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Everything posted by BuddyRufus

  1. So.....how about that local sports team? ......
  2. The OP isn't causing a fuss. It's general discussion and they have a topic they wish to discuss. You swearing and telling off the OP is making a fuss and does not contribute anything constructive to the discussion, regardless of whether you agree or disagree.
  3. "Mommy, I want to be an Astronaut when I grow up!" -Me @ age 6 Plans change
  4. That quickly killed any interest I had.....
  5. LOL! Really?......... Yeah. I'm guilty of that too
  6. I agree and disagree. Bioware/EA played their part in trying to market and design it to be a WoW killer, true. However, everybody is responsible for their own belifefs and expectations. The hype for this game was astronomical - way out of proportion. The fans share responsibility in this. I miss SWG too . But it's gone. Time to move forward. I doubt we'll see anything like it again and they aren't going to bring those elements here.
  7. *sigh* Nice. Ultimatum with cash incentive. This is a tactic you haven't tried yet. Good luck...
  8. My Jedi Shadow's awkward dance moves.... I believe one in particular looks like a pelvic thrust
  9. I think this is an aspect that is overlooked regularly. The problem is that these MMOs operate in an overcrowded market. People will leave for a variety of different reasons. There are plenty of gamers who will play something and move on to whatever comes next rather quickly. In today's market, they don't have to wait very long before there is something new to try. I myself, have been guilty of supporting this trend on occasion. This does not necessarily speak to SWTOR having issues that made these gamers leave.
  10. ......repeating yourself does not make you any more correct than you were before. Also, please stop referring to that lemon analogy.
  11. Well said! Sorry, but Andryah is correct. The market is shifting towards the F2P/Freemium model. Subscription is no longer the way to go. It hasn't been for a while now. You really like to beat these 4 points around don't you?
  12. I know enough about Star Wars to get by. I've seen all the movies and played a few of the games. I like Star Wars but wouldn't necessarily call myself a fan in the way most others would.
  13. The Spacebarites are a menace to the stability of the galaxy. Is there no one barve enough to face these creatures of speed and darkness? We are truly doomed.
  14. You = My Hero Canderous Ordo is the place to be!!
  15. I will save SWTOR: NO more PVP balancing please
  16. I agree with this completely. I love the story aspect of this MMO. I am not really that much into PVP. I will agree that the story aspect is the "meat and potatoes" of this game. That does not invalidate Warzones, Flashpoints or Ops as content. I still consider these items content.
  17. I'm not at a sufficient level to use the Stun Immunity buff, how will this affect my endgame?
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