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Did I hear this right?


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PvP Czar Gabe Amatangelo mentioned in a video interview recently that he thinks that the Makeb patch will also bring SGRs (finally!) to the game. But he also says that he's about as far away from Story as a developer can get, and is uncertain of how accurate his scuttlebutt might be.


Any chance we can get this confirmed / denied, since it is half-leaked already? :)


EDIT - the interview remarks I mention can be seen here:


EDIT 2 - the tweet from Hall Hood alluded to as confirmative later in this thread seems to have been removed. So I suppose this question is in fact still open.

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Hmm...anyone have a link for this video interview? First I've heard about it.


Last I heard about it is this:


"Coming with story updates this year" is basically what he said back in April, and that the reason why they weren't in was purely budget/scheduling issues.

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This year is looking more and more like a bridge too far.


Yea, I can pretty say with certainty that most of the stuff they had planned for this year was pushed back a few months because of the team restructuring and layoffs. Just hope it wasn't canned entirely.

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Looks like the video interview is gone - at least from YouTube. I'll see if I can find the original on the site of whomever he spoke to (Torwars? DarthHater? One of those). Or it could have been pulled because he didn't clear the info. *conspiratorial music*


Still, maybe this can be cleared up officially? Not like folks don't want to know.

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For you perhaps, for some of us it's no. 1.


Seems to be a big thing to a lot of players as it's brought up often judging to there reactions in the video I linked. Soon as the question came up they go on to say "We never heard this" sarcastically, and say they can't give an update each time it's asked based on how frequent it is.

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Really? The number 1 thing you'd like improved, added in TOR, with everything on the table, is a minor conversation thread in a class story?


If it was 1 to 10 out of importance with 1 being the lowest... and i'd also agree with it being a 1. So much more things to worry about then wasting time on a black screen with some kissing noises :rolleyes:

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Seems to be a big thing to a lot of players as it's brought up often judging to there reactions in the video I linked. Soon as the question came up they go on to say "We never heard this" sarcastically, and say they can't give an update each time it's asked based on how frequent it is.


That was 6+ months ago at the Guild Summit, and was the first (and, officially, last) time BioWare said anything about implementation of SGR since it was announced, three months before early launch, that it would come at some point. The Guild Summit addressed it because as often as the issue was raised in the Community Q&A, it was never addressed. It has never been addressed since, except in one recent aside during the interview I mention above.


Last word we had is it's coming with additional story content, this year. Story has been mentioned as coming next with Makeb. Gabe's remark sounded promising. I just want that cleared up one way or another.


Edit: apparently my link was bad. Here are the remarks from Gabe I was talking about:


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it also confirms what we were told at the guild summit "SGR is coming with the rest of the story....this year" So if it hits with Makeb then that promise will be fulfilled.


Precisely. But while he seems confident that SGR is in the chute, he's cautious about Makeb. And in any case, I'd expect to hear from the story peeps, not Mr. PvP, so it would be nice to get a yea or nay on this.

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Precisely. But while he seems confident that SGR is in the chute, he's cautious about Makeb. And in any case, I'd expect to hear from the story peeps, not Mr. PvP, so it would be nice to get a yea or nay on this.


fair enough, I'd like to see some interviews with the story team as well.

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For you perhaps, for some of us it's no. 1.


IF this aspect is so important to you then I suggest you do not look at video games, look at real life. There is no real reason for devs wasting time to satisfy a miniscule amount of players desire to turn this game into sexual fantasy land...........For me, games provide a bit of lite relief from the daily grind, I dont want to live here. And before anyone points the "Homophobic" finger, this applies to ALL , not just those asking for this romance option.

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Can you create a thread title that is relevant to the post please? It makes it easier for me personally to skip this thread and I know that threads with titles like this one often get dismissed by the relevant people that can answer your question. Since I got sucked in, though, I'll just say that for a few reasons I hope this doesn't happen soon. Edited by WaywardOne
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On the scale from 1 to 10 for priority. This is like 40 in importance.


Can not believe they are wasting time on developing this. :mad:


aye couldnt agree more (with your somewhat confusing 'is he being poorly sarcastic' comment.

The game needs to focus on not-stupid stuff like same gender romance.

who really cares, deep down .. wouldnt you rather have a fixed and fun game rather than see two women kissing in a computer game. This is why people get so mad with Bio and quit their game, their focus isnt where it should be .. which is to respond to the majority of players .... not the minority.


please BIO, please concentrate on important stuff like game content/bug fixes/new races .. please dont spend any time on this foolish waste of resources, dont become blizzard. Please?

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aye couldnt agree more (with your somewhat confusing 'is he being poorly sarcastic' comment.

The game needs to focus on not-stupid stuff like same gender romance.

who really cares, deep down .. wouldnt you rather have a fixed and fun game rather than see two women kissing in a computer game. This is why people get so mad with Bio and quit their game, their focus isnt where it should be .. which is to respond to the majority of players .... not the minority.


please BIO, please concentrate on important stuff like game content/bug fixes/new races .. please dont spend any time on this foolish waste of resources, dont become blizzard. Please?


I agree completely, while the romance option is fun id much rather not have any and have all bug fixes, if it wasn't important enough to be in launch it should be shelved until other stuff is done.

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aye couldnt agree more (with your somewhat confusing 'is he being poorly sarcastic' comment.

The game needs to focus on not-stupid stuff like same gender romance.

who really cares, deep down .. wouldnt you rather have a fixed and fun game rather than see two women kissing in a computer game. This is why people get so mad with Bio and quit their game, their focus isnt where it should be .. which is to respond to the majority of players .... not the minority.


please BIO, please concentrate on important stuff like game content/bug fixes/new races .. please dont spend any time on this foolish waste of resources, dont become blizzard. Please?


I want content along with the expected polishing of the game. I don't want "two women kissing in a computer game". I want more story and character/companion development. Bioware said themselves there only adding it with the right lore and story being put in behind it. Whether it's SGR along with continuing class stories, I don't care. Why? Because that's what I mostly play a Bioware game for; story. Whether your interested in more story and the like is your preference, but it is far from worthless content. We can just agree to disagree on where there priorities should go I guess.

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Can you create a thread title that is relevant to the post please?


It is relevant. I am asking if information related by a developer uncertain of his facts is accurate. Gabe seemed unsure, so I would like someone who does know to clear this up. Of course my title is designed to pique curiosity. When I studied writing, that's what I was led to believe a title should do. But thanks for the bump.

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(1 of 2) To all the folks who have been expressing interest in SGRs, here is the official word from Gabe Amatangelo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Tt49...tu.be&t=10m49s


(2 of 2) When I can share more information, I will let you know. Writing romances is one of my favorite things about working on SWTOR. :-)


Thanks for the tweets and verification, Hall. :)

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