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VOTE for your top requested TOR feature on mmorpg.com


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There is a thread on mmorpg.com which has a pretty good list of top requested features to vote on!




No surprise, from all features "massive free roam universe space combat/trading/PvP/PvE" leads with 58.3%


The sample pool seems rather small atm, so head over their and make your choice.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Almost certainly "massive free roam universe space combat/trading/PvP/PvE" if I had to pick just one thing.



However I'd honestly like to see all of the below at some point in time.



Ilum revamp

fully customizable housing and achievement display

visually revamped planets and added landmass

more interesting quests with variety in mission design

more warzones

minigames e.g. Pazaak, Swoop Racing


As well as things like day/night cycle, /hood, customisable speeders etc.

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Two biggest complaints since Beta that I have seen web wide in poll after poll after poll...


Linear planets and space combat. Both massive blunders on Bioware's end. The game needed to have open worlds to explore and free roam space combat (I always said something like BF2, in both PVE and PVP flavors).


What they could do now if they EVER show any interest in trying to concede to the lack of both features would be, as follows, IMO...


1) Add some paths on planets to open up the world a bit more. Tunnels, bridges, ways in which you can move around more freely...ESPECIALLY in places like Taris (a pathing nightmare IMO)...secondary would be to phase the planets for the first visit, change them for open access to everyone after. This way you can see the effect you had based on your quests.


2) Design a free flight space battleground, one that persists 24/7, Battlefront 2 style, with the ability to fight on foot, in fighters and in your personal starship. There would be PVE areas and full PVP battles between capital ships. Secondary would be to allow group play in the current system, adding turrets to current ships so people can group with you and fight on your ship, or allow other ships in the pipeline.


Both would go a LONG way toward making the game more appealing IMO.

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massive free roam universe space combat/trading/PvP/PvE

visually revamped planets and added landmass

more interesting quests with variety in mission design

more warzones

more operations

more flashpoints

fully customizable housing and achievement display

Ilum revamp

minigames e.g. Pazaak, Swoop Racing

other, not listed(e.g. more companions, SGRA, hood toggle..)




But you know what would really help? A demonstration that Bioware/EA actually cares. The improved communication has fallen has fallen by the wayside, the PTS is still nothing but a glorified preview event and blogs and posts that do make it us seem forced and sterilized.


But hey, at least I know that soon we'll be getting another baby tauntaun, though this time we'll probably have to pay for it.

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2) Design a free flight space battleground, one that persists 24/7, Battlefront 2 style, with the ability to fight on foot, in fighters and in your personal starship. There would be PVE areas and full PVP battles between capital ships. Secondary would be to allow group play in the current system, adding turrets to current ships so people can group with you and fight on your ship, or allow other ships in the pipeline.


Both would go a LONG way toward making the game more appealing IMO.

Yeah space is what seperates SWTOR from the vast majority of its competitors, its commecially daft not to FULLY expliot that advantage.




1) Add some paths on planets to open up the world a bit more. Tunnels, bridges, ways in which you can move around more freely...ESPECIALLY in places like Taris (a pathing nightmare IMO)...secondary would be to phase the planets for the first visit, change them for open access to everyone after. This way you can see the effect you had based on your quests.


This is quite brilliant! :)


In most MMORPGs they have a big issue with old levelling type planet basically being unused (after someone levels through it), this allows those planet to be both better designed for max level stuff and re-used.


And with the way SWTOR used phasing natively (compared to prior generations MMORPGs) this shouldn't be an impossible task.


I honestly think you've found a way to both revolutionise and save SWTOR there. :cool:

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Yeah space is what seperates SWTOR from the vast majority of its competitors, its commecially daft not to FULLY expliot that advantage.


This is quite brilliant! :)


In most MMORPGs they have a big issue with old levelling type planet basically being unused (after someone levels through it), this allows those planet to be both better designed for max level stuff and re-used.


And with the way SWTOR used phasing natively (compared to prior generations MMORPGs) this shouldn't be an impossible task.


I honestly think you've found a way to both revolutionise and save SWTOR there. :cool:


Thanks. Not to mention it could also open up the planets for city raids, since those that are leveling would be safe from harassment.

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This is quite brilliant! :)


In most MMORPGs they have a big issue with old levelling type planet basically being unused (after someone levels through it), this allows those planet to be both better designed for max level stuff and re-used.



Phasing is an old hat, WoW has this for years, and the concept is waaaaaaaaay better than "green door instancing"






That´s one of the very many puzzle pieces why people say "worlds in TOR feel static", you never see ANY impact on the game world or the outcome of your quest.

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Phasing is an old hat, WoW has this for years, and the concept is waaaaaaaaay better than "green door instancing"






That´s one of the very many puzzle pieces why people say "worlds in TOR feel static", you never see ANY impact on the game world or the outcome of your quest.


I left WoW just before WoTLK so I never saw phasing there, in fact SWTOR is the first MMORPG I've really seen it in (LOTRO has it as well, but not as intrinsically as SWTOR does, just for certain parts).


The way SWTOR uses it (i.e. for copies of every zone if needed), the technology must be their to change zones as suggested. :confused:

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I left WoW just before WoTLK so I never saw phasing there, in fact SWTOR is the first MMORPG I've really seen it in (LOTRO has it as well, but not as intrinsically as SWTOR does, just for certain parts).


The way SWTOR uses it (i.e. for copies of every zone if needed), the technology must be their to change zones as suggested. :confused:


wow made your impact feel more real and tor i have to admit does feel like nothing changes by what you do.

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How did dual-spec not make the list?


I was thinking the same thing. I guess it falls under other but a Dual spec feature has been request so much.


I so want a more convenient way to swap my talent points and hot keys.

Edited by Quraswren
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How did dual-spec not make the list? I couldn't care less about things that people keep whining about to make SWTOR more like SWG. SWG is gone, get over it.


yawn, perhaps because it´s a minor convenience feature not worth mentioning? Does it make the game more "fun" ? Do you think a million players would play TOR again because of "hey, TOR just got dualspec! I need to resub right NOW!"

?? :D

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Space roaming ftw, but I couldn't vote as it required me to register.


Really? It's the ultimate site on MMO infos in my opinion, my registration there is ages old


They are sometimes doing lifestreams, e.g. streaming new features revealed, there is one coming up for TSW right now btw



I'd expect features like this also for TOR, a little more infos directly from the devs would be nice.

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definitely space combat and more landmass on planets.


yeah looks like those are the two top requested features besides "other" and minigames.


Zero percent for OPs and FPs...


A real surprise, not :D Have been reading and suggesting those things like a year ago. Sure stuff takes time, hopefully 2013

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Probably good idea that people who actually play game would vote for favorite feature. Majority of posts on that thread though call for shutting down the game as the best improvement. I would avoid MMORPG, as it's the worst MMO community you can imagine, especially these folks there who post in SWTOR. Disgusting.


Edit. The other option is to take over SWTOR forum on MMORPG :D:D:D

Edited by Evensong
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Majority of posts on that thread though call for shutting down the game as the best improvement. I would avoid MMORPG, as it's the worst MMO community you can imagine, especially these folks there who post in SWTOR. Disgusting.



Well, surprise, mmorpg.com is a big open forum, and if you take a look at the current ratio between former and current subscribers.. well, they are a LOT more then we here, in our little secluded subscriber VIP club.

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The poll isnt very good in my opinion as the first option encompasses alot of things and is vague.


Personally i would like for there to be more mini-games like swoop racing and pazaak with leaderboards. They should add leaderboards to space missions aswell.

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wow made your impact feel more real and tor i have to admit does feel like nothing changes by what you do.


Yeah LOTRO used phasing to show before and after too, but not on the scale suggested here, but it should be do able in SWTOR.

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