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no hk51 for solo players


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I tend to avoid grouping for mostly a single reason.


They always try to force me to skip conversations, i never skip them, unless its alien speech or shuttle travel scenes.


If they have no story to skip, then i do them alot, once per day to make sure i get the 5 commendations, otherwise grouping pre-50 is pointless and boring.


So you dont do any content once you hit lvl 50 then or your so ubersauce you dont need anyone else to run the content, otherwise you are actually validating what the poster you answered was saying.

No one forces you to skip conversations but sometimes others in a group have limited timescales so you may incur a boot or three.. then again when you have run the contnent a 100 times already, what is there in the conversations that you havent heard already.. so if pointless and boring is your reasoning explain how playing out pre-50 content over and over on your own, listening to the same chit chat not equally as mind numbing?

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Personally I came to SWTOR in a strong and tight guild that was doing most of the PvE stuff, unfortunately every single one of them quit (for reasons posted endlessly by so many people here) and personally at the moment I'm just playing SWTOR as effectively a single player game (and it's actually pretty decent as that - in fact I'd go so far as to say that is the way its designed to be played).


I'm not sure that's a reason to make HK51 soloable, but equally I don't see a group needed HK51 making this game more grouping freindly either (or better in anyway for that matter).


I agree with you.. i have said on many occasions since launch and before that this game was designed around a SP experience... most story driven games etc will be, its supposed to be as its a personal experience... and one of the best SP game designers was handed the job of bringing the game to the massess.. except they targeted the MMO industry not the SP RPG box set industry... therefore to justify the monthly sub some lines had to be drawn otherwise the game wold of been finished for most of us by the end of week 2 for sure.

People forget, this game is also a piece of the BEAWARE business plan to make money.. box sales in MMO space might recoup costs but they dont turn a healthy profit so they need to hook players in.. gear and content are the tools at their disposal but if that content is nothing more than a walk through, they again run the risk of players drifting away at an even more alarming rate than they have.


My own take on this game is that they have gone too far down the SP route already and players have deemed that it doesnt warrant the monthly sub charge to keep playing it. Sure 1-50 is very well constructed around some decent story arc but that's it and its been left to fester too long already. If they had chosen to expand on the story then that would of been good but at the same time continue to bandy the game down a SP RPG route and the raiders, the pvp'ers and the mass PvE's would of lost interest even more.. the RP and SP playerbase would be all thats left and even they would drift as the contnet replayability begins to dry up.. and that happens all too quickly already, even if you like rolling alts.

No ,they had to take actions to try and cull the sub-decline which their SP approach has supported and try to add value to the sub fee - a la group content and high level gear/companoion grinds... but too late it seems, hence the advent of F2P.. they di not add such things to make it more "group friendly", but as an attempt to hook players back towards the sub, but too little too late me thinks.

So with F2P they can now concentrate on quick turnaround piecmenal content releases to help fill their purses rather than trying to facilitate all the diversities in the playerbase at once.


But like I said, if you choose to pay the monthly sub and expect to soloplay the game, then all power to you or anyone else.. but that doesn't change the fact its their game and they will deliver whatever content they decide and it might not suit everyone all the time :)

Edited by Bloodstealer
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Lets be honest here, if HK-51 was obtainable but running a few quest easily soloable, the "Groupies" or w/e would be here on the forums complaining about it being too easy, saying they pay money for a "group game" etc while the "Solo's" would be telling them to ****, not everyone plays groups etc.


So really the whole rant is mute, your gonna have people who hate it and people who like it, can't please everyone

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Ok you're crying how it's too hard to obtain him, now I'm gonna cry how easy it is:


Countless times BioWare has stated how a quest to obtain HK-51 will be very long and difficult and only "The most skilled and Cunning" players would be able to obtain him. Said how you will need to have characters on both sides and stuff. So I leveled up a Sith sorcerer, geared him up with almost full campaign gear, just to be prepared in case you had to do Terror From Beyond on both factions or something.


Now it seems you only need to do few heroic flash points that anyone (who isn't whining about having to group up once) can do easily and you only need a low level character on opposite faction, to do the quest on Corusant or Dromund Kaas (And u can actually do it with like lvl 6 opposite faction guy if u get someone else to help you).


So I used to think having HK-51 will be a significant achievement, but now it seems everyone will be running around with him (hope they will create some customization kits for him at least) and you would be more unique by not having him.

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Reading the responses here both groups make good points, on one side you only have to do 2 fp's and waste some time on a pvp area. For those used to those things is a cakewalk but for those that don't it's an annoyance (at best).


As far as i'm concerned i'll try and get him at least once to see if he's worthy of the hassle, if he's not i'm not going to be bothered to get him on my other alts, it's as simple as that. There's only one thing that annoys me in all of this and it's simple to understand, why do i have to go through fp's and a pvp area to get something that , most likely, will never be used there anyways? ( seriously, outside esseles/black talon, how many time did you use a companion in a fp or op?)

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Reading the responses here both groups make good points, on one side you only have to do 2 fp's and waste some time on a pvp area. For those used to those things is a cakewalk but for those that don't it's an annoyance (at best).


As far as i'm concerned i'll try and get him at least once to see if he's worthy of the hassle, if he's not i'm not going to be bothered to get him on my other alts, it's as simple as that. There's only one thing that annoys me in all of this and it's simple to understand, why do i have to go through fp's and a pvp area to get something that , most likely, will never be used there anyways? ( seriously, outside esseles/black talon, how many time did you use a companion in a fp or op?)


You can solo and duo some flashpoints. Even HMs have been duo'd in. In those cases you can use companions. Same with heroic 2's and 4's

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You can do everything except endgame solo.


It is a wrong assumption that most players ever get to, or care about endgame. Most players that I've known in every MMO I have ever played, have no interest in endgame. I understand it's an important part to some players, but assuming it is the defining feature of an MMO and designing it that way is why there's something like 42 people still subscribed to this game.




the other day there were 170 people on the fleet (rep site)

80 people were in TFB, 24 were in denova. I didn't check for anything else.


so.. basically there were almost as many people in just the two difficult ops (at the same time!) as there were on the fleet.... there where probably people in EV and KP at the same time aswell, same as in a few hm flashpoints...


I'm kinda curious what exactly makes you think that the 'majority' isn't interested in endgame?


btw.. these numbers are from a PVP server even, where most lvl 50s are usually found in warzones. (I didn't check for the warzones, but there's usually about 5-6 lvl 50 warzones going on at the same time when I'm online - then again I do consider these 'endgame'.. especially ranked).. not forgetting to mention you get a lockdown on ops. otherwise there would probably be even .more. people in the ops... there's plenty of people who even only log in 1-2 times a week just to do their ops runs. they pay the sub just as much as the people who are online every night to do dailies or whatever else people who 'don't care about endgame' do.



I think the KEY to your statement is the fact that you're talking about player you know/met.

you more than likely only met 'likeminded' player. this gives you some kind of tunnel vision. it's the same as having almost only 'gamer' as friends and then being surprised that 'normal' people don't care about video games (even if they own a wii)

Edited by amnie
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the other day there were 170 people on the fleet (rep site)

80 people were in TFB, 24 were in denova. I didn't check for anything else.


so.. basically there were almost as many people in just the two difficult ops (at the same time!) as there were on the fleet.... there where probably people in EV and KP at the same time aswell, same as in a few hm flashpoints...


I'm kinda curious what exactly makes you think that the 'majority' isn't interested in endgame?


btw.. these numbers are from a PVP server even, where most lvl 50s are usually found in warzones. (I didn't check for the warzones, but there's usually about 5-6 lvl 50 warzones going on at the same time when I'm online - then again I do consider these 'endgame'.. especially ranked).. not forgetting to mention you get a lockdown on ops. otherwise there would probably be even .more. people in the ops... there's plenty of people who even only log in 1-2 times a week just to do their ops runs. they pay the sub just as much as the people who are online every night to do dailies or whatever else people who 'don't care about endgame' do.



I think the KEY to your statement is the fact that you're talking about player you know/met.

you more than likely only met 'likeminded' player. this gives you some kind of tunnel vision. it's the same as having almost only 'gamer' as friends and then being surprised that 'normal' people don't care about video games (even if they own a wii)


You're completely ignoring the possiblity of level 50 players actually playing alts rather than hanging out on the fleet or doing endgame stuff (hardmodes/OPs).

A lot of people don't care about endgame at all and never take part in it. After reaching the cap they often leave the game if there's nothing to do besides "classic" endgame activities or reroll an alt to experience the leveling again (or in case of SWTOR experience another class story). Being one of those players, I rarely log into my 50s these days and if I do, it's either to do some dailies or to RP, but definitely not for endgame stuff like hardmodes or OPs.

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Maybe YOU (Lostpenguins) spend more time at max level but not EVERYONE does. MANY are a class of gamer called "levelers" or "altoholics". For this class of gamer it IS ONLY about the journey.


... as currently set up by Bioware, wouldn't HK then exist beyond the journey? I mean, he's a companion you won't be able to get without going beyond the levelling journey. I would think HK-51 then falls outside the scope of the game for the class of gamer that only plays four the journey.


If you have to be level 50 to get HK-51, and you stop playing characters at level 50, why does it matter?


I agree that most end-game content is very heavily slanted towards group content. But I am also of the opinion that level 1 to 50 is just the warmup and the game really gets going at 50, so that's where I'm coming from.


Another way to think of it (which I think is how Bioware went at it): HK-51 is a companion for the end-game grouping members of the community to use during those times when they go out soloing. (yes, end game people who raid, PvP, and do hardmode flashpoints do go out and solo content)

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... as currently set up by Bioware, wouldn't HK then exist beyond the journey? I mean, he's a companion you won't be able to get without going beyond the levelling journey. I would think HK-51 then falls outside the scope of the game for the class of gamer that only plays four the journey.


If you have to be level 50 to get HK-51, and you stop playing characters at level 50, why does it matter?


I agree that most end-game content is very heavily slanted towards group content. But I am also of the opinion that level 1 to 50 is just the warmup and the game really gets going at 50, so that's where I'm coming from.


Another way to think of it (which I think is how Bioware went at it): HK-51 is a companion for the end-game grouping members of the community to use during those times when they go out soloing. (yes, end game people who raid, PvP, and do hardmode flashpoints do go out and solo content)


Makeb (lvls 51-55). :cool:

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why do you force us solo players to do a hm fp to get HK-51.

is no-one playing these fp that you heve to force the solo players to do those FP.


This is a MMORPG. Massively MULTIPLAYER Online Role Playing Game.

Solo players can only go so far as the Story/Class missions will take them. The whole point to this game is that it is

a SOCIAL EXPERIENCE. You're supposed to be playing with OTHER PEOPLE. Flashpoints, Operations, PVP Warzones, etc., are ALL part of that experience.


If you still want to play solo, that' s fine, but at some point you have to play with others. How can you do Group missions and Heroics without people?

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This is a MMORPG. Massively MULTIPLAYER Online Role Playing Game.

Solo players can only go so far as the Story/Class missions will take them. The whole point to this game is that it is

a SOCIAL EXPERIENCE. You're supposed to be playing with OTHER PEOPLE. Flashpoints, Operations, PVP Warzones, etc., are ALL part of that experience.


If you still want to play solo, that' s fine, but at some point you have to play with others. How can you do Group missions and Heroics without people?


If i want a "SOCIAL EXPERIENCE" i take the wife out on the town,or go hang out in a Bar, have folks over for a BBQ. Sitting in a chair,staring at a screen while running around online with people you dont in most cases know, who you will never probly meet is not socializing. Interacting maybe, but that to is a stretch.

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If i want a "SOCIAL EXPERIENCE" i take the wife out on the town,or go hang out in a Bar, have folks over for a BBQ. Sitting in a chair,staring at a screen while running around online with people you dont in most cases know, who you will never probly meet is not socializing. Interacting maybe, but that to is a stretch.


Indeed! :cool:


(Love the Sig! :) )

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My personal opinion about the HK-51 is that it should be accessible by all types of players. This would include Solo players and players that do NOT like to PVP.


I do not mind if the quest for the HK-51 is made to be hard.


What I do mind is that they have made it so that part of the Quest is in a Free-For-All PVP Zone. That alone is the ONLY issue I see with the quest. It alienates the Non-PVP Player Base. It also sets up the possibility for Griefing by placing the Vendor in a Free-For-All PVP Zone.


There are so many people that want the HK-51 Companion, many of which may not like to PVP at all.

So seeing BioWare choose to place part of a quest for something that so many players if not most players want in a Free-For-All PVP Zone is a mistake.


My opinion comes from being against Forced PVP. In my opinion that is what BioWare has done here. They have added a quest that many NON-PVP Players want in a way that Forces them into a PVP situation. I think that is wrong.


That is the only issue I have with the HK-51 Quest.

It is why I have made a thread in the PTS Section that the move the (Collector Kezzit). It can be found here if anyone is interested. (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=543978)


You know I have seen some suggest that maybe they should change it so the Vendor sales the two items for WZ Comms but in my opinion that is the same thing as well. It still forces players to do PVP in order to get the HK-51 Companion. I am sort of against that as well. Yet I do believe that it is better than the vendor being in a Free-For-All PVP Zone. If that is a requirement that BioWare is adamant about having for the HK-51 Companion, then they should look into that method instead. Yet I still think that we should not have to be Forced to do any PVP in order to get this HK-51 Companion. That is why I am against that as well.


I can care less if the HK-51 Companion is hard to get but please BioWare do not force people into a PVP Situation in order to get the HK-51.


That is just my opinion on the Quest for the HK-51 Companion.



Just so people know. I am not Against PVP. It is a great part of MMORPG games. I have even PVP'ed a bit as well and like it. I just do not think it should be Forced onto people.

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They`re not forcing you do anything. You can have your companion droid as a knight or IA and the HK will not do anything special. If you want to take the one special companion, one that you can't get for free just to play the easiest content, you'll do what it takes to get something that special. Edited by lafr
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the other day there were 170 people on the fleet (rep site)

80 people were in TFB, 24 were in denova. I didn't check for anything else.


so.. basically there were almost as many people in just the two difficult ops (at the same time!) as there were on the fleet.... there where probably people in EV and KP at the same time aswell, same as in a few hm flashpoints...


I'm kinda curious what exactly makes you think that the 'majority' isn't interested in endgame?


btw.. these numbers are from a PVP server even, where most lvl 50s are usually found in warzones. (I didn't check for the warzones, but there's usually about 5-6 lvl 50 warzones going on at the same time when I'm online - then again I do consider these 'endgame'.. especially ranked).. not forgetting to mention you get a lockdown on ops. otherwise there would probably be even .more. people in the ops... there's plenty of people who even only log in 1-2 times a week just to do their ops runs. they pay the sub just as much as the people who are online every night to do dailies or whatever else people who 'don't care about endgame' do.



I think the KEY to your statement is the fact that you're talking about player you know/met.

you more than likely only met 'likeminded' player. this gives you some kind of tunnel vision. it's the same as having almost only 'gamer' as friends and then being surprised that 'normal' people don't care about video games (even if they own a wii)


The real key that everyone, endgame and non-endgame players should be worried about isn't what the players are doing, it's that there are so few of them. For comparison, I logged off TOR late one day this week and logged onto Champions Online. TOR had 38 people in the fleet, CO had 400+ in it's central hub zone.


Without a spectacular, or even miraculous turnaround, it won't matter for much longer who is right because it will be gone within a year.

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The real key that everyone, endgame and non-endgame players should be worried about isn't what the players are doing, it's that there are so few of them. For comparison, I logged off TOR late one day this week and logged onto Champions Online. TOR had 38 people in the fleet, CO had 400+ in it's central hub zone.


Without a spectacular, or even miraculous turnaround, it won't matter for much longer who is right because it will be gone within a year.


You were on a second instance of the fleet. Look at your map, bottom right xxxxxxxxx(1) or (2).

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