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My respec costs 36550 credits now


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I love how most of the people defending this are healers who are only worried about their (imagined) special snowflake status. It's really rather sad.


You got that right.



Bottom line, players should have the no cost respecs in their advanced classes... enough with the credit a.k.a. time sinks already.

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I'm fine with paying 36k credits for a respec if i have respec'd 10+ times in a week.


Does this cost ever decrease over time? It should, if it doesn't that is something BioWare need to change.


Apologies if somebody has already brought this up. I have not read all 100 pages thoroughly.

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Well after reading... I have something to say. I am a long time WoW player, my main toon was a Death Knight, I always loved the respec. Having dual talent specs really was nice, I always had my Tank spec there, but I didnt always wanna use frost spec for DPS, every once in a while I would switch it up to unholy just to change it around b4 it would get boring. I would have hated it, if every time I wanted to respec or try something new I would have to create a whole new toon.. and with a Dk its on a different server cuz u can only have 1 per server... So I guess the point is, and yes I know it isnt very hard to get to level 15 in SWTOR, but at the same time, for my Jedi Consular, it would be nice to at least try out the other Adv class, maybe a 5 level grace period to freely switch back and forth and to see which one you prefer to play instead of having to make a completely different toon to see what its like. I have been doing a lot of that, and it looks like its going to be a while b4 I get a toon to 50.
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This entire topic is a perfect example of how WoW completely destroyed the MMO genre. Anyone who played MMO's in the EQ/DAoC/Ultima days in any sort of serious fashion, looks back fondly on those times when there weren't millions of fanboy players who think they are "hardcore mmo" players because their arena team was ranked high in season X and they have their hard mode raid achievements.


The original concept of an MMO was to create a character that was meant to be a lasting investment of time, in a virtual world, adventuring and interacting on a social level with other players doing the same thing. The choices you made with that character were supposed to be lasting and important, there were no convenient respecs, hell there wasnt even a quest log (except the paper you kept next to your pc). While some of this is outdated yes, when people have to think harder and there are real consequences for the choices they make in creating and play their character, they generally develop into more skilled players, simply because they care that much more.


In general, the majority of WoW players who think they are "skilled" don't even compare to the level of skill demonstrated by "old players stuck in the 90's" as the fanboys like to say. I want to see a hardcore WoW player run one single EQ planar raid and be successful. The tears would be endless.


Not opposed to extremely high respec costs, maybe people should think their characters through before clicking OMG LIGHTSABERS.


Lol. Any current tier raid normal mode boss completely destroys an EQ planar boss in terms of difficulty. Bosses have becoming harder and harder through the years albeit the time sinks to get to thoses bosses (what you would call difficulty i guess, something like farming hours for consumables, for access to the boss etc. It's NOT fun, get over it) have shrinked. While thoses bosses are much harder, community matured and the general skill level is much higher in the MMO community then it was ten years ago. It's called experience.


As someone said, when you've played different aspects of MMOs throughout years, you get the feel of it. You can give me any class, any spec, any role, in a matter of minutes i can play it very well, not to the perfection of course, but sufficently to do well in any standart pve gameplay : i.e. maybe not WoW hardmodes which is the most challenging existing pve content. it's the same for lots of people out there.


Finally, i will just say its funny to call names on WoW players bragging about things you think are useless (HM's achievs) and to praise the difficulty of EQ pve and the skills of its players (what a joke) in the same post

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I'm fine with paying 36k credits for a respec if i have respec'd 10+ times in a week.


Does this cost ever decrease over time? It should, if it doesn't that is something BioWare need to change.


Apologies if somebody has already brought this up. I have not read all 100 pages thoroughly.



Yes, the cost is reset after a week.


But the point is really moot since Dual spec is coming shortly.

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Give me until level 50 to pick that stick. Don't punish me for eploration of various options on my journey.


The problem is you keep exploring ... over and over and over. You know full well the options available to you. The problem is you refuse to make a decision.


At some point you are just cheating the system. And that is why the respec cost is in.

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Someone who plays a healing scoundrel two hours a week is a better healer than a sage who heals 20 hours a week and pvps as balance 20 hours a week. The percentage of time you devote to a role is the quintessential measure of skill.



Disagree. You learn more about your character switching specs and experimenting. If you arent good, then thats prob true for all specs you play. Switching helps you learn to play your character.

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Switching specs does not help you learn to use your character that's a ridiculous argument because you don't play a "character" you play a spec. If you're good at being a tank it does not mean you will be good at tanking whether you have dual speccing or not. Dual speccing just makes people stick to one character rather than trying out more than one thing through the experience.


My friend has rolled two sith warriors so he can go two ways with main specs: Jug and Marauder, and I've gone for two Inquisitors, a main healer and a DPS character.

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I dont think respec is a big deal. If you want to you should be able to for low costs. It could be free and I wouldnt care. There could be dual spec and I wouldnt care.


I like to run with my guild and if there isnt a good group makup having this option is nice. Plus it lets people get a chance to do something different or give someone else a chance to play a certain role.


I am playing tank spec the whole time because I like to learn the fine details about my class and spec to be very good. However I could care less if the next guy wants to respec everyday.

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Switching specs does not help you learn to use your character that's a ridiculous argument because you don't play a "character" you play a spec. If you're good at being a tank it does not mean you will be good at tanking whether you have dual speccing or not. Dual speccing just makes people stick to one character rather than trying out more than one thing through the experience.


My friend has rolled two sith warriors so he can go two ways with main specs: Jug and Marauder, and I've gone for two Inquisitors, a main healer and a DPS character.



Haha whats rediculous is you think the solution is to roll another character of the same class I mean honestly whats the difference between that and respec... you have to redo all the missions?


Can you people not read the descriptions of the talents and skills? Do a few instances or quest for a couple days and figure out the changes... I mean its not science.


Making two of the same class and choosing different adv class sure.. but two of the same adv class but diff specs.. that is just flat out a waste of time.

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Been a while since I posted, as you can imagine, we're a bit busy right now.


However, we're still actively monitoring the forums and venues of player feedback, collecting information helpful to prioritize the feature development, issues, etc.


On the topic of skill respecs, we are aware that it is a popular request to have more versatility in how and when to respec (which includes questions of cost) and we've already decided to pursue the idea of more readily available respecs for players. Pricing changes are also very much under consideration.


Just so you understand my position on the topic: I don't think skill respec should be rare or handled very restrictively. I'm actually all for players experimenting with different skill sets once they have a good grip of their character.


I don't want people to respec in the middle of combat or in between defeats in a Warzone or Operation, but other than that, I think respec is a positive thing for the game. If we find that the current pricing is too prohibitive for somewhat experienced players, we'll make adjustments.



-- Georg

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Also dual spec isnt the solution.


there still game being played as of today, called MMO, where you can respec and it doesnt mean you can do it in the middle of a fight... cmon guys... stop being on the end of the stupidity chart!


All were asking is decent respec cost because atm its overpriced for the actual community needs.


Most ppl that hate the idea are afraid losing to a healer suddently switching to dps in a middle of a fight, are you seriously thinking thats what ppl want.... HELLO!?



raid group will require specific class setup. If i decide today i want to play dps i will be looking for a tank and a healer. But nothing should stop me from respec'ing to a tank or healer(depend of my AC) if i dont find any after 20-25min of LFG... i would then respec and take a few minutes to reset my bar and skilltree. i would hardly do that all days long...if i want, its my choice, how it will disrupt your gameplay anyway?


And stop talking about companions... the respec is needed to be able to help enjoy the group mechanic of the game, not the solo content. bleh!


Anyway alot of ppl here are narrowminded and also happen to be highclass veteran troll. yet the moderator cant do a thing about them because they express their stupid opinion of how game were played in 1999s and how it should still be that way simply because they seem to hate some others MMO that seem to have it, still i clearly never played anyway...




Also the best excuse ive seen so far against lowering respec fee are those :


ezmode for youngster, im old and im stubborn like a couch, i assume there 54 class possibility in this game and im going to play them all, it will take me 5years of play time but its how i play game, i suffer for every choice i make and i love rerolling a new character everytime i fail at experimenting my class correctly at lvl50. I refuse everyone else to enjoy game diffently than how i see fun in gaming (best troll award)




they will change in middle of a fight and start killing me because i normally just attack healer in pvp because they are easy and it feel warm inside me when i kill them. now if they can switch while fighting they will become dps and then ill die. i dont agree its not fair that i can kill them and now i cant. (stupidity award for thinking ppl can do it right into a fight)



or this one... simple yet effective : Im playing this game because im hardcore, when i was playing in 1999s ive lost plenty of hours figuring i had made a error in my stats that meant i was unable to compete in endgame content... it was pain, ive cryed and such... since then ive decided everyone had to suffer this lack of feature and even if were in 2012 it should be the way it is in any mmo released. You have to do early choices and its permanent, if your not happy go waste your real life doing another 300hours grinding just to enjoy endgame content the way it should be. Its what happened to me in 1999s and everyone should suffer than way in modern mmo now. (hardcore award)



I love this you nailed it!!!:D

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I'm not reading this whole 100 page topic. My view is people should be able to experiment with specs, tweaking things to get better performance or try totally new specs as the game progresses and different tactics are required. Making it prohibitively expensive seems totally pointless.


People should be able to switch to maximise performance in different situations for example tanks and healers who need to solo sometimes. The ideal imo would be allowing 2 specs which people could freely switch between with maybe a 15 min cooldown combined with reasonably priced respec costs.


I see no positive aspects in preventing this.

Edited by Jargonaut
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It doesn't have a cap? It just keeps on stacking like that?


Does it ever start to decrease?


Yikes. That is horrible. Unless dual-specs come out, I can't see myself switching roles at all. Too bad, because I was going to try a healer for a while. It would get too frustrating once the price got to around 100k.

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There should be

- free respecs of skill trees,

- free multiple specs (like Rift), and

- free respecs of advanced class.


The reason is simple: It will allow everyone to perform their full potential in each role they play. There is no question that we are supposed to PvE, PvP, solo, group and raid. The more freedom we have to customize our role, the better it is for everyone involved.


For example:

Personally I would be unhappy playing a raid spec in PvP, and so would my groupmates who would call me a carebear, raidhead or whatever else. And at the end of the day it boils down to this: if people don't have fun, they stop playing the game.


If you don't believe in respecs and multiple specs, simply don't use them.

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