of a better description.


Myself, I am not exactly a social person. Fact is I detest people in general so when I play this game, I do so solo. I enjoy it for what it is and I don't miss the group portions of it at all as I don't bother with them.


Am I missing out on some content? Yes, and that is the choice I make by not grouping with people. But just because BW/EA calls SWTOR an MMO doesn't make it one in reality. Not with how it's been built is more for the solo player (their own words) than as an actual MMO.


Heck, even in real MMO's I almost never group up. In EVE, I solo most of my PvP fights (though I do get my backside handed to me often enough when I underestimate an opponent lol), in Everquest short of certain areas you never want to be alone in, I solo'd most of it. I played WoW for a very very short time and grouped up all of a handful of times. NEVER grouped in STO, and AION the only time I was grouped was during PVP when we were after forts.


Not everyone plays MMO's to be social. Many people play MMO's because they are the types of games they like (fantasy, space etc) in a larger world than anything you can get from a console game. Many people play MMO's not to be social but to just enjoy themselves and relax a while.


So while you might play for the social aspect, not everyone else does.




Indeed. :cool:

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Its people like you that make games turn into WoW. This is an MMO, MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER. not MASSIVELY SOLO.


If you want to solo, go play KOTOR. Stop coming and making posts like this that will not only get you flamed, but even give the remote IDEA to bioware that solo content needs to be emphasized. this game is TOO EASY already, stop freaking asking to make it easier.


I'd drop my sub instantly and go play KotOR III right now if that was possible. You're playing an MMO made by a single-player RPG developer. BioWare's fans expect single-player content.

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I'd drop my sub instantly and go play KotOR III right now if that was possible. You're playing an MMO made by a single-player RPG developer. BioWare's fans expect single-player content.


And there is no single player content in this game?


I play mostly solo and I still have much more content to do since I only have 4 characters at max level.

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Yes its your money and you play as you want but its their game and they make it how they want. You also knew this was an MMO so you should have realized that it would have MMO content and you might miss out. Now that you miss out on something dont start QQing


This argument NO LONGER applies in the "current" MMORPG environment. MMORPGs of today are not the same as they were in the past. The games are specifically geared to solo play and "rush to level cap" play. Since the "percieved" majority seem to only want to play end game.


As far as the meme screed forming around HK-51, HK-51 was not put in the game for "group content players only". It was a nod to KoTOR fans. Period. KoTOR was a single player game. Thus, as Dulfy has stated HK-51 can be aquired solo. Now will it be AS EASY to obtain solo? She say's .... wait for it ... No. But, guess what, most of us SOLO players ACTUALLY LIKE THE CHALLENGE. I guess we can say that all of you that group are "weak sauce". :p


Cheers!! :cool:

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I'd drop my sub instantly and go play KotOR III right now if that was possible. You're playing an MMO made by a single-player RPG developer. BioWare's fans expect single-player content.


NO, do not speak for all of BioWares fans, its what you expect, im a bioware fan but i expect group content and things earned through group content because its a MMO, you cant say oh they have done this in the past so they need to do it now, they are now part of EA which do MMO's sports games action games etc.

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And there is no single player content in this game?


I play mostly solo and I still have much more content to do since I only have 4 characters at max level.


There's a great deal of single-player content in this game. I'd say it's the main purpose, honestly.


However, the person that I quoted claimed that BioWare should not emphasize that type of content, which is something that I strictly disagree with.

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Ya also know that you have to go into a PvP zone to get parts too right?..... Wait for all the griefing that will happen there.


Yes the Pvpers that do this kind of thing will be there stopping you from getting what you need.


Not a problem. You have to go to a vendor and buy a part or two. I'm pretty sure while you are talking to a vendor you are immune to being attacked by anything or anyone. So you may die on the way to the vendor or after getting your items but, not even griefers will stop someone determined to get HK-51. No power in the 'verse can stop me (well the SWTOR 'verse). :p

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Not a problem. You have to go to a vendor and buy a part or two. I'm pretty sure why you are talking to a vendor you are immune to being attacked by anything or anyone. So you may die on the way to the vendor or after getting your items but, not even griefers will stop someone determined to get HK-51. No power in the 'verse can stop me (well the SWTOR 'verse). :p


I don't mind that it's in there. I will have fun with it.


But, You can bet that there will be many posts on here about people CAMPING people and stopping them from getting to the vendor.

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NO, do not speak for all of BioWares fans, its what you expect, im a bioware fan but i expect group content and things earned through group content because its a MMO.


Quoted for emphasis. So many people think they speak for all of us just because they feel a certain way.:rolleyes:

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I don't mind that it's in there. I will have fun with it.


But, You can bet that there will be many posts on here about people CAMPING people and stopping them from getting to the vendor.


Probably. There is a way to combat that.


Wait a while till the rush has died down -AND- do in the off hours on a weekend. Saturday EARLY MORNING is usually DEAD on most servers. ;)

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Are you kidding me? I've never seen a "Solo Player" that doesn't use group finder.


By definition, a solo-player plays solo. You may as well say that you've never seen any vegetarians who don't eat meat.


I'm solo-inclined, but I do group up with guild-mates for heroics, FPs and the like. I've got several 50s and don't use group finder. Several others here have also stated as much. Obviously you are very wrong.

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I would, but BioWare made an MMO. That's what I've got to play. I never asked for an MMO; I asked for KotOR III.


And you got KOTOR 3 from levels 1-50. Additional content is going to be a mix of solo and group content. You have to live with that.

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Probably. There is a way to combat that.


Wait a while till the rush has died down -AND- do in the off hours on a weekend. Saturday EARLY MORNING is usually DEAD on most servers. ;)


The servers are regularly dead in the early morning, every single day.

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