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Resolve sucks


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What cracks me up is they are fixing it but not in the way people complain about resolve. Most people complaining about resolve are actually complaining about how much stuns, knock backs an roots that happen to them. Well just wait until the new patch that comes out when resolve DOESN'T build as quickly. Lol oh this is gonna be a fun one for sure.
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What cracks me up is they are fixing it but not in the way people complain about resolve. Most people complaining about resolve are actually complaining about how much stuns, knock backs an roots that happen to them. Well just wait until the new patch that comes out when resolve DOESN'T build as quickly. Lol oh this is gonna be a fun one for sure.


Very true... I don't think a lot of people understand it properly.


I think it's a horrible change and I'm gonna miss the days of having a 1v1 fight where I get stunned almost immediately after being mezzed. The only people that will benefit from the resolve changes are those who spam stuns... the only benefit I see from it is at least there's a lower chance of the ball carrier in huttball to have full resolve almost immediately after getting the ball.


People really are horrible with stuns... if people used them properly we probably wouldn't have near the complaints but this is a very casual PvP population.

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Very true... I don't think a lot of people understand it properly.


I think it's a horrible change and I'm gonna miss the days of having a 1v1 fight where I get stunned almost immediately after being mezzed. The only people that will benefit from the resolve changes are those who spam stuns... the only benefit I see from it is at least there's a lower chance of the ball carrier in huttball to have full resolve almost immediately after getting the ball.


People really are horrible with stuns... if people used them properly we probably wouldn't have near the complaints but this is a very casual PvP population.


every warzone I enter I get full resolve in first 15 seconds. It is embarrassing how most players in this game don't know how to kill someone without filling up their resolve. And it is even more embarrassing when you are planting a bomb/ capping a turret and your teammates can't stun the enemy because they wasted all their stuns/kb

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every warzone I enter I get full resolve in first 15 seconds. It is embarrassing how most players in this game don't know how to kill someone without filling up their resolve. And it is even more embarrassing when you are planting a bomb/ capping a turret and your teammates can't stun the enemy because they wasted all their stuns/kb




I find it's horrid in Huttball... there's nothing more frustrating than a ball carrier who has resolve filled within 5 seconds and then can just stroll along every fire trap in his path just because most pugs think they're gonna be a hero and stun and focus him down... completely ignoring the 2 op healers behind him.


It's just bad followed by bad.


I can't stand when I see the carrier walking over a trap and I'm helpless to stop him and his team. 8/10 times I could stop a ball carrier solo with a stun, grapple or KB but the abuse of stuns makes it impossible.

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Op summary:







It's not getting fixed... it's getting dumbed down for casual players.


Do not want the change. I am going to miss seeing an Operativer or Scrapper come out of stealth and stun, only to have a commando throw a cryo grenade from 30m away and instantly filling my resolve bar..


Thats another dimension to this. Not only can players afford to be stupid with CCs; many of them now get their hands held by not being able to do it at all from outside the fray.

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I agree that the resolve system sucks.


My problems with this system:


Snares and roots not being on resolve is inherently bad design.

Resolve draining while you're stunned/mezzed/incapacitated is a fail of epic proportions.

Stuns being on such low cooldowns, and the prolific amount of cc already available, completely removes the tactical element of cc from gameplay. This company, however, is known for this...Warhammer launched with over 80 forms of CC spread out amongst the various classes, and almost no diminishing returns.

CC breaker cooldown is far too long considering it gives no immunity whatsoever. Another fail design decision.

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Instead of resolve being dumbed down... I would love to see any attempted stun while resolve is full refill my resolve bar respectively.


Bad game play should be punished... not catered to.


Well; I mostly agree with you, but if you play in a lot of PuGs, you will be happy you don't have some idiot come in and break basically give your target a free escape.


After playing a bit on a sage, I now just wish they could stop the morons from hitting the healers I have in a force lift.

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Well; I mostly agree with you, but if you play in a lot of PuGs, you will be happy you don't have some idiot come in and break basically give your target a free escape.


After playing a bit on a sage, I now just wish they could stop the morons from hitting the healers I have in a force lift.


They do that now anyways... I would hope a system like I'm suggesting would force players to play smart. Wishful thinking... I know. I also wish I had a pet unicorn that poops rainbow sherbert. :D


While it would annoy me when done to other players... at least maybe I would be able to have resolve up long enough to use my CC break before it's off CD again. :mad:

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Hi. I'm the original poster...in reading the posts, I believe I made an error and should have written the title as "Crowd control sucks" Basically whether it's the resolve bar not effectively preventing overuse of CC abilities or just the over proliferation of said abilities is immaterial. The end result is there is too much time spent in wz's crowd controlled, whether it is stunner or slowed or whatever. I wasn't writing a "I can't win, change it please" post I was writing a "What gives, how can anyone think this is fun and good game design?" post.


I understand how the mechanics work with resolve, I understand you cannot expect to jump into the middle of 6 enemy players as a dps and expect to live, I get that .


My main beef is with the fundamental design of the game's control elements. I think every class gets at least one stun some get more, every class gets at least some form of slow and mez and some get a couple. Even the hard controls (unchanneled stun) are all on reasonably short cooldowns (able to be used 3-5) times per match.Times this by 16 players in a warzone and you begin to see the picture. Instead of being a clutch ability for most people and a carefully managed rescource for cc specialist classes. It is a spam fest. Couple this with ttk in the game being pretty short the results become frustrating.


If the time to kill were much longer...fine, if the breaker was on a dramaticly shorter (15sec) cooldown, fine.


If the resolve bar when filled made you immune to ALL forms of crowd control for 2 minutes, fine.


If the resolve bar filled instantly whenever you were stunned and did not start to decay until you were uncontrolled and lasted 1 minute, fine.


If not every class in the game had several CC abilities, fine.


I'm sure there are many other solutions, I'm just throwing out stuff off the top of my head.


Without some form of fix...the OVERALL pvp experience is much less enjoyable than it SHOULD be because the crowd control mechanics suck.


I like my strategy in pvp to be about positioning, resource management and situational awareness. I think crowd control should be the widcard that can wreck your plans....not the major strategic point. Bioware seems to think it should be the main strategy point evidently so I'm disagreeing.... with my wallet casting the vote. I believe I am late to the polls with this, I think many of the pvp folks already voted this way.


I do LOVE star wars and wish it were different, in a perfect world I'll finish all my class stories and there will be a patch note that says:


Crowd control mechanics have been overhauled, (insert fix here).


But I'll have to wait and see.

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The "I vote with my wallet" it's a petty attempt to get things you want. It isn't, by no means, an argument in favor of those things. All I recommend to you is playing multiple classes to better understand the end PvP game.

Root and snares are an integral part of the kite/anti-kite dance and putting those on resolve will make melee classes overpowered as they dish out more damage when they are in weapon range then the ranged classes.

Stun-locks to death happen more in hutt-ball due to the fact that players fail to pass the ball, hence the ball acts like a focus mark for the other team. On other maps stun-locks happen when you are greatly outnumbered at a node and with experience you'll learn how to avoid most of those situations.

About your proposed changes .... Some of them are very bad and ,lucky for you, you said they are from the top of your head so I won't judge you too harsh for them :). For example, as long as the match making system doesn't account for group composition having CC specialized classes would create big unbalances if one group gets one such class while the other doesn't.

As I said to Karsk, it's fine if you don't like the amount of CC and the resolve system. But you need to adapt if you want to play the game. I like the way it plays out but I don't think it's perfect and can't be improved.


P.S. At first, I hated (scouts honor) the resolve system and the amount of CC. But then I start reading about it and played some more and start liking it and understanding what the Devs wanted to do with it.

Pro-tip You don't burn your CC breaker CD when you have full resolve and under 2K health (unless you are the last defender that needs to break a cap/plant). You just remember that " There is no death; there is the force."

Edited by LenrocNewDawn
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Resolve's fine.


Due to real life reasons I've been away for the game for about a month, return to SWTOR PvP and I realize I've lost my edge. Not surprising -- the longer you are away, the longer it takes to get back the feel of things. I'm playing like a newbie in every class I log in with, make stupid mistakes and bad judgements I should not have been making.


The one thing I immediately notice is how often I get stunned and mezzed to death due to absolutely terrible positioning and game planning. I've never had that problem during my prime a few months back. It's gonna take a long time to regain what I've lost.


The moral of this story?


Having problems with CC in SWTOR is strictly a L2P issue. The proliferation of CCs to all classes in the game has some very profound implications, and despite the 'casual' feel of PvP it's actually one of the elements that make SWTOR PvP not so very simple -- at least in terms of tactical thinking.


There are ways to survive CC, or avoid it -- and most of those methods have nothing to do with "hard stats". Almost all of them involve "soft stats" -- such as your experience of SWTOR combat. How do you minimize the chance of getting noticed as a priority target from enemy players, without hiding all the time, and still make enough contributions to the team for a win? How do you instinctively recognize at which moment multiple enemies will switch target to you? All of these questions involve your experience and tactics. There's nothing that protects you from CC except solely your brains.


Quit the complaining, and play more. Everybody can learn -- as long as they are motivated to learn.

Edited by kweassa
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I find CC to be fine, i actually enjoy the current pvp situation, and being an healer i'm constantly on the receiving hand of it by at least 2 people. Oh and i don't use the CC breaker, saving it for objective priorities.


1.4 changes are nice, they improve immunity by resolve (less CC on you, like you wanted) and helps a bit the premade vs pug situation.


I lolled at many of the proposed "fixes" to the CCs in this thread. Maybe that those players that suggested it are the same person that whine on the marauders being OP. Lol way to contradict yourself.

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I don't want to play stun wars, I want to play STAR wars. Like I said, I just don't like that the main strategic point in the pvp game is crowd control. If this is a design philosophy that remains and people like it cool. I'm just not one of them.


Hopefully the 1.4 changes reduce the time you spend waiting to fight again.


Also, I'm NOT suggesting that we just do away with crowd control and change nothing else. I realize they are an important part of several classes gameplay. I'm suggesting that they make whatever changes neccessary to allow people to have more "up" time in wz's. If this means nerfing damage so be it. I like spending more time fighting, and less time standing / laying around waiting for the CC to wear off. I'd REALLY like to spend more time fighting and less time waiting for the door to open and to be able to get back into the fight, especially if I wasn't going to run back into another cc fest that made even running difficult.

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I don't want to play stun wars, I want to play STAR wars. Like I said, I just don't like that the main strategic point in the pvp game is crowd control. If this is a design philosophy that remains and people like it cool. I'm just not one of them.


Hopefully the 1.4 changes reduce the time you spend waiting to fight again.


Also, I'm NOT suggesting that we just do away with crowd control and change nothing else. I realize they are an important part of several classes gameplay. I'm suggesting that they make whatever changes neccessary to allow people to have more "up" time in wz's. If this means nerfing damage so be it. I like spending more time fighting, and less time standing / laying around waiting for the CC to wear off. I'd REALLY like to spend more time fighting and less time waiting for the door to open and to be able to get back into the fight, especially if I wasn't going to run back into another cc fest that made even running difficult.


The problem is not with Resolve or with CCs. The problem exists because TTK is far too low (TTK means Time To Kill, which is the time it takes for you to be killed).


Hard Stuns last 4 seconds, and can be chained once for a total of 8 seconds of Hard Stun. Fact is, 8 seconds is an extremely short amount of actual time. Problem is, 8 seconds is an extremely high percentage of time when your TTK is only 10 seconds.


In 1.2 healers got nerfed pretty hard which caused the insanely low TTK to become much more apparent. Options to correct this include:

1. Bandaid nerf to CCs causing extreme game imbalances now and requiring constant tweaks in the future.

2. Bandaid buff to healers causing extreme game imbalances now and requiring constant tweaks in the future.

3. Correction to Endurance gains so that health pools are correctly balanced against base stats which will force an increased TTK.

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I hated it at first, but it isn't as bad as I first thought. Most people hit their CC breaker before having a full resolve bar and that kills them when they immediately get stunned again. I think learning that, and maybe in the abilities that fill resolve, it should say how much in the tool tip, and just more information all around on how it works..




Resolve and CC control is an art. And like any art, there will be those talented and those not. Either adapt or do something else...

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Resolve and CC control is an art. And like any art, there will be those talented and those not. Either adapt or do something else...


Lets not inflate a clucky pvp mechanic just to sound good. Music is an art, a white bar and button are not. Making such a comparison is frankly, stupid. Personally, I detest the new resolve system, i find that the overabundance of control actually reduces the skill required to pvp well in that its a universal counter to ..everything. And general counters do not ask the player the be tactically nuanced during a match. Anyone can cast a stun, its not skillful, and definitely not artful.

Edited by Sowwy
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Lets not inflate a clucky pvp mechanic just to sound good. Music is an art, a white bar and button are not. Making such a comparison is frankly, stupid. Personally, I detest the new resolve system, i find that the overabundance of control actually reduces the skill required to pvp well in that its a universal counter to ..everything. And general counters do not ask the player the be tactically nuanced during a match. Anyone can cast a stun, its not skillful, and definitely not artful.


An amatuer sees a white bar and a button, just as he sees a metal tube with holes in it.


A master sees an elegant dance of cause and effect, just as he sees an instrument capable of performing a masterpiece like Mozart's Magic Flute.


Perception is influenced by skill.

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Hah, that made me laugh. You can dress it in whatever way best provokes a sense of accomplishment for you but it still doesn't make for a complex system. Its a basic system and there are not enough variables to draw intricate dyanamics. CC till white bar, 1 button for breaker. That's it, nothing more. And its not tactical.
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I totally agree with you, i spend most of a game stunned? i mean was this not o9n the test realms?

If there was no pvp then i apologize and just ask you to fix it please!

If there was you should not invite the testers back as this a a god-awful change!

Resolve sucks ATM and its so bad i don't even want to pvp now, if anything just re-vert it as we all know its fail and those who don't are just clueless!

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You are making this all too negative.

First of all there is no 1v1 situation where you will be unable to act for 8 sec while getting pummeled, and if you lose 80% of your hp before getting to act then you forgot to wear your equip, or suffered an opener from a stealther with an equip 2 tiers above yours...or a pyro.


That thing you say "Wait for the second stun and hit CC breaker" is not a rule you know? You can break on the first or on the second or you can simply not break. Reading the situation is required to make the correct choice.


For example, i play with 16.5k Hp (17k now with the new offhand), and never need to use the CC breaker for defensive purposes, but save it for objective play and when a mate really needs that heal and can't wait another sec. Still i die an average of 2-3 times per wz.


This is what they mean when they say it's an art. Every situation is different, and you have to find the correct interpretation of it each time.

Edited by Spoletta
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