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Favorite Move to Use?


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I haven't seen any cross-class combos mentioned. There's something peculiarly satisfying about hubby doing death from above to pin 'em down while I call in my crew to nuke 'em from orbit. :p


Nice idea about class combos.


How about Force Stasis and Master Strike from 2 JKs.

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Force Charge! I actually have to press the Force Charge button mid-jump every time, it just makes it that much cooler.


I always turn my back to the target before using Force Charge/Leap.


Cool factor increased by +2 at least.

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My favorites sorted by advanced classes I play (only visuals)


Guardian : Blade Storm / Force Push

Marauder : Ravage / Massacre

Shadow : Spinning Kick / Saber Strike (yeah I know it's the basic attack)

Sorcerer : Force Lightning / Thundering Blast

Commando : Full Auto / High Impact Bolt

Powertech : Rocket Punch / Retractable Blade

Sniper : Ambush / Series of Shots

Scoundrel : Dirty Kick / Sucker Punch

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I think, right now, it'd have to be saber throw for my Knight. It just looks cool when I'm tanking for a group, fighting some giant monstrosity, and in the middle of combat flick my saber across the battlefield and headshot some trash mob shooting at my healer.

Blade storm is also nice because it always looks cool when I can go toe to toe with the big guy, then spin and stun the guy running up behind me. Like a Bruce Lee no look back fist. :p


The Knight just has some cool looking moves.

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Yes, this! I have a strange love of shoving people off of things. I probably need to have that looked into...


"Reports have been going around that a strange and possibly disturbed citizen has been pushing people off of things around the tri-state area. More news at 11 !"



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Headshot on my operative. I'm heal spec'd so I don't use it much, but when I have the chance I do just cause of that awesome THUNK sound it makes.


Gaurdian strike on my gaurdian tank. Knocking people over and cracking the ground beneath their feet...awesome.


And pretty much everything my pyrotech does, especially the thermal detonator and grapple.

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Opportune strike for my knights. Since both are 'gray' if still quite LS, it's a nice way to let their inner DA out. Also, it fun as hell to backhand an opponent for big damage. For my warriors, it's force choke, for sure. pommel strike is a close runner-up for both as are the respective leaps, although I like the way the warrior does that better. I don't really have favorite moves for the other classes. Love playing a marksmanship sniper, though. Oh, and I love legacy force choke beyond words. Now if only the jedi legacy move was based on opportune strike, not a kick.
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I have several I like for all my toons but by far I love Series of Shots for my sniper. The animation is incredible and makes you really feel like an awesome sniper!


Although a good Force Choke --> Force Push --> Force Charge combo makes my Jug feel like an unstoppable force.

Edited by LukeSaberRattler
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It used to be project but now it's Force charge and sabre throw.


Few things looked as good as pulling up a huge rock, watching it hover for a second or so and then being hurled at teh target. It's crap now.


BUT Force charge and sabre throw are made of pure awesome.


I love the look of a black green sabre with sabre throw and force charge.

Edited by Quraswren
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Guardian leap/intercede.. leaping to an ally in the thick of the fray, guarding and taunting making them invincible for

5 seconds... Or leaping to a smart healer who is on the outskirts of the fight when I myself am being focused, then stepping behind an los object and being healed to full

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