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My respec costs 36550 credits now


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Yes, it's needed. It's almost 2012 and this is a feature that's on the market for years. Once again "bring the player, not the class".


Not having it constrains your choices (or penalizes you for swapping roles however many times you like). Having it gives you the option to not use it. Simple as that.


It doesn't "constrain your choices" it makes you think before you make a choice. Understand this game is story based, as others have said they WANT you to roll alts.


Check out Rift for instance, it had GREAT potential, but when you give people the need to not roll alts the game doesn't have longevity. WoW went with dual spec, but only after they had a HUGE player base with most people having many alts anyway. People making alts is what keeps an MMO alive because a company can't produce content as fast as people can run through it. If people can switch from this to that (not the repec so much but the dual spec) that reduces alts people make and that's not good for business.


This game has been in the making for a LONG time and no matter what the devs claim, if they WANTED dual spec at launch, it would be in here. There is a reason it's not, and it's not because people don't want it because it's obvious most do.

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The problem with adding in Dual Speccing (not that I am saying I am against it), is that it does have consequences for the players who don't like it. It is always amusing to see people claim a feature 'won't effect' someone else's game play when in fact, Every feature of a multiplexer game effects everyone.


What people need to realize is that Your actions effect those around you, not just yourself.

Edited by Elross
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The compromise is that when dual speccing for talents goes live, we'll use it and you don't have to. It'll always be optional.


When I join a group at level 40 I don't want a healer joining that just clicked a button and is a healer and has zero time healing and is only doing it for the SP's. So yes, it does effect everyone.

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The problem with adding in Dual Speccing (not that I am saying I am against it), is that it does have consequences for the players who don't like it. It is always amusing to see people claim a feature 'won't effect' someone else's game play when in fact, Every feature of a multiplexer game effects everyone.


What people need to realize is that Your actions effect those around you, not just yourself.


how does dual spec effect another player?


Because someone who doesn't normally spec healing will be able to click a button and do a better job?

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I personally hate respeccing/dual speccing. Breeds laziness and mediocrity in players, they never learn one spec/role perfectly, instead they flip flop back and forth between jobs and builds not ever really learning to excel.


Keep it the way it is imo. In fact, I think they should charge far more for re-speccing, almost so that only level 30s+ can really afford to do it, and rarely at that. It's not possible to accidentally spend a point either, there's the 'commit' button for a reason. :rolleyes:

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This game has been in the making for a LONG time and no matter what the devs claim, if they WANTED dual spec at launch, it would be in here. There is a reason it's not, and it's not because people don't want it because it's obvious most do.

Denial isn't just a river in Egypt. The devs have been clear as a bell that dual specs are in the works and will go live. The system just isn't ready at launch day.

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When I join a group at level 40 I don't want a healer joining that just clicked a button and is a healer and has zero time healing and is only doing it for the SP's. So yes, it does effect everyone.


So do your job and ask healers before they join if they have any experience healing. Quit being lazy.


Personally I find it extremely easy to learn two different specs without having played one of them for 50 straight levels. But that's me. Maybe I'm a better player than you.

Edited by Caelrie
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Anyone notice the flash page.


"If you want to respec just hit the button in your skill tree." <Paraphrased>


So at some point, either future or past, Bioware thought respecs should be cheap and easy.


Nothing in that paraphrase insinuates cheap.


Edit: And to everyone saying that there should be a cap, how do you know there isn't one? It could be that 36550 is the most it ever costs. You can argue that there should be a cap that is lower than that, but currently we do not know if there is a cap or not.

Edited by cjohnk
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how does dual spec effect another player?


Because someone who doesn't normally spec healing will be able to click a button and do a better job?


No, that is not an effect. What would be an effect (by your statement above) is that said person clicks a button, changing to Healing and is chosen for the FP that the person who doesn't have a dual spec, but is always a healer, would have been chosen for otherwise. That is an effect. Regardless of said person's skill (whether they are the greatest healer in the world or the worst).


Also, another effect could be.... In a flash point the healer is failing and so another person changes to healer and the first person changes to another spec. That is also an effect.


See, effects don't always have to be negative, but they always happen.

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The problem with adding in Dual Speccing (not that I am saying I am against it), is that it does have consequences for the players who don't like it. It is always amusing to see people claim a feature 'won't effect' someone else's game play when in fact, Every feature of a multiplexer game effects everyone.


What people need to realize is that Your actions effect those around you, not just yourself.


I'm pretty sure the "consequences" of not having dual specs is a hell of a lot larger impact on the player base than people not feeling as if they're their own delicate, unique little snowflake in a digital world played by millions of people (because let's face it, that is EXACTLY the argument people are using).

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This is terrible. I have to go back to healing, and back to gunnery (dps) in order to heal some heroics and flashpoints. But when questing as a healer, ITS MISERABLY SLOW.


Make respecs like 10k credits max. I don't understand why you feel the need to charge outrageous sums of credits for a respec.


I mean if you aren't going to have some form of dual spec at launch, make sure that respccing doesn't cost me my genitals.


Do what me and my girlfriend are doing. She is a Sorceress healer spec and I'm a Marauder. I kill everything and she keeps me from worrying about my health bar. Add a DPS companion or two and it's beautiful. This IS an MMO after all. =D

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Denial isn't just a river in Egypt. The devs have been clear as a bell that dual specs are in the works and will go live. The system just isn't ready at launch day.


I'm not saying it won't happen, what I said is if they wanted it at launch it would be in at launch. There is a reason they didn't add it like Rift did from day one. I'm sure they will add it, I just don't believe it will be as soon as people think. Again, the bottom line is they didn't create all the story lines only to give people a way to avoid rolling alts. MMO's by nature, and this will never change, are time sinks. Some time sinks are obvious, some aren't, some are fun, some suck. People rolling alts is HUGE for MMO's to survive, the faster they make it so rolling alts isn't as necessary the faster they will hear "we want more content".

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It doesn't "constrain your choices" it makes you think before you make a choice. Understand this game is story based, as others have said they WANT you to roll alts.


Check out Rift for instance, it had GREAT potential, but when you give people the need to not roll alts the game doesn't have longevity. WoW went with dual spec, but only after they had a HUGE player base with most people having many alts anyway. People making alts is what keeps an MMO alive because a company can't produce content as fast as people can run through it. If people can switch from this to that (not the repec so much but the dual spec) that reduces alts people make and that's not good for business.


This game has been in the making for a LONG time and no matter what the devs claim, if they WANTED dual spec at launch, it would be in here. There is a reason it's not, and it's not because people don't want it because it's obvious most do.


I will roll alts and that has zero relation to having/not having multi-spec. Rift longevity had nothing to do with its multi-spec system, which, by the way, was the finest system I've seen on MMOs.


End-game content keeps the game alive. You can't expect the game to live further than a year if everything revolves around playing an alt(s) thru content that has 15-20% difference than any other class (ie, the Class quest line).


If the devs really didn't want you to respec AT ALL (as you point) you would be restricted to one tree once you choose your AC. If it's not there (yet), it's because you have to prioritize some features for others in software development, otherwise, you never release your product.


People should decide on what spec they want to play and stick with it. Too much "this is 2012 and we re entitiled to have dual specs" going around.


I personally think dual spec has ruined the mmo, and yes I'm from the older generation of mmo players.


I hope it's while until they put dual spec in the game plus you have to remember, two classes don't have the ability to change, it's dps or dps.


WoW Cataclysm sold more copies than Wrath. Dual spec was released during Wrath, so your point isn't exactly valid.


I want the ability to choose. That grants you the ability to choose not to use it. Why are you trying to force your play style on others?

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The compromise is that when dual speccing for talents goes live, we'll use it and you don't have to. It'll always be optional.



Will it be optional? Really? How/why would ANYONE want to solo as a healer if they didn't have to?


"You don't have to use it if you don't want to".

"Nobody is forcing you to use it".


You know what I want? I want to be able to log in and have every AC at 50, with max level gear! Make it an option BW, so people who don't want to use it don't have to!


There is a reason developers put in restrictions. In this case, BW wants your choices to matter. It is possible to respec if you make a mistake, and that is the reason it is allowed.

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Right now I dont think theres a need for dual specs, but there should be a respec cost cap AND RESPEC COST SHOULD JUST SCALE BY LEVEL.


That lets lower levels have some freedom to explore playstyle options and you can make it cost a lot later on to discourage constant switching.

Edited by Achromatis
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I'm not saying it won't happen, what I said is if they wanted it at launch it would be in at launch. There is a reason they didn't add it like Rift did from day one. I'm sure they will add it, I just don't believe it will be as soon as people think. Again, the bottom line is they didn't create all the story lines only to give people a way to avoid rolling alts. MMO's by nature, and this will never change, are time sinks. Some time sinks are obvious, some aren't, some are fun, some suck. People rolling alts is HUGE for MMO's to survive, the faster they make it so rolling alts isn't as necessary the faster they will hear "we want more content".


Dual speccing doesn't prevent people from rolling alts. Resorting to hyperbole isn't a good debate tactic.

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So do your job and ask healers before they join if they have any experience healing. Quit being lazy.


Personally I find it extremely easy to learn two different specs without having played one of them for 50 straight levels. But that's me. Maybe I'm a better player than you.


Understand that I can ask someone over the internet if they are great at healing, they can say yes, then they could stink. They might stink because they just spec'd heal, they could stink because after 40 levels they never really cared the bottom line is someone wanting into a group isn't always going to say "oh yea, I'm a level 40 healer that's never healed and I want in your heroic group" because they just respeced to get the quest done or get the SP, they aren't going to say anything (as a general rule) that's going to keep them from getting into that group. So it has nothing to do with me "being lazy"


Personally I find it really easy to level a few alts, not relying on the cheap and easy way of getting characters of different skill sets handed to me with the push of a button like you. So it's VERY ironic you could call me lazy. Better player? Sure, you are no need to argue that. Less lazy? Not a chance, not when your part of the instant gratification generation. ;)

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Dual speccing doesn't prevent people from rolling alts. Resorting to hyperbole isn't a good debate tactic.


Sure it does, how can it not? Let me see.. if you can roll one character and dual spec him as a healer and a tank what's the need to roll a healer.. and a tank? You already have in your one character a healer and a tank. To suggest that doesn't reduce the need for alts doesn't make much sense.

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I say people should play one spec or pay the price. Dual-Specs aren't doing us any favors.


right now no, dual spec isn't going to effect much because most players are low level and content is easy. Later in the game it will have a huge effect on wait time looking for a "healer or tank".


Hit your 20s and you start finding out your 4 man teams need a main tank and an off tank, plus a good healer and 1 DPS.


You know who is going to suffer with only 1 spec, all the DPS.


and it doesn't matter because it has already been confirmed we are getting dual spec.

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The problem with adding in Dual Speccing (not that I am saying I am against it), is that it does have consequences for the players who don't like it. It is always amusing to see people claim a feature 'won't effect' someone else's game play when in fact, Every feature of a multiplexer game effects everyone.


What people need to realize is that Your actions effect those around you, not just yourself.


How about you explain how some player who wants a Dual spec option and uses it would harm you in any way.

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This is terrible. I have to go back to healing, and back to gunnery (dps) in order to heal some heroics and flashpoints. But when questing as a healer, ITS MISERABLY SLOW.


Make respecs like 10k credits max. I don't understand why you feel the need to charge outrageous sums of credits for a respec.


I mean if you aren't going to have some form of dual spec at launch, make sure that respccing doesn't cost me my genitals.


Should be much less since they were too busy/lazy to give us duel spec at release. The level of healer hate in this thread is amazing.

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